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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 415 KB, 597x835, 2019-09-04st_ScreenSave-A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4101422 No.4101422 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently, Twitter suspended my account for this image ...
The funny thing is that this artwork has been the one that has received the most retweets and likes.

Do you think it was fair?

>> No.4101430

>propagating underage pornography
Just put two and two together OP.

>> No.4101437

>King of the Hill.
Of course, stop paying for the same channel that Cartoon Network is on and explore the internet for a change.

>> No.4101516

>Me Gusta
you deserved it

>> No.4101549

Of course it was fair you retard.

>> No.4101550

How old is Bobby again?

>> No.4101560

They banned you for your shit art

>> No.4101562

I guess Twitter was not ready for become into a man...

>> No.4101563

I keep telling you dumbasses not to draw pedo shit, but you won't listen.
But they probably banned you because the art is so shitty too.

>> No.4101568

Don't use tags on art like that and also post on multiple platforms.

>> No.4101571

>using hashtags


>> No.4101578
File: 1.21 MB, 500x281, 1519918958216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for become into a man

>> No.4101588

>Underaged pornography
>Of people who don't exist
It seems like you don't actually understand the point of what makes child abuse bad, the idea that someone has to live with those consequences.

>> No.4101591

English isn't my native language, dude. Apparently Google Translate isn't too accurate as I thought.

>> No.4101595


So that was my mistake...use tags for this kind of "art"

>> No.4101598

She's 19

>> No.4101647

Nice drawing. Can you post the full resolution here?

>> No.4101649

sorry English is my sixth language

>> No.4101650

and he's 10 you retard

>> No.4101651

Love how female predators are overlooked in this day and age. It makes me sick.

>> No.4101654 [DELETED] 

Have sex incel.

>> No.4101657

>For Become
You deserve it

>> No.4101658

your just upset because you were too autistic to get preyed on.

>> No.4101662

if we assume that time continued after the show ended. he'd be like 24.

>> No.4101670
File: 150 KB, 500x500, 1416776735054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but goddamn I felt old reading that. Time is a bitch that comes and goes.

>> No.4101691

I miss you Brittany

>> No.4101704

Don't sweat it man, English is my first language and I still make spelling mistakes.

>> No.4101713


>> No.4101732

is mexico a comfy place to live?
sometimes it seems like it'd a lot easier to live as an artist in the 2nd world

>> No.4101746

>I know it might be hard to cope since you are one, but I am not a sexless incel.
>Am a rape victim and have been prayed upon/molested as a child by different men/women.

Not using it as a crutch, but I think that I have room to speak. None of it is okay. The fact that it's been displayed in media so blatantly for so long is just a sign of how easy it is to brainwash.

Try to think more, little ones. I believe in you.

>> No.4101764

2nd world was the Soviet Union, pal.

>is mexico a comfy place to live?
I like my country. The rent and the food are afforable for the mid-class.
Yes, we ha narco, but they don't fuck with you if you doo not fuck with them.

>> No.4101779
File: 150 KB, 723x950, 2019-09-04th_NSFW_Dora_[RS].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a pity that twitter do this to me ... I couldn't even publish my last work

>> No.4101800

do they fuck with white people?
just do what saki does and say it;s an aged up version

>> No.4101807
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of people
Yes. Stop jacking off to underage people and get in the fucking oven kike.

>> No.4101825

Stop wearing skimpy clothing then.

>> No.4101847

Did you enjoy your stupid likes?

>> No.4101853

Anon...not cool.

>> No.4101854

No not really, I've realized that senpai liking my stuff means more than a number ever will.

>> No.4101855

Dude of all the cartoon characters in existence you choose dora? You deserved the ban.

>> No.4101862

You are now complicit in every murder that happened in any action, horror, etc. movie you watched and every game you played. By your standard fiction is reality, apparently.

>> No.4101864

Do you have any other site that you're on? Newgrounds, for example?

>> No.4101868

And here i am looking at philippine university communist recruitment/art submissions twitter page that existed since 2017.

Twitter is a fucking joke lmao.

