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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 436 KB, 936x526, proko 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4068360 No.4068360 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4068361
File: 444 KB, 936x524, proko 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4068363

Why would you want to do that.

>> No.4068366

so you dont have to worry about anatomy
>muh style

>> No.4068385

the gestures don't look like original reference at all

>> No.4068391

proko is an idiot but i you really wanna gesture like him just do these steps.

1. use long swiping lines
2. exaggerated angles but while keeping the general proportion.
3. be homosexual

>> No.4068424

Proko's Gesture drawing is basically just drawing the figure with simplified lines. Draw down where the contours would be with C, S, and I lines.

>> No.4068437

It's called Exaggeration.
Half the people on this board hate him, cause he can't draw from imagination.
The other half because he doesn't stick to reference enough.
Goddamn mongs.

>> No.4068449

if he only he had a literal course where he explains it.

>also that ass

>> No.4068456 [DELETED] 

I mean this is fine, but I think an artist ought to prove himself capable of being accurate. He seems interested in only the exaggerated pose though.

>> No.4068461
File: 246 KB, 480x556, 1565822695851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source? I swear I fuckd that hoe few years agoe! What's her name?

>> No.4068543

Looking back it's no wonder I was confused by his gesture and never cared for it. Haven't watched those videos in 2 years. Watch the Proko videos with Tim Gula and Reilly rhythms, much more approachable way to do gesture along with Karl Gnass. Basic gesture which acts as a framework to add anatomy over later instead of some stupid abstract gesture you can't do anything with to refine.

As a beginner it takes a lot of practice to understand how to exaggerate and use the model as reference instead of drawing a stiff gesture.

>> No.4068548

I don’t understand these at all. How do you supposedly use them towards building your drawing?
Or are they meant to be small, self contained studies?
Vilppu and hampton’s gesture is way different imo

>> No.4068673

proko says he exaggerates so when he lays construction on top its less stiff.

>> No.4069005

Why do Watts/Proko make such a big deal of this Reilly method thing? It seems ridiculously basic, just sweeping gesture lines, same shit you get pretty much anywhere.

Watts has a distinctive style, which his acolytes have adopted, but that comes from abstraction and a somewhat heavy handed treatment of muscle groups. It's quite striking, but I don't see how it has much carry over to anything else, it requires strong lighting, ripped/low body fat models, and basically necessitates a graphic stick to get details and abstract tone.

It falls apart outside such exacting studio conditions.

>> No.4069025

>Vilppu and hampton’s gesture is way different imo
because unlike proko they know what the fuck they're doing
this proko shit is completely formless, he's not capturing volume because he doesn't know construction, he only knows how to sight size and should stick to that
he tries to push the pose but he can't do it because he doesn't know form so he gets this cartoony, flat shit
this man should not teach

>> No.4069032

You're missing the point of gesture if you think form and volume matter at that stage

>> No.4069058

how are you representing movement without volume? If you just draw a swooping line where is the movement? in 1 minute sketches vilppu always describes masses
in this >>4068360 kangaroo man doesn't even care about the bend and foreshortening of the left arm, the woman is bending her legs and pushing her ass out, where is this?
the drawings are flat because he only thinks about contour and flat shapes, ironic given he's saying MOTION NOT CONTOUR

>> No.4069059

Seething proko hater woke up. Calm down, son. His gesture is fine.

>> No.4069068
File: 559 KB, 1481x966, 1562506020996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His gesture is fine.
This board consistently shits on great artists of all genres but adamantly defends this hack who has proven countless times that he can't practice what he preaches just because he's a YouTube celebrity

>> No.4069069

you're like ACK

>> No.4069070

Reminder that this picture was traced

>> No.4069083 [DELETED] 

post your reilly methods

What are you expecting? There is no single method of drawing that is the best for every single situation. They use because its an incredible method for to designing portraits and figures with everything that is key - designing the shapes to be simultaneously gestural and structural at once while getting accurate proportions, and can easily applied to the unique features of any model. In that way its a vastly better alternative to basic construction or sight-size when you are drawing from life in a studio.

>> No.4069085

post your reilly methods

What are you expecting? There is no single method of drawing that is the best for every single situation. They use Reilly because its an incredible method for drawing portraits and figures with everything that is key - designing the shapes to be simultaneously gestural and structural while getting accurate proportions, and can easily applied to the unique features of any model. In that way its a vastly better alternative to basic construction or sight-size ESPECIALLY when you are drawing from life in a studio as in an atelier setting.

