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4138217 No.4138217 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on the new Cintiq 32, especially since you can get it for 90 bucks a month?

>> No.4138227

I used to really want a cintiq, but since ive grown accustomed to my screenless intuos I really don't see the appeal.

>> No.4138499

You don’t really need it. I’m not a high level artist, but I make do with my 9 year old bamboo tablet

>> No.4138502

The fact you where able doesnt mean everyone can, some people just can't get used to the out of sight hand problem.

>> No.4141123

Can you play video games without constantly looking at your controller / drive without looking at the wheel? Congrats, you have the hand-eye coordination for a tablet.

>> No.4141129

Is not the same, you dipshit, all of thoose examples are muscle memory, professional artist with years of mileage can draw on a screenless no problem, because they have a muscle memory enabled, for begs is not that easy, is better to get a screenless once you are already at as certain level.

>> No.4141159

>90 bucks a month
No way in hell am I taking out a payment plan for an art supply.

>> No.4141161

There's only one way to get muscle memory, anon.

But also no, hand-eye coordination and muscle memory are not the same thing.

>> No.4141165

But your examples where puré muscle memory, only lacing your shoes was missing on that list.

>> No.4141200

No they're not, retard.

>> No.4141435

What do you need to be eligible for finance?

>> No.4141437

any 14 year old can get used to a screenless tablet, my first tablet at 14 was screenless. it was awkward at first, but i got used to it

>> No.4141439


Have you used a Cintiq to compare the two?

>> No.4141441

Okay, i'm sure by now you are at a pretty high level un your draftsmenship...right anon?
The oppinion of a NGMI doesnt matter.

>> No.4141442


What a load of distilled hogwash. People post the stupidest garbage on this board.

>> No.4141448

well, i've improved since then lol but i've got a long ways to go
i'm still using the same tablet after all those years, my ol reliable
i don't really want a screen tablet, unless it's portable or insanely affordable.

>> No.4141449

Just saying, if you guys really want a cintiq the 16 inch one is more than good. 90 dollars a month is a ton of money.

>> No.4141452

You think a screen is going to improve your progress that much then go and get it, we dont care.

>> No.4141909

He's right. it sincerely does not take that much effort to wrap your head around how to use a tablet.

>> No.4141938

90 usd/ month is a month of internet and some food for me, I will keep my 16 pro

>> No.4141946

you dont want a heavy inconvenient heat machine? your loss.

>> No.4141963

No artist that ever worked on a tablet with display will want to go back to a screenless tablet anon. It's just straight up better, and more convenient.
That said cintiq is overpriced.

>> No.4141980

I had an old 22 touch that I got for $350. That 32 looks really nice though.

>> No.4142335

You can get better chinese tablets for around 200$

>> No.4142339

>le chink tablets meme
>better than wacom

thoose are crap, stop shilling that cheap garbage.

>> No.4142348

I have the 13 pro but the screen is too small for me, does the 22 hd still hold up in 2019? 27qhd might be an option, been looking on ebay. For some reason pulling the trigger on 2k plus is too much for me.

>> No.4142361

Explain why you think they are crap

>> No.4142480

It took me less than a week to get used to my first Bamboo.

>> No.4142487

>hehe it took me lo little to get used to my screenles tablet, its piece of cake

anon, who cant draw shit after been "grinding and practicing for years".
such good advices.

>> No.4142508

ESL and NGMI-pilled.

>> No.4142533

not him but it could be build quality and how generic cheap shit can be more cheaply built

that said id rather buy cheap chink shit than sell an organ for a cintiq, until i can easily afford it

>> No.4142609

An intuos large can do the same work with much less price than the meme screen tablets.

>> No.4142638


cintiq 22 is the larger version of the 16.
$1199+ hotkey remote is about 1299.
think monthly payment is less too.

>> No.4144253
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I used a screen less tablet for over 10 years just fine. Then I bought an XP-Pen12 on sale and now I simply cannot go back. Yeah, you can get use to a screen less one, but I just don't see why you should bother sticking to one if you ever get the chance to upgrade.

>> No.4144257

Nice, nobody asked your Poorfag NGMI oppinion.

>> No.4144261

nope, i have no interest.

>> No.4144273

I got the cintiq 24 pro off ebay about 4 months back. Cost me 1300$. Easy choice and best purchase I've made all my life. I use it as a double screen so the poorfags who argue that screenless is better forget to realize that you can use it as a second screen. This alone makes it worth it.

>> No.4144281

Have fun burning it out prematurely.

>> No.4144291

You really don't need a high end tablet if you want to improve. I remember really wanting a screen tablet but now I keep on thinking my hand would just get in the way.

>> No.4144292

Cintiq 21UX (what I currently have):

>Overheats and burns your fucking arm with the time
>Too big and heavy. Occupies most space on my desk
>Non replaceable wires that wears and rust with the time
>No gestures
>Fucking expensive
>The screen wears and scratches with the time

Intuos large:

>Light, wireless and easy to carry everywhere. Can put it in your lap or desk
>Has gestures that you can use not only for drawing but also for other things
>Unlike the meme screen tablet, while drawing, your arm is not in the way on the canvas
>Does literally and exactly the same work with much less price than a expensive cintiq

So yeah, I think I have enough experience to give my opinion, faggot.

>> No.4144304

euro oder dollar?

>> No.4144312

thats pure subjective crap you vaccumbrain cocksucker, I have had both as well and only a retarded mongrel like you would preffer the screenless one over the screen device,


LMAO, next time go for a 12wx mate, or just travel in time to the pleistocene, I bet theres newer tablets than that old piece os electronic garbage.

>> No.4144360

a high quality monitor is actually the most important piece of equipment for a digital artist.

>> No.4144371

>Subjective crap
>Doesn't bothers to explain why a meme screen tablet is better than a regular one

Enjoy drawing your stick figures in your overpriced monitor.

>> No.4144468

>90 bucks a month

Don't get payment plans on equipment this low in price. You end up paying more in the long run, and it's often a LOT more. Just use your current solution, save, and buy it outright.

>> No.4144622


I have just the new Wacom cintiq 22. You really should try before you buy with these things as you might not like it. Any angle you use will feel wrong. If you lay if flat you wont be able to use it properly. It's also cumbersome to move around and integrate into your space. Much prefer my regular intuos tablet.

>> No.4144636

Every argument people give against the cintiqs it has to be directly with some subjective Crap life "don't know dude I don't feel comfortable", I been using cintiqs for years and I have never had that feeling, and is not a valid argument against screen tablets, because I could say the same for the screenless ones.

>> No.4144771

Mybe because you have just used cintiqs instead of intuos. As a cintiq owner im just pointing out the fact that you don't really need a fancy tablet to do stuff when you can do the same even with a simple bamboo tablet. No one's talking about if they're comfortable.

>> No.4144775


if you're a professional this shouldn't even be a question, you can write off like $3k in taxes every year on equipment if you're self employed. it's basically free

>> No.4144784
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>The fact you where able doesnt mean everyone can, some people just can't get used to the out of sight hand problem.
>Is not the same, you dipshit, all of thoose examples are muscle memory, professional artist with years of mileage can draw on a screenless no problem, because they have a muscle memory enabled, for begs is not that easy, is better to get a screenless once you are already at as certain level.

Do zoomers actually think this way?
Is this the reason why they shit at art? Back in 2004-2012 everybody was drawing on regular tablets. Nobody ever complained

and now out of the sudden i see a lot of zoomers whining about "B-BUT YOU CANT LEARN HOW TO DRAW IF ITS NOT A SCREEN TABLET :("

absolutely pathetic. But then again - the less competition the better for artists that can