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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 227 KB, 708x532, 233443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4088999 No.4088999 [Reply] [Original]

>literally most doujin and mangaka chicken scratch in the sketch phase
can we kill this mindset please!?

>> No.4089006

A thread died for this.

>> No.4089008

>a thread died for this
damn right, it's the circle of thread life

>> No.4089012

That's not chicken scratched

>> No.4089015

There's a difference between chicken scratching and drawing roughly. Even though it's rough, the lines are confident and are only being used to lay a quick foundation to build off of, and likely won't even be visible in the end.

>can we kill this mindset please!?
Let's kill yours, where you look to justify bad habits through a lack of understanding.

>> No.4089017

This. They're just very loose with their sketch, which is the opposite of chicken scratching.
They're letting their brains, not their hands, do the work.

>> No.4089027

"/ic/ misunderstands chicken scratching" Season 15 here we go

>> No.4089035

>long individual unsegmented lines
>chicken scratch

>> No.4089037

>drawing loosely = chicken scratching
Chicken scratchers can't even draw lines like those in the hair.

>> No.4089042

how do i stop doing chicken scratch bros

>> No.4089044

> restating lines
> chicken scratching

are you retarded?

>> No.4089047
File: 422 KB, 797x748, 2b114d21b9b0003e3f89241a47f024bbf19d0531cf474aac337ee5b866896f95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look, it's this thread again

>> No.4089048

How do I learn to draw like this? I mean, how do they just apply lines so quickly, everything is a mess and yet I can see the drawing. HOW?

>> No.4089070

I used to think i was chicken scratching the whole time so for my rough sketches I would try to make everything clean as possible. thank you for letting me know

>> No.4089071

Learn to sketch. Jesus Christ, it's not rocket science. You make a line, then you make a line somewhere else, and then you make another line to adjust the original one to closer match what you have in your head or the reference now that you have another line to help you get the correct positioning.

You keep going like that until you're happy with the result.

The more practice you get the easier it will get to find the correct line quickly. Especially if you're doing timed figure drawing exercises.

In the case of the OP, the artist has probably drawn this pose a hundred times.It's the most basic, soulless shit I've ever seen.

>> No.4089074

it honestly is not that hard.

>> No.4089091
File: 74 KB, 508x512, isthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4089094

As many people have already said, that isn't chicken scratch
Second, a sketch is meant to be rough yet fluid so even if you WERE chicken-scratching just for the sketch, your forms would most likely be fucked when you go to line it since chicken scratching/ unconfident lineswork is fundamentally caused by not understanding forms

>> No.4089126

This - except do it with tiny pencil strokes the width of your pencil tip

>> No.4089131

I have a small tablet. Can you blame me for chicken scratching?

>> No.4089138

Weren't there already infographics for dummies to illustrate the difference between sketching and chicken scratch? It's not hard to understand

>> No.4089152

it'c called sketching. Not to be mistaken with the random stroke in-one-place pencil carving that begs do

>> No.4089154
File: 533 KB, 853x592, 1243532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as you clean it up in the final line art, chicken scratch all you want: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dmKLQOSvQk

>> No.4089156

>>Dynamic Drawing - Long Clean Lines
>>Steve Huston - Beautiful Chicken Skritch

Who do I trust?

>> No.4089158

>>but who was Jim Lee


Chicken Scratch wins yet again

>> No.4089160

That's still not chicken scratch

>> No.4089168

lets see what you consider chicken scratching?

>> No.4089170

>Learn to sketch

How? Nobody teaches this shit. Even Loomis wants strong confident lines. Nobody, NOBODY teaches crazy wild sketching like in the OP

>> No.4089174
File: 179 KB, 1024x1195, E6F52F9D-1850-46C1-9B61-C65245AE9706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re all so fucking retarded I don’t even know why I come on here any more.

Chicken scratch doesn’t refer to thumbnailling/storyboarding, or even rough sketching or pencilling. It’s very specifically a kind of line quality.

For a simple example, take a look at the hair in this drawing.

>> No.4089176
File: 65 KB, 250x250, 1321208203657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking christ OP

>> No.4089179

This is a very dumb thread. If you can't see when a line is confident, restated it not, you probably haven't drawn and/or studied enough. And it isn't particularly hard to perceive.

