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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4160415 No.4160415 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone tried? So on webtoons you need 10k followers to start earning and link your Patreon and Tapas gives you ad revenue. Do you think an /int/ could make minimum wage on there? Any personal experiences you could share?

>> No.4160422

I have over 6k subs on Tapas, and it took me months to make the minimum amount for withdrawal ($25 iirc). Tapas ad revenue is not sustainable in any form

>> No.4160424

> How to make it on webtoons?
Are you Shen, Sarah Andersen, or BuzzFeed? If not, then you can't.

>> No.4160440

Write BL comic

And have boys kissing on the cover

>> No.4160453

webtoons/tapas got pretty much hijacked by the alphabet-people. straight comics won't make it there.

>> No.4160457

Why does freedom always devolve to the lowest common denominator? I was so excited about webcomics, I thought wow people can actually be creative! Nope. Gay romance.

>> No.4160464

There's a /co/ guy who is probably the biggest case of "making it" from the board, he works on several projects, good artist, very creative, plays his cards right, stays busy, nice person, art is very "diverse" and inoffensive too. All put together, he makes like 150$ a month from Patreon... and that's technically "not too bad".
Webcomics are a joke.

>> No.4160465

That is the million dollar question, isn't it.

>> No.4160477
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The answer is:
"Make it" somewhere else first, probably by doing illustrations and not comics, then start doing comics for your already established public and use these websites merely as an easy way for new people to catch up instead of trying to dive your Twitter mess for all the pages.

>> No.4160483

only if you live in third world where average pay is $5 a month

>> No.4160498

This except you make your own website to publish shit.

>> No.4160535

..how come though, shouldn't vanilla be the most widely active genre... or are there really that many gay people into this?

>> No.4160537

it's 50% legbutt, 50% fujoshis

>> No.4160791

webtoons is not that bad yet, but tapas is 999% sjw-antifa-trans-weirdo shit

>> No.4160818

What's his stuff?
Honestly if you want real cases of making it you could look to Alfie, Kill 6 Billion Demons, and Unsounded. All of them have popped on co or ic before

>> No.4160849

I draw a post-apocalyptic comic.
It has an offensive language.
A little gore, well it's just blood.
I'm probably a better artist than those guys in the front page.
Am I allowed there ?

>> No.4160852

Post the comic

>> No.4160855

I only know KSBD and Unsounded but neither started off /co/. The artists were already popular before the comics. Either way you have to go viral to make it with webcomics these days, it's much worse than even just a few years ago where you could have your own website.
You probably don't even need a mature warning but in that case you can still post nsfw.

>> No.4160857

Where can I view it?

>> No.4160871
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What kind of offensive language?
If it's the...
is it...
is it t-the...
that word...
...you know which one

>> No.4160899

Sorry It's actually not finished yet, the art atleast.
I don't usually take effort on posting right grammar on 4chan.
I'm an ESL so it takes effort to write proper english.
I'm here to find out where I could post it in the future.
Not that silly.
It has common violent words like
>fuck you
>fuck off

>> No.4160902

faggot will probably get your comic taken down

>> No.4160909

the comic with the guy with the big hairy monster companion?

>> No.4160911

i vaguelly recall swearing being taboo on webtoon completely, but i might be wrong or not many bother to report it.

>> No.4161036 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah post-apocalyptic fag here.
Is sexism tolerated there ?
Women are a hindrance in an apocalypse.

>> No.4161043
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why webcomics are popular in korea but not here?

>> No.4161056

Like >>4160855 said the unfortunate reality is you gotta be popular in some capacity usually. There are so many damn webcomics, if you aren't advertising and doing all sorts of other shit on the side it's going to be tough to even get noticed in that big pool.

>> No.4161060

Also they're inherently unprofessional and associated with procrastination since anyone can (and does) make them, so even the legitimately good ones get overlooked easy since a lot of people just aren't looking to read webcomics.

>> No.4161100

different culture
there's a lot of walking/transit time there and very little driving unless youre rich or a family that needs a car. makes it easier to read on the go, which is also what makes phone games popular. Of course it also helps that most people get the latest model phone whenever it comes out, and it's not socially unacceptable to be on your phone all the time. plus the world's fastest internet and stress from work/school.
there's also a lot more of a trend/throwaway culture, so collecting physical copies of a comic isn't really a thing unless you're an otaku..
I see restaurants in seoul all the time that are popular and past max capacity for one month, and after that it's a complete ghost town.
people there like to follow trends, or rather, it's kind of looked down on not following them because you're either just unfashionable, or poor. they're especially picky about looking poor because as a country, korea was in poverty less than 100 years ago.
went on a bit of a tangent but tldr: webcomics are easier there

>> No.4161425

Webcomics should be a hobby and not intended as a life sustaining revenue source because the audience and money isn't there yet. There are exceptions but the success rate is far, far below other fields and most of the most successful webcomickers had pre established fan bases that they'd spent years, up to a decade+, building up (and they'd started when it was much easier to get noticed). The types of success stories you don't hear about much are the people living in countries with a very low cost of living and favorable exchange rates. $100 usd monthly is actually worthwhile to them. This is part of why artists in other countries can seem to advance so quickly, they only need to make a little before they can sustain themselves off their art and devote their time to getting better. Not to say they are living comfortably but it's at least possible. If you decide to live the expat life it might still be possible too. There is also the Portfolio approach, where webcomics were used as a launching pad to better paid work with Old Media. Your webcomics may not pay the bills but they might attract the attention of an employer that will. If your comic is family friendly it might be a better idea to try to get published with someone like Scholastic, kids comic books are having an absolute boom rn. Last thing worth mentioning is that it might be worthwhile to self publish in multiple languages. Western audiences might never bite and support your effort because there just aren't enough of them but Korean and Japanese audiences have a reputation for being a bit more generous.

Anyway this is why your first webcomic should never be the sprawling epic you've had in mind in high school. There is a very good chance you won't finish it between the work of comic creation and whatever your dayjob is and once you've abandoned a comic people won't trust you to not abandon future work. Wet your toes on small stories first.

>> No.4161447

could I bait them? Like I have two male characters and I imply they are gay, but they aren't?

>> No.4161451

Pic source?

>> No.4161455

Absolutely do not bait. If your characters interact with each other in an unsually intimate way without them actually consumating or verbally admitting they're gay, you will be blacklisted for all eternity. And any new attempts you make will be trainted forever.

>> No.4161456

Is that really what you want to be known for? Being a faggot?

>> No.4161457

two girls or boys fucking is hot. everyone but vanillafags love it. personally i wanna see more girls love on tapas but that's just me.

>> No.4161458

ain't nothing wrong being gay as long as it isn't the focus

>> No.4161498

so what if they have a bromance/chemistry that shippers like, but I never imply they're gay

>> No.4161567

bl is written and even drawn like girls most of the time, so gl wouldnt be much different. maybe a little less rape?

>> No.4161577

It's sad how disproportionately into BL the entire website is, 75% of every search page is BL, GL doesn't even have a genre tag.

>> No.4163152

feels bad man

>> No.4163164
File: 601 KB, 776x667, Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 10.55.28 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A comic that looks like this is really popular on Tapas. This proves that there is no system or objective standard. It also shows that actual skill and originality is completely irrelelvant on that website.