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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 14 KB, 480x270, a3xpBPqD3_480w_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4138701 No.4138701 [Reply] [Original]

Does the "professional artist who tries to mislead beginners so they don't take his job" meme real?

>> No.4138706

It's called job security, welcome to the real world.

>> No.4138710

It's the main reason why there's very little good free educational material.

>> No.4138716

>bust your ass studyng
>destroy your wallet and starve a decent ammount of time while learning
<spoonfeed your direct competence and make all easier to thoose who potentially may steal your hardwork

Yeah, no fucker, learn the hard way.

>> No.4138717

Happens in every industry, people are dicks

>> No.4138718

No. Stop looking for excuses.

>> No.4138722

Not really, most people who'll tell you that are low skill beginners who are frustrated when faced with the fact that you've still gotta practice no matter what.

>> No.4138723

that is bs, some of the best advice and push to improve I've received from professionals.

Sounds more like some crab just out of /beg/ would do. Althought most of the shitty advice I see on here is probably because they don't even know themselves the fuck they are talking about.

>> No.4138725

>Grind anatomy
>Draw boxes
>No tracing
>10,000 hours of practice
>No shortcuts, only hard work

These are all advice designed to make the beginner fail.

>> No.4138726

the real scam is exactly the opposite

>> No.4138730

yes. i started the loomis meme personally to hold you all back

>> No.4138736
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t. NGMI that cant draw anything from more than 1 angle

>> No.4138738

yes, but you're an idiot for expecting to be spoonfed actually useful stuff while others struggled

>> No.4138743

its only gunna get worse with zoomers

>> No.4138746

The high up pro's and masters aren't intimidated by newbies.

>> No.4138753


>> No.4138758
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No. They share their method and techniques for making it but they know only a few people will listen. And at some point, it becomes tiresome because everyone is asking how but no one is willing to take action.

>> No.4138764
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Scott Adams said this and he have worked a lot with the high tiers in the industry so this may be true is some degree

>> No.4138766

I think its pretty easy to gauge whats bullshit and whats not when it comes to advice, follow your gut

>> No.4138788

Yeah. Dont go to art school.

>> No.4138790
File: 19 KB, 160x181, stubbly chin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks like she has a stubbly chin from the thumbnail

>> No.4138796

1, scrub tiers will do this yeah. but also they have nothing of value to offer. 2, there are a lot of industry fakers putting out "educational materials" they're personality based entertainers first. 3, also be aware of the industry burnout, has a list of reputable clients but crashed out so hard all they have are bitter projections subconsciously designed to discourage you. Sometimes the genuine advice they do give you about the industry is really dated/or very specific to their company.

>> No.4138812
File: 7 KB, 226x223, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nooooooooo!! Lies lies lies!! I interned at Disney and I swear that people like me only want you to enjoy the last slice of the cake!! Ohrhmf mhmf ahrmf the taste of dreams is delicious, don't you want some?! Then don't waste money on art school like I did, just pledge 5$ to my Patreon to get all the tutorials, advice and motivation you need!! :^-) I've got material for 15 years you just have to put in the hard work!!!! And if you don't make it just blame yourself 'cuz you didn't work hard enough!! :^-) there are no scams, it's always your fault, if your art isn't good enough don't doubt, keep going, keep pledging, keep consuming and work hard!!!! Now I'll go play videogames with my art director boyfriend, remember to like and subscribe ;^-)

>> No.4138824

Yes. Absolutely. There is absolutely no reason for a professional to cultivate his own competition.

>> No.4138825

Art is not something that can be faked or mislead about. Unless you're a complete fucking /beg/ then all you have to do to see if advice works is to go try it. Some people will mislead you on the business shit, but then again all it takes is a bit of common sense to see through most lies.

>> No.4138837

name some pros and schools that mislead their clients

>> No.4138839

People aren't dicks, we just live in a system that directly encourages you to outcompete your fellow man, even if that means letting them die or suffer. It's sort of designed that way

>> No.4138841

Here are some wise words : the beginner who expects a 100% failproof method to become a master of his/her craft, totally fitting without having to put in more autonomous work will ALWAYS feel misled/scammed.