>> No.4101879

Do I'm destroying your childhood, buddy?

>> No.4101890

you deserve it for being a boustful degenerate

>> No.4101909


>> No.4102074
File: 612 KB, 1000x1545, nezza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level

>> No.4102077

This is why you're banned

>> No.4102084

peppa pig porn next pls

>> No.4102112

>has the most commonly held moral position in society (that children shouldn't have sex)
anon? what are you talking about?

>> No.4102163

Just curious.
How demanding equal treatment between criminals of both genders make that anon an incel?
I mean, it's not degrading to women in any way. In fact, it elevates women to the same field of capability as men. Something a few feminists have fought for.

How does that makes him an incel?

>> No.4102169

probably because it's a drawing. for every 10,000 older male / younger female pairing, one of these gets made and anon throws a hissy fit because of his personal history.
it's not overlooked because of a double standard, it's just overlooked (in porn). and in media, it's not overlooked at all -- it's never ever romanticised and when it's shown with a sympathetic light, the older person is shown to be pathetic and ultimately a predator (this is done for men AND women).

anon is a fucking retard in short

>> No.4102172

Sad state of affairs. I don't do loli nor incest but you have to admit that is beyond absurd to demonize actions without victims

Heck even my vanilla pinups
have gotten me into problems with sjws and normie platforms

>> No.4102175

Still doesn't explain why you called him an incel.

>> No.4102180

i mean i think the problem is he did have sex anon

>> No.4102183
File: 182 KB, 356x329, Capture_2019-02-07-04-07-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Omg guys I got suspended on twitter for my art. What a bunch of cucks amirite? Cuz you guys on 4chinz are against that censorship stuff right?
>Totally not shilling for pity follows btw

>> No.4102214

not him (:

>> No.4102218

what is this meme on the left where they think conservatives apologise for pedophilia? they disowned milo instantaneously and if you visit /pol/ for a single second you see they're raving about the Jews perpetuating it.

if there's a single unity between the left and the right it's that they want pedophiles dead or in cages.

>> No.4102227

Honestly dora and diego can get the dick. Adult diego is perfect bf material

>> No.4102229

Not true. I do not hold that opinion and I don't know anybody that does (not that I've asked).

I think it's more suspicious to be trying to make pedophilia illegal. What if somebody plants CP on you? It's literally the exact same thing as making marijuana illegal; nobody actually cares but it's a tool for the government to imprison people over.

>> No.4102232

CP isn't like weed. The production of weed at no point demands that any person come to harm. The production of CP inherently requires a child to be violated or exploited in some way

>> No.4102241

So Twitter bans people for posting boy x woman stuff? What are you going to do now?

>> No.4102243

It was just a cartoon image. That's unexpected of Twitter.

>> No.4102245

You're wrong. Real pedos who don't have access to CP just jerk off to legal photos of children. Are the children in those photos also inherently violated?

And what's your opinion on parents making money on the situation? It's not like the kids are being filmed by strangers you know.

If you were a parent and were offered $10,000 for nude pics of your kid, would you honestly refuse ?

>> No.4102273

>If you were a parent and were offered $10,000 for nude pics of your kid, would you honestly refuse ?
I really do hope you will never have children.

>> No.4102288

nudist societies exist and photographers go out and distribute images of them. there has to be consideration for what the kid feels is right in the moment too, without western ideals being imposed on them.
the only problem I see if that parents may siphon the wages from the child-- that in my opinion would be the only exploitation going on. If a kid models for some clothing brand, that a parent would take the wage should be a crime.

>> No.4102524

I like this site because it's completely anonimus but it fucking sucks that we have to share space with actual degenerates like you

>> No.4102536

Your mistake was drawing pedo shit in the first place, dumbass.

>> No.4102537

Seconding this.

>> No.4102538

your art is shit anyway.

>> No.4102545

Should have made her white to piss the twitter niggers lovers off more.

>> No.4102575
File: 1.69 MB, 420x376, jfc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draws image depicting pedophilia

>> No.4102585

Soooooo how retarded are you ? It's pretty much propagating underage stuff. You deserve the ban.

