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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4087110 No.4087110 [Reply] [Original]

What is your deepest fear as an artist?

>> No.4087111


>> No.4087113

Never getting the passion back

>> No.4087116
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Not getting a gf

>> No.4087124

selling out

>> No.4087134

hurting my dominant hand or losing eyesight

>> No.4087138


>> No.4087159


This. Also, losing all my current works due to fire or flood.

>> No.4087164

be too acknowledged and lose control
and never getting acknowledged

>> No.4087172

Not really fear but I'm kinda worry about what would happen to all of my stuff when I die.

>> No.4087173

Being ngmi forever.

>> No.4087177

Not being able to make any money off of it, and it's the case so it came true even trough i'm a decent artist. I hate this fucking world so much

>> No.4087182

Waking up one day and only being able to draw gay men

>> No.4087200


>> No.4087203
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Never being able to work on what I want.

>> No.4087208

Then you will.

>> No.4087209
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>tfw I wanted to choose this as oppic first

Wtf man?

>> No.4087233

fooling my self that i am artist

>> No.4087251
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I wouldnt worry so much about that, it seams lucrative

>> No.4087267

I've already accepted I'm NGMI, my fear is ending up with no time and energy to draw at the end of a work day.

>> No.4087269

Stagnation. you know those images where it like "this is my art 5 years ago, this is my art now" and there is almost no improvement? That sort of stuff. Worse level of that would be regressing. Sometimes I fear that I have no vision, but most people have reacted positively to my character designs, even on /ic/, so I just chalk that up to my shitty self esteem.
This sounds scary. Most of my time is spent drawing, so if I lost my passion for that, what the fuck would I spend my time on? I guess I would find something else, but it just sounds horrible.
This one too. There's no telling if I get into an accident or something tomorrow and lose my hand or eyes or some shit.

>> No.4087271
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be one of those losers starving all their lives, just to have their paintings woth millions of dollars a hundred years later

>> No.4087274

getting locked up for it

>> No.4087322

starting and being shit

>> No.4087345 [DELETED] 


>> No.4087359

Loosing my drawing hand.

>> No.4087363

Health problems / injuries that might cause me to stop drawing. Also loneliness forever.

>> No.4087423

that I'll spend years passively developing the idea I have for my Big Awesome Project but never actually start working on it, then eventually my art career will end without producing anything of any worth or substance

>> No.4087427

That I'll die before being able to complete any of the comics I've wanted to make, that I get my drawing hand injured, and that I lose the passion entirely.

>> No.4087429


That is actually happening to me right now.

>> No.4087461

Beyond my comics NOT being successful and giving me a sustainable lifestyle-
An even worse fate would be that I never even finish one.

>> No.4087474

A deteriorating eyesight.

>> No.4087489
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Go out more & meet more girls in flirty situations. You will probably fail. A LOT. Expect it before having a yes.
It entirely depends on YOU.

Better put in work NOW then, you never know when you gotta go.
You have your brain,your hands & your eyes NOW? Use them wisely, NOW.
Never start, and you'll never be anything.
Avoid illegal subjects? Shouldn't be hard for someone with a healthy psyché.

>> No.4087493

Are your eyes good now? Yes? Draw while it lasts!

>> No.4087512

Becoming successful and having fans dox me

>> No.4087617

>Go out more & meet more girls in flirty situations
Where to find these "flirty situations"?
I'm already going to gym 3 times a week but there's barely any girls who aren't in a committed relationship or already have kids but at least it gives me an opportunity to practice talking to women.

Still I don't know where to find opportunities to go beyond smalltalk.

>> No.4087694
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Not being good enough

>> No.4087708


>> No.4087778


>> No.4087789
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I just want to give her a hug. oof. Right in the kokoro.

>> No.4087801

Stagnation/the plateau. I always want to be learning and improving.

>> No.4087814

To lose my love for art and my drawing hand too

>> No.4087816

it's bad advice. good for getting a ho, not a good woman. for that, look in church or at volunteer events

>> No.4087817
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Waking up one day old, seeing how much stuff i have missed in life becouse I was focusing on gitting gut.
Not experiencing the world, being in a relationship and have no income or savings.
Seeing so many young people surpass you in art skills.
Seeing all your peers being successful in their fields and having families and children.
Seeing your parents struggling to explain to their friends why you end up like this.

But the worst sting is...
... i still can't draw for shit.

>tfw im 25 now been drawing for 5 years and I still suck, not sure if I should start enjoying my youth or risk and just go ful on monk mode and grind until i can shit out Ilya tier art...

