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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4130771 No.4130771[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So the guy comes across as a bit nerdy and pedantic, but I thought the actual critique in the video was pretty fair. I feel like it is a massive overreaction on Joe Jusko's part. I'm kind of surprised that a industry veteran would REEEE like this over some random guy critcizing his work on youtube. Discussion: is criticizing the works of established illustrators on social media a surefire way to get blacklisted?

>> No.4130772

is this facebook?
we're on 4chan boy

>> No.4130776

sorry forgot link

>> No.4130778


>> No.4130781

Guy creates youtube video critiquing a illustration, the illustrator finds video and gets mad.

>> No.4130801

Honestly the quality of the commentary doesn't nearly match the quality of the art. That along with all the passive agressive jabs at the artist makes me think this guy is just a jerk.

>> No.4130804

this is vendetta thread of literal who
don't shill yourself here

>> No.4130810

Ah yes I forgot that only celebrities browse 4chan

>> No.4130815

>participating in white artist problems

>> No.4130823

>I'm kind of surprised that a industry veteran would REEEE
Where have you been the past 2 years?
All comic pros do is REEEE, 1 retard in his closet reviewing their comics triggered half the industry.

That being said most old pros don't critique other artist's work and it is generally frowned upon, might have something to do with deadlines and rushed work not being indicative of their skill.

>> No.4130840

You mean the diversity and comics guy? I guess you're right.

>> No.4131198

>western faggots

>> No.4131288

Joe should have just ignored this guy, the fact that this guy critiqued a painting he did 26 years just makes him look like a fucking joke. It's like critiquing a drawing someone did as a toddler, the artist gains nothing from it and you'll just end up looking like a petty cunt.

If this dude wanted to be taken somewhat seriously, he should have critiqued one of Joe's more recent works.

>> No.4131326

Why can't you discuss and critique someone's old work? That makes no sense to me. I don't think the point is necessarily to give feedback to the artist; art can and should be discussed separate from the artist.

>> No.4131332

if you build your career based on tearing down others work, youre gonna be a very sad and angry person.

>> No.4131413

Man, I love all these e-celeb drama threads we have now. Good thing they're not against the rules on this board or anything