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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 6 KB, 1065x43, archive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4075515 No.4075515 [Reply] [Original]

Ruh roh.

>> No.4075520

And? Stupid retard.

>> No.4075524

Warosu (and Fireden) are currently the only places that archive /ic/ besides Yuki.la, but that site doesn't have search enabled.

>> No.4075535

We did fine before archives.

>> No.4075536

kill yourself, retard, the /ic/ archive is a valuable resource

>> No.4075537

The ratio of noise to information is ludicrous. It could die tomorrow and we wouldn't lose much that's truly valuable. Only flaming faggots like you would miss it.

>> No.4075539

I hope someone saved all the rare kangaroos I made

>> No.4075540

you're a short-sighted fucking moron, neck yourself

>> No.4075541


The fact you desperately need to cling to whatever "resources" you think" exist shows you're ngmi. How about you get good faggot?

>> No.4075544

how about you get laid?

>> No.4075547

Begginer here. I'll start up an archive once I'm pro in a few months

>> No.4075548


>hurr durr well you're a virgin!

Yea, you're actually ngmi.

>> No.4075551


>> No.4075560
File: 48 KB, 431x449, BED3DEC0-1DF0-4714-AA95-462C9A936BA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck, all those anons who only posted their work here, gone forever. That’s a terrible terrible thought.

>> No.4075561

> It doesn't affect me therefore it's the same for everyone else
How about you stop being autistic?

>> No.4075578


How about you realize you're ngmi.

>> No.4075592

Post your work.

>> No.4075599


>> No.4075603

How many books have only been linked here once or twice in months or years-old threads? How many techniques have been explained in old threads? How many resources were posted in old threads and only get linked to through those archives?
How could we help save warosu?

>> No.4075649



>> No.4075651


The resources posted here, the "books" are literally copy pasted from another site. Did you think that this board is actually the fucking epitome of resources? Holy shit you're ngm.

>> No.4075652

how much does it cost per month do you think?

>> No.4075657
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>> No.4075658



>> No.4075659

It's almost as if this board is a place where we can gather resources all in one place for convenience. Holy shit dude, use your brain more often.

>> No.4075661

Post your work.

>> No.4075663

Wow. If only there were other places like that.

>> No.4075664


>all in one place
>have to use archives if you're looking for something specific you're not even sure exists here
>at that point might as well use literally any other site where you have to search it up

You can't be this much of a brainlet right?

>> No.4075667

Are you? Since you can't fathom the idea on why anybody would want to keep this archive alive.

>> No.4075668


It sounds like you just hit your genetically predetermined IQ level. You may stop replying now.

>> No.4075670

It sounds like you can't back up the bullshit you spew out of your mouth. You may slit your throat now.

>> No.4075673


Poor fella, I'd be this angry too if I was ngmi.

>> No.4075675

> buzzword buzzword buzzword
> lmao look mom i pwned him

>> No.4075677


Not a buzzword little guy. You're quite literally ngmi with the mental you have. I'd say pyw but we both know you won't.

>> No.4075680

Up here, dipshit. >>4075657

I actually have the balls to post my work; where's yours, coward?

>> No.4075682

It would be very sad to see the archives die. I sometimes useful art resources on them when looking through Google, and the old artbook threads are really useful. And I still sometimes like to read through old threads. I hope they don't die

>> No.4075683 [DELETED] 


Lol that was you? Yikes.

You're 100 years too early to be asking to see my work little man.

>> No.4075686

> Doesn't post his work
Plot twist: You're the NGMI here

>> No.4075687

Why do threads turn into retarded slapfights so quickly?

>> No.4075747
File: 856 KB, 1064x800, 1375770137138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go back deep into the archives for old time sake shall we? Find a gem and post it, here's how Firez made his debut on /ic/ that got him his group of dedicated autists that ride his ass everytime he posts.


and Firez if you read this, proud of you boy. You've come a long way.

>> No.4075748

You can't guarantee to me that there is not one resource that has only been posted here.
>at that point might as well use literally any other site where you have to search it up
Well maybe we should take efforts to go post those resources in one place where they can be easily searched?

>> No.4075749

Because we're on 4chan

>> No.4075760

imagine being this pissed off at a reply. lel

>> No.4075814

the people who only posted on 4chan most likely never saw 4chan as a place of immortalization

>> No.4075832

convenience? mirrored away to potentially dead hosting sites?