>> No.4087847

now anon, you're really in a split path right now.
You now have now realized your years of drawing haven't really gotten you anything.
Which means you either have to:
-realize you haven't been practicing for real and start treating it as an actual class, no "watching funny videos while I draw and oops I got distracted again";
-you become an artist "as a hobby" and dedicate more time to your friendships, relationships and mental health.

the second path provides more immediate happiness. but damn does the first path feel tempting.

>> No.4087865

pyw :)

>> No.4087868

Now I'm scared of this, thanks

>> No.4087913
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Never actually drew in my life up until i was in high school then i had a realisation that i dont want to become a wage cuck and just make money and waste it for the weekends. So at that time i was starting drawing as a hobby and then slowly getting good enough to get a few favorites on deviant art. Bu then i discovered ic and read the sticky i started really grinding it for almost 3 years, and got somwhat better just still not employable good, just enough to make normies think you're talented. My goal was to get into animation so i went to film school in my country and then worked on my animated shorts. Worked a whole year just finish a 5 minute animated short, grinding out every waking hour of the day and after i finished the short the profesors said it was "meh" and then i got a burnout and didnt draw anything for like 6 months. At that school i was learning 3d and got good enough that i got a job at a small company. But droped it after a year becouse it wasnt drawing while working there and I really want to draw shit for a living.
So now ive been living at my parents house just drawing as much as possible, i get distracted alot since there is no one behind my back monitoring my work, but i make sure to post atleast something once a week on instagram. I've been trying to get my social life back on a stable level so i dont grind as much as i saw the solitude was eating me away mentaly. I would say i still suck at drawing, i dont like this fact but i would compare myself to tom preston level of drawing, except that i have some 3d art skills on top of that, but i would not say that i was slacking except for the time when i had a burn out. But man the clock is ticking and i am just waiting for the day my parents are just going flip out and to cut of my tugboat. so now i am rushing getting a solid portfolio ready and look for some work. But damn, seeing people how much they lived in their youth and still having a normal carrer really grinds my gears.

>> No.4087916

>pyw :)

>> No.4087941

post your work (:

>> No.4087957

Post your instagram

>> No.4087974

that i'll never 'make it' professionally and will have to get some shit side jobs to play the rent

also blindness i guess

>> No.4087977

going to the gym makes a woman a ho? what

>> No.4087992
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not posting my instagram cuz dont want to get doxxed
here is something i drew in 5minutes a couple of days ago

>> No.4088008

If you haven't been write down your ideas for the Big Awesome Project, you'll be amazed at all the good ideas you outright forget. My thing's comedy, every now and then I'll find notes with wordplay I barely remember writing.

>> No.4088048

do a small very cool project in the meantime, it will tach you better than just filing a bunch of sketchbooks would.

>> No.4088062

I'm afraid I won't be able to adapt to the ever changing world. I don't wanna end up stuck in the past.

>> No.4088069


Not to sound harsh but it doesn't look like those "5 years" were spent applying yourself. How much time did you really dedicate to getting better?

>> No.4088089

maybe post something less sketchy.

>> No.4088209

Drawing something that's too similar to something else, and being called out for it.

>> No.4088216
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Fully accepting that i'm too stupid to learn anything. And going blind.

>> No.4088219

Post something complete. It's hard to accurately gauge work with what's just a start of something.

>> No.4088230

Don't worry, so many artists repeat each other's concepts. Just look at Mermay, so many similar mermaids being posted. Also, lots of other artists draw pinups which are very similar to each other. Lots of artists draw in similar anime/manga styles, ghibli styles, fanart, disney, etc.

>> No.4088245
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Variant on this, I don't get current leftism. It feels like heresy from Warhammer and I have no idea how long we're going to be stuck with it.

>> No.4088261
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everything that i completed i posted online, so i cant post it here. Like i said in my >>>blog post<<< i was like studying drawing for 3 years and about 1 year of just animating which is essantially drawing in the same cartoony style. My style resembles of Preston blue bear autist. However i did started from complete 0 much later in life and got so somewhat better.

Right now i feel like I haven't done much progress, soo Im really wondering if there is any light in my tunnel. Either i give myself 2-3 years of grinding and hope i can then land some work or just drop everything or if i just quit and then become a normie and enjoy the non passionate passive lifestyle everyone pushes you to have.

I just have dreams of making cartoons that people would obsess over as much as i obsessed over them when i was a kid.

>> No.4088262

this is not an actual problem unless you're literally TRYING to copy as much as you can from an artist with a very distinct aesthetic, and use it as a crutch to make your own art more interesting.

>> No.4088271

With all that learning under your belt I think you're still on the right track. Best of luck, anon.