>> No.4102588

the irony is lost doing that

>> No.4102589

but that's really pathetic behavior though

>> No.4102627

>draws image depicting murder
Oh wait that doesn't happen despite that being a crime everywhere

>> No.4102653

I know where you are coming from and I understand the logic behind your argument but as retarded as it is it's the law and regardless of cartoons being fictional it is going to land you at least five years in jailtime for receipt or distributing the material. Under the law it is viewed as the real thing.

>> No.4102696

>Pornography and murder are totally the same thing guys
nice strawman, moron

>> No.4102956

You can't prosecute people through the internet.

The only reason to make images of anything illegal, is to give the CIA/FBI/NSA ammunition to prosecute anyone whenever they want.

Do you have any idea how fucking easy it is to plant a jpg or mp4 on somebody's computer or phone?

You're defending it being illegal for no reason except "because it's illegal".

I already know it's illegal and I disagree with that fact. Please provide argument.

>> No.4103017

It's not even the law, unless you're living in a retarded place there's no reasonable way to criminalize this
But legal =/= moral =/= socially acceptable, private companies are allowed to kick out stuff they don't like no matter their legality, and that's completely different from something being 'against the law'

(if someone will be a smartass and say the Twitter ToS are technically law, congratulations you win the price for missing the point)

>> No.4103043

>it's the law
If you are talking about the USA, it's legal. 1st amendment.

>> No.4103062

>its illegal
Not in first world countries

>> No.4103121

こら せめてちゃんと英語を覚えたほうがいいよ

>> No.4103268

>it's the law
bootlicker :)

>> No.4103365

Okay smartass, obviously we can't stop sick fucks from jerking off to innocuous pictures. Interpol has different grades of CP ranging from "innocent" looking to Gomorrah-tier degeneracy.

> If you were a parent and were offered $10,000 for nude pics of your kid, would you honestly refuse ?
No amount of money is worth perpetuating child exploitation, you sick fuck.

>> No.4103368

calm down normie

>> No.4103371

Canadian, I take it?

>> No.4103374

Eat lead.

>> No.4103382

Has /ic/ always been full of pedos or is this a '16er thing?

>> No.4103399

just draw gore/snuff/rape of fat adults and seniors, nobody cares about them.

>> No.4103403

It's 4chan in general, I find it funny that pedophiles always crawl out of their cave to justify their mental illness whenever they feel attacked.

>> No.4103404

yes, older people are oppressed by their isolation, whereas children are oppressed by their overgovernance.
it would stand to reason.

>> No.4103406

Okay, pedo.

>> No.4103418

I guess I just ignored it for most of my time here, then. Wow.

>> No.4103450

Gotta love how the first thing nu-channers do when they find 4chan is exclaim how offended they are by all the gross and evil people on the site.

>> No.4103458


>> No.4103482

the problem is the sex

>> No.4103487

thats hawt

>> No.4103490

more like since its inception thing, it comes with the free speech anonymous territory and I'll take it every time over the plebbit gulags

>> No.4103522

the hacker known as forchan can be pretty evil. the news told me so.

>> No.4103525

Somebody stop him!

>> No.4103570
File: 24 KB, 400x225, 1561529507823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is NOT Freedom of Speech you fucking retarded ape. You can DO whatever you fucking want, kill, rape, think, etc. But you were NEVER free from prosecution.

The point of that fucking amendment was that you weren't SILENCED from the start. You couldn't even think it without getting your head cut off in France or some shit. Now you can get a trial to defend yourself, or it's up to society to determine if you're not a psychopath or not, the government doesn't give a shit. So, as far as things go, people hate pedos and people think anything depicting sexualized youth is pedophilia if you're not the same age bracket as said age, so too fucking bad, you're getting your ass raped in jail now. Tough. Fucking. Shit.

Being American does not make you invincible. Take fucking responsibility for your actions and deal with the consequences.

