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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 83 KB, 828x626, MV5BYjhmODY2NTktMGMwNi00NWZhLTlhYzgtZTFhODJiNGZlMmQ5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDY1NDg3NDY@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4150271 No.4150271 [Reply] [Original]

it seems like lot of people want to do manga and anime shit or mix that cancer with realism (which always results in failure). I don't understand it!
you have john buscema, frank frazetta, Bill Plympton, Moebius,
marko djurdjevic, Steve Rude, Jamie Hewlett, and many amazing illustrators and cartoonists from around the world and you only find inspiration in weeb shit?

>> No.4150281
File: 372 KB, 2048x1152, 1570230373737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weebs are normies at heart, they have no taste, they only consume, weebs are just as braindead as people who watch Netflix all day, watching monotonous generic school dramas and crap like that, they have no aesthetics sense, they only devour one anime after other, thats why anime seasons exist.

>> No.4150314

Truer words have never been spoken

>> No.4150323

wtf i hate anime now

>> No.4150334

i feel so strange on this board sometimes as someone who doesn't watch anime. I never minded it that much on 4chan because it's obviously chan culture, but you'd think people would want better things to draw sometimes. But no, anime tiddies are the priority

>> No.4150338

You guys are obessed with what other people like. You will never make it and you know it so you shit on other people instead of drawing the subject(s) you're passionate about. You only want to get popular and/or feel like you're special and better than everyone else because you don't and draw what's "mainstream". Almost like a hipster. And that's sad.

>> No.4150341

Why does this bother you so much, OP? People like anime/manga style because its simple, aesthetically pleasing, and expressive.

>> No.4150343
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1446770978306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about obsession with japanese art style (again)
>it's full of people obsessed with people who enjoy japanese art style (again)

>> No.4150349

They're just simply naive.
All you have to do is prescribe them with some glorious western medicine, getting a good dose of fluent character animation and clever writing should sway them.

>> No.4150356

There are plenty of good weeb styles. The problem is that this board is full of chronic wankers with shit taste.

>> No.4150507


>> No.4150623

Anime is the apex of cute. It comes from 80 years of cartoon-based marketing. Nothing the west makes will ever come close to the kawaii soul.

Manga/Anime's stylization choices are also consistently superior when it comes to erotic art. Even though koreans have been slowly creeping close thanks to their less moeblob female faces.

If you want to make cute cartoons or erotic art you're a retard for not going full weeb to begin with. If you want gritty superhero comics you're a retard for not studying Jim Lee and Mike Mignola. If you want to make fake clones or DGA masterpieces you're a retard for not going full Rembrandt.

Stand in the shoulders of giants and stop sucking Loomis' manlet dick.You create something new by starting where someone else left off.

>> No.4150626

Pay me and I'll draw you whatever you want.

>> No.4150629


post your work

>> No.4150639

>anime is the apex of cute

>> No.4150642
File: 31 KB, 437x359, 1464872915335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anime is the apex of cute.
Lolis going "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH?!?!?!?!?!?" at the top of their lungs for the 999,999,999th time isn't """""cute"""".
It's fucking annoying.

>> No.4150647


>> No.4150648

Anime is okay, the real problem is the Anime Study General.

>> No.4150651

Communist Russia makes the cutest stuff, sorry.

I'm actually not shitposting, the stuff they made then was absolutely adorable.

>> No.4150653

Post examples

>> No.4150655


>> No.4150677

So what are you going to do about it?

>> No.4150683

they're cartoons
not hard to do.
progress much faster
good for learning the basics:

it's fun
it looks nice
not what i do but i get it.

>> No.4150688
File: 581 KB, 902x340, 1551820722193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- Manga is not a single style, dumbfuck;
- Jamie Hewlett is Japan-inspired;

The problem with Western art is lackluster execution.

Aside from the objective, technical aspect, there are three categories of appeal in a drawing:
- Looking cool (rad, rox, hype-inducing);
- Looking pretty (cute, hot, waifu-able);
- Looking wacky (funny, deformed, ridiculous);

Western stuff is highly saturated with the third, with the second in heavy decline and the first sabotaged by excessive 3 and by the lack of technical skill in pulling it off.
Japanese (and Chinese/Korean as well) put a lot of emphasis on 1 and 2, being 3 just the seasoning after the foundation is set.

I like some Western artists, but the mainstream (which is what forms mass opinion) lacks a sense of beauty and/or technical competence, so it's hard not to stick to Chinese cartoons where I'm not forced to swallow sewage along with a few iron nuggets.

Here's a list from the top of my head of more mainstream Western artists I like:
John K's (women), Clarke (Mélusine), xa-xa-xa (Dofus and Wakfu, weeb style), Jhonen Vasquez, Jamie Hewlett (weeb style), Genndy Tartakovsky, Roman Dirge (Lenore), Moebius, Bryan Lee O'Malley (weeb style)... maybe Daron Nefcy and Vivienne Medrano for giving a bit of fresh air to the CalArts style.

Everyone wants to be original in the West, so we get a bunch of ugly-ass "IT'S MY STYLE" art. The Japanese, on the other hand, just go with "what works" and try to expand from there.

Your problem is thinking originality means superiority.
No, it means unpredictability and inefficiency for most of the time.

>> No.4150698

This post is actually quite good.
Thanks for broadening my horizon

>> No.4150708

>Jamie Hewlett is Japan-inspired
The stupidest thing I've read here in quite a while. I'm not going to read the rest of your shit because that was retarded right there.

>> No.4150716

Tank Girl is literally on the same level of euro-manga as Skydoll you fucking contrarian piece of shit.
Euro comics are the best because they take the 90's manga aesthetic and refurbish it with western cartooning (and lewds, lots of lewds, why are france and italy so lewd?)

>> No.4150718
File: 870 KB, 895x342, 1551310930565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably just my impression, right?
Hewlett isn't a huge Asiaboo who has even made a fucking play based on Monkey...

And I'm not even talking about his animation for the Beijing Olympics ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yr5ZWYRaAyw ), I'm talking about the actual live action shorts:

And the fucking Circus-Opera-Theater thing:

>> No.4150726
File: 533 KB, 1280x989, shane-glines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of these artists draw girls I can flick my ding dong to.

If you mentioned someone like Shane Glines or Alessandro Barbucci then I'd agree.

>> No.4150728

It's infuriating. You'd think that with all the information The Internet provides them daily, they'd take half an hour from their time to search for other Art Movements and read into some Art History instead of wasting it on consuming more mindless "entertainment", but you'd be dead wrong. Even back when I was in Art School, with Art History classes and lessons, more than half of the class would still choose to draw in their own godawful impersonation of this quite literal "mongrel" style just because they couldn't take their minds off of their favorite damned "animu" shit. Crikey Almighty.

>> No.4150729

>I don't understand it!
Go back to your shithole or lurk then

>> No.4150733


How about instead of being a bunch weepy faggots, you go draw what you want instead?

>> No.4150736

Inferior Chris Sanders clone.

>> No.4150738

>Even back when I was in Art School, with Art History classes and lessons, more than half of the class would still choose to draw in their own godawful impersonation of this quite literal "mongrel" style just because they couldn't take their minds off of their favorite damned "animu" shit.
Currently in Art School, can confirm this shit still happens lol.
The student who pursue a more western style and spend time doing paintings are the most mature and switched on people. The ones who just draw anime are always the slackers.

