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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4117103 No.4117103 [Reply] [Original]

Is abstinence necessary to drive an artist to create?

Not just abstinence from masturbation and sex, but from other worldly pleasures, such as food, music and things such as videogames?

In a world of instant gratification - your favorite band at the push of a button, greasy and sugary food at a moment's notice, endless virtual stimulation and action - isn't it difficult for our primal brains to make a choice between surges of dopamine, vs hours and hours of work for little reward?

Is asceticism necessary to rid the brain of cheap dopamine, so that the relatively dry pastures of art feel more rewarding in comparison?

>> No.4117107

I suppose you're really talking about self discipline with big words and digression.

>> No.4117112

Nah. You just need self control. Even once you do something, you can't rely on dopamine to get you through drawing. It took a few months to discipline myself by just drawing without any high, but I did eventually get past it.

>> No.4117114

well i noticed i spent much more time drawing when i was losing weight and going to the gym actively

>> No.4117115

If you think those words are above a 9th grade vocabulary, you need help

>> No.4117120

I don't have an issue with any of those things. I like that I can listen to any music I want while I work, or put on a twitch streamer as background noise. Food is a good break after working hard. I don't have sex/masterbate but that's cause I'm not interested in it.

I just like drawing so all of those things support it in some way or another. If those things got in the way of drawing for me though I'd likely cut them out.

>> No.4117123

Just draw already you lazy cunt

>> No.4117378


I cut all vices for this week. No social media, discord, steam or porn. Uninstalled everything. I felt more productive as I grew bored and started to force myself to fill the void that those things left with drawing, reading and doing daily chores. It really helped me.

>> No.4117421
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>Not just abstinence from masturbation and sex, but from other worldly pleasures, such as food, music and things such as videogames?
I quit indulging in any of these things a long time ago but I still can't get rid of this site. It's my only anchor to humanity even if it's shit, I don't have a social life anymore and I hate normies. I need kindness and people who listen to me and this website is the best, most human and real surrogate I could find. I hate it but it's all I have to keep my sanity. I already talk to myself all the time, yesterday I think a guy I asked for a job to overheard me talk to myself, I always swear I should stop talking to myself when I'm outside but I just do it. I'll never get that job.

>> No.4117577

No, this is just another distraction, the main thing is to keep studying and producing new work.

Obviously one should be able to practice self-control, but eliminating all worldy pleasures is both impossible and won't help.

Lastly, many of the world's most celebrated artists were hedonistic, bohemian, drug and sex addicts, etc... which is related to a correlation between openness to experience and creativity.

>> No.4117579

>I cut all vices for this week
Then why are you posting here?

>> No.4117708
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Is not being a zoomer necessary to drive an artist to create?

/ic/ is low IQ and he's probably in 9th grade himself.

>> No.4118625

will abstinence from drawing make me better at drawing?

>> No.4119476

Literally unironically yes

>> No.4119478


>> No.4119484

Yeah you have to lock yourself up in a white room with nothing but pens, papers, bread and water. Only way to truly make it, trust me.

>> No.4119498

learn to get an art boner and you'll never want to stop drawing. It's like having sex for 6 hours straight.

>> No.4119500

I eat junk food and read hentai and waste time watching dumb shit and still get a lot of art done.
If you have a problem getting art done, you have a problem getting art done. Blame it on your own lack of willpower, rather than on your other indulgences

>> No.4119588

>Is abstinence necessary to drive an artist to create?
For most, no. I've been broke, well off, single, lived with gfs, eaten too much, then dieted to lose the extra weight. My creative output stayed the same throughout...well, okay, I get more done when I'm single.

You're overthinking it. Some of the greatest artists were wealthy and ate well, the whole 'starving artist' is pure urban legend and nonsense. The real issue to me is to keep your mind active along with your body, and you'll do consistent, good work.
Denying yourself life's pleasures won't make you a better artist. Over-indulgence will fuck you up. Just live, and stop looking for artificial edge, when the real path is the work itself.