>> No.4089180

That’s not chicken scratch, and you’re a moron if you think so.

>> No.4089182
File: 40 KB, 900x675, 4550ACC1-C884-4A1C-9D10-B8E23DB9AF98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a perfect example I just found. Look at how the lines on this drawing look like straw, when they could easily be made with sweeping, more confident lines. inb4 it’s just a sketch because the reason we teach people to grow out of this in the sketch and pencil phase is so that it doesn’t transfer over to the inking stage


>> No.4089210

Strong, gestural, confident lines ARE a part of sketching and that's what the OP image illustrates
Like what th see folks said, chicken scratching is made of small, uneven strokes, alternatively referred to as "petting" lines.

>> No.4089211

These aren't examples of chicken scratching, they're examples of bad art. And of all the things to chicken scratch, hair is probably the most acceptable.

>> No.4089221

Chicken scratching results to bad art

>> No.4089229

>chicken scratching results to bad art
NO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0LSV4sdEps&t=85s

>> No.4089244

That's loose/rough sketching beg retard. Do you see any feathery lines on the final lineart?

>> No.4089246

>Do you see any feathery lines on the final lineart?

So it's only chicken scratching if you don't hide in the final work? You're just straight up changing the definition to suit your own argument now.

>> No.4089247
File: 366 KB, 1130x560, 1529591928637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not chicken scratching, you misunderstand what that is like im sure most ppl itt have already told you. I think some people just think 'loose messy sketch' = 'chicken scratch'.
The main characteristic of chicken scratch is too many very short strokes to make up a line that shows the artist is not confident about their lines

>> No.4089251

I’ll fucking kill you.

Pay attention to the line quality on the drawings, they are the perfect example of what people mean when they say “chicken scratch”. Remember that every single book or lesson that mentions chicken scratch also says it’s near universally a beginner problem.

Now fuck off, your idea of baiting is shitting up the thread and the board for people actually trying to learn.

>> No.4089252

i agree on this post

>> No.4089258


these brainlet anons don't get it's not about the journey when it comes to art but the destination. as long as the final thing looks good who cares how you got there, and it doesn't just apply to chicken scratching.

>> No.4089260
File: 3 KB, 125x120, 1550704551770s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another thread where a NGMI can't tell the difference between chicken scratch and finding the line.

>> No.4089278

while I do agree with >>4089258 your beg mind can't understand that beginners still tend to post their final work/lineart filled with chicken scratches. It doesn't matter whatever loose scratchy sketch you do underneath, so long as you do a clean ass linework in the end.


>> No.4089282

Note that despite the rough nature of the sketch, the lines are loose and long. Chicken scratching refers more to inching along the length of a line with several strokes rather than just a single fluid one.

>> No.4089285

isn't chicken scratching when you try to make a long line and you literally can't do it in one stroke? like doing a square with 7 lines or a cyrcle with multiple curves.

>> No.4089291

This. OP's pic is rough and messy, but is not chicken scratching by any means

>> No.4089293
File: 365 KB, 1047x495, 324453543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't matter whatever loose scratchy sketch you do underneath, so long as you do a clean ass linework in the end.

redpilled gmi

>> No.4089309
File: 101 KB, 804x997, 0012506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole chicken scratch thing sure is comparable to what the OP posted, don't you think dudes?

>> No.4089316

>miss use of technical terms
>dunning kruger
>attempt at though police
genuine question: are you a nigger?

>> No.4089323

what has someones race got anything to do with making good art?

>> No.4089327

I literally can't watch art tutorial videos on youtube if I see black hands. Wear gloves or something for fucks sake

>> No.4089334
File: 92 KB, 540x800, 7a243a63c802ecda9ee8cb81745ddb0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really anon who cares, asian hands are olive but people still watch videos with them. it's not about self inserting as the artist in the video it's about learning.

when you focus to much on race you build a goldfishbowl mindset and world view for yourself limiting yourself to what you can and can't experience in the world because you are so focused on race you build glass walls to opportunities,friendships,learning,and connections.

smash your glass walls anon if you want to really experience life and have the freedom to all possibilities

>> No.4089340



>> No.4089344

dont bother, it's just the same autist from alt and asg

>> No.4089347
File: 216 KB, 675x779, AcroRd32_2019-08-28_17-48-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're actually asking and not just being "ironic", Keys to Drawing is all about finding the line.