>> No.4150739

You do what you want and I do what I want, bub.

>> No.4150743
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>> No.4150744
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I don't think you understand 99% artists are motivated by what's entertaining, not by what's pure or historical.

Not even memeing, but if you want to circlejerk about art in a strict sense (that didn't exist when such art was made), then look for /pol/ or /his/.
Or make a masters-study general and stick to it.

>> No.4150746

> Art school
Yet in the end, you decide to cuck yourselves.

>> No.4150747

anime is an art movement and is going to have a chapter in artbooks fifty years from now, deal with it.

Art is incestuous and constantly evolves and adapts. Trying to make it "pure" just makes you look like a moron. Get what you like from all kinds of art and use it in your work.

>> No.4150752

>Bill Plympton
I'm sorry that your dick is so small that you get mad at others for their choice of cartoons

>> No.4150753
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>> No.4150756

>Get what you like from all kinds of art and use it in your work.
The thing is that people who only want to draw anime aren’t into “all kinds of art”.
For them it’s anime or it’s nothing.

>> No.4150759

why do you care what others do?

>> No.4150760

So how is it in art school?
And how did you get in?
Do they require at least some skill for a portfolio or something or can any beg make it?

>> No.4150762

Bitch harder then maybe other people will care LOL.

>> No.4150764

Well, okay, that is a shallow mentality and people with it are doomed to be stagnant. Even manga artists look to other types of art.

>> No.4150771
File: 367 KB, 1267x1270, jackdavis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He watched the live action Monkey TV series when he was a kid. He wasn't some weeb watching anime for cartoon ideas.
His style is derivative of artists like Mort Drucker and Jack Davis. I guess this looks like anime to you.

>> No.4150777

Who cares?

>> No.4150779
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, 1548452158712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did I say he draws manga? I said he is anime-inspired, which is reflected on (part of) his design choices, you don't have to go full kawaii uguu to be anime inspired.
Scott Pilgrim looks nothing like anime, yet the influence is clear.

>> No.4150780

This thread is literally about anime obsession, anon.
Do you need to the read the OP again to get a reminder?

>> No.4150788

Even his drawing style has been affected by manga. Look at the evolution of Tank Girl and it's clear that at some point between 94 and today he fell in love with Yoshinari/Gainax like pretty much every euro and latin american artist with a pulse at that time.

>> No.4150900

Really good fucking post. There is/was good western stuff but the vast majority of what we have now is ugly and wacky shit. A big part of it is trying to be unique at the cost of aesthetics and another issue is just not having the technical skill to start with

>> No.4151126
File: 27 KB, 474x266, Top tier western animation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"yeh has high quality and well stylized characters"

Yeh, I'm nitpicking, but so are you.

>> No.4151146
File: 388 KB, 349x500, Gyro master chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mix that cancer with realism (which always results in failure)
Can JoJolion and SBR count as an example of this being pulled off successfully, or are the proportions just too fucked?

>> No.4151165
File: 11 KB, 299x278, STOP RIGHT THERE CUNT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime obsession wouldn't be so bad if half of these fucking weebs weren't obsessed with ""cute"" shit everytime they inhale through their fat noses.

You know who creates "cute" fucking junk you braindeaded monkey turd eating fucks?


-No, not children;

Stupid retarded screaming spoilt Fucking toddlers
You fuckers are only interested in this shit because it appeals to toddlers like your disgusting selves. You can't find the will to improving your tastes because this "cute" shit reminds you of when you were a pampered little retarded stem cell in their youth.

You want to know what your obsession with cute shit is the equivalent of?

You fucking heard me you gaijin turd bastards.
Cute fucking shit is the equivalent of fucking fast food because all it does is encourage you to turn off your rice grain brain and indulge in saturated substances with no nutrition to fix your singular IQ digits to compete with your Asian masters.
And you wanna know what they think of you? You wanna know why so many undeground artists in Japan hate the West so much and all the other pathetic cunts that run after your kawaii animu loving dumb cunt cute fuckery?

Because you don't go out in the world to learn some fucking taste.
Go read a fucking crime book. Go and take a steaming dump in a fucking bucket along with your waifu pillows and if you dont, then stop making art PERIOD.
The whole fucking world is degrading because you're all disrespecting the status of artists with your shitty tastes.


>> No.4151170

So much better then anniemay.

>> No.4151189

unironically based

>> No.4151195
File: 790 KB, 782x1181, Conan45_p15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>john buscema

explain to me how this mess is more appealing than manga?

>> No.4151210

lol calm down

>> No.4151230
File: 1.57 MB, 2231x1602, 0d41aba871d6f1b1a41a1f90517d070baeb8ec93_1651261_2231_1602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are shit ton of manga and anime with realistic proportions. Even though it would break OP's heart, not every anime and manga has kawaii uguu rainbow colored hair moe art style.

That looks good bro wdym

I don't understand you autists. There are good artists and good works from both the east and the west. No one's fuckin putting a gun right next to your ear and forcing you to pick sides. Just enjoy whatever you like and stop wasting your time on getting angry about whatever the fuck someone else likes.

>> No.4151249

yeah that's definitely whats popular not the kawaii shit
fuk outta here, theres a reason why realistic stuff like Vagabond is Unadaptable

>> No.4151251

The most appealing part about manga style is the black and white, and use of line.

>> No.4151259

Blade Of The Immortal is so popular it got a love action adaptation, and published by Darkhorse in western format

>> No.4151294

Vagabond isn't getting an animated adaptation because of the author's will just like Yotsubato

>> No.4151329

and anime

>> No.4151341

Nigga what I had no idea, that's cool. No adaptation will beat Samura's wonderful style though. His other projects are incredible also

>> No.4151344
File: 44 KB, 500x361, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "post examples"
> posts stop motion

>> No.4151366

>why are france and italy so lewd
Europe isn't (wasn't?) as uptight as the US about nudity, especially Italy. This isn't a dig at the US, just a fact.

Growing up in Malta, we just had Italian TV for most of my childhood (80s, early 90s) and it wasn't uncommon to be watching an Italian movie at 9pm with your parents when BAM! tits.

They just don't give a fuck.

Anime was also always uncensored, especially at around the 8pm mark when we got stuff like Ranma 1/2, Fist of the North Star, and Tenchi Muyo (I drew hentai fanart for this last one and fapped to it because it was easier than downloading porn with dialup and printing it).

Anyhow, so I grew up with this non-taboo kind of nudity, I can only imagine what actual Italians grew up with. They just don't give a shit.

Additionally, as children, we weren't shielded from nudity. We weren't watching porn, but it wasn't common to see some tits and ass watching TV growing up. Some people are all up in arms about the genitals of children being shown in Big Mouth... we had Goku child dick in the 90s.

That's just my experience anyway. Levels of lewdness aren't standard between countries. What's normal for you might be boring for others.

That's an Italian comedy from 1976 being shown on TV on a mainstream channel.

>> No.4151380

this is the kind of person who's critiquing your art

>> No.4151449

people like anime because they find it aesthetically pleasing just like you draw whatever you draw because you find it aesthetically pleasing
its called having different tastes
I don't like western cartoons because I find them ugly and I don't want to draw something I find ugly

>> No.4151454

I'm going to keep drawing cute anime girls and you will never stop me

>> No.4151465

A lot of older manga look like that too

>> No.4151479

I'm not annoyed by the shit taste. But it bothers me when you say weebshit is garbage and they immediately pay lip service to Akira, GITS, Redline, etc. Yeah none of you are even trying to do that shit and you don't give a fuck. Otomo isn't even in the back of your head while you jerk off to pantsu sniffing incest loli porn.