"Ars longa, vita brevis"...


>> No.4138843

I intentionally mislead people every day on this thread with advice designed to waste your time. Yes.

>> No.4138845

>letting your fellow man die and suffer for money and greed
that's called being a fucking dick, my dude

>> No.4138851

But are you a professional?

>> No.4138855

The system actively encourages it. Why would you take food off your plate or potentially have your livelihood taken away when instead you can ensure that nobody can compete? The world we live in is designed to make us monsters.

>> No.4138860

the only difference is that pros make money with that advice

>> No.4138869

i can't believe you took the bait this hard, dude; the people stealing your food isn't other workers ...

>> No.4138883

There are 4 types of Professionals
1. The one who took the hard road on foot
2. The one who took the hard road with a wagon
3. The one who took the easy road on foot
4. The one who took the easy road with a wagon

1 will not tell you the way
2 will paywall the hard road
3 will paywall the easy road
4 will paywall the easy road but give the hard road for free

>> No.4138888

Kind of?

>> No.4138890

It's the people at the top, I know. Also that's not how you use "took the bait".

>> No.4138891

Nice quads, but there's only one way for us to know.

>> No.4138897

you know that he just draws pokemon porn like everyone else on this board who calls himself a professional

>> No.4138907

I feel like you are living in the Kaiji universe.
If you are smart about it you can give so much to the community without being taken advantage of or putting yourself at risk of losing something.
Don't let the system rob you of your humanity. You can be better than an animal or a monster, I believe in you, anon.

>> No.4138911

I forgot to quote your comment, fuk

>> No.4139248

I have no problem teaching. Losers never practice anyway.

>> No.4139258

There are people who are jealous of people becoming better than them, even if it’s a student.

>> No.4139330

yes, if they tend to give advice for free, like this board.
if you pay for it, its usually the good kind of advice.
Still, there's 4-5 loomis books you can get for free, and they have way more tips than just drawing the head and figure.

>> No.4139372

Nobody's afraid of beginners taking their job. I worry about those who peddle this conspiracy. Do you really need your hand held every step of the way by a teacher? Even if they give you prime 10/10 tips every day, can there be any hope for such a person? A teacher is a teacher, not a doer. Use your brain to figure out if their advice is useful.

>> No.4139422

It is, I do it all the time
when someone asks me what I used to git gud I always reply things that barely improved my knowledges instead of the real thing

>> No.4139433
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>> No.4139434
File: 28 KB, 300x562, 1553203300282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does the meme real?

>> No.4139448
File: 46 KB, 585x432, 1562721412707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, just like teachers don't teach kids how to read and write, afraid they will one day overtake their jobs as teachers.

>> No.4139462

I'm a fucking NPC, stop telling me to use my head and fucking give me tips.

>> No.4139789

I don't really see the problem.

>> No.4140743

I'm not the artist, I just like the image.
And you probably are shitposting but throwing red lines onto something doesn't make a useful critique, anon.

>> No.4142417

>I shit on Western Comic artists for shoddy cheap work and keep thinking they should do those things you listed.
>Yet my favorite mangas use terrible copy pasted 3d models and 3d effects with generic animu character designs.
Am I a part of the problem?

>> No.4142421

only in deviantart as far as i know

>> No.4142824

It's one of the reasons you should only take advice from old and retired people.
They're more likely to actually try and help you since they don't have anything to lose.

>> No.4143939
File: 180 KB, 534x900, 1569461373319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No it's not real, and anyone who says it's real is a loser trying to justify their own failures in life. Anyone who actually gives bad advice to mislead you is not a "professional."

In fact, the only place I have EVER seen people giving bad advice on purpose to troll or mislead people is on this god-forsaken website, and I know for a fact the people doing that aren't paying their bills with art.

Professional artists always give the best advice they can to the best of their ability, but sometimes you've got to pay for it.


Yes this too. If you are stupid enough to be mislead by purposefully bad advice, you were NEVER GOING TO MAKE IT ANYWAY.


>Nobody's afraid of beginners taking their job.

The wisest words on this thread. YOU are not the competition, OP. You are less than nothing to an established professional. And the people who ARE the competition, already know, so they cannot be misled.

