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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 42 KB, 581x514, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4108582 No.4108582 [Reply] [Original]

You aren't seriously drawing rigid boxes for people, right anon?

>> No.4108586

i dont think anyone who actually read any figure drawing book does, hampton, huston, vilppu, hell even loomis emphasizes construction ON TOP of gesture

>> No.4108589
File: 153 KB, 642x626, Shittposted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4108590

You can only draw a human torso as a "P" like that once you understand its shape, and in order to understand its shape you have to draw stiff mannequins first.

>> No.4108592

This nigga wants to run before learning to walk. It's OK to be rigid when you begin, people.

>> No.4108594

A lot of people on here think construction specifically means you need to do exactly that every time you sketch a figure.

>> No.4108595

One doesn’t negate the other. Usually you start with gesture then find forms that reinforce said gesture

Her way of dismissing basic shapes is just bad advice

>> No.4108596

You can make fluid dynamic poses with just using boxes, spheres, and cylinders.

>> No.4108597

Beginner here, how do you get gud at gesture? Is it just grinding posed figures until you get it?

>> No.4108600
File: 181 KB, 1500x1030, D2A87BB8-9FE2-4F00-BE56-C1707447259B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grinding poses from different angles and perspective. Then change to another pose and repeat l.

>> No.4108603

I like that T pelvis.

>> No.4108605

That's pretty cool anon. Guess I'll start with mastering perspective

>> No.4108617
File: 193 KB, 700x1006, luca cambiaso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know more corners creates more perspective

>> No.4108624
File: 271 KB, 500x524, 1566166253745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how many people actually took this advice and are now stuck permanetely symbol drawing people

>thinking in 3D is too hard, try this convenient alternative that may or may not fuck up your draftsmanship for years to come!

>> No.4108625

Read hamptons book on figure drawing, you can find it in the art book thread

>> No.4108650


>> No.4108660
File: 28 KB, 177x219, Screenshot from 2019-09-10 14-05-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna fuck that box

>> No.4108729

>somebody shockingly has their own process that works for them

>> No.4108731

How the fuck do I get to this level

>> No.4108735

Its incredible how much of an amateur you have to be to take this thread seriously.

It's like watching a bunch of 9 year olds trying to become professional marathon cylclists and arguing about whether you should first grab your bike by the left or right handlebar when you pick it up

>> No.4108839

Listen. I get that making a characters pose look natural is important, because stiff art looks like shit. BUT, why does every pose need to be dynamic and fluid? Imagine if every single simple scene in some relaxing feel good manga manga or comic drew them like that. You will need to do some relaxed and not over the top poses eventually. Characters sitting, sleeping, cooking. Why does everything need to look so overly dramatic?

>> No.4108853

Based and boxpilled

>> No.4108858

whos the artist?

>> No.4108864


>> No.4108914


>> No.4108917

The reason why beginners should draw with simple geometric shapes is to train perspective and give the body parts volumes.

>> No.4108924

The box is of age.

>> No.4108933
File: 299 KB, 1444x731, 1556769020987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4109019

why dont people pick terms that make sense in the modern era. who even knows what a gaslight is anymore for this term to make sense to somebody who doesnt engage in this drama shit.

>> No.4109027

It does not come from what a gas light is, It comes from a movie title with gaslight in it and the behaviour of the couple in it. You wouldn’t know that being from the “modern era” where people are fucking stupid and cant find these things out for themselves.

>> No.4109035


thank you for this image
i have made a breakthrough

>> No.4109038

jesus christ a brother needs to chill.
i don't think I feel that kind of passion for any group of people, even the ones I think should be met with violence.

>> No.4109052
File: 83 KB, 504x592, 7723f8ab6534f2949317756bdbe778f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

file name brainlet

draw, study and copy as much as a renaissance master

>> No.4109055

notice how he uses box shapes and hard corners whenever part of the figure needs to noticeably move back or forward in perspective.

>> No.4109107

Keep your dirty rectangles to yourself

>> No.4109117

did you really? pyw before and after

im not here to crab you, im legit desperate to find dimension in my work and i want to cry desu

>> No.4109145

i gave up looking up what people mean since they keep misusing words anyway, "epic" and "diversion" example.

>> No.4109198

boxes ftw! fuck the "head is like a sphere" bs.

>> No.4109247


>> No.4109251

ah sorry I'm grinding on paper rn too lazy to make photos

>> No.4109257

so you didn't really make a breakthrough, or are you just afraid of crabs? don't be a sissy

>> No.4109265

Whatever helps you break down the form. Boxes help some people because it helps remove them from the fact that they're drawing a person in the early stages. Then they can just focus on form and perspective.

>> No.4109269

i will not post because I have not perfected this yet

>> No.4109299

>not using your dominant hand to grab the same side of the bar

>> No.4109380


>> No.4109618

so you haven't made a breakthrough AND you're a sissy that's afraid of some criticism

>> No.4109630

Dude chill

>> No.4109666

It literally doesn't matter. If you're a /beg/ then you're gonna have to draw and redraw every part of the piece so many times to get a good result that the way you put down your very first lines is irrelevant. If you've already made it then you already have a system that works for you, but won't necessarily work for others. Either way it's not something worth stressing over.