>> No.4151521

>The problem with Western art is lackluster execution.
You won't believe how frustrating this is.
With all the technological advances we've seen they still manage to make cartoons look worse and cheaper than they ever did before, in a time where the animation was drawn by hand, the cells painted by hand, they figured out creative shortcuts and still managed to do a better job.
I recently saw a few new episodes of the Simpsons and I was really underwhelmed with how static and cheap the animation looks (not to mention the writing), they went off-model more in the past which adds more character to the animation. Now all the characters look like stiff puppets.

>> No.4151535

Anime is the only relevant art style in the world now.

>> No.4151544

I think normies don't even enjoy the shit they watch, they're just like
>This is where I entertain myself. I can't wait to talk about this on Twitter so I can feel like I exist.
As I grew up I realized how much shit people do entirely so they don't feel left out or they're supposed to do it. I remember looking at the books on this woman's shelf (Twilight, Sparks, etc.), she said the Twilight series were her favorite books and she loved them so much. All 3 books were as mint as they could be. Even here on /ic/ people complain so much about popular things but nobody uses that time to look for new stuff. It's just the same. Every time I posted something cool that nobody knows about out it gets ignored.
The 1% of artists talking about how shit the Simpsons have become is still a thousand times more buzz than a new, high quality IP would generate unless you market it down people's throats. Entertainment is replacing a lot of aspects of society that religion used to cover.

>> No.4151587

>Entertainment is replacing a lot of aspects of society that religion used to cover
From a certain standpoint they're one and the same.
We've only recently managed a society where everyone has enough to eat; nobody gets enough sleep, social interaction, intimacy or have purpose of existence, and art fills all of the needs with illusions so that society may keep functioning. It has exactly the same purpose as religion.

>> No.4151589
File: 575 KB, 971x693, 1568569058434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are romanticizing it a little too much.
I have watched my fair share of Hannah-Barbera cartoons (the ones from the 60s up until around 1990) and the quality is appalling, the scripts were generic and for the most part insufferable.

Quality existed in the beginning because cartoons were exhibited on movie theaters, so releases took quite a while to come out and the average viewer paid a significant amount of money for it.
Home television changed the meta-game and mass-produced sludge like Clutch Cargo and The Mighty Thor was very profitable for the effort put into it.
Hannah-Barbera was revolutionary in the sense that it fordized the already fordized cartoon production beyond Walt Disney et. Co's wildest nightmares. To hell with quality, all cartoons will look the same and wear a collar with a necktie.

The 90s were wonderful because of
A) Technology - Macromedia Flash made the process quicker and cheaper, more time could be invested into drawing instead of manually inking and coloring cels.
B) Fred Motherfucking Seibert and his What a Cartoon! show, which spearheaded the "Flash Revolution" and brought much needed renovation to the industry, setting really high standards.

Sadly - and here I'll get to the root of why I think you're romanticizing things -, technology doesn't necessarily mean advancement, just efficiency.
It's easier to create templates and recycle them, it's easier to give one person the job that belonged to 5.
It's Hannah-Barbera on steroids, cause kids would rather watch Teen Titans Go! than something with any thought put into it.

I became an instant fan of Adventure Time when it came out, but it always baffled me how disproportionately successful it was - it was then I realized the creative and technical crisis had returned. Will there be a major breakthrough to renew the cycle?

Women will never say they "know" something, they will always say they "love" or are a "big fan" of thing, cause they are validation fishers.

>> No.4151599

>stop-motion isn't animation
based retard

>> No.4151609

You know you can like both?

>> No.4151616

Nah don't make it about women, everyone acts like this even outside the internet.

>> No.4151619

>stop liking what I don't like
nah, I think I'm fine, thanks

>> No.4151661
File: 54 KB, 817x860, 1563637065105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're falseflagging I hope. Saying that anime is only cheap seasonal cgdct is ignorant, as much as your gross generalisation of how animefags consume it. I know it ultimately comes down to one's sensibilities, but I'm certain that anyone could enjoy the best of what anime has to offer, just in the same way the most diehard weeb should enjoy the best the West has to offer.
And am saying this as someone who loves both anime/manga and western animation/comics. There's things one does better than the other, and shit worth checking out and appreciating in both.

>> No.4151719

Fuck off you hateful faggot.

>> No.4151746

Truth bomb

>> No.4151752

OP is a fag. SBR and JoJolion, in fact JoJo in general, is adding the bizarre shit in a realistic world emulating ours. The problem with OP is his hatred for manga/anime, and he doesn't understand why.

>> No.4151778

I'm not going to swim through a sea of shit to find a series worth watching, as simple as that, is the same for western comics, some are good but you have to see so much garbage in order ti find them, and even so is not that worth the while.
Is good you think that way but the common weeb, which is 99% of weebs is just a brainless fuck, no way around it.

>> No.4151794

throw yourself back to /facebook/

>> No.4151804

Go back to your normie mangas, anon kun, you seem butthurted.

>> No.4151807

fuck off newfag. Only "normies" use the word normie.

>> No.4151812 [DELETED] 

>letting the normies have it
you have no gut.

>> No.4151815

reddit co-opting normie is pretty new actually. when did you drop in, half a year ago? and calling other people newfags lmao. nice.

anyway, my original post:
>letting the normies have the word

>> No.4151819

Shut up normalfags

>> No.4151829

I think you're just a retard normie anon, but some other normies here were dumb enough to fall for your weak bait.

>> No.4151838
File: 293 KB, 820x991, neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no dilating tranny will dictate what I like to watch and what I like to draw

>> No.4151844


>> No.4151849

I don't even read manga or watch anime, have a (You)

>> No.4151855
File: 524 KB, 2250x3000, 1528759541562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen too many western artists who are so desperate to draw in an anime style that they completely lack in fundementals and it shows hardcore for anyone with half a brain. I think that's where the annoyance comes for me. These guys are the same ones who make those twitter posts going 'ugh in college all they teach you is how to draw old white guys and learn from old white guys! let me draw my anime itll get me a job faggot!' when in reality their art is so fundementally shit that I couldnt possibly see anyone hiring them.
Weebs take note, study first like every actual manga artist probably did. I know you want to draw your autistic OC anime girls that no one cares about but you have to at least be not shit first.

>> No.4151869

this is so cute oh my god

>> No.4151875

Based. There should be no shortcuts in education.

>> No.4151885

literally the only reason you're upset is because you know he was talking about people just like you, and it hurt

>> No.4152010
File: 78 KB, 685x719, 1539446067384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are either a woman or not paying attention.

Men will often sperg out about how much they hate you're waifu (who a shit), pick favorites, form factions. Top tier, good tier, meh tier, bad tier, garbage tier, classifying and evenly distributing.

Women are more one-track minded about their perceptions, they will either be all hyped about thing or completely disinterested (either because she doesn't like it or because she doesn't know it).
There is no "medium" ground.

I will open an exception to hating ONE thing. Once a women has found the one thing she hates and no one is giving her positive attention for the thing she likes, her life will revolve around hating thing, because how dare people ever conceive thing when other thing is clearly the best option. It becomes a phase in one's life and it's not a healthy kind of hate - but at least it's directed at something innocuous.