>> No.4069096
File: 42 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20190606_223048_841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just emulating some stylistic choices I see from Watts with this one. There was no artificial light however, so I couldn't design shadow shapes like he does.

Obviously it's better than sight size, but the "method" basically just boils down to loose gestural lines informing your drawings right?

>> No.4069099

If form was required for movement cartoony comics would be out of luck.
A lot of people here seem to forget what can be communicated in 2D and how important it is to consider silhouettes and readability while an image is still in its beginning stages. Gesture is the quick, flat, first step where all of this is established. You are focusing on showing the movement (or stance) as simply as possible while taking into account proportions.
>swooping line
There's your movement right there.
But gesture can be blocked in too, not everything has to be line.
I'm not saying Proko is any good, I'm just saying he preaches the right stuff. Will Weston, Kevin Chen, etc (people that teach/have taught at ArtCenter and actually produce competent artists) do the same.

>> No.4069113

Actually, I just started that course last month and its been pretty cool untill now. But I have my reservation about the gesture part. I think that doesnt have enough explanations and exercises so I just downloaded the course "THE ART & SCIENCE OF FIGURE DRAWING _ GESTURE" and it helped me a lot.

>> No.4069127

I had this doubt either, I was thinking that this could be a way to find a good expression on the human body, but when I watched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI62rHNtg2w It started to make more sense.

Plus, I am a /beg/ as you can see. Others anons could help me here. ;)

>> No.4069140

Nigga what

>> No.4069143

>but the "method" basically just boils down to loose gestural lines informing your drawings right?
More complicated than that. Its essentially a formula for quickly and beautifully laying in a drawing from a model that ties everything important together - proportion, gesture, structure and plane changes, shadow shapes (core shadow, reflected light, etc), etc in such a way thats sets up everything for you to begin painting.

With Reilly the "construction" of the figure is far more based on the gesture and rhythms of the body than most other methods I've seen.

>> No.4069146

>If form was required for movement cartoony comics would be out of luck.
>cartoons don't have volume
see, watching proko gave you brain damage

>> No.4069163

where I can get his models? all links I found are long dead.

>> No.4069219

This is a nicely pushed gesture.
This is a bad gesture that completely misreads the pose.

>> No.4069259

lost me on that third one

>> No.4069555

Anyone want to link to a folder with all his nude models?

I need to find out if his girls are hotter than the NMA girls

Chanon Finley is pretty god-tier

>> No.4069662

Why do people say Proko doesn't know construction? I'm pretty sure Watts emphasizes construction, and if anything Proko constructs too much. He's got videos of him constructing fucking Buzz Lightyear and Minions. Some things you just have to capture the feel for, intuitively, rather than constructing literally everything. Otherwise you get lifeless drawings without character.
On the other hand, I've always found these abstracted gestures pretty useless for building up a drawing. They have the opposite problem that, yes, they ignore the form overmuch, and conveying foreshortening/depth into the image with them is difficult or impossible. They may be useful to some people for various reasons though. Like it could be a good way to get some lines on the page to see where you pushed things too far.
In the end, drawing is a messy process and nothing works perfectly all of the time. You have to use your brain and figure out your own way of doing things after a point, instead of copying Loomis heads for thousandth time.

>> No.4069668


>> No.4069673

Did you reply to the wrong post or something?

>> No.4069677

Holy fuck that ass and hips

>> No.4069694

Can you link some thorough explenation of the method, because the people talking about it like Tim Gula don't make it sound like being anything more than just loose gestural lines

>> No.4069765

ITT mongos shitting on the reilly method. Yup now I've seen it all.

>> No.4069777

If someone posted this here they'd be called /beg/ lol

>> No.4069780
File: 81 KB, 683x1024, 31716891954_96d46d12cd_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need to find out if his girls are hotter than the NMA girls
No way man lillias > chanon. NMA has got some nice meaty models

>> No.4069784

Why is proko so shit? I thought him being a bad artist was just a meme, but it turns out I was wrong.

>> No.4069791

What's bad about him

>> No.4069794
File: 197 KB, 800x800, proko minion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do people say Proko doesn't know construction?
>Buzz Lightyear and Minions
This depends on what your definition of "knowing" is. Can someone truly know how to ride a horse without ever riding one?