He even mentions how it's part of the a e s t h e t i c to have multiple lines in search of the correct one. If that's not talking about it I don't know what is.

If you want, you can find Keys... in any artbook thread in beginner or required reading sections

>> No.4089350

Yes. Because you can zoom out. It's actually easier with a tablet, regardless of the size, to avoid chicken scratching than it is with traditional media.

You can zoom out far enough for a 1 inch line to become 12 feet across. Use the fucking tools you have, instead of blaming them.

>> No.4089352

good art is made by smart people, that's what someone's race has to do with good art

if you are watching an art tutorial, that means you deem that person good enough to learn from, in turn that means their race does not matter one way or another, that person is not a stupid one, so you freely interact with
I would rather interact with a smart nigga than with somebody who is racist for the sake of being racist, because that is just stupid

nothing wrong with segregation, you jew propaganda spewing NPC

>> No.4089356

>certain races can't be smart

Back to /pol/ with ya.

>> No.4089359

I never implied that, if you read my whole comment you will see I mentioned "smart niggas" as being a thing.

Certain races having a higher proportions of stupid people is another matter. If you are a nigger, you are stupid until proven otherwise.

>> No.4089361
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, 1EDE4D70-DC76-43E7-AF75-639225BD314C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never chicken scratch even when you aim to do so.

>> No.4089362

I don't care if you are black or not, just hide your skin color please. I don't want to see it.

>> No.4089365

Lol pyw

>> No.4089368
File: 1.95 MB, 680x543, 73243E3C-A3E7-4545-8458-EE14242A8A61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4089369


What is the problem with a different skin color? Now you are just being stupid for the sake of being stupid.

>> No.4089373

I just don't like it. It's instinctual, like disliking the sight of a large spider. I've never said black people can't be smart, and I'm happy to learn from anyone smarter than myself, just wear gloves while doing youtube videos if you aren't white. That's all I ask.

>> No.4089374


>> No.4089394

somebody can be afraid of elevators, that doesn't mean it is justified. You should look into resolving that problem.

one can be racist for different reasons and in different intensity. Why would somebody want to falseflag as a racist anyway?

>> No.4089410

Have you tried sending a pair of gloves to every artist/teacher that doesn't happen to have white hands with a letter explaining your condition? I'm sure they would understand.

Best of luck, anon.

>> No.4089423

>nothing wrong with segregation, you jew propaganda spewing NPC

continue living in tunnel vision if you want, i'm not going to live with that goldfishbowl mindset

>> No.4089429
File: 2.68 MB, 2322x2944, 1554514968933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Sketching" means many things. A rough sketch solves the roughter ideas, maybe you just need a general notion of the pose or composition, so a loose sketch is all you need to "arrest" the idea before it escapes your mind.

A clean sketch means you have to be precise about some detail, so you already try to refine it to a semi-final state.

If you think about it, Sketches are construction lines not only for form, but also of one's artistic vision for a piece.

>> No.4089431

That's not a question

>> No.4089440

>good art is made by smart people, that's what someone's race has to do with good art
i'm black and i know how quantum physics works and i know a lot of people who don't now about it outside of just knowing it by name.

race has nothing to do with iq that's on the individual if they want to raise their iq by studying and reading books. but not everyone has access to books ,education, or the internet.

not everyone in the world is as privileged as we are lets be thankful, let us not gloat.

>> No.4089443


>> No.4089503
File: 136 KB, 640x888, 1557580879273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wanna check, my shit isn't chicken scratch right? (i dont think it is, but who knows what ic thinks)

>> No.4089515

It's dangerously close to chicken scratch.

>> No.4089522

im 50/50 on it. youre half-chickenscratching.

>> No.4089542

how so? i wanna know so i can fix it later on
phew barely made it

>> No.4089954

This is a good image. Thanks for sharing this, anon.

>> No.4090041

doesn't matter. you best be making a cleaner lineart of this

>> No.4090074

chicken scratch or not 99% of /ic/ sucks dick at linework

>> No.4090078

This thread about somebody calling a brush with very high opacity and flow a chicken scratch shouldn't have so many replies.