>> No.4152082

That's a guy, though

>> No.4152091

Shane Glines is an excellent example of attractive western styled character illustration. Even his men are handsome.

Surprised you don't like Frazetta's women though.

>> No.4152101
File: 102 KB, 450x443, IMG_3688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm, I've seen this happen in many fandoms. Even disregarding husbando 'tiers' (which don't really exist), women always seem to have a narrow view of what they like. Males tend to have a more wide range of interests (whether they actual enjoy them or not, i.e. Tier lists).

Women are much more hyper-sensitive towards negative opinions. They want everyone to get along and not be 'judgemental' towards each other. They want safespaces where "there are no good or bad things, just different preferences uwu". Which is hypocritical since being judgemental is something a majority of women do, so you know for a fact they probably talk shit/gossip about things they hate in private. But they still don't really give their dislikes as much thought as males do, since they're used to having that dopamine fix towards their niche interest/fandom/husbando/etc.

They'll stay in their niche safespace while males are more likely to venture out and debate their waifus/other hobbies (while also gaining new experiences and interests along the way).

>> No.4152105

I think that looks good. That said I'm not a fan of the type of inking done on older western comics. I've seen a few American comics from the 50s this rused screentones and it makes such a positive difference. I wish I had saved them.

>> No.4152123

I have countless IRL examples with dudes. From neofascist chavs who have no idea why they're neofascist except they want to belong in their shitty neighborhood, to hipster Radiohead fans who circlejerk about Radiohead like they're the only band worth listening to and have no interest in music whatsoever. Normies' only drive is social cohesion.

>> No.4152145

The only thing that matters is how good your skills are. Why the fuck do you care what style somebody picks?

>> No.4152159

I sometimes forget 4Chan is comprised of salty incels that conflate confirmation bias with actually knowing shit about the human psyche.

"Huuu women are weak minded and prefer to stay in their hugbox"

Bwahahahaha. Holy shit.

>> No.4152164

This is true for any medium. Why do you limit it to anime?

>> No.4152215
File: 13 KB, 262x349, 1546599745379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't read, sheeple exist on both sides. What I said about women is merely the lack of middle-ground: it's either apathy or "extreme" (faked) hype for thing. As in, if they've watched a movie by a director and liked it, then people ask about the director, they'll immediately jump to the "OMG I LOVE THIS DIRECTOR, HE'S EVERYTHING" kind of reaction.

You are picking a fraction of a post of the second guy and applying it by extensiin to me, you are dishonest and disgraceful.

>> No.4152855

Fuck off normalfags. Anime and manga is great.

>> No.4152898

Yeah I've lived with four different adult women including my mom and my mom's interests are the only ones that weren't completely warped to reflect my own by the time I left. Hers were the same as my dad's.
Same sports teams, same favorite artists, same favorite movies, same favorite food, same favorite color.

On the other hand I've lived with two male housemates and we never saw eye to eye on a lot of stuff. Still had fun arguing about shit.

>> No.4152908

that's not a bad thing.
kind of sad that your dad couldn't appreciate his partner's interests.

>> No.4152939

Too bad the "salty incels" have more of a point, even tho, their interpretation end up flawed at the end, they at least dont ignore biological facts.

Woman natural prefer to defuse situation and keep social cohesiveness more than men, because of they caretaker roll. Thats not good or bad, just a thing that likely makes the behaviors the "salty incels" see.

Frankly u should check urself more as u think "Huuu women are weak minded" because they tend to make safeboxes and stuff. There is nothing wrong w having different behavior tendency, its just how nature works so it ensures the survival of the species.

>> No.4153187

>Every time I posted something cool that nobody knows about out it gets ignored.
I'm saying this unironically: I don't want to be interested in something new, I want everyone else to be interested in something new, so I can enjoy something good together.

>> No.4153283
File: 84 KB, 500x500, 1554716173294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything you listed but Moebius is boring a shit, I'd rather read superior nip stuff

>> No.4153290

>So much better then anniemay.
I would rather being forced to watch 12 hours a day of the most generic kawaii-uguu weebshit than 1 minute of that abomination

>> No.4153297
File: 532 KB, 1920x1000, (alphonse (white datura)) 1920 x 1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or mix that cancer with realism (which always results in failure)
Lmaoing at your life

>> No.4153303

>Lolis going "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH?!?!?!?!?!?" at the top of their lungs for the 999,999,999th time isn't """""cute"""".
>It's fucking annoying.
If that all you know about anime maybe you're the one who need to broaden your horizon

>> No.4153305
File: 1.76 MB, 2499x1694, 1570206840810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whatever, I personally think that anime is literally the pinnacle of artistic expression. It's basically the only style that should exist, it's way better than bekkaliev's fat fucking sow legs.

Like you are free to disagree but that would make you a massive fucking homo sperg.

>duuuuuh *drool* akneemeeee baaaad, duuuuuhhh"

I bet you fucking draw the fucking nose instead of putting a tasteful dot in the middle or like that obtuse triangle. Honestly we should just burn that gay boomer "art" shit and just replace all the boring Rembrandts with Seven Deadly signs fanart. Malevich's black SQUARE? bro that's some fucking queer shit right there, I would rather have them put up a still from Inuyasha or code geas.

>> No.4153307


>> No.4153309

>Anime was also always uncensored,
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
Italian censorship of anime was one of the most ridiculous in the world (cutting episodes, modifying dialogues, even going as far as changing characters' dress, colours and names) , and even that way there still were regular shitstorms about how anime were "immoral" or "unhealthy" for young generations, and a huge portion of italians still thinks like that

>> No.4153359

They don't have a point and you don't have a point. It's just cheap bar counter psychology.

"Frankly u should check urself more as u think "Huuu women are weak minded" because they tend to make safeboxes and stuff."

>>>> uhhhhhhh you pointing out the stuff is you doing it huuuuu.


>> No.4153362
File: 1.46 MB, 1143x1620, 1529586621590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely based and animepilled

>> No.4153366


>> No.4153646

99% of all anime could be completely identical and some autists would still point at an exception from 10 years ago as a "Gotcha!" on how anime is apparently so diverse.

>> No.4153829

Most western cartoons, especially recently, are just an eyesore to look at., nobody wants to emulate it because it looks goofy as shit.

>> No.4153919

Are you seriously implying what the west considers popular is the good stuff here?

>> No.4154538

Asian artists are better but accepting that is accepting our own futility so we gotta shit on them while we're still the richest country in the world USAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSAUSA

>> No.4154556
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>> No.4154559
File: 93 KB, 564x564, 85ea581113cf08d8cf2ddd45152a6866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine actually thinking this
>And that America didn't invent anime first

>> No.4154564
File: 145 KB, 522x792, proxy.duckduckgo-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And that anime isn't just a codeword for appealing realistic drawings

>> No.4154565
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>That America forgot how to do after all these years

>> No.4154566
File: 308 KB, 342x344, Screen Shot 2019-09-02 at 1.42.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4154588

God bless this nation of SAUSA.

>> No.4154619

quality post

>> No.4154634


When East and West met, Japs took our color theory, we took their linework, graphic, even abstract at times, kind of drawing.

So if you want to say the nation of SAUSA invented anime because they were drawing drawings before Japan, Japan was drawing drawings before SAUSA was drawing drawings before Japan.

>> No.4154693

>You create something new by starting where someone else left off.