>> No.4109730

You aren't seriously flexing on people further behind than you for a cheap attention/self esteem fix, right anon?

Seriously, you're the senior taking calculus flexing on freshmen taking algebra. How broken is your self esteem?

>> No.4109755

Boxes and cylenders help understand perspective, which is handy to learn early.
Moving on from it is cool, but the fundementals are already pinned down.
I use construction after the gesture though, but thats so i dont go crazy with proportions.

>> No.4110160
File: 891 KB, 754x2222, 1551003501167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17 at the time
>Guy is 2 years older

>> No.4110203
File: 132 KB, 534x766, andrew_loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Loomis - Figure drawing for all it is worth

>> No.4110207
File: 144 KB, 534x752, andrew_loomis_2nd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Loomis second frame series

>> No.4110230
File: 261 KB, 777x1087, 1566839559491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips to getting more dynamic poses/gestures? I'm kinda bored of the "side-view pose" shit, and I want to mix it up. I do 60 second gestures every now and then, should I ramp that up more? I fucking hate quickpose..

>> No.4110237

oh i've seen your work. usually you end up partially ignoring your construction then your figures look all wonky

>> No.4110241

That pose looks retarded, go grind more poses.

>> No.4110249

do some real figure drawing for once if you want to learn what lifelike gesture and dynamic poses look like. dont try to spend a lot of trying to invent poses either when you have little knowledge of figure drawing

>> No.4110261

Funny part is, I have done 'real' figure drawing in classes before. But that was a long time ago, and I was shittier then. i have practiced it but i guess nothing stuck. oh well. time to grind and shoot myself.
pose was complete imagination so yeah it's dog shit. i just hate grinding on quickpose, website fucking sucks.

>> No.4110279

this was unironically funny

>> No.4110743

who the fuck is toni infate and why should you or I care

>> No.4110779

>I don't understand how to add flow AND construction, so i'll only do one.

>> No.4110785


What's the point of this absurd self-flagellation?

>> No.4110840

I learned to draw "well" by starting with curves and then loosely sketching in the boxes to correct my perspective.

Eventually you stop needing the boxes because by then, your mind has already drawn them in for you.

>> No.4110872

loomis is good and all, but for 3d construction from imagination it's not that useful. in the end everything helps tho. everything that's not completely retarded like the pic in OP

>> No.4110973

Why do people care so much about people drawing fictional characters that don’t exist? Only to boost their ego, and take the moral high ground so they can feel better than everyone else because they’re actually just another piece of shit and worthless human being.

>> No.4111362

croquis cafe bruh they've improved their lighting for the last couple of sessions

>> No.4111386

loomis' book Successful Drawing does a pretty good job at teaching it. there might be others that do a better job, but when it comes to perspective, theres not much the book wont teach you.

>> No.4111389

what book would you recommend for drawing from imagination?

>> No.4111393

How is it not useful when loomis gives you a starting point for average proportions?

>> No.4111468

loomis gives you a mannequin to work with how is that not useful for 3d construction/drawing from imagination baka

>> No.4111471

Think less poses and more actions. What is this image saying? What action is she doing? That's what you should really be keeping in mind

>> No.4111494

you people are actually hopeless.

>> No.4111513

Unstable people.

>> No.4111521

>ask for book to understand certain area
>you people are actually hopeless

>> No.4111610

I'm not him.

>> No.4111630

ah, sorry, well if he sees this i hope he puts more effort into his figures because his work has potential

>> No.4111674

kek, makes me think of that "a men can't be a feminist" stand up comedy

>> No.4111730

read the sticky you mongo

>> No.4111744
File: 45 KB, 822x1000, no lube for that cube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based boxfuck anon.

>> No.4111746

the perspective is wrong. Feet not planted

>> No.4111944

not sure if you are being ironic

>> No.4112151
File: 461 KB, 1919x2560, 13-9130ab12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practice gesture drawing every day. And instead of using quickpose - use real people like from the CroquisCafe. You can either draw from their photographs or their timed video sessions.

As for getting more dynamic posing - I think it's all about the basics of gesture. Good sense of flow and rhythm in the gesture, knowing your proportions, knowing where you're placing your ground plane and horizon line. Being able to create, cut, and multiply boxes for your figure.
Ask yourself questions like if one character is standing, while another is squatting - how many heads tall will the squatting character be compared to the standing character? What would that look like if we were looking down on them? What about a 3/4 view at a tilted angle? Practice with refs, from imagination, learn the importance of the box and you'll see good results.

>> No.4112342

Ew wat a fatty

>> No.4112363

Better yet, photograph and video capture yourself doing some acting and action. Then you'll really understand the mechanics of the body.

>> No.4113073

I never understood boxes. I cant visualize the forms at all. For some reason I dont have the same issues with triangles and circles though. I take a free form gesture approach to construction.

>> No.4113077

I wanna lick her entire body ay caramba

>> No.4113739

post your work