>> No.4088288

I hope you succeed anon. Keep it up and don't psych yourself out.

>> No.4088295

/kisses you on the forehead
it's okay baby

>> No.4088428


>> No.4088457

I think you're overestimating your ability a little there

>> No.4088723
File: 554 KB, 850x2180, D9B61AEF-67E0-4A6F-ABEF-CF89DEC531A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for the artist but man, this shit is scary.

>> No.4088748
File: 97 KB, 410x728, ddan8wz-a9ed54c1-663a-4d29-8bb5-94955518c50a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is this guys latest submission from earlier THIS YEAR, 9 years later.

I'd argue he's perfectly content with just drawing these child-like cartoons as they are as his hobby, and thus doesn't progress much. Its more proof that if you don't aim high and hold high standards for yourself then you will not go very far.

>> No.4088749

my deepest fear is putting everything in and not making it

2nd deepest fear is not putting everything in and wondering what if

>> No.4088761

That one day I'll quit all other passions in my life for art, and find out that I wont actually make it.

>> No.4088806

qt/10 even if I'm not sure of the gender.

I'm sorry to hear about where you are in life anon, as a lot of what you've said really resonates with me, but there's no simple solutions to your quandary.

I think the best thing you can do is try and strike a balance with what you're passionate about and with living life. (Feel free to ask for more unhelpful fortune cookie suggestions)

>> No.4088813

Dying alone
Not sharing my work with a so, nor having her pose for me
Meanwhile I get a lots of thots asking me to draw them and somehow that makes my loneliness even worse

>> No.4088826

Making it big, and then having a bunch of autists ruin my name because they’re jealous.

>> No.4088829

that all my futa drawings end cursing women with giant penis syndrome and I end burned like a witch for making straight sex gayer than gay sex

>> No.4088831

greek men used to go to gym and the were hoes

>> No.4088862

Guess what, you can practice to get good and enjoy life at the same

>> No.4089093
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I fear other artists

I can never pull myself to practice much because I always feel that your inspirations and dreams for art are already predetermined and if you do anything different than what everyone else is doing you're just some weirdo with outsider art.

I fear that I'll spend years and years perfecting my art, looking towards what I want to do and what inspires me but it'll all be for nothing because the cool kids of the art world are drawing something else entirely.

>> No.4089099

My biggest fear is to be "cancelled" by things I did in the past, but I'll never get famous enough for that, not sure

>> No.4089230

In reality, most artist don't give two shits about each other and only interact with other artists for self-benefit or exposure.
Just do and draw what you want. Stop giving a shit.

>> No.4089284
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I had a friend who would produce 10/10 god tier art within my little circle but for some reason his art became notably worse over the months and he started obsessing more and more over wanting to look like a girl

Rather than draw cool shit like he used to, all he did was attempt to draw cute girls, analysis of his art indicated that he lost the ability to actually draw hands and feet instead opting to just draw them as blocks attached to the respective arm or leg in view which he rarely did because he only drew profiles as far up as the tits (Which he drew excessively big)

While I could tolerate his degradation in art his constant breakdowns and episodes or not noticing his art led my group to kicking him out of our circle

The thing that fucks me up the most is that before all the tranny shit he used to be a cool guy, sort of edgy but laid back and was liked among everyone

It sort of hit me that this could theoretically happen to anyone including myself given that I considered him at one point a trustworthy reliable person that was in all aspects mentally healthy

This guy used to be one of my primary inspirations and now he can barely draw right

>> No.4089483

Well that makes it easier for you to be the best crab in the bucket my friend.

>> No.4089835

Probably the fact that I'm a total ngmi
I can hardly ever bring myself to study much of anything and I just end up doodling anime girls all day. I'm more or less content with my eternal mediocrity but it always brings me down a bit when I think about it

>> No.4089837

was he the admin of a discord server by any chance?

>> No.4089950

I think I just realized I have no creativity whatsoever.

>> No.4089963

I only draw as a means to carry on my genes,

>> No.4089969

I feel this so much, this was back in the day
>make friends with some artist through a common friend of theirs (age ~14)
>god tier traditional art, also animates
>a bit of furshit but classy realistic and surrealist furshit safe stuff
>we talk in windows live almost daily
>submits some god tier watercolor and ink stained windows with fur stuff
>suggest dA staff for daily deviation, she gets a total of three in the span of a year
>her skill just kept improving each day
>a decade has passed
>she is now a very recognized fur artist
>total digital degeneracy (pokemon, ponies, etc.)
>her skill is but a shell of what she could pull
>lazy forms, lazy colors
I don't know what went wrong, if anything it's a constant reminder of what I should not do. She's gaining those sweet patreon bucks so as long as it pays the bills I guess, just really disappointed at what stuff she could've made.