Thank you anon for these wise words of wisdom.

>> No.4154910

This really. You want western shit to be taken seriously? Start by having the fucking industry that makes it stop acting like they're ashamed of making cartoons.

>> No.4154917
File: 11 KB, 400x292, film7_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say SAUSA?!

>> No.4154921

Already happening considering most young American animators are heavily inspired by anime.

>> No.4154928

Honestly this is also garbage.
This is the equivalent of MCU movies with cutting edge CGI (let's say it's cutting edge) and 0 substance.
Western, Eastern, it's all shit. Only 3 things work right now
>things that look flashy / impressive no matter how fucking dumb they are
>things that you can talk about on social media
>things that make your dick hard
I tried recommending a manga that is better drawn than all this kiddie trash but in an understated way, with a genuinely beautiful story and mature themes and nobody on this board even looked at it. The truth is that quality entertainment is beyond salvation because people have lost all sense of quality, they think quality is >>4151230, same trash but drawn flashy.

>> No.4155314
File: 41 KB, 420x550, 91+vhd6W8SL._SY550_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noses are sexy, get bent faggot

>> No.4155325


>> No.4155327

Cutefags utterly btfo

>> No.4155345
File: 62 KB, 400x566, tumblr_o1de81vsM21v29a5fo1_r3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'll ever like the anime style, the eyes will always creep me out. Also, you have to admit that it's difficult for Japs to exaggerate humorous/comical expressions without having to resort to those cartoon - esque, jarring, "chibi" experssions, which makes everything look static

>> No.4155377
File: 274 KB, 500x319, powerpuff-band-powerpuff-girls-34624178-500-319.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i too prefer derpy self expression

its a balance

im still shocked japs see anime as japanese people desu

>> No.4155399

Could I know which manga you suggested?

>> No.4155597

Spoken exactly like someone that gets all of their knowledge of anime and manga secondhand.

>> No.4155950
File: 54 KB, 381x525, image%3A3392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine twisting yourself into knots learning to love random dumb bullshit instead of just enjoying what's naturally appealing to begin with.

Rageposter's fast food comparison is apt. Anime is salt, sugar, fat, and shortcuts. It's objectively good because it refines and concentrates beauty in amounts impossible in nature, and delivers it at low prices in a marketable format. You only need to see the american populace's bloating waistlines to understand that anime will inevitably outcompete the tired gruel that is contemporary western art.

The pursuit of platonic beauty isn't reserved for east asians, the west was the first to walk this hallowed path, and in time we will rejoin it.

>> No.4155954


>> No.4156033

lmao there's so much boomer in this thread it's hilarious. I don't even like moe shit but your collective sperging combined with your lack of any coherent knowledge of what you're attacking is a real knee-slapper.
Boomers out! OUT!

>> No.4156172


I doubt it. Since he's fucking lying.

>> No.4156226

don't care about your boomer art parents
anime is more appealing and the mass agree
cope and seethe

>> No.4156242
File: 535 KB, 900x900, 1558534983306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TL:DR - OP doesn't know he's posting on a weeb forum.

>> No.4156521

was this the winnie the pooh movie that was animated by a japanese studio?

>> No.4156618

I saw boobies on urusei yatsura and ranma growing up in italy. they fuck up the localization but they don't censore it. but it was normal to see nudity in random italian comedy sketches.

>> No.4156646


>> No.4158233

>Fleur Cowles, Wayne Barlowe, Zdzisław Beksiński, Beth Cavener, Anthony Francisco Schepperd, Gustave Dore, Eiichiro Oda, Android Jones, Yoriyuki Ikegan Kim, Paul Robertson, Aaron Blaise, Joe Weatherly, Don Bluth, Jung Gi Kim, Kittyhorrorshow, Jhonen Vasquez, Lisa Frank, Yoshihiro Takahashi, 8bitfiction, Kidmograph, Bazteki, Tavis, Dappermouth, Emily Youcis

i like all of these. i have no idea where i'm headed or how theyre mixing in my head but. yep.

>> No.4158263

Good post

>> No.4158284

The mass is braindead flock, just like you.

>> No.4158305

But the real question is: how do you force people to stop drawing anime?

Because as I get older and learn more, I realize that freedom of expression can be twisted into facilitating stagnation and that if you allow artists the opportunity to stagnate then they will will. For example, I choose to mitigate this in our Discord by having my mods insta-ban any users that post anime drawings with prejudice but also allowing SOME users to post anime without repercussion (at the moderator's discretion, as always) to force everyone to improve out of fear of being on the chopping block.

>> No.4158306

I’m not a weeb but damn, the amount of rage that anime-haters have in this thread is crazy. You people can seethe all you want, but your shitty over-detailed Western art just isn’t good, and your autistic efforts to render every muscle and wrinkle will never amount to anything. The Jap knows how to appeal to our innate sense of charm and beauty, but what’s more, he is content in *being* - he finds something that works, and any change thereafter is organic. The Western on the other hand is bogged down with doubts about authenticity, of creating some style “that’s never been done before”. Then, when he finally makes something original, he never stops to ask himself “what if no one did it before because it’s crap”. While Warren the Whitoid is shitting himself because, god forbid, his style might look like someone else’s, Jiro the Jap is drawing whatever suits his fancy

>> No.4158332

>The Jap knows how to appeal to our innate sense of charm and beauty
The Japs are a bunch sensitive hippies. Their degenerate culture, religion, and way of living is antithesis to modest American living.

I've been to Japan. It's disgusting. Too many forests and unused acre's of country. I would have opened up factories for miles upon miles using all that wasted space.

>> No.4158545

Do you perhaps love Wonder Bread and blonde women?

>> No.4158549

Yes but I also love money and industry.

>> No.4158637

John Krucfalusi's works are what I would always look at for inspiration, I draw weeb shit because it's stress relieving and there is a big audience. Very few people were interested in my original cartoon style because I loved exposing ugliness. There was no chance for commissions so I had to focus on something else. Sad but how it is.

>> No.4158791

You're over thinking this, the "obsession with weeb shit" problem lies within the real problem: the size of the weeb population.

>> No.4158802


>> No.4158845

holy fuck i forgot about that guy

>> No.4159080

I know who you are by your art, and I know you're being serious with your retarded statements.

>> No.4159104

They've never been exposed to real art.

>> No.4159661

Where can i join your discord?

>> No.4159673
File: 351 KB, 1161x688, giorgia-lenzi-shonen-jump-hanami-by-ladygt-d64r1ty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm gonna have to disagree there. there's still some good western artist who make some neat stuff. sure it's pretty anime but it's the kind of style i like really.

that being said, out of all the anime styles being done, why fucking moe? why not akari that jojo guy, akira toriyama, tite kubo, the nigga behind my hero academia, various capcom artist, any japanese artist with unique and interesting styles that don't sacrifice appeal?

but i guess how they draw women looks too intimidating for you guys...

>> No.4159675

>Chris Sanders
absolutely based

>> No.4159685

okay weeb.

>> No.4159688

>ironically post ne of the most stylish anime in existence

>> No.4159692

shit this looks so good, sauce?

>> No.4159693

You just repeated what he implied, and proceeded to create a strawman out of nowhere, are you high?

>> No.4159708
File: 36 KB, 474x474, 1539959326373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The West already offers enough overgrown women and sex appeal by bombarding everyone with fat people and porn.
Moe offers what's lacking, which is cute, gentle women you'd like to protect, not pump and dump.