I don't expect people to construct at the level of an industrial product designer or seasoned animator, but when he is unable to use the most basic understanding of shapes to draw the ellipses of the eyes/goggles correctly, it's worrisome. This isn't to disparage him, but I'm not sure he fully trusts what he teaches, because he's not applying it.

Construction isn't supposed to complicate things. It makes things easier and faster, if one would just trust it.

>> No.4069800

he knows how to draw figure

>> No.4069817
File: 72 KB, 398x500, 61oldoPlHqL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you draw the bottom one? Because that's what I mean, it looks "correct" (well constructed, line confidence) but it's stiff as fuck. Minions are cartoons at the end of the day, little walking tic tacs, not overly complex muscular forms or machinery. You shouldn't have to construct everything all the time. Construction is great for learning and for checking your work, so to speak, as well as for building up some complex forms. But if you look at any working comics artist, illustrator, whatever, they just go straight to their lines after a point. It becomes muscle memory/feeling. This for instance, clearly not constructed and has tons of character.

>> No.4069865
File: 225 KB, 800x800, why am i drawing minions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it's stiff as fuck
Because that's *his* pose. How much life do you see in his drawing?
Construction combined with physics and gesture and posing is what creates a figure. How much to streamline is a choice.
In any case, this isn't what I was discussing with you. You asked specifically why people think Proko can't construct. That's all I'm trying to answer.

>> No.4069880

Okay man, good job, you convinced me. I did say everybody's got to find their way of doing things, and that seems to be working for you.

>> No.4069888

who did you learn gesture and construction from, anon? your drawings are really good

>> No.4069942

More minion hentai plz.

>> No.4069956

those are nice man. if ps can you share brush?

>> No.4069959

the brush isn't gonna help you fella

>> No.4069961


>> No.4069964

just share the brush settings retard

>> No.4069993


>> No.4070002


Minions are literally 3d characters you stupid nigger

>> No.4070023

Yes, and human beings are actual real three-dimensional objects. Did you think you were making some kind of point here?

>> No.4070043

>There was no artificial light however, so I couldn't design shadow shapes like he does.
He invents the shadow shapes and tells you to anyway. There isn't always a strong shadow shape but he'll design one based on his knowledge of anatomy and how he wants the image to look. He doesn't always draw what the model looks like and you don't need every one of them to be ripped. The idea is to draw the ideal and then modify it to what you see in the model and what makes an appealing image.

>> No.4070046

While I can concede that Lillias is actually infact perfection I do think that the only thing that Chanon is missing is an ass. Girls needs more squats. In saying that though Proko has Marcia Churchill to make up for that and as you can see, dem hips and dat ass, >>4068360.

>> No.4070075

Don't drop your numeral filenames teal I seriously beg you ;_; how am I supposed to keep track of your redlines now

>> No.4070094

That's Teal? Why the fuck is he so much better at drawing Minions than animu girls?

>> No.4070099
File: 2.31 MB, 390x277, 1398198082917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gestures is about anatomy.

>> No.4070106
File: 80 KB, 800x1200, D3C3iD_UcAE1Sav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was never an anime artist, he have always been a /co/-fag. His anime game is pretty gud too though.

>> No.4070130

This thread has turned the tide for prokobashing.
It’s no longer shitposting anymore, it is an understanding that proko doesn’t do what he teaches, and that he can’t apply basic concepts that are fundamental for his method.
I never was into shitposting about him but this thread has changed my outlook and now I understand what the ‘trolls’ are actually about.
They’re shielding /beg/s, who so easily fall for e celeb personality cults and the hunt for the one course that will carry them forever.

>> No.4070137


>> No.4070154
File: 41 KB, 735x353, Photoshop_2019-08-17_10-24-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FWIW it looks like Stumpy Pencil. It's (legit) free.


>> No.4070163

This is really good, anon. Thank you.

>> No.4070187


>> No.4070200

thank you! finally someone who is helpful for once

>> No.4070228

Fuck you moron crab proko is the best of the best teachers. He draws his ass off and you ngmi STFU retard

>> No.4070231

They will just give you shit because celebrity>reason. It's hopeless.

He can draw figures but he can't draw a character that is just a simple cylinder. OK.
Isn't it suspicious that a guy whose career is literally about figure drawing did not draw a single figure in his imagination drawing stream? Not even to save face after the kangaroo? Who wouldn't do that?

