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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 17 KB, 320x318, que-14145850104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4051729 No.4051729[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being an artist who's affiliated with 4chan, the site that's now mostly known as the center point for white nationalists to organize and celebrate mass murders. It must be sad knowing that you'll never be able to progress with your talent because everyone will only see you as a racist kook. If I were an artist like that, I'd delete anything that I posted here and stay as far away from this dump as possible. You don't need this place. and it's totally not worth the time and effort. Just turn back now while you still can.

>> No.4051731
File: 261 KB, 640x360, bullets.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have posted my e-mail on here once or twice
>mfw I have posted artwork for my portfolio on here that is now on my professional website with my real name on it
>mfw I two years ago gave my first clients my person e-mail, the e-mail I put on here
>mfw this e-mail has an internet username I've been using since my Gaia days when I was 13 which leads to thousands of cringey middle school posts by me
>feel like its debateable whether I ever want to be famous in case someone makes the connection and digs up all of my demons

oh lawdy

>> No.4051732
File: 156 KB, 402x413, 1540842588038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being an artist who uses Google search, the site that's used by the mass murder perpetrators who entice the media with white nationalism. I'd delete anything that you have affiliated with Google and stay as far away from any Google services as possible. Ban Google.

>> No.4051735
File: 1.49 MB, 1261x731, 1559406075999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't bait enough (You)'s

heres a pity one



>> No.4051737

i dont think just using a website like this makes people think youre a white nationalist or something like that. personally i only go on /ic/ and occasionally others and same goes for a lot of people i know. if someone saw my artwork here and asked me about it, id just say that i use /ic/ sometimes and that's that. if your record is clean otherwise, there really isnt anything to worry about.

>> No.4051741

#based and #redpilled

>> No.4051743

Aren't you a bit paranoid? Posting your drawings on 4chan won't make all your followers think you're a piece of shit, dumbass.

>> No.4051744

I mean no shit. Once I get good enough to make it Im making an entirely new account with no afilation to 4chan.

>> No.4051746

Shit bait, people will hire you for good work and not care about this place unless they're giant npcs, in that case they aren't worth the time.

>> No.4051749

there's loads of artists with big names who have roots in /ic/ and even /soc/, take a look at mobble and vetyyr, i don't see anything negative associated with they're names because they present as decent people on the internet

>> No.4051754

>even /soc/
the worst board on 4ch
wtf were they even doing there

>> No.4051763
File: 105 KB, 1300x865, 8222691-job-interview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"So you're looking to draw for us"
>"Alright, well we reviewed your portfolio, and it appears that some of your work was posted on a certain site called '4chan'. Wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"
>w-well I post on an art and critique board there
>"Isn't 4chan that site where all the mass shootings recently have been connected too?"
>*more sweating*
>w-w-well, you see, t-there are different boards, a-and I really don't go to other ones, a-and...
>"Right.... Well, we'll let you know. NEXT!"

>> No.4051774

vetyyr said she grinded /soc/ faces to get good.

>> No.4051777

>unless their giant npcs
You seem to think that anyone with enough money to hire artists isn't a giant npc.

>> No.4051785

its not like you need to hang out there to do that. use a downloader to pull the useful pics down from post yourself threads and leave.

>> No.4051787

>"Alright, well we reviewed your portfolio, and it appears that some of your work was posted on a certain site called '4chan'. Wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"
>someone probably pretending to be me.

>> No.4051823

i'm curious to know how an employer would even find out about this. i don't use my real name online. also i can't think of any "traditional" companies that would hire me for my work, and cartoon studios have been known to hire people despite them having publicly posted very graphic/offensive/porn content online for everyone to see. i really don't think this would be an issue for 99% of anons on here.

>> No.4051840

My guess is that they have a specific target or targets that they want to make an example of in the coming days.

>> No.4051843

>Ctrl-F "pedophi"
>no results
Have you checked the comments section on Youtube? People talk about specific boards, and not even the famous ones. 4chan's normal, somehow. I'd much rather it get out that I used to be one of the really enthusiastic spergs on /tg/ than be related in any way to anime porn- that one's pointedly not getting normalized.

>> No.4051851

This statement means nothing

>> No.4051852
File: 61 KB, 638x498, 1562200675765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretend to be other people to get rid of my rivals
looks im gmi after all

>> No.4051853

no one cares if you use 4chan. its when they find you saying controversial stuff on social media when they get upset

>> No.4051855

>You don't need this place
And go where?

>> No.4051857

i post a random artwork i find on instagram when asked to pyw. works every time

>> No.4051864

Literally anywhere else.

>> No.4051873

You do know that many pros come here already right?

>> No.4051882

It's really possible to do this if you have an artist friend(/foe) who's the exact personality type who'd waltz into 4chan without lurking, namefag 24/7, and react badly to critism or try to make 4chan their personal army. People might not fall for it, but if their already hated you could make a final nail in the coffin

>> No.4051884

Like who?

>> No.4051890

le kangaroo man

>> No.4051891

Man that’s the thing preventing me from posting my recent work desu. I a year into drawing and am super thankful to one of (YOU) anons for flat out saying that my painting sucked and I needed to put down the brushes and concentrate on drawing alone for at least a year.
I did just that and had to make myself face my fear of failure and laziness and just learn to actually draw. I really have come a ways and want to show you guys but now I just plan to post on IG and a couple of other places.

>> No.4051903
File: 869 KB, 1310x428, warning bells.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always thought making a 'bad art commission rant' video to be a warning to future clients. If I made one of those videos would that fuck up my future job prospects?

>> No.4051908

Do it anon

>> No.4051909

Hey man, I'm in the same boat, I'm sure there's lots of us. Don't really know what to tell you besides, try not to worry about it.

>> No.4051911

yes dont be a faggot anon. No one want to hire or work with an amateur whining bitch.

>> No.4051917

What if I'm black? Am I an honorary white supreme?

>> No.4051921

No one is going to hire you anyway.

>> No.4051958
File: 14 KB, 350x433, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every board is /pol/
>posting your work on 4chan automatically means you're ""affiliated"" and blacklists you from the industry
I post on /ic/ all the time, I tell my friends that I browse 4chan, and I still have a solid career in music, in an environment just as ""leftist"" as most visual art scenes are. Believe it or not normalfags know the difference between normal people and /pol/tards, if being "affiliated with 4chan" is hurting you in real life it's because of your own flaming autism and nothing else

>> No.4051975

>every board is /pol/
That's what everyone who doesn't browse 4chan thinks.

>> No.4051991

>I tell my friends
Anon, you don't have friends.

>> No.4052013

Discretion is generally a sign of professionalism and being a negative PR-built loudmouth only works for american quota hires in my experience.
I expect it's the same in art contracting.
t. hobbyist

>> No.4052023

Not everyone, and the people who do can easily have their minds changed by a simple explanation. Again, the key is just not being an actual autist

>> No.4052034

You have to have actually browsed 4chan and be open-minded to look past it's stigma, which too much to expect from normal people, A.K.A. the C-degree employers with money.

>> No.4052040

Nigger I work for and with those normal people, I'm employed by them for gigs regularly, that's where I'm coming from when I say these things. Ultimately this is just another website, and being known to have gone on it isn't going to ruin you unless you actually are one of the "racist kooks" OP's talking about

>> No.4052043