>> No.4089974

But anon.
Is your friend happy?

>> No.4089976

It sounds like you're just bitter and jealous.

>> No.4089984

chances are that they never really cared about seriously drawing and always wanted to draw low effort animu girls with huge tits, and just did a good job at faking normiedom beforehand. lots of that type burn a lot of time up in some hobby to distract themselves from wanting to be a trans.

you could send her some art inspo. or encourage her to take part in one of those gimme-followers drawing challenges like drawgust or study month or whatever

>> No.4089987

She managed to go from australia to canada to live with her bf so I guess that means she is. Her parents approve of her career too. The thing is, I've seen how she's been pushing other friends away saying she "doesn't have time" and a "bad habit" of not replying to conversations. I just hope she really is instead of putting a facade.
>bitter and jealous
painting is but a hobby of mine even though I sell commissions from time to time, over half of the stuff I do I do it for free when I'm in the mood. I got no doubt in my skill for illustrating and I constantly hide my powerlevel in public for obvious reasons.
I did and wish her good luck, just don't see her illustrating the stuff she used to do anymore.

>> No.4089989

im retarded, meant for this guy

>> No.4089991

>I-it's just a hobby!

>> No.4089992

I recently had to leave a couple online friend groups because as good as it felt to chat, it eventually turned into half a day of chatting I could've been practicing or drawing instead. It might very well be that she doesn't have time.

>> No.4089998
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wow did not expected wholesome responses, especially here on /ic, but i appreciate all of you peeps

If there is one thing i would give advice on from my experiences so far, are these:

Make sure you draw everyday, minimum 5 minutes. Do not set up 3 or 5 hours or something crazy like that because you easily fail it and once you do the quilt starts to devour you and then you mess up the habbit for the next.

If you fail the streak do not say "oh well i guess i can compensate the work i missed yesterday with doubling the today's workload." You missed it, so it is gone. Just start anew and try building it up again. 5 min a day, then 10 in the next couple of days, then 30, work on it and increase once they get comfortable.

Make sure to take breaks, If you struggle with one task take a break every 40 - 60 minutes, depends how long are you used to working. And during the break do not browse instagram or any other social media. Let your mind cool off from all the distractions, go walk around and look outside the window so your eyes dont get strained from looking at the same distance for too long.

When doing studies it do not obsess over one single thing for too long. I made the mistake of learning hands for 2 months and drawing nothing but hands. Yeah i got slightly good at hands, but you can learn more if you mix things. You can't max out one thing in the art fundamentals stack and then go to the next one. Just add one extra level to one fundamental and then work on it for a week or two then move on to the next.

>> No.4090000
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Try getting any other hobbies besides drawing. Since drawing is a very antisocial work, try getting something that you have to do in a group, like volleyball or dancing, learning a language or whatever. The more different from drawing the better. This also boosts creativity since you build completely different networks in your brain with different skill sets. This in return helps with drawing.

Makes sure you have a friend circle. A small one but a quality one. The kind where your friends support your art goals or atleast tolerate your decisions. They do not have to be art friends just friends that you can hang out with and relax and take your mind of the grind. This one is very underrated. Since alot of you (and be me) are isolated autists, you have to take this one seriosly. There was a study that lack of social interaction was as harmful as smoking a cigarettes. But dont waste your time partying that is still degenerate and you get nothing out of that.

Not sure if you want any more tips, but these were the main ones I found out about. Also if you're interested on how to study better (and in any field) go check out this wiki here

>> No.4090019
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I have two engineering degrees but don't work and instead earn my neetbux through dividend income. I wish her no ill, last time we talked she mentioned how now she looks up to me skill wise, trust me it's a hobby
Know that feel too so hopefully you're right

>> No.4090028
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>> No.4090037

being delusional, about everything

>> No.4090088

The thing I fear the most is to stop improving and/or forgetting what I learned. Like, I don't know if anyone else has this, but when I'm tired after drawing for a long time, my gestures and anatomy get worse, like I've forgotten what I know. This makes me anxious.

After that I think it's losing my hand's movement or getting Parkinson's. Grandma had Parkinson's and I remember her handwriting becoming less and less legible. It is very, very sad. That handwriting is a strong memory.

>> No.4090091

I had a little of that one before starting with psychiatric meds. Now I feel very close to reality and relieved that I was right about many things. You gotta study your craft cause society will always try to bring you down, no matter how much you know. Sometimes they can be right, but sometimes you really know something that nobody else knows.