>> No.4143942

This fucking idiot didn't even redline right, ALL of his lines are off from where the actual body part would be in the image

>> No.4143966


Yes. The people who make a bunch of tutorials and label it "for beginners" is to market to complete retards new to art and to keep them entrapped in the beginner stage so that they never level up and are dependent on the tits of the tutorial creator to funnel their wallet. They have no intentions of getting you to a competent level because they know you're apart of the facebook/reddit crowd who only cares about sharing doodles with friends and family on instagram for likes.

People like Mark Brunet of Cubebrush or a lot of Udemy content creators do this. You'll never see advanced tutorials from them because advanced artist can point of their bullshit and rate their content poorly. They're not the target audience. They'll make sure you're not the target audience by saying upfront in their pitch video that "if you're a seasoned artist and already know X then THIS IS NOT FOR YOU" aka I don't need you to buy my crap because I know you'll point out my failures, I need the blind only.

We call these people "necessary evils" in the art world because they're doing the rest of us a huge favor by culling the competition as art is already saturated as is. Yes they're getting a hefty paycheck by scamming retards but it's the tradeoff of the service they provide the rest of the world. We wouldn't want a bunch of indians taking our jobs.

>> No.4143995

but beginners thinking they are mislead and avoid genuine advice is real
too real
half this board real

>> No.4144013


>> No.4144024

>Professional artists always give the best advice they can to the best of their ability
If that were the case most of these "teachers" wouldn't teach, they would say "read this free public domain book" instead of selling recycled, overpriced, dumbed down bits from those books, taught badly and in some cases not even backed up by good examples. A lot of advice especially on career is complete bullshit from a warped perspective that is outdated or out of touch if not straight up deceitful. A lot of the "old school professionals" who preach from their seats wouldn't make a dime if they started today.
>The wisest words on this thread. YOU are not the competition, OP. You are less than nothing to an established professional.
But there are tons of people online who are technically stronger than the "established professionals" who teach yet don't work. Actual "established professionals" are too busy making money with their work. I have taken the courses on Schoolism where the teachers are great, and yet if you look at the critiques on student work that isn't obviously flawed you'll see them at a loss for arguments. Even I can tell that guy "fix the composition", or "your values are off", I don't need to be art director to see that. There are lots of artists who should be working who are instead trapped in an endless cycle of learning and practicing because people just tell them "You didn't make it yet? It's your fault, study more! Study harder! Buy this course!" And so they do because they're not quitters, and 5 years later they're still paying 500$ submitting professional work to a guy whose only comment is "huhhh... maybe fix that highlight there in the background... good job, keep going"

>> No.4144177

Nice redline faggot

>> No.4144190

lol its interesting to see such complete delusion

>they intentionally make bad videos to mislead beginners to have less competition
What makes you think the information is just plain wrong? If this was the case, anyone who wastes their time making videos like this would get called out for it and be overshadowed by other artists putting effort and truth into their educational videos - their actual competiton.

The simple truth is even the average professional artist could muster up decent "beginners" courses for their fanbase using whatever experience and knowledge they've gained to get there with enough time and effort. Not only that but the audience of people buying courses geared towards beginners is much higher than the amount of people at an intermediate level.

>> No.4144202


>> No.4144280

>anyone who wastes their time making videos like this would get called out for it
They won't because the real art industry is made of just a few people and none of them want to make enemies. Especially when milking aspiring artists is probably the safest path there is right now, everyone buying art is an artist himself and they don't care about your art, they only want to learn to make their own.
Take a look at how pyramid schemes work and you'll see that the art world matches the picture one hundred and ten percent.

>> No.4144285

I dont know about that but you have to be extremely careful with your learning sources. I like loomis books and dislike YouTube tutorials however that doesnt mean they are all bad but you have to be careful with those.

>> No.4144706

did you have a stroke?

>> No.4144729

>get many (You)s and blog? requests
>people ask how I got good
>tell them Loomis, Robertson, Gurney and a bunch of other books I haven’t read
>name expensive overpriced ateliers and workshops I haven’t even gone to
>won’t ever tell my secrets, instead say JUST DRAW

Absolutely devilish :^)