Also this >>4159693

>> No.4159715

i'm not interesting in protecting

i'm not interested in the cuddle wuddles and huggie wuggies, i want the fuck tons of sensual caressing and fucking. that is what waifus and husbandos has always been meant for. FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING PRUDE PUSSY. THIS WHY ALL OF YOU ARE VIRGINS!

>> No.4159716

okay maybe i worded it wrong

>> No.4159752
File: 845 KB, 1130x1200, 1545745358238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not preaching any cause here, just explaining the phenomena to you. If you like what you like, stick to Western media. Just understand the reason behind not everyone liking it.

On a side note, even within the moe artstyle you can find hypersexual stuff, cause the public overlaps, even a single individual will like to have both lustful and sweet thoughts at different times of the day..

>> No.4160046
File: 346 KB, 1600x899, 4B397459-A973-451E-AB68-1118CCA3C231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s because we’re all raised on ugly, soulless, aesthetically repulsive western “culture” and want something that appeals to our inner desire for beauty.

>> No.4160086

My mods also have the ability to ban anybody for any reason no matter how trivial it is. You wouldn’t like it.

>> No.4160097

I think you are really underestimating the tism of males and obsessiveness of fujo's, either that or you're new

>> No.4160106

>Wah stop drawing what I don't like!
Unironically autistic. KYS.

Based and redpilled.

>> No.4160284 [DELETED] 

DC's The Witching hour

>> No.4160289
File: 28 KB, 258x385, proxy.duckduckgo-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DC's the Witching hour 1969

>> No.4160347

>look at all this intentionally ugly art! Isn't it so wacky and original? how can you not like it?

>> No.4160414

It’s the easiest to draw. No complex detail or textures on the face/clothing. You’re essentially drawing lots of soft circles. And it creates a drawing that looks cute, marketable & therefore profitable. Hence the saturation. Maybe there’ll be a response/pushback for a grittier, intricate style, but most people don’t want to stress their brain & want to draw things that are easy and relaxing to do, that creates a cute end result.

>> No.4160626

Absolute truth
>inb4 seething weebshitters throw autistic feats at him

>> No.4160628

It is much worse with anime since even the best award winning ones are slightly above average.

>> No.4161142

have sex incel

>> No.4161171

>giving up your wizard powers just to say you slept with a thot

bad sex intel

>> No.4161292

I can appreciate anime and manga artists for their ability to just let go of everything and express their desires. They seem a lot more comfortable with drawing stuff that has always been kinda “unacceptable” in american comics and animation.
The great thing about entertainment in Japan is that there’s something for any kind of degenerate stuff that interest’s you, whereas in America it’s like “NOOOOOO DON’T VALIDATE THE WEIRDOS!!!” (the term nowadays being “incels”)
Of course, making something for a niche audience can be very hit or miss, depending on the creator’s ability to illustrate and write, but still, when it hits it hits.
Whenever you see american animation and comics (with a few exceptions) indulging in erotica or any really nerdy stuff, it gets all insecure about itself and relies on bathos to go “h-haha, we don’t actually like any of the things we’re doing, i-it’s just all ironic and tongue-in-cheek!”.

>> No.4161338

>90% of people don't care about anime

>> No.4161356

you sure about that?

>> No.4162229

well lets see here. the good illustrators all have a somewhat realistic style, which is an absolute bitch to do, its not hard, at least if you are able to construct a body, but an absolute bitch to do.

then you go over to what people in the west are exposed to cartoon wise, which is cal arts garbage, heavily simple yet stylized shit, or sponge bob.

but what's this over here, anime has relatively realistic proportions, manga is black and white yet looks great, and it's attractive to look at, especially looking at everything else we have in the west, and movies... I cant remember the last 2d movie I saw year wise...

now, you look at illustrators who are already more or less properly constructing a human, frazetta is one I like because of his brush work when it comes to inking, but you have to understand, looking at that, its impossible for someone who is young to even consider doing that, but something from a manga, that they can do.

now the fixation on that and never getting better. well that plagues every artistic endeavor. art school horror stories about furries wearing tales or wearing naruto clothing like its real cloths should make it obvious that many of these people were never making it regardless of inspiration.

you have to keep in mind, many people just draw as a hobby, something to kill time so they draw whats fun, not whats work.

>> No.4162562
File: 47 KB, 468x528, 1421247078528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss me with that gay materialist marxist opiate of the masses shit

>> No.4163672
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, 189339b9c92741f19b50ec9837610782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started with the desire to draw only anime style, but over time I've moved away from that.
Currently into the Don Bluth art style.
I still do anime style when I want to use it, but I'm looking to try new styles to see what else sticks.

>> No.4164439
File: 84 KB, 709x433, images (68).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would use innocent or vagabond as a good examplo but yeah jojo can work too kind of

>> No.4164496

I want to enjoy this thread but it's futile. People are shouting past eachother.

As a tradcuck who loves works by the old masters and is not into anime at all, I agree with this wholeheartedly.

There is no higher ground to threads like these. People who are into realism (baroque, rococo, neo-classical/renaissance, classical, academic, plein air, impressionism, pick your flavor) have a calling.

You'll always find yourself drawn to the works of old masters and the beauty of the work will be self-evident to you. It's like being born talented or with a particular eye. You just are. Nobody had to teach you to appreciate them. You just do.

So I can understand when the >>4155950 anon puts it simply "Imagine twisting yourself into knots learning to love random dumb bullshit instead of just enjoying what's naturally appealing to begin with."

Let the weebs be weebs. Enjoy your Bernini sculptures and your Monet haystacks.

Consider the enjoyment you get from it a gift.

>> No.4164517
File: 398 KB, 1280x897, tumblr_nyghnpzl7S1qmlmyuo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.4164554

What a terrible thread. I like both. Some people hate or tout the superiority of one obsessively. Almost like a kind of ideology. In a way it's understandable that anime-hating fags started appearing because if most people like a thing, to be counter culture you have to be against it. Even if the website was founded on and is primarily used by people liking the thing

>> No.4164631
File: 865 KB, 1920x1080, 1567446221714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucklmao, you're shooting yourself in the ass by being a contrarian here. Horrible taste.

>> No.4164661
File: 131 KB, 238x320, monew_i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah check out the psych major on this one. You sound like an angry schizo today freud. Who is to say I can't enjoy cool shit in tandem with cute shit? Both are pleasing for different reasons, and there is no shortage of either of those even outside of anime. May I have your example of this heinous "cute anime" debacle?

>> No.4164698

I hate live and let live, this is how we got rap in the top 40

>> No.4164765

Or you can be a true chad and like both

>> No.4164768

Jojo fits the point a bit better since it's still clear Araki draws from other shonen artstyles like Fist of the North Star while Vagabond is very much based on realism.

>> No.4164830

>posts generic "haha" instant dopamine silly comic face
kill yourself

>> No.4164832


>> No.4164897

I like the Old Masters and anime both, but I think rap should be banned out of existence

>> No.4165027

it actually cute

>> No.4165036

your going to jail, motherfucker

>> No.4165040

personally i don't mind rap. folks who hate rap either hate black people and their admirers, or are pretentious little shits who are assmad they're dumb make no sense music isn't in the top charts. at least it's a different genre than just generic lovey wovey pop song music.

>> No.4165076

So based it hurts

>> No.4166093
File: 223 KB, 446x418, 1224686438703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apex of cute
>kawaii soul

Spoken like a true degenerate.