>> No.4090096

sorry anon but my lineart sucks cock

>> No.4090123

>How do I learn to draw like this?

By learning how to draw, retard

>> No.4090128
File: 1.08 MB, 1258x938, 1092480A-D9BA-4B3B-8947-57B30489F829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vilppu nigga

You learn gesture, you learn how to sketch

>> No.4090142

chicken scratch is a nonsensical meme invented by a that hack betty edwards in her retarded pseudo science book
can't believe i come here after so many years and you people are still falling for this bullshit

>> No.4090424
File: 116 KB, 1024x768, 1462537276468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found out my favorite doujin mangaka chicken scratched and I just completely stopped reading his stuff.

>> No.4090437

blows my mind how sketchy it is but still so clear, like the ass part is just so fucking clear. how do they do it

>> No.4090446

I know when I "chicken-scratch", it's when I keep petting lines on the paper in the hopes that something good will come out of it. I have no clear direction of what I want the lines to actually look like.

Trying to fight this habit

>> No.4090487

Am I gonna make it if I actually prefer chicken scratch? I like the rough-hewn look and see no reason it should be an invalid technique as long as you take it somewhere. It feels very personal and too-smooth lines just look like mechanical vector art to me.

>> No.4090509

You sound like a fucking faggot holy shit. Bet your constantly complaining about sjws too.

>> No.4090518

Where is this from? I remember seeing this angel before

>> No.4090572

>>chicken skritches
>>feeling it out
>>finding the line


>> No.4090606


>> No.4090623

Stay ngmi, see if I care you fucking crab.

>> No.4090626 [DELETED] 

lmao, who made this meme??

>> No.4090755 [DELETED] 

Post what you think is chicken scratch. Hint: it probably isn't

>> No.4090757

Post what you think is chicken scratch. Hint: it probably isn't

>> No.4090766

I feel like Drawabox autism is partially responsible for this meme of "sketchiness BAD" among /beg/s. It's also something you don't really see in the actual Dynamic Sketching course with Peter Han.

>> No.4090860

God, I want to fucking slap the skin off your face.

>> No.4090885

chicken scratching or having super messy sketches means nothing if you can clean it up and make it look good

>> No.4090909

>my style
>your style

>> No.4091240


My god, this board gets more useless as time goes on.

Do you need a guide on how to make lines with a pencil too? How to know the difference between black and white?

>> No.4091296

This is a board about learning. Your condescending tone is not helping anyone.

>> No.4091336

Sure, chicken scratch/restate if that's what you're trying to accomplish, and if you agree with that "aesthetic."

But drawing more lines than necessary:
1.) More confusing when you're trying to clean up
2.) Takes more time

Why would you want to do it if it doesn't benefit you in any way, just because more successful artists are doing it?

If it's ACTUALLY useful to do it, then do it. But if it's just to defend your work from people who don't find it appealing, because they don't find scratching/restatement appealing-- it's kind of pointless.

>> No.4091338

You can't even differentiate between sketching and "chicken scratch" lines, you shouldn't be giving advice when you're clearly /beg/

>> No.4091669


>> No.4091697

What is this style called? Loose and messy? Any guides on how to sketch like this?

>> No.4091718

its literally just loose sketching, its not a style

>> No.4091725

Okay... and how does one learn this then? I've read a few art books and none of them teach this specific method.

>> No.4091732


Not Chicken Scratch

>> No.4091737

Its not a specific method. Its just loosely scribbling the idea down. Just try putting a pencil to paper and you're halfway there

>> No.4091740

Do timed gestural drawings from Life and you learn quickly

>> No.4091743

I don't understand, are you saying I should deliberately scribble the drawing wrong multiple times each layered over one other to build up this loose effect?

>> No.4091746
File: 20 KB, 300x300, sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4091945

1. Do you have autism, seriously

2. What do you think sketching entails

3. What is your personal sketching method as of right now

Only if you answer my questions three will I know how to approach speaking to thee

>> No.4092215

Not chicken scratching

>> No.4092279

try and scribble a drawing down with perfect lines first try. unless youre a robot you can't so you retrace till you hit it right. its faster than hitting undo all the time

>> No.4092312
File: 30 KB, 552x615, 76a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very loose with their sketch, is the opposite
Honey, that's chicken scratch...