>> No.4103577

>unironic bootlicker
you understand you're not acting in your class interests right? the state doesn't protect you.
the only people the state protects is RICH rapists (with the occasional forcing of the hand a la epstein)

>> No.4103579

>being against pedophilia is against your class interests

haha what

>> No.4103580

justifying the state's ever increasing surveillance in the name of terror is bootlicking yeah

>> No.4104017
File: 956 KB, 313x232, 1564039366891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like you're the retard who doesn't get it:
>underage porn of fictional character

Does the concept of 'doesn't matter if it's fair or not, it's house rules' not clear to you?

Don't post stuff like that on twitter, then yell that a private corporation can do whatever it wants to you when you agreed to their terms of service.

Also, that's quite degenerate, enjoy your ban OP, you will not be missed.

>> No.4104019

i dare you to draw a white man stabbing to death a transgender while yelling something racist and post it

>> No.4104133

>Twitter bans this guy
>but not Shad and Kirb even tough they draw explicit loli porn every single day

Fucking faggots

>> No.4104139

why is this considered CP? clearly the sex was between a woman and a soon to become into a man

>> No.4104140

Shad doesn't post shota or loli on twitter. Say what you want but he has enough common sense to follow the rules of the platform he posts on. His main website which he owns has all his taboo content.

>> No.4104154

>they get away with it so we should be able to too
is that what youre getting at? its because they get away with it that we should be criminalizing it in our drawings, not glorifying it. fucking fight those assholes.

>> No.4104472

>screw with mainstream western crowd with no audience or clout to back you up
>not being selective with what you put on twitter and putting the rest in a private site

>> No.4104607

Are you seriously advocating for thought policing?

>> No.4104620

>are you ready for
deserved it desu

>> No.4104730

I've been here for over 10 years, but you won't believe me anyway. Admittedly my time on /ic/ is the shortest, but my journey has seen plenty of homeboards at this point

>> No.4104800


>> No.4104807
File: 231 KB, 678x700, 1560036284849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw in prison for imaginary crimes and hurt feelings

>> No.4104931

>>Getting banned by a company for ignoring policy = getting jail time
And normal fags are the ones with an active imagination right?

>> No.4104949
File: 28 KB, 593x399, 4chan far left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dear liberals

>> No.4104953

>Literal death isn't as bad as getting fucked
Are you retarded?

>> No.4104964

people do get jailed in third-world countries like britain

>> No.4104971

Take it to Nexgrounds

>> No.4104974 [DELETED] 

so "might makes right" is your only argument? nice slave mentality lol

i've literally never seen a reason for why art like the OP should be off-limits but hardly anything else should, besides that it gives a false moral stance that has no effect on the people who hold it, who make up a hedonistic practical-atheist society. they don't say that reason tho

>> No.4104984

so "might makes right" is your only argument? nice slave mentality lol

i've literally never seen a reason for why art like the OP should be off-limits but hardly anything else should, besides that it gives a false moral stance that has no effect on the people who hold it, who make up a hedonistic practical-atheist society. they don't say that reason tho

>> No.4104989

>That is NOT Freedom of Speech
Cool, so let's go around and burn some books or prohibit people from publishing texts since that isn't speech, aye?

>You couldn't even think it without getting your head cut off in France or some shit.
France still has an inquisitorial legal system. You still LITERALLY HAVE TO prove that you're innocent, fucker.

>or it's up to society to determine if you're not a psychopath or not, the government doesn't give a shit.
Motherfucker, ever heard of innocent until proven guilty? "Hey, let's just organize a mob and fuck this guy up." is literally your line of thought.

>So, as far as things go, people hate pedos
True and nothing wrong with that.

>and people think anything depicting sexualized youth is pedophilia if you're not the same age bracket as said age
First of all, pedophilia is the (sick, I might add) attraction to prepubescent children, learn your terms, shithead. Secondly, people are only getting in motion once A) their feefees are hurt or B) they actually get riled up. Why do you think do those beauty contests for children still exist that take advantage of, oh I don't know, REAL CHILDREN? THIS is something you should focus on, REAL HUMAN BEINGS.

>Being American does not make you invincible. Take fucking responsibility for your actions and deal with the consequences.
Mad over fiction and you still try to take the high horse. Take your own advice, because at your rate you are going to actually, physically hurt someone and get the bill. And by the way? I'm not even American, nor do I reside in the USA.