A raccoon churring or a puppy tilting his head in curiousity is cute. Rapebait little girls with no personality ain't. I'd go as far as to say that what you refer to as 'cute' is just mordbid overfetishization. Same thing that furries like - comparing anthrophomorphic characters of say disney compared to furry art - but at least they aren't trying to hide it, it's more common to see flat-out gay porn from them than people watching 13 year old little girls pretending to be "innocently" comparing breast sizes.

But of course, you wouldn't actually know that it's possible to have something be cute and not want to stick your dick in it, right?

>> No.4166184

>weebfag that's into cutesy shit calling anyone autistic
lol. get better taste

>> No.4166208

>raccoon churring
>puppy tilting his head in curiousity
>is cute
don't give a fuck about anime but if you're going to criticise someone try having something other than the most normie taste possible. cringe faggot

>> No.4166220

yeah yeah most manga and anime is drawn like that, thats what popular. not the boring moe kawaii shit, you got me

>> No.4166496

The only thing you've done is shown how little you know about anime and manga. So good job I guess, keep having that hate bias based on nothing.

>> No.4166564

Elitism doesn't make you cool you fucking autist. And your spelling and lack of capitalization and punctuation makes me wanna hurl. Like I said before, kill yourself.

>> No.4166769
File: 228 KB, 1024x768, www_media_movie-images_1401_image_5bf29f2a4e3b9_1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from the Triplets of Belleville.

The backgrounds reminded me of Moebius,and I offer this movie as Hope for the West,if we are counting France.

>> No.4167395

Furfags get the rope.

>> No.4167481

Why should rap be banned?
The best rap albums are incredible works of artistic expression.

>> No.4167496

I hate rap cause it's misogynistic, there are rare rappers or songs that aren't filled with slurs but overall it's very hateful genre, same goes for metal in general and old school rock music.
I love R&B though, so not all anti-rap/hiphop people hate black people. However the vast majority of people who say "I hate rap", tend to fall into the stereotypes you listed.

>> No.4167509

I hate rap in general but love jazz, soul, oldschool 60s-80s funk/pop/black rock music. I just hate how reptitive it is (both lyrically and musically).
Also 'sample' culture is pretty cancerous IMO, but that doesn't include just rap (it's just that rap does it more often than other genres).

>> No.4167994

>80 years of cartoon based makerting
Nigger he's talking about shit like Sanrio and Kumamon not your filthy fetishes. Fucking degenerate piece of shit.

>> No.4168050
File: 43 KB, 391x594, arnold bocklin self.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand the appeal of anime. The characters are anatomically cute in the way that a baby is, or they are attractive in the way an 18-year-old girl is, but it doesn't hold a candle to classical art, either thematically or technically.

>> No.4168061

Loomis is talked about because his method of construction is effective. Most weebs never even learn it which explains most of the 'work' on deviant art.

>> No.4168504

Manga, anime, concept art, architecture, cave drawings.
Who fucking cares what type, if you like then draw it.

>> No.4168580

People still replying to this dogshit bait?

>> No.4169060

>Loomis is talked about because
shit's free.

>> No.4170429
File: 54 KB, 700x859, dwMWkMR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says noses are sexy
>posts a profile view
two can play this game you moron

>> No.4170438


>that ear

I fucking hate weebs

>> No.4170518
File: 193 KB, 1280x704, butchhartman-1000849-1280x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sigh.. western artists should just stick with their western crap..Also remember guys, don't fall for the loomis meme!

>> No.4170524
File: 671 KB, 1445x717, kekw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

know a lot of you moebius cuckboys are gonna hate, but he draws women almost identical to the Jazza guy. Anime heavily outappeals any kind of western trash by far.

>> No.4170542
File: 567 KB, 1401x1053, IMG_1215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot take:anime is actually pretty expansive in terms of art styles,it's just that some people think that 'they all look the same' because they don't expand their horizons and just look anime that is produced on a budget and is made to market to the largest audience possible

That's not to say that there isn't a lot of mediocre,soulless anime art out there,but once you expand your horizons,you can see that 'anime' is a broad term that doesn't refer to a single art style

>> No.4170543
File: 487 KB, 1422x1066, IMG_1214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4170572

Could you please name these artists? I recognize some, but not others.

>> No.4170576

>seething over weebshit on a literal weeb site


>> No.4170586

Top right-tkmiz https://mobile.twitter.com/tkmiz?lang=en

Top left-Ckira_7963 https://mobile.twitter.com/ckira_7963?lang=en

Bottom right- https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=ishiwatari_daisuke

Middle bottom-https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2092991

Bottom left-juuni kokuki

>> No.4170813


Top right-Kira Imai

Top left- https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/57549814

Bottom left-Kaneoya Sachiko

Bottom right-I'm not sure about who exactly created this one,but I took this from an archived thread,if that helps

Middle top-I'm not sure about who the artist is,but I think I took it from gelbooru or danbooru

>> No.4170817

based des
you have very good taste in anime painting anon

>> No.4173699

Deal with it.

>> No.4173784

Good take. Anons here are seething and cooming over a rather bland and relatively commonplace style of anime artwork. There's a lot that's more distinctive, even quite a fair bit that skews more western. And when you expand your views of western art towards other countries and towards the past you find distinct, appealing art styles and even stuff that looks surprisingly anime-like. Nell Brinkley and Ethel Hahs for instance, depicted women in ways eerily similar to shoujo artwork that came a half century later. Overall there's more overlap than anons here think they just have blinders on.

>> No.4174046

Sachiko is damn good, it's a shame she doesn't seem to be better appreciated by her fellow countrymen. According to her her artwork is much more popular with westerners.

>> No.4174072

lmao you don't even draw anime, what do you know? Why draw old men to understand cute girls, wouldn't you only draw old men to understand old men?

>> No.4174105

I love seeing people trying to back it up, like it was a well tought hard working style, the truth is that it isn't. Of course, this doesn't mean Western doesn't have it's bad sides.

I love that you end criticizing West with everyone trying to be original, while the harsh reality is that the "Japanese Culture" is just most of the same, the worst part is that they're popularised by the western Weebs who are such try hards for it!

People don't take art seriously, they think anyone can do it, and truth be told i believe they can, not just after 1 year with a fabercastle pen and cheap ass watercolors. The Market is overflowing with 15 year olds who think they're so artistic with their weeb digital paintings, i'm so itred of it!

>> No.4174224

Wow your rambling makes no sense whatsoever for the discussion at hand, but thank you for the (You), I guess.

>> No.4174441

Bottom right is actually by a chinese artist. Huang Guangjin.

>> No.4174746

Thank you anon

>> No.4175003

I'm a fan of anime but if you seriously think it is the pinnacle of artistic style you have to be the most braindead, boring, autism infested person alive. It's a simple style for the sake of being doable to animate, or to draw lots of panels as a mangaka. And yes, obviously you draw the fucking nose if you are going for even close to a realistic style unless your subject is a burn victim. God, what a retard you are

>> No.4175006

I think you are mistaking tumblr tier cal-arts as being representative of all western art. Maybe go look at some Renaissance stuff or hell, even some comic book art if you want the gripes you have given to be rectified. At least western artists have the gall to try new things rather than stick to the same tired formula that makes all their art blend into one

>> No.4175048
File: 110 KB, 453x567, 1549700188436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you illiterate? I mentioned several Western artists I like.