>> No.4092320
File: 342 KB, 700x800, 1566396593737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to vilppu these /asg/ faggots keep justifying their shitty work just to excuse themselves from actually studying something

>> No.4092329

this is what happens when you only read books and draw boxes

>> No.4092340

Since nobody has called you out yet

Not chicken scratch

Fucked up sketch though, did this nigga do the sketcch and final image from opposite view points

>> No.4092343

Based retard

>> No.4092347

It's funny how people are justifying chicken scratching with 'loose sketch'. They're the same person who uses stabilizers or lazy nezumi at max settings.

>> No.4092358
File: 788 KB, 1536x2048, 6z9acOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4092362

Chicken scratching the legs lol

>> No.4092570

The whole damn drawing is chicken scratched you fucking retards are just pretending to be idiots in order not to draw now.

>> No.4092579

Slaves were bred to be strong and dumb. If people actually cared to help them improve their living conditions they'd accept this and help them reverse that selection because eugenics work both ways.

But nobody wants to help blacks, all white guilt bitches want is to get their dick sucked for being "progressive" and "woke".

>> No.4092580


>> No.4092583

Not chicken scratching.
Not chicken scratching.
Chicken scratching.
Chicken scratching.
Not chicken scratching/chicken scratching.
Chicken scratching.
Not chicken scratching.
Not chicken scratching.
Not chicken scratching.
Not chicken scratching.

>> No.4092625
File: 1.25 MB, 2000x1700, NewCanvas1as.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think this is chicken scratching?

>> No.4092631

Remember to inhale and exhale when breathing.

>> No.4092635

Drawabox doesn't teach sketching either, it seems to assume you already know and then asks you to sketch boxes. How can I run before I can walk?

>> No.4092649

Yeah, because lines that are already short become even shorter and you can see the author lacks anatomy confidence from the errors in eye position and perspective. Pretty typical.

>> No.4092656

There's nothing to think about. Chicken scratching means not being able to complete a line without going back on it.
Chicken scratching IS NOT
>making multiple long lines on top of each other to restate a line
>making multiple meaningless lines to chase a shape or rythm
>making multiple lines to give a sense of volume
>making multiple lines to sculpt a form
>making multiple random lines because you don't know what the fuck you want to draw

Chicken scratching IS not being able to draw one single fucking line without breaking it into multiple lines because you're an insecure autistic loser who can't conceive making a mistake.

>> No.4092702
File: 526 KB, 1033x585, Screenshot_2019-08-31 Gesture examples 2 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your sketch looks exactly like the sketch Hampton does. So it's either both of you chicken scratch or both of you are doing it correctly.

>> No.4092721

Are you blind?

>> No.4092726


>> No.4092739

sketching is inneficient, just learn how to draw idiots

>> No.4092746

The state of fucking /ic/ kek

>> No.4092804
File: 241 KB, 1250x1020, pooh-design_clean-b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That image is you finding your forms very, very loosely - it seems like you're trying to juggle drawing your gesture and your construction in the same phase. If you weren't too confident in what your idea was, you could sculpt your lines to build up values to define your edges. Pic related is messy linework, but the forms at least read well.

Also please zoom out when drawing, your drawing shouldn't be this huge.

>> No.4092806

i am no longer using this board, i did not know until now i was better than all of you

>> No.4092813

Wow, /ic/, so many of you took this bait?

>> No.4092814

Go back to /beg/, idiot.

>> No.4092830

I like how all the posts to this are just name calling but they cant explain why it's wrong. really shows who the real beginners in this thread are

>> No.4092837

It's self pretty explanatory. Go back to /beg/, idiot.

>> No.4092923

Here's why, now take your autism somewhere else.

>> No.4093059

It's not so much about chicken scratching as it is about muscle control. Most people come here and wanna avoid all the boring line quality exercises and shit up the /beg/ thread.

If you can't control whether your arm draws a scratchy or a long, fluid line, then you have a problem.

>> No.4093098

You are not authorized to post on /ic/ until you complete 100 5-minute gesturals.


>> No.4093433

I've found the best new way to piss off exactly the type of faggot I don't like on this board I'm gonna call your loose flowy vilppu/hempton sketches chicken scratched garbage and there's nothing you can do about it you autistic retards