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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4161592 No.4161592 [Reply] [Original]

I´m looking for this book

Orientalists: Western Artists in Arabia, the Sahara, Persia and India


Help, please.

>> No.4161677


>> No.4161894


>> No.4161995


>> No.4162395


>> No.4162463

Try the artbook thread

>> No.4162498

thank you!

>> No.4163872


>> No.4164933


>> No.4165043

I’m one of the few anons, if not the only one who has this infernal book. I forget what I paid for it - under $100 I think.

To get a book like this you need to scour the internet and be patient with it. It may not appear for months, and then appear and be on sale for $40.

Now, the book. The plate quality is fucking supreme. I love it when the pages are slightly thicker because the color is rich and there is no wobble to the pages themselves.

I own this book because I like to feel the pages in my fingertips. You can find good photos of all the paintings in this book online. Me taking photos of it or scanning it would result in a loss of quality and lighting artifacts and other shit. I’m not going to deform the spine for some needy anons either.

There’s no good reason to buy it or scan it.

>> No.4165048

I have scans of this book, im not sure if every single page is scaned but there is A LOT of scans and those scans are supreme quality
I got it on /ic, long, looong ago (i would say 4-5 years).
Like the other annon said, the book is good but i would never be willing pay more then 50-60€ for it because this kind of books don't mean much to me - you can't learn much from it (its not instructional book) so i havent event read it, just skimmed for the artwork

>> No.4165103

Thanks for nothing fagget, now ram the book up your ass and dance.

>> No.4165116


Just checked the folder again.. those are not scans (my bay) but the guy took photos with camera. Quality and resolution of photos is very good but it would be better if scaned.
There is 387 photos from this book (because some photos are also "close up" shots of paintings).
Again, i would say dont bother with this books, nothing special and def. Not woth the money.
If i remember right, the guy who uploaded and posted link on ic said he borrow it in library because he wasnt willing to pay around 300usd back in time.

>> No.4165135

People are obsessed with this text for whatever reason - probably because Craig Mullins said he was inspired by it.

But there are more books like these, and better, that they wouldn’t give two shits about. It’s bizarre.

>> No.4165166


It's not about text but artwork itself which is very, very good in this book.
What are the other better books you are talking about? Give us some examples

>> No.4165175

>would result in a loss of quality and lighting artifacts and other shit. I’m not going to deform the spine for some needy anons either
fucking bookfags

>> No.4165179

The artwork isn’t beholden to the book is what I mean. You can find every one of the artworks online. And more, way more.

This book isn’t a comprehensive encyclopedia of the orientalist movement, it only has a handful of artists.

>> No.4165183


Ohhh ok, yeah i agree with that. Like i said before, i have 380 photos from this book and i can admit it's nothing special.
I do like artwork in it (because it's on high level) but like you said, you can find all that on internet for free

>> No.4165196

The quality is so pristine.

As for “better” books - I have a few texts that focus on individual artists themselves, like Delacroix, Gerome, Slavic artists (these guys are all about orientalist vibes). This is where you actually get a comprehensive look into their body of work.

But it was a short lived movement all the same.

>> No.4165204


Delacroix is one of my fav artists. What is the book named?

>> No.4165227

Delacroix in Morocco

>> No.4167492

Can you upload to mega please?

>> No.4167516


Nah man.. just study loomis and you are good

>> No.4168401


>> No.4169337


>> No.4169936


>> No.4170296


>> No.4170299