>> No.4090094

I've seen this happening too, not necessarily with artists. I think nobody really knows what exactly to do with people going through this, though. My honest guess of what might help is listening to Jordan Peterson and taking some meds.

>> No.4091848

>but i appreciate all of you peeps
No worries, just hang in there man(?) and do the best you can.

Thanks for feeding some suggestions back into the thread as well and not just saying 'thanks'.

>> No.4091898

becoming so busy with wageslaving etc so I don't have time to draw

>> No.4091921

Being insecure of drawing fanart of fictional characters having sex.

>> No.4091925
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This is some solid advice, sometimes you really just gotta do your own thing and think in the moment.

Worrying about the future is understandable but it also stops you from seeing the present clearly.

>> No.4091936
File: 933 KB, 250x142, tumblr_mmnmohcWKe1r3nw4do7_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My absolute worst fear is turning my back on art for good and never being able to enjoy it with other artists ever again. Being able to draw was pretty much my defining skill and creativity was the only thing I had confidence in doing as a kid. I see now that everything I built up for myself is built around such a rose tinted perception of reality. Art is a struggle to make a living on. You have to keep pushing yourself to be different, to stand out amongst the millions like you.

Everyday I ask myself if this is what I really want and I try to tell myself art will never leave my life but as I'm getting into college I realize that just won't be the case. I want to make friends with other artists in my schools but at the same time i have my own future to worry about.....

There are way more options I can take in order make my creative side more useful to the world. I wanna invent new things and If I do pursue an art/animation career than I know for a fact I want to be as innovative as possible. There's so much ambition in me right now since I grew up with less than my peers but in the NOW I have the confidence to break more boundaries, do me things, and see more things in this vast world of ours. I'll keep chasing those experiences even if the one thing that I had going for me ends up lost to time.

>> No.4091941

i don't know

>> No.4091951

>earn my neetbux through dividend income.
I'm really hoping to get there.

>> No.4091965

>tfw im 25 now been drawing for 5 years and I still suck
>So now ive been living at my parents house just drawing as much as possible
>Either i give myself 2-3 years of grinding
My situation is similar to yours, but I'm older and I've been doing this for longer, maybe this can guide you a bit.
I went with the art thing because I have health issues and I have savings, the future isn't promising so I went with the dream. After these years you seem to be OK. I'm also not completely shit and I did learn but I'm also not good to a point where my years of practice show or my art looks professional. Same feedback as >>4088069, call it talent or whatever or maybe you just proctrastinate

You might not want to grind for 2-3 more years while NEETing because chances are you won't be able to improve enough to make a difference, and after those 2-3 years you'll say one more year, one more year. I can't remember when I gave myself the first deadline. One more year. I'll grind a year and then try again, and then you burnout for 6 months when nobody gives a shit, then you say one more year. When the years become 8 and you get serious reality checks you think "I need a job" but you look at your resume and there's an 8 year hole and you're 30.

Get a job, part-time, you can't spend an indefinite amount of time without a safety net. If you are like me, drawing with the goal of "making it" will burn you out and your motivation will wear thinner every cycle. Get a SKILL that you can sell in case your art dream never works. I spent many years on art full time and I didn't make it, I don't think I ever will save a miracle, and now I'm completely unemployable, my last job experience was years ago. Do you really want to start working retail or food at 30? What if by then you don't have time to learn a skill like programming and you're in financial trouble? Your family isn't eternal.

>> No.4092024

That somebody will see my work.

>> No.4092123

To post on /ic/ in worthless threads instead of drawing. Wait...

>> No.4092232

Never getting recognition within my lifetime

>> No.4093038
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Going partially of just straight up blind
Hurting my right hand so bad I can't hold a pencil
Getting Parkinson

>> No.4093177

Thanks Sol, you understand. And you'll make it if you apply it.

>> No.4093627

becoming happy with my skills and stopping practicing only to realize years later all my old rivals have left me in the dust and im too old to improve so stagnate at upper /beg/ level forever

>> No.4093772

You guys worry too much

Just DO

>> No.4093806

Dang, so much empathy for what's been posted thus far.

That at 27 I will never get the innocent chance at fresh art school tail, starting my degree.

I REALLY want a master's degree; and, would enjoy the cake out of it but I'm scared to take that first step and start researching schools.

>> No.4093834

not ever attaining enough skill so that producing anything remotely decent doesn't feel like a chore

>> No.4093881

Spending days/months/years creating something and no one cares when its done.

>> No.4093901

waking up one day blind

>> No.4093930

my drawing skills actually never improved; during all this time my brain has just been fooling myself into thinking they were getting better— that's a horrifying thought

>> No.4093935

Blindness is number one, second is something happening to my hands, 3rd is only going so far and never improving ever again. All 3 I fear equally at all times.