>> No.4075838
File: 62 KB, 875x700, 1544899339452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it doesn't end, or I hope someone else takes its place. Not gonna bother, though.

This. I use the archive myself sometimes, but you retards should be smart enough to understand this is how imageboards are supposed to work. Noko, sage and mono no aware are the three japanese words you should know.

>the /ic/ archive is a valuable resource
Then either pay to keep it afloat or back it up yourself.

>> No.4075840

i'd unironically be willing to pay, how much does it cost to run?

>> No.4075852

I’ve never really cared that much about the archives and I feel like they kind of defeat the point of chan design anyway. To make topics and posts that disappear when you’re done with them. Not going to say they don’t have their uses but them disappearing is fine, the people maintaining those sites can’t do so forever and it’s silly to expect them to.

>> No.4075860

Then what's the fucking point of /ic/? I can understand retard boards like /v/ and /b/ being designed like this but on a board like /ic/ where the whole point is amassing knowledge to learn a craft. Who wants all that knowledge to just dissappear when people stop reposting it?

>> No.4075863

I feel like the point of /ic/ is to be able to get unfiltered crit and art advice from other anons. All you really need to save old resources is for people to keep on passing around links to artbooks and the like. 90% of /ic/ is just shitposting, or nonconstructive discussion though, and isn't really worth preserving.

>> No.4075865

The shitposting is almost certain to make up the totality of the board at any given time, the rare great discussion only needs to happen once to exist forever in the archive. Most of the time before I ask a question or for a resource on /ic/ I search for it in the archive.

>> No.4075918

why don't they fucking make a patreon

>> No.4075922

Chans were never designed to be archived, quite the opposite intact. Threads are supposed to die and that’s it.
>>4075863 this pretty much. You have attributed worth in /ic/ as “it has resources saved in an external unrelated archive” but that’s not its design or purpose.
People post links and share all the time here, or they will name drop places like cgpeers to find what you need. An archive I don’t feel is necessary to use this place. Don’t get me wrong as I said it has its uses, but I don’t have any problems not having one and it’s unrealistic to expect someone to just host an archive forever for free. They will all end at some point.

>> No.4075935

If chans are designed for all lasting forms of information to dissappear from them, what kind of retard would then create a board on a chan that inherently requires preservation of information for its function? Why are we here then? For unreliable critique and frogposting?

>> No.4076052

The information you visit those threads for isn't just the resources themselves, it's also the discussion around them and other other topics that are brought up in conjuncture with them.
I never even knew there was an archive of Craig Mullins' CA posts where he explains his techniques and workflow and gives other users critique until I stumbled across that information on the archives, or that certain artists I look up to post here or at least used to post here occasionally.

>> No.4077159

Did it go down already? I can't access it anymore.

>> No.4077171

Oh, it's back now. Weird.

>> No.4077172

Same here. Also bump.

>> No.4077174

Oh shit nevermind.

>> No.4077182
File: 40 KB, 152x254, 4cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chans were never designed to be archived, quite the opposite intact. Threads are supposed to die and that’s it.
this is beautiful news, all my posts will disappear
so fireden is shutting down too?

>> No.4077183

4chan was made to share porn

>> No.4077198

>I know you've been working on this for a while, and you just want it to be as perfect as can be, but I can't help but feel you're using your time inefficiently. You could have learned a lot more from studies from models - focusing on drawing and correct construction. Not only would you have powered through several in the same amount of time, but what you learn there would aid your pieces from imagination.

>Right now it feels like you're fudging and guessing around until things look right. Tinkering and adjusting is such a luck-based approach that lacks direction and confidence, and this shows in your process and your work. You have to truly learn how something looks before you can draw it well from imagination - invest the time in your studies.

Goddamn that anon really sums up what is foundationally wrong with Firez's mindset better that I could ever have.

>> No.4077250

how do i access the old archive? of old ass threads? link it? please. wtf? help please.

>> No.4077448

I like having archives around to look up posts and threads the fag jannies decide to delete, too. So this sucks.

>> No.4077454

Uhm this is BAD news. We're losing a huge chunk of /ic/ history.

>> No.4077865


>> No.4080040

Source of this? Have the warosu devs said anything about it?

>> No.4080666

ok virgin

>> No.4080882

If you check warosu you'll see that it hasn't archived any threads after the 21st. That's not a good sign.

