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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4136059 No.4136059 [Reply] [Original]

Daily Reminder,

It doesn't matter at what age you start practicing and drawing art you still can make it, and rake fat cash on patreon

>> No.4136062
File: 62 KB, 875x700, 1553168646486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started at 27
As much as I'd like to feel comforted, these are almost always a gross exaggeration, can any e-celeb expert check on his older stuff?

>> No.4136066

>Comparing himself to an old master

Makes me feel less guilty for comparing myself to Van Gogh mainly for being an incel, starting late and being mentally ill

>> No.4136068

Why would he exaggerate, most people actually want to say akin to

>Muh I started from 3, and if you didn't you are ngmi

>> No.4136940

Smut artist is so pretentious, he compares himself with da Vinci... Your brain on COOM.

>> No.4136965

It's sad and pathetic that so many on /ic/ equate porn patreons to "making it"

>> No.4137010

make a living, not a life.

>> No.4137054

The real question is not "starting at X"
It's "how many years to get good"

>> No.4137101

What utter trash he makes. How much $$ does he get?

>> No.4137109
File: 1.63 MB, 970x1500, Cutesexyrobutts-740702-beach_morrigan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes pretty good, but i think hes lying

>> No.4137111


>> No.4137119

any artists who made it when they started from scratch in their 40s?

>> No.4137125

Very hit and miss I would say, I find his tastes and most of his execution rather vulgar but I commend him for not using photobash

>> No.4137154

Depends on how you practice, and your mindset.

Take Rapoza- guy practiced for more than half of his day, with a mindset of improvement and seeking out the next thing to fail on so he could learn from it. He got big gains within the span of a year.

>> No.4137157

we had sad and pathetic lives, anon.
What's your excuse for being a stuck up bitch?

>> No.4137200

I think I could have the correct mindset, but sadly I can't dedicate half of my days to it.
I'd say 15 hours a week would be my limit, considering I have a full-time job...

>> No.4137243

>Take Rapoza- guy practiced for more than half of his day
is there a video or something where he talks about it, breaking down how his process?

>> No.4137287

not watched it yet personally but i'll bet everyone else would say the orc portrait video

>> No.4137296

Bad art on a moral, ethical, and technical level.

>> No.4137408

didnt firez start when he was 28

>> No.4137431

He talks about some stuff on the bog witch video too

>> No.4137444

oh yeah, this seems to be what I was looking for, thanks

>> No.4137458
File: 944 KB, 1135x1700, 1568436263316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, probably one of the oldest d/ic/ks

>> No.4137610

I like this one

>> No.4137611

>Hey there cutesexyrobbuts here
>Cum guzzling from /ic/ ensues
Stopped reading right there. Fuck off.

>> No.4137616
File: 80 KB, 600x1053, C1C4FF97-46A6-498F-82F7-B246DC87951F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any one remember MindCandyMan? Sucks that all CA sketchbooks are gone now

>> No.4137662

This guy was crazy, definitely an inspiration.

>> No.4137680

Daily reminder:
Most made pornfags are so miserable they come here to bully begs and make threads to shill themselves.

>> No.4137832

I drew all the time when I was a teenager, but I didn't study fundamentals and brute forced my way with pointless lines, it didn't matter outside of drawing basic shapes, line control and misplaced confidence. Its also the same story for many others, take the comfort, its real.

>> No.4139141

Which tutorials is he talking about, do you think?

>> No.4139172
File: 52 KB, 600x843, e9e51a9cd233ade9aa0c50c914558c8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumskee started at 25.
when you start matters far less than what you do once you have

>> No.4139211

>tfw been "learning" like shit for years and only just now starting to figure out what I actually need to be doing
It's not even that I wish I started earlier, it's just that I wish I was practicing better all this time.

>> No.4139280

Speaking of, what's a good way of studying and practicing?

>> No.4139283

lmao Why is it that whenever someone posts something like this they never explain what they did different? Help a brother out anon.

>> No.4139312

To add onto that, Hal Foster started school at 27 and he's the man who Frazetta looks up to.

>> No.4139320

Because what you actually need to be doing depends on who you are. In other words, you need critical thinking. Books, tutorials and paintings are all available. There are perspective, value, color, edge, shapes: keep pushing your own work higher and higher in these areas using books, references (real life images & other people's works), tutorials/workshops etc. You must do this

>> No.4139437

>Because what you actually need to be doing depends on who you are.

This is it right here. At least, it's what I've found to be the only constant in learning art. If I don't know what I'm trying to accomplish, whether on a micro scale (for one drawing/project) or a macro scale (my entire process of growth), I produce garbage or else piss away the time. I'm successful proportional to the degree I understand or visualize a specific goal, and then pursue it in an ordered fashion.

People want the answer on "how" to study, but it varies from person to person, based on your goals, personality, free time, and probably other factors. You need to be to willing to try lots of things, most of which will fail, to find THE thing. It can feel so bad at times, like you're worse than you've ever been, and you have to push through the pain of incompetence anyway. If something fails, don't say oh you just can't do it or blame others, figure out what you could have done better and try again, maybe after taking a break. The good news is, as you become more knowledgeable in general and learn what learning strategies work for you, it gets easier and faster. You get more and more confident that you're making the right intuitions, because you've done so in the past, so you're more motivated to pursue a given strategy.

>> No.4139756

This is good to hear, thank you.

>> No.4139762

I’m pretty old but I larp as a Zoomer on my social media because I’m addicted to that yung cunny

>> No.4139769

A blessing and a curse since his sketchbook was a prominent factor in the whole "gotta grind dont sleep eat or have fun ever just grind bro" era. Not to discount hard work but it spawned a lot of wack attitudes.

>> No.4139774


>> No.4141773

What in the fug happened between 2013 and 2014

>> No.4141812

It is not that big of a leap: monochrome + sloppy rendering, we all went through that phase