>> No.4093993

this right here. i was doing some metal working just testing and i fucking used a spring metal the bitch came back and slashed me in the face always wear safety glasses kids

>> No.4094030

Losing eyesight which is happening to me right now. Looking outside makes small swirly lights appear with flickering.
There's already color sensitivity where I look at something bright and look to the wall and still see the afterimage, like ghosting on a screen slowly fading over half a minute. This makes drawing black and white difficult as the lines dance and glow.

>> No.4094035

being canceled for calling something or someone gay 20 years ago

>> No.4094078
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that my artist friends are lying when they say they like my work and my non-artist followers only like my work because they have shit taste

>> No.4094084

You want masters at art? If yes it's pretty much useless if you don't want to be a teacher. If you're interested in getting better then taking online curses and classes would be your best bet.

>> No.4094091


Actually, this is the reality.

>> No.4094098

the only people who aggressively engage in social media are people who think they have something to gain from it - 'maybe if i brownnose hard enough he'll draw my furry oc for me for free'. your "artist friends" just want you for networking and exposure (and thanks to victim culture it's safer not to criticize anyone online lest your petty, spiteful community labels you a nazi/bully and ostracizes you), your "non-artist followers" just want you to draw more of their fetish of choice, preferably for free.

>> No.4094112

holy shit, I never said it was a *rational* fear. Even I know I'm just being neurotic, I hope you guys don't actually believe this

>> No.4094132
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>> No.4096146

having to draw female lewds

>> No.4097157

obviously this shit is terrible in and of itself but losing the one productive hobby I love would be fucking devastating. I would unironically contemplate suicide

>> No.4098204


And I am kind of in the same situation with my psychological condition. Which went downwards last year.
I just hope that the medicine and doc's help my to stay on track.

>> No.4098230

Take a queue from Picasso and force yourself to develop new styles.

>> No.4098235

Avoid illegal subjects? Shouldn't be hard for someone with a healthy psyché.
Just try and make an art piece that even slightly risque or politically critical in SE Asia.

>> No.4099010

frankly I would be happy with this. Only downside is not knowing how famous you are because you are dead.

>> No.4100784
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Not being able to do what I want.

It doesnt "depend only on me" in a simple way. I need money somehow.

Another fear is that AI and neural networks will make the position of artist irrelevant. Its not that I would stop making things, but that I would not be able to make a living off of it. This is just "not being able to do what I want" too, but more specific.

>> No.4100815

dying before i get good

>> No.4100843

one epic tip from one epic anon; doing more things that arent art will make you better at art if you experience them yourself and pull your own deductions

>> No.4101053

Is... Is this how most right wingers think about politics? That would explain quite a lot

>> No.4101214

that i won't make it

>> No.4101586

I am the best crab in my bucket (as of now, we used to have people who would slap my ass hard in terms of pure skill and appeal but they left to pursue genuine careers in art and we only hear from them on rare occasion) but it's only really because nobody else in my group focuses on improving in art as much as I do with the exception of maybe 2 other people
In fact most have stopped drawing all together but we still talk and shoot the shit about video games, media etc.
I'm just scared that one day that I could go off the mental cliff into the deep dark abyss and start ranting that nobody gives me enough attention to people who used to welcome my ass with open arms and everything I've worked for so far in my pursuit of technical achievement in art would be all for nothing
Nope, we didn't bother modding anyone, we were just a close group and not like a big art circle of any kind
He did like figurines a lot
I just don't wanna go crazy that's my only prayer to god man

>> No.4101590

finding a real job with reasonable time schedules that let them enough free time to do art for fun

>> No.4101611

Giving up. I did it once. I don't like it. But sometimes it just happens.

>> No.4101618

>biggest fear
Someone will recognize my drawings from 4chan and dox me

>> No.4101699

Eating paint.

>> No.4101703

never making it

>> No.4101835

It's not this, is it?

