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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4138133 No.4138133 [Reply] [Original]

>inktober starts tomorrow

>> No.4138135

My imagination was murdered by my depression. I have no ideas.

>> No.4138143

Im shaking

>> No.4138144

Imagine engaging in a meme instead of working on getting better.

Obviously if you're competent enough carry on

>> No.4138150

>Imagine engaging in a meme instead of working on getting better.
implying that drawing of any kind (especially the challenges that encourage you to make one per day) isn't an excellent source of practice and would definitely count as "working on getting better" you cynical fag

>> No.4138151
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this one looks like it could be fun

>> No.4138155
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>> No.4138158

>tfw I was lazy and didn't get started a few weeks early on some of the prompts. I guess I have to randomly choose the prompts I like the most and work on them a few days ahead.

Last year the anime fandom I'm in had a fandom specific inktober hashtag. Western AND Japanese fanartists were submitting work under that hashtag. It really helped some previously unknown and small artists in the fandom put their work out there and the decent ones have grown their accounts since then.

If you guys are apart of some active fandom try to see if there's a inktober hashtag for it. Even if there's no western one, there might be a japanese one and you can have the chance to gain some japanese followers.

>> No.4138164
File: 77 KB, 370x269, boring-smartphone.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so excited

>> No.4138243

Why's he so smug, /ic/?

>> No.4138405


>> No.4138417

is this memes?

>> No.4138421

I'm not doing a theme
Just drawing like I do everyday except quick and shitty inking with a cheap pen

>> No.4138426

he knows he has FACTS and LOGIC on his side

>> No.4138428


>> No.4138449

>drawing every day for a month won't get you better

>> No.4138451

>8. insectoid creature
Can't wait to draw Japanese people!

>> No.4138480

>not drawing every day regardless
What the fuck.

>> No.4138486

I don't use my precious time and sanity doing memes.

>> No.4138501

>snow AND ice as themes
What where they thinking

>> No.4138504

Nigger just post your inked work with the inktober hashtag and get some quick likes. Noone here takes it seriously beyond that. Especially not when digital crybabies strong armed themselves into it yet again.

>> No.4138559
File: 235 KB, 1280x720, 75EFFAC0-3D0B-4D01-B237-FF61390FC53B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not ready

>> No.4138567

I've never participated before and going through tags from last year has me kind of intimidated. I feel like I'm too shit to contribute but I might still try to keep up just for the sake of daily practice.

>> No.4138575
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>> No.4138580
File: 988 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190914-113344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna do this one

>> No.4138582

We believe in you friend

>> No.4138593

people making this a big deal... chill

don't worry about getting likes or posting anywhere, just enjoy the ink and keep drawing

>> No.4138902
File: 236 KB, 640x639, 1567240589014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw combining several prompts to do character design challenges
Keep posting prompts guys, I'm raring to get this thing started!

>> No.4138912


>> No.4138962

just do what everyone does and make a set of prompts off the drawings you prepared over the last year

>> No.4138986

I should take this day and sketch out thumbnails for inktober. So I can spend less time planning and more time drawing.
I have no ideas!

>> No.4139001
File: 892 KB, 1280x1280, 27d2443c-0499-421a-b87a-143f7aec5fe8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing the Linktober Quest Zelda adventure prompt. We'll see how it goes. I even got a green folder and made a cover pic to help me get motivated

>> No.4139008
File: 342 KB, 2048x2048, EDb4l2lU8AA0-1r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4139009

now im wanting to play BotW again but its on the backlog until I finish monster hunter and mario odyssey
Get lost in that fucking game for hours and just start talking to myself
Had to take a break to remember that I had to draw

>> No.4139019
File: 214 KB, 541x320, 1517230250936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm creatively bankrupt but I'm going to try ! I'm sure everything is going to be fine !

>> No.4139022

yo I'm making the thread now, its Oct 1 in aus and Asia, lets do this

>> No.4139027

>tfw usually fandom I do inktober for doesn't have a prompt list this year and feels too late to try and make one to share
I don't know how to feel. Still will try my best this inktober though.

>> No.4139035

Do it

>> No.4139046

go go go

>> No.4139071

draw vanilla ice

>> No.4139078

Dude no one cares. It's not a contribution. Your work will just get buried under millions of others. Just draw and have fun. Who knows, you might even draw something interesting.

>> No.4139132

Whatever you make will be seen by practically nobody.

>> No.4140086

I already draw with ink, its called letting go of fixing mistakes and just move on and do it better next time

>> No.4142406

Ok, now THIS is epic.