What matters to the discussion at hand is the average, the mainstream, the common trends. At that, Japan has the upper hand and more successful mindset.

>> No.4175062

That still just seems like such a sweeping statement. Perhaps you have just been looking in the wrong places? Maybe try to seek out some more current western artists who appeal to you. I will admit the mainstream in animation is shit in the west right now but there have to be some areas where we have the upper hand

>> No.4175079

When weebs refer to anime it is 99% of the time about soulless shit.
When I refer to anime it is 99% of the time about soulless shit.
Any kind of misunderstanding would have to be deliberate.

>> No.4175117
File: 203 KB, 500x481, 1570442671649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Perhaps you have just been looking in the wrong places?
Yes. "Perhaps" encompasses both "yes or no", so there's not way the answer to "perhaps" could be "no".

I won't look for art that hides itself.
I'm on the Internet, I follow a shitton of artists on Twitter and, lo and behold, Japanese ones seem to be the best by a large margin.

I follow several smaller, Western artists who I enjoy, some are even big by follower count, but you never hear about them involved in anything relevant. At most they're hired to do generic concept art for some shitty movie or series, taking away all the "soul" - now that I think about it, as much as Westerners try to be original, they end up being ground up by executive meddling.

A good example are Disney concept art vs. Disney movies; they go from stylish and refreshing to production line Snow White.

>> No.4175432
File: 144 KB, 850x708, grats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horrible taste
>posts secondary bait

>> No.4175551
File: 740 KB, 840x1171, doorofperception.com-moebius-color-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing compares to the west

>> No.4175667
File: 420 KB, 400x600, waha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When weebs
Good thing we're artists, right anon-kun?
Differentiating between good and bad art is on us and not the idiotic public. There's plenty of great stuff out there to enjoy

>> No.4175722

Well you disprove your point by posting the average soulless fetish creature.

>> No.4177462

This. You can really tell these people rarely interact with women and get most of their knowledge of them from other jaded virgins on 4chan.

>> No.4177517

I think western cartoons all look like shit, theres nothing appealing about them to me. On the contrary, anime has more varied and interesting styles than western cartoons, but you wouldnt know because youre a casual normalfag fuck who thinks it arr rook same.

>> No.4177520

How can someone look at anime and think
>this is soulless and ugly
I just don`t understand some people, it`s like they live in opposite world.

>> No.4177566

The design is generic but that's not the point since it's an example of nice fluid animation.

>> No.4177570

Thanks for posting known weeb Moebius

>> No.4177678
File: 102 KB, 500x1200, A retard finds 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute anime girls make normalfaggots mad.

>> No.4177707

pot meet kettle

>> No.4177727

are we talking full on weebs or just people obssesed with the anime style?

>> No.4178098

good post

>> No.4178135

>le funi hat man
is this 2014

>> No.4178306


>> No.4178538
File: 565 KB, 600x610, 1482930175923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a guy in my school who constantly drew frisky anime girls all the time
>female teacher called him creepy once in front of the whole class

>> No.4178552


>> No.4178651

>Nell Brinkley
Made me remember a rambling a design professor had when dealing with your typical feminist landwhate in class.
Females are seldom depicted as happy and active individuals with agency, because they seldom are. Between ugly, unhappy women holding their peers to their own standards of mediocrity and men being being generally the ones that participate in interesting and exiting activities. Pretty girls depicted as actors with feelings and thoughts tend to come from times such as the Enlightenment, the roaring 20's, the 40's, the 70's. Times when women of worth stood up and told the second rates and their male orbiters to shut the fuck up and let them be.

>> No.4179110
File: 7 KB, 242x209, 123645657685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teacher took away my drawing and pinned it on the blackboard in front of the class

>> No.4179203

damn this is kawaii as fuck

>> No.4179210
File: 262 KB, 508x472, querelle 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha, public humilation
haha baaaaaaaaaased

>> No.4179253

maybe he shouldn't be drawing frisky chinese cartoons girls in a public school setting

>> No.4179285

This is how school shooters are born.

>> No.4179291

>public decency
>muh rules
shut up bootlicker faggot.

>> No.4179293

Anon I told you, quit looking at your little lewd anime girls on the public bus! People are watching!

>> No.4179392
File: 77 KB, 556x792, external-content.duckduckgo-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4179972

I'm curious. Where do you find out about such artists like
>Nell Brinkley and Ethel Hahs
Art history books? Random web searches? The internet is a large place, and it's tough enough having to cast a net over everything.

>> No.4179976

Different people like different things. I guarantee you I have much better taste than you though, in pretty much everything. Because my tastes and hobbies are rather varied all around. Anime/Manga is just one of the many things I like.

>> No.4180021

>Art school
What a fucking shit show, truly filled with rich normalfags that doesn't want to work

>> No.4180764

It started with one artist or another leading to searching for "the golden age of illustration", a time period in the west where illustration was the primary form of commercial visual communication, where illustration paid well and the artists could make very good money. It turns into a rabbit hole where you discover more and more artists. Nell Brinkley came up because she was notable as a very highly paid female illustrator, she started out in her teens making comics for a local paper. The best Nell Brinkley images have been scrubbed from the Internet since and I deeply regret saving them (some university has a bunch physically archived and won't upload them in high quality without watermarks). There are lots of quality illustrators whose works were compiled for coffee table books which haven't all been scanned yet, so I actually recommend buying some every now and again.

Ethel Hayes I initially found through newspaper archive searches but she's been written about elsewhere. It's actually a great way to find illustrations that hadn't been archived for image galleries. I've found some Nell Brinkley images I'm sure haven't been seen in a half-century plus. I've done most of my digging in California newspaper archives because that is what I have access to but I'd love to have access to New York newspaper databases but they charge. You absolutely can't find a lot of this stuff on torrent sites because we're talking stuff that may have been forgotten about over a century ago. But it can be fun to look, lots of great artists tucked away there.

>> No.4180765

*deeply regret NOT saving them

>> No.4180860
File: 413 KB, 800x1131, a4043a3b720fdf94da9d4460642aad4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most anime haters feel the same way i feel towards cape shit. Although i don't put all western cartoons in the same basket as most of you do, i appreciate Ralph Bakshi, rocko's modern life, French animation, some indie animation, slave labour comics, Rockwell etc. Both of you, lurk moar, there is bland and excellent western and animu work.

>> No.4182023



>> No.4182091
File: 692 KB, 1079x593, 18 Billion in Anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4182092

Anime is anigay

>> No.4182734

You're mother.

>> No.4182814


I think at the heart of it, a tonne of people draw anime because it makes them feel something, and at the end of the day that's a good thing

>> No.4182830


>> No.4182833

Why is this thread still alive?

>> No.4182877
File: 175 KB, 1043x1052, allofyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very much related

>> No.4183226

Because it looks appealing

>> No.4183574

Cute Aggression isn't that you fucking moron. It's literally just the desire to aggressively play with something (like an animal) that is cute.

>> No.4183609

What a load of horseshit BWAHAHAHA.

>> No.4183687


As someone who's experienced "cute aggression" since I was in kindergarten, it doesn't make you dislike cute things, it gives you a sort of possessive/sadistic pleasure in addition.

>> No.4184020

i like cute things when there not shoehorned into my porn thanks.

>> No.4185521
File: 240 KB, 1015x932, 1570852829272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