>> No.4081069

the artbooks links are the biggest lose

>> No.4081070

>Chans were never designed to be archived, quite the opposite intact. Threads are supposed to die and that’s it.
>implying the glows dont have their own archives

>> No.4081142

oh god oh fuck

>> No.4081414

> try to throw some warosu pages onto archive.is but it just archives the captcha page

>> No.4082028

Is there any way we can ask the devs to maybe upload the pages somewhere we can download them and just archive the whole thing that way?

>> No.4082038

The fear

>> No.4082040

Yeah if the devs aren't complete asshole like nyaa and panda, hopefully we can get the full backup

>> No.4082043

Why would you want a backup of all the shitposts, drama, vendettas, bitchfits, feelings getting hurt, sandy vaginas, and henpeckings? I say good riddance there's nothing of value to archiving /ic/ anyway it's just a bucket of crabs all out to stab each other in the backs at any given moment.
>muh artbook threads!
Just go to >>>/t/ they have threads dedicated to the craft with books and resources you may torrent. Better yet why won't you hoardfags move over there instead?

>> No.4082074

Maybe I want to read old threads for nostalgia sake. Maybe I want to archive this shit for historical purposes. Who are you to say I can't or shouldn't

>> No.4082092

I don't discriminate archive data. Regardless of what you think of this community, the loss of 6 years worth of internet history will just be tragic.

It doesn't matter what the website content is, they're all a piece of the history of the internet. And I think they're worth preserving. That's why Archive.org and ArchiveTeam exists.

Today they may seem trivial, but in the future as bigger and even bigger chunks of the internet gets lost, their hindsight will definitely be appreciated.

Archive now, think later.

>> No.4082099
File: 15 KB, 327x300, 1531498937699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a Patreon. As of posting it has only 3 patrons. https://www.patreon.com/warosu

>> No.4083375

well, at least there's something.

>> No.4083754

Someone's working to archive some good art, right bros? I'm doing my part.

>> No.4085938


>> No.4085943

Ok satan

>> No.4085947
File: 14 KB, 335x227, FireShot Screen Capture #937 - 'Warosu is creating annals of history I Patreon' - www_patreon_com_warosu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J u s t

>> No.4086080
File: 34 KB, 1268x376, 14150837700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would you want a backup of all the shitposts, drama, vendettas, bitchfits, feelings getting hurt, sandy vaginas, and henpeckings? I say good riddance
I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, and good for you, man.
It's been explained already, but you already saw that >>4076052

By the way, I happened to be on /g/ when everyone thought E-Hentai was gonna bite it, someone opened a thread claiming to have the entire site backed up. Because he didn't actually have it, OP was being cagey about his set up. So people were speculating about what he did. Pertinent info is that a RAID array can hold 50 terabytes of information, and can be built for around 2000 dollars. If anyone does want to set one up don't use raid0- much more prone to catastrophic failure.


>> No.4086126

imagine spending 2000 dollars to back up cartoon porn trash

>> No.4086142

It's spending 2k to archive priceless internet history, as well as mountains of resources and art analysis. People have spent more than that to store thousand-year old pottery shards and forks.

Btw, If you people think 4chan is so worthless then why are you here? If everything is just pointless trash and mindless faggotry then why bother to even come here at all?

>> No.4086144

Imagine that being your best comeback!

>> No.4086703

Is it absolutely certain that warosu and fireden are dying?
What other sites are archiving /ic/, archived.moe?
I hate the archives, I wish 4chan stayed ephemeral.

>> No.4086709

I don't agree with the whole "chan threads are meant to die" idea

they just didn't put any effort into making them last forever, it costs alot to store chan threads, at any given time 4chan takes up over a TB of data

in the past, the slower boards were REALLY slow, you could find old /po/ threads dating back 2-3 years
if it was easier to make chan threads last longer they would have done it, impermenance was never the intention, it just become a part of life

>> No.4086718

What's the point of being anonymous if you drop a link to your blog after drawing a titty and it stays forever?
Archives are the worst thing for /ic/

>> No.4086755

is... is he okay?

>> No.4087466


The thread where warosu announced its existence. Even anons back then were unimpressed
Even if that link to your blog disappeared everyone who saw you link it would still know it's you. You sacrificed your anonymity in that moment by posting your link, does it really matter if that permanent connection to here is stored on an archive vs twitter servers?

I don't understand why you people hate archives so much. All you have is this appeal to tradition and nothing else. If you hate 4chan and want it to dissappear then why are you posting on it

>> No.4089874