>> No.4101841

It seems to me you have more light sensitivity than blindness, but if those suddenly suddenly appeared out of the blue I recommend and eye doctor asap

>> No.4101849

Not improving

>> No.4101881

That I'll never be able to post my fanart/animations to the world because it'd look weird
I like some prety obscure stuff and my fear is that if anything happens that causes me to ditch my main account and start a new unrelated one my weird interest will pin its me. I could try to play it off as odd coincidence, but if they got my race, which is also obscure, they'll now its me. I'd also hate my interests to be known as "that weird artist liked that". I also feel bad that my favorite comic that I want to draw fanart for 24/7 is a kids comic. I feel like it's ok for people to obsses over popular things, but if it's something small or niche its suddenly weird. I feel so dumb over the fact I only want to draw fanart for some dumb kids book that I feel like it's some autistic special interest. This sounds so dumb and special snowflakey complaining about im to special, but having multiple personas online means I can gize zero data on me and only draw stuff I trully love on the "I hope to god this account doesnt get canceled" account

>> No.4101945

Becoming one of those artist that get improvement meme'd on /ic/

>> No.4102030

Not being a true artist, having no soul, being a hedonist who's empty inside, seeing art as a byproduct of mechanical processes in my muscle memory with no meaning behind them, seeing no meaning in meaning itself (a product of random chance? a fake identity I've built for myself? a forced attempt at being profound? wanting recognition? a byproduct of sexual tension?)

Seeing my art as a compound of learned shapes forced by habit into a particular form. A robot creating equally good art. Teaching someone who doesn't like art to do art and showing good results, art didn't mean anything because it was mechanical, anyone could learn it. Color theory means you can artificially create a meaning in a piece, in the same way a board of publicists scheme how to create an impactful commercial, every tool in art is a manipulation rather than something with an intrinsic meaning stemming from the person.

Making art for money, making art for no reason, making art for an external reason (social justice? art as a propaganda piece?)

Art not mattering, everything that matters either gives you a hierarchy in society or wealth. Art is an expression of your passing mental state in a given time. When you're fidgetting while waiting in line, your fidgetting itself is the expression of a mental state in a given time, but it has no worth, but art has worth somehow.

Art having to be tied to profound philosophical ideas (then all of modern art is meaningless) or is art meaningful if it is born out of simple emotions (then all art has meaning)? What about those retards that splatter paint on the canvas as the expression of their anger, or those women who paint with their vaginas to express their femininity. Is the average anime artist at that level, only with a little bit of mechanical skill?

>> No.4102233

>What is your deepest fear as an artist?
becoming this guy >>4102030

>> No.4102244

this is probably the scariest.

Last year I had a job at construction gig and a piece of sharp tile fell on my dominant hand and cut it open. I had several stitches on it for a month. If it was 2mm deeper I would've cut my tendon. This really made more careful and made me appriciate my health more.

One week after it healed I had another accident on the same hand. I shattered a bone in my thumb and I wasn't able to hold a pencil at all because of the pain. I had cast and needles in my hand for more than a month. I tried drawing while I had the cast but it was extremely hard and painful.

After these two accidents happening I really felt like I was destined to draw and became a huge motivation for me to not stop doing art.

tldr: I had two accidents on my dominant hand which could've left me unable to draw forever. Don't stop drawing and value your health and ability to draw you have at the moment, you can lose that ability in a matter of seconds- humans are fragile.

>> No.4102302

I have a bad eye and it doesn't stop me

>> No.4102341

I lost my passion for playing the guitar that's why I'm here drawing. I still play with my band but I only do it for a reason to go outside and socialize because drawing is lonely.

Fortunately we're underground so I don't have to worry about getting big whatsoever so music can stay as a second hobby. But It's only a matter of time until they notice my lack of entnusiasm.

I can shred. I'm fucking good.

But the spark is gone. It's just gone. It disappeared. I dont know. I'm dead inside.

5 years of grinding

>> No.4102346
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Could be that I'll be unsuccessful as an artist and incapable of doing anything else professionally. But really, I never fully leaned into it as a profession, maybe that's the problem. Already I'm old and no one gives a shit about my work, no one gives me a reason to do it, but I just love doing it so much and it's always been that way.

>> No.4102347

i think that if you lost your dominant hand, you could still do art. maybe it would take a while for you to transition to your other hand, but in the end you still would retain your eyes-- that's where most of the art skill is, right?

I guess that's an assumption-- maybe it's in the hand, but I'd be very surprised if it was the case.
like, I'm typing this right now-- I'm using my left hand. even if it's not my dominant, it's not inert, it CAN learn shit.

>> No.4102363

I didn't do the same amount of study I put into drawing but when my band went to shit I just ended up grinding scales alone, and when my amp died I quit. Playing with friends and making songs was the appeal of it for me.
I think about making electronic music sometimes but I don't want to take any time from drawing even though I'm NGMI.

>> No.4102393

I just want to draw everyday atm. Now that I know you can actually get good with regular practice and I have the guitar to thank for that.

>> No.4103891

i'll be stuck in my 7 to 3 job for decades until i'm withered and dead inside and then a brain aneurysm will kill me while i'm stuck in traffic on a bus. other passengers will think i'm on drugs or drunk and ignore me. they'll find me dead in a puddle of piss and shit, never having lived as a free man a single day in my life.