>> No.4070246

Proko can’t draw from imagination. If you’ve seen his paintings, the method he actually uses in his work is basically a free-hand sight size rather than any sort of construction based approach.

>> No.4070247

he said he's bad with imagination in the kjg video. but he can draw from reference

>> No.4070252

You don't understand. Reference or not reference, he cannot do what he teaches. Why does he teach construction if he doesn't, or cannot use it? Drawing from reference doesn't mean sight size, you can draw constructively from reference, this whole argument about imagination means nothing, if you know how to use construction and you have practiced drawing from life you will not draw garbage such as the minion in >>4069794 look at how much volume there is in that anon's drawing. I'm sure he didn't practice minions before drawing this.
He does not know the human figure. He should not teach what he teaches.

>> No.4070253


teal, I'd pay you hundreds of dollars to just watch you draw. Even without a voiceover.

>> No.4070257

when steve huston didn't know how to paint do you know what he did? he teached people how to paint and feed them bro science. he did this every time he had trouble on a subject.

you think proko can't draw figure and that's your opinion, though he does know the human figure. but people and teachers are allowed to make mistakes and improve on it. that's a learning process.

>> No.4070259

>though he does know the human figure
show me his figure drawings from imagination then

>> No.4070262


>> No.4070278

don't think that's Teal

>> No.4070317

try following the conversation though that's hard for you I guess

>> No.4070436
File: 6 KB, 225x225, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of course I know how to cook an omelette! I've been doing it for 10 years
>OK, here's a pan, here's an egg
>I n-need my recipe book
>You can't do it without the recipe?
>S-sure but I'd rather have the recipe, j-just to be sure? *sweating* I swear, I know how to cook an omelette
>Then cook the fucking omelette

>> No.4070475

is he trying to teach us to draw or fap?

>> No.4070477

I don't know Bucci instead

>> No.4070483

sorry for bullying you. I didn't know you actually can't read english.

>> No.4070494

isn't it sad to suck the cock of a guy you don't even know just because he's famous? do you also donate to twitch thots you fucking earthworm

>> No.4070497

you said he can't draw which is wrong

>> No.4070510

I said he doesn't know construction and anatomy. He can sight-size nicely. If you think this is wrong then post his imagination drawings, if he's mastered anatomy and construction he'd got all the skills he needs to make adequate drawings from imagination.

>> No.4070513

>He can sight-size nicely
so you are agreeing with me after all.
he said it himself he's not good with drawing from imagination but fine with references

>> No.4070520

Reference doesn't mean sight size, idiot. Keep sniffing on this hack's farts.

>> No.4070541

he draws from reference and he does it well. you're the one looking like an idiot disagreeing with that

>> No.4070544


>> No.4070556

But anon, veronica is worst girl

>> No.4070580

You don’t get what he’s saying.
Many artists and illustrators use reference in their work. Proko is a slave to references. Which is different thatn drawing well with refs, he just copies

>> No.4070586

>not contour
>just draws the fucking contours

>> No.4070689

he also does caricatures so no, he doesn't just copies. and by the way there is nothing wrong about drawing by copying either. you're disagreeing because it's a form of drawing you don't like.

>> No.4070695

>he also does caricatures
a shitty drawing does not count as a caricature anon
those caricatures you saw were made by a guest

>> No.4070818

he's overexaggerating, one of the anons said already, he completely misread the poses. Exaggeration is completely fine as long as the pose is in character, it doesn't have to be anatomically correct. The second one for example, his drawing indicates dance like moment while the pose is more of a surprised/curious moment. the first one has a simmilar issue, the drawing is dance-like while the og pose is a much more composed and calculated moment.

>> No.4070830

There’s videos of him doing caricatures on his YouTube...

>> No.4070836

proko also did caricature drawings but no,
you are shitting on the guest because it's on proko's channel. you didn't watch enough of his video. all you do is hate and that's sad and pathetic of you.

>> No.4070851

He means to not try copy the contour of the figure exactly how you see it. Missing the point of gesture drawing. The point is just to emulate the movement of the pose and exaggerate it to learn how to make dynamic drawings.

The meme is that Proko can only copy reference, but even when he doesn't copy a reference photo literally you faggots still give him shit because he used artistic license to change it. Its all just cope.