>> No.4105175

you know you're wrong, but your ego wont let you admit it. so ad hominem away!

>> No.4105179

this is why women get away with crimes. dumbasses like you make light of female child predators

>> No.4105183

>Being American does not make you invincible. Take fucking responsibility for your actions and deal with the consequences.

Waiting for you motherfuckers to try, cant wait for the day to shoot some pigs over anime cunny

>> No.4105185

unbelievably based

>> No.4105218

All chans are full of paedous.

>> No.4105220

Is that a food?

>> No.4105226

Nop, but they like some delicious cake.

>> No.4105359

Milo was at the head of the straight pride parade lmao

>> No.4105385

the joke
>>4105179 (you)

>> No.4105441

Good taste.
Cringe and blueballed

>> No.4105517

While pedophillia apologism threads never amount to anything and I really shouldn't be in here,
>>draws image depicting murder
Nah that's totally a thing-explicit in Webtoon's ToS is that you shouldn't show anyone getting murdered too brutally.

... Actually no wait, roll back- Huh. You know what when you phrase it like that, that IS weird. Why ARE you so despised? Like, specifically. What are you doing that no one else is?

>slave mentality
Morality*. And might makes right is master morality, dumbass.

>> No.4105612

if there were solid consequences that everybody who'd molested/enslaved/trafficked had to face, then it wouldnt matter what subject we draw.
epstein brought to light that people can still get away with physically doing these things because they have money. for all we know theres an entire upper crust of humanity doing this shit.
until thats stopped it feels wrong to me to draw any of it, at least without also including some form of message about the impact of those things are.

>> No.4105624

i dont know if you're sick or just pretending to be edgy but you're definitely an idiot, here's your (You)

>> No.4107001

>more likes and retweets
>more people will see it
>higher chance that it will get reported by some tranny who saw it in his timeline

>> No.4107045

>might makes right is master morality
yeah dude you've totally read nietzsche-- that's what it amounts to, bowing your heads to your leaders because they have the power.
exactly, people get away with it because of power so what has that go to do with art?
people aren't made to be pedophiles because of anime, and murderers aren't made by guro; if there IS a relationship to be teased out, it's a much more complicated one.
in the end is the reason people murder simply because they've gotten used to the idea of it? or that it's lost its weight?

>> No.4107465

>Julia Vickerman

>> No.4107503

>what has that go to do with art?
art can be powerful and convey messages to a viewer. i want my art to fight against this type of exploitation, not help it along. how much awareness is there currently for human trafficking and what if a piece of mine can make someone sit up and think 'oh shit'?

>> No.4108254

Yes obviously. That 10k looks nice but it could easily comeback to bite you in the ass and ruin yours and your child's life.

>> No.4108361


They do sometimes. I remember some Alabama scum fuck defending Roy Moore for trying to pick up underage girls. "Back in the day a lot of people in Alabama would have been very happy to see their 14 year old daughter date a senator!". And no, Milo was not disowned. Finally, /pol/ is one of the most loli happy boards on 4chan. Tons of /pol/ tards advocate for pedophilia every day. Get out of your basement kid.

>> No.4108367

Fair? It's their platform, they can do what they want. The fact that there are others who share your fetish means nothing. Don't want to get banned on their network? Comply with their community standards.

>> No.4109301


>> No.4109304

>/pol/ is one of the most loli happy boards on 4chan. Tons of /pol/ tards advocate for pedophilia every day. Get out of your basement kid.
When did this happen? I might check pol out if there's no moralfags on there anymore

>> No.4109309

>get out of your basement
yeah, I'll get out by going on /pol/ more often, you fucking retard.

but sure, maybe it's more split than I figured. but If they advocate hebephilia or pedophilia, it's for the wrong reasons -- gender roles or 'nature'.

>> No.4110621

you can get banned for aging up characters?

>> No.4111170

The description for the drawing is triggering me. It's such bad english. And KOTH porn is cringy so I don't care lmao