>> No.4106128

Anon, contrary to the stupid memeshit out there, gender dysphoria is NOT something you develop as an adult. Your friend was probably privately miserable for a long, long time before coming out and you just weren't aware of it...along the lines of people who "seem fine" and then commit suicide.

Transition is a pretty emotionally consuming process, it might take your friend a while to get back to art. Then again, just because someone is good doesn't mean they feel the same way about it as you. E.g. I used to play soccer, and was scouted for national teams at one point. I gave up soccer completely instead because I had other things to focus on in my life. I'm sure there are people who care about the sport who'd think I'm an idiot, but I knew my heart was not in it, and I never WANTED to go pro. (Hell, I only ever played in the first place because my dad told me when I was 9 that I had to play a sport.) Maybe your friend doesn't care about art as much as you would assume.

Focus on your own goals, don't worry about someone else.

>> No.4106149

Being shunned for what I draw honestly. I fear most would do fucked up shit to me for drawing harmless crap like anime tiddies or sfw furry art (birds and lizards mostly, I'm so fed up with with sparkledogs).

>> No.4106189


I'm not afraid of anything because I already know and agreed with the fact that I won't be successful and recognized in this lifetime.

>> No.4106211
File: 765 KB, 244x200, heh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah that looks pretty good! The vibrant colors stand out in a tasteful way on the black background. The figure has a nice and defined shape that lends itself well to the lighting. GOOD SHIT ANON

>> No.4106356

getting commissioned to draw a nigger

>> No.4107893

THANKS for letting know your a racist.

>> No.4107909

Yeah tradies work is fucking shit
Good money though

>> No.4108829

good burn i give you that

>> No.4108842
File: 251 KB, 600x476, Great, now I don&#039;t feel like forcing myself again. I&#039;m going back to bed, fuck this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Born physically frail with twitchy muscles but pass for normal. Can barely draw a straight line. If I get worst (which is guaranteed), i'm more than probably going to an hero. Can't program anymore, can't do math anymore, can't read The Elegant Universe anymore, can't even follow tv shows that I used to like and just watch stupid shit. Can't even enjoy SC2 anymore...

... a lot of people will probably resent me for saying this, but art really isn't something I enjoy or care about. It's just the very last thing I can do. But not for long. Oh well.

>> No.4108872


Woops wrong thread. I guess to make it topical, fear getting worst, even if I know it's practically guaranteed. Welp, time for some boxes

>> No.4108888
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Lel, the more I read your posts, the more I identify myself with you.
Difference is I'm (almost) 28 and I have (Internet) friends with whom I can be myself - but they eat away too much time and I wish I had art friends instead.

Seriously, you even linked SuperMemo, I've been eating that website in small quantities for a couple months now, lots of cool advice, especially about the creativity cycles/peaks, which helps you to prioritize things on different periods of the day.
It even helped me to get a normal sleeping schedule for 2 weeks in a row. But I've given up on that, FUCK the sun, FUCK the moon.

I do have a problem with SuperMemo, though: all of his learning talk is about absorbing material. He talks very little about crafts like drawing, where you have to make insane amounts of output, instead of inputting. Do you have anything to share?

Also this wiki is hilarious, one minute you're reading about how to sleep, the other it's some article about why Donald Trump is low IQ or some shit. Blink and it's about taking cold river baths to avoid the flu. What a special guy.

>> No.4109033

This, also never actually starting on my Big Awesome Project because I don't want to produce an imperfect version of it.

>> No.4109047

That I will magically lose the skills I have accumulated over the years. I struggle with this though at all times

Also these

>> No.4109048

That I'll never get over my lack of discipline and my inability to focus on one thing for more than 5 minutes. I don't think I'll ever get anywhere with art. I'm gonna kill myself soon, I can feel it.

>> No.4109077

Go home tranny

>> No.4110849

Outside of losing the fear of being able to draw due to disability, I suppose it would be the idea that all the time I spend working on trying to be a good artist could be for nothing.

I spent so much time drawing as a lonely kid, filling hours of my friendless days with the hope that if I got good enough at art that I could have a dream job and be happy doing what I love in a professional environment.

The idea of doing all that and ending up a failure would be devastating to me.

I've simply put too much of myself into it and that scares me.

>> No.4111164

I've never finished anything and I fear I never will.

>> No.4113292

getting into a car with someone to go somewhere but instead they drive me to some seedy area of the city where i am sold into a human trafficking ring. every fucking time i get into a car man, ever since i was a kid

and also never being able to make a career out of my art i guess

>> No.4113308

Are you me?