>> No.4070859


>> No.4070886

That is, by far, the most complicated drawing of a minion that I have ever seen.

>> No.4070936
File: 332 KB, 936x524, motion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but even when he doesn't copy a reference photo literally you faggots still give him shit because he used artistic license
First drawing is a nice example of isolating and exaggerating gesture. But it's also a less complex pose, stable and without movement in the lower body.

Second drawing misreads the pose so much that the motion is changed. Aside from the different spine, the entire balance is wrong. The model's load bearing leg is the right leg, Proko's drawing switches it to the left.

>> No.4070994

That's what I think too, similar sketching style, but this guy is actually good with going through with the forms. Teal always fucks up basic things like eyes warping around the form of the head, yet here we have very solid Minion goggles.

>> No.4071019

bruh. What did you study to achieve this mastery of such clean, appealing, 3-D shapes?

>> No.4071022

I can say for sure he didn't watch Proko

>> No.4071029

That makes sense. I'm curious how you would personally draw the gesture though, can you show us that too?

>> No.4071060

Wouldn't be much different from the image. Gesture can be accomplished with very few lines, you just need to know what the gesture should communicate. The posture of the spine and limbs, the angles of the shoulders and hips, that's enough. There's Vilppu, Hampton, Hitokaku, all those resources everyone on /ic/ already have, you don't really need more.

Just don't confuse those for what Proko is doing which, despite the admonition in his own image, is ironically based on contour. An exaggerated contour is not the same as an exaggerated gesture. Keep that in mind and you're good to go.

>> No.4071264


>> No.4071274

>it’s all just cope
>anons drawing better and having solid arguments is just cope

>> No.4071301

Because anime girls aren't the end all, be all to art?

>> No.4071596

I've read this entire argument and it's clearly you who can't follow the argument properly, you abject retard.

>> No.4071615

still no compelling argument why proko can't draw fighre. you just like to hate for no reason

>> No.4071628

People like this are giving "advices". No wonder this board will never improve. It's you that misread the the pose. You didn't even consider the gesture of the face. She's looking to the right but you just continue the gesture to the left.

>> No.4071630

cool esl and not understanding art either

>> No.4071688

so you agree too, he doesn't even understand the motion and yet uploads a completely wrong "fix".

>> No.4071697

be bad at it

>> No.4071763

So your finished drawings don't look stiff

>> No.4071833
File: 739 KB, 1080x1439, IMG_0123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are my gestures

>> No.4071899


Those aren't gestures. Also stop chicken scratching, especially when trying to gesture draw

>> No.4071904

In the video this is from he purposely says he's going to OVER exaggerate without breaking the pose.

>> No.4071921


>> No.4071929

that is such a terrible attitude to have

>> No.4071965


Gesture drawings are not meant to be the end-goal, but the means to a balanced end. A gesture drawing is meant to be used by an artist to set up a piece of art to be completed with a better sense of balance and posture, so the final product doesn't look stiff like a GI Joe being posed.

Gesture drawings need only serve as a visual reference for the balance of a piece. It precedes the steps where you work on anatomy and proportion. It illustrates the posture and balance of all elements of the body and how they affect each other as a whole. It's the beginning step to turning your blank paper into that fuzzy vague idea you have in your head.

There is no "right or wrong way" to draw a gesture drawing in a certain style, so long as the gesture drawing helps you mindfully work on the piece with motion and balance in mind.

If you focus too much on the gesture drawing itself and pass it off as a finished piece rather than the very beginning step of a completed work, then it's like children focusing more on being able to draw a perfect letter "A" than actually being literate.

>> No.4071968
File: 111 KB, 792x792, gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That being said, here's a nice visual of a different style of gesture drawing, and how it can be used to turn into a structured skeleton of a piece. This demonstrates what gestures are used *for*.

>> No.4072234

Your axes are wrong

>> No.4074777

bruh you are gonna make someone beat it to a minion

>> No.4075167

So clean and nice, very 50's disney. Looks great, anon.

>> No.4075407

Can you post your undersketch for that one too?

>> No.4077735

lmao i have good news for you because you can do that for free

>> No.4077745

Where I can see more of this work? Is really good

>> No.4077745,1 [INTERNAL] 

Prokofags need to be shot. There is no other group of people on /ic/ as delusional as they are