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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 416 KB, 640x1002, 1CB3674F-392F-4492-B389-4E7208CD6475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4147969 No.4147969 [Reply] [Original]

you, fine sir, are extremely talented. its hard to tell this from an actual photograph!

>> No.4147993

amazing, best artist ever!

>> No.4147997

Wow so realistic, it looks just like a photo! :O You're so talented, take this Reddit gold! :D

>> No.4148026
File: 1.22 MB, 947x1479, 1F805ACE-86AD-412D-97CD-EFBD402A5846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-artists somehow find stuff like this to be exceptionally impressive. Those artists won’t create anything memorable or improve in skill, however, and will be forgotten eventually. In my opinion, copying entirely from a photo with no understanding of the process and no style that sets you apart holds little artistic value. It could be done by anyone with a decent understanding of value or negative space, and becomes even easier when people use gridlines/use a projector/take photos of their art and put their original photo with lower opacity over it.

>> No.4148027

>>4147969 xerox
>>4147993 >>4147997 self post

>> No.4148028

Wow so much souless.

>> No.4148143

go draw

>> No.4148239

>one gets 6k+ likes on instagram
>the other complains about the first one on an anime forum

Gonna make it!

>> No.4148240
File: 602 KB, 681x720, 1560865806699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-artists do. But I remember this salty fat girl who saw me draw random figures and insisted out of nowhere
>It's the same, it's just that I do it from a photo and you do it from imagination!
and commented the women I drew were too fit.

>> No.4148251

LOL, but why no background? afraid of perspecitve?

>> No.4148372

S-souless! Anyone could d-draw this! Anime tiddy I drew yesterday is Real Art, it's so much harder! Snibbeti snab!

>> No.4148420

Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!

>> No.4148498

I actually want to draw like that. It seems therapeutic to mindlessly copy an image.

>> No.4148512

I have to admit that r/art is actually better than /ic/

>> No.4148584

That's funny how they faked the process. in the process photo, the lines and proportions are all wrong and in the next they are fixed like they just traced a photo.

>> No.4148585

they have completely different principles and goals, which are ofc dogshit

>> No.4148590

>/ic/ makes fun of generic photorealistic pencil drawings again
>/ic/ makes fun of /r/art again

I hope none of you are actually deeply frustrated by this. This shit simply does not matter.

>> No.4148594

I have never seen any of those "redrawing every pixel of a gay selfie with graphite pencil" people have any kind of success aside from social media likes. Could be because it looks like the same person drew all of them.

>> No.4148598

i fucking hate portraits

>> No.4148660
File: 29 KB, 753x960, 1568066258231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my gawd thank you so much :3 Make sure to give some REDDIT GOLD XD, nice thread OP, get some karma from me yes :D

>> No.4148680

Hilarious and original comments! 4chan rules!!!!

>> No.4148727

>OP pic from reddit
>reddit inside jokes
>dogpiling on a joke in reddit fashion
I suspect the anons here might browse reddit

>> No.4148742


>> No.4148760

look at the catalog and you'll have your answer

>> No.4148766

There's a reason why most people find this more impressive than your beg level anime doodles