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File: 55 KB, 1024x773, 180421e079cb9402f6bb2786edf5cccf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4144225 No.4144225 [Reply] [Original]

Post Arno Breker stuff

>> No.4144228

what a CHAD

>> No.4144227
File: 20 KB, 455x643, hdk breker readiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4144230
File: 131 KB, 412x580, 2016418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4144231
File: 499 KB, 640x550, fde50a09e5e75a89827284a73ec44f54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4144232
File: 339 KB, 380x550, Breker2__1943_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4144234
File: 144 KB, 417x580, 2016765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4144239
File: 37 KB, 413x550, u-g-PW3VQ30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4144252

>nazi shit
all of my yikes

>> No.4144258
File: 96 KB, 640x591, soy quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4144378

HIs stern faces are very Frazetta-esque

>> No.4144488

wow really cool

>> No.4144496

nazism is the cringiest shit on the planet. it's like what normies do with consumerism-- displacing your real identity onto something fictionalised. except nazis do it tenfold. this is why you're the biggest normalfags in existence.
absolutely pathetic.

>> No.4144553
File: 45 KB, 532x640, 1566833423926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4144576

I really like the way this wojack is drawn, something about it is more appealing than the usual wojack edits.

Back on topic, I agree that the anon you replied to is a massive faggot.

>> No.4144581

>a real thing is fiction
Next level smallbrain

>> No.4144584

>real thing
whatever stops you from blowing your brains out, brother.

>> No.4144585

Why wasn't I born with chad genetics? AHH

>> No.4144592

>when you're confronted with the complexities of reality and fall back on stereotypes in order to cope with the upheaval
your big strong aryan genes haven't helped you so far

>> No.4144595

Seethe more.

>> No.4144659


>> No.4144663

Lot of subhumans here, typical for art threads nowadays

>> No.4144666
File: 56 KB, 434x605, bcc7d1a6d2b1f2fb4f345c8dfce903ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4144670
File: 51 KB, 619x446, Arno_Breker,_Albert_Speer_(1940) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4144677

ubermensch create their own values, they don't take on other people's. you're the untermensch.
you take on false meaning: you want to destroy the other, destroy your oppressor, and you defined yourself as the opposite of it-- this is slave morality. it's pathetic.

>> No.4144683

>ubermensch create their own values, they don't take on other people's. you're the untermensch.
Wtf are you talking about?

>you take on false meaning: you want to destroy the other, destroy your oppressor, and you defined yourself as the opposite of it-- this is slave morality. it's pathetic.

I want to destroy you who can't fuck off to /pol/ and keeps saying that "Oh It's nazi, omaga it's nazi" If you like it, post more, if you don't, fuck off. Just get over the fact that this art is superior to your shit faggot homo hentais

>> No.4144686

okay brainlet

>> No.4144687

Project all you want, my life is good, you're the one butthurt cause NOTZEE BAD with no reasoning in a thread you're not wanted. You can circlejerk with the rest of the normies on reddit about it if you want.

>> No.4144688
File: 29 KB, 293x440, cone7-31-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4144691
File: 57 KB, 564x846, 3b282fa1f075896fa3a07393f728defd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay Sissy

>> No.4144694
File: 107 KB, 512x1106, 33932046_1_x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4144698

>NOTZEE BAD with no reasoning in a thread you're not wanted
how can someone be so detached from reality

>> No.4144700
File: 35 KB, 550x413, arno-breker-german-sculptor-working-on-a-bust-of-gerhart-hauptmann-october-1942_u-l-ptvmnw0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4144826
File: 69 KB, 995x796, 59337d71e9614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this low-t fag.

>> No.4145327

It feels like it's made by someone compensating for a perceived self lack of masculinity ngl

>> No.4145332

Have his entire collection even some very rare photos I picked off some old guy while I was travelling through Germany. New angels of known works but still new angles, he told me there are a few photos of some almost unheard ones which got destroyed post war but only a couple.

Sorry couldn't show you guys.

>> No.4145360


>> No.4145368

>m-maybe if I use his own insults against him I'll look smart!
You probably didn't even know what that term meant before this thread, fag.

>> No.4145378

I love when smuggies stereotyping altrightcels get a hundred (you)s on /pol/. They really think they're not npcs because they're not reddit. "I'm not reddit, I'm 4chan!" lmaooo

Anyway thank you for the lighting references OP

>> No.4145385

thats a long ass arm

>> No.4145389

>implying that being a literal larper isnt on the same level of faggotry as the other dude

>> No.4146094

I wanna marry her

>> No.4146095


>> No.4146109 [DELETED] 

OP here, everybody who likes Arno Breker and is on my side on this thread, feel free to join my community on discord. Text me here: https://discord.gg/na8r65M


>> No.4147428

y is nazi bad?

>> No.4147454

because they killed millions of white people?

why didn't hitler just invade some shitty brown country? literally nobody would stop him if they decided to blitzkrieg the middle east

>> No.4147463

Because they wanted to remove the jews from europe, not genocide brown people.

>> No.4147484

Not bad but suffers from same face. Bet he overcharges on gumroad.

>> No.4147515

how is that any different from what every other country has done?

>> No.4147643



big oof lol

>> No.4148665

Just like nobody stopped italy from invading Africa right?

>> No.4148702

>i've been doing a lot of thinking lately

>> No.4148755

>white people

>> No.4148842

Who's larping here exactly?

>> No.4149014

national socialism is a movement entirely based on larping

>> No.4149131

Reactions like yours makes me want to draw nazi stuff just for the fun of it and laugh.

>> No.4149341
File: 31 KB, 588x378, B6D93831-2149-4297-A800-22AF4E3919D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are white men so attractive??

It’s not fair.

>> No.4149452

the nazis and the soviets both had great artists and composers. even stalin himself was a fan of breker.

>> No.4149557

I'm usually not the biggest fan of Breker. They're good but something about them can feel stiff and slightly disproportionate. I assume it's the nature of making something that idealized. But i'll have to make an exception for these three. They are fantastic, especially the one of Wagner.
To bad they destroyed most of his stuff after the war as part of the de-nazification bullshit. I wonder what he thought of Rodin.

>> No.4149564

okay go do that.
nazism is an ideology not an aesthetic. >>4149014 sums it up perfectly.

>> No.4149565
File: 50 KB, 463x662, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone said arno dorian?