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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.01 MB, 400x400, 1561246627464.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4051622 No.4051622 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you learning 2d mesh animation?

>> No.4051623

You're right. This shit is cool

>> No.4051632

because i have other things i need to learn first.

>> No.4051761

are all of these downloadable somewhere, muse dash is a pretty cute game.

>> No.4051796

all these wobbily jelly animations in mobages these days look overly animated

>> No.4051815

Because I don't want to work as a 2D mesh animator.

>> No.4051819

im pretty sure this is muse dash, but i agree that some are kinda weird looking

>> No.4051830


>the loli has boobs

into the trash it goes.

>> No.4051866

thanks OP, I'm studying animation rn and never heard of this. Very cool

>> No.4051906

muse dash is mobage

>> No.4051923

Muse dash was a mobage for years before it was cheaply ported to PC

>> No.4051929

imagine thinking this is art

>> No.4051935

Because the full version of Spine 2D costs $300.

>> No.4051942

Too bad its ruined by the cancerous watermark at the bottom.

>> No.4051978
File: 517 KB, 1920x1080, 774171_20190727215959_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a sprite from a video game

>> No.4051989

What would you call it, you absolute fucking mongoloid. You're looking at a rotary and saying "imagine thinking this is a car"

>> No.4052004
File: 133 KB, 850x781, 1560900635987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't like oppai loli

>> No.4052006

I wouldn't know where to begin.

>> No.4052019

so for what i read, it seems like this technique is better to animate objects, and things that move in a loop way, so don't need elaborate animations like perspective or detailed expression sequences.
Looks fine to keept he consistency of work without having to waste time drawing manually or having to manually color each frame

>> No.4052059


>> No.4052134

what's the best program for mesh animation ?

>> No.4052153


>> No.4052174

any good tutorials out there? focused on porn preferably

>> No.4052192

Because I don't want incels asking me if I do porn commissions.

>> No.4052266

Bro Sighted.

>> No.4052270

I’m an incel and I don’t care about your porn commissions

>> No.4052278


>> No.4052300

I hate how many newer VNs use Live2D. It looks like shit!

>> No.4052312

Not a single piece of good Muse Dash hentai. Shame.

>> No.4052321

Are there any programs for linux?

>> No.4052342

What program is used for that? I only know Live2D. Thinking about using it for porn.

>> No.4052349

After searching around, opentoonz seems to be the best option if you want something that's open source and available on Linux.

Not sure if there's much else.

>> No.4052368
File: 717 KB, 500x281, 1528346183481.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On an animation wise it looks cheap & barebones.
Try anything like my gif aaaaaand you can't.
Overly? Nope, it's trying to make stiff poses look dynamic & fails at it.
It is. Low quality 2d animation is still art.
CORRECT. It's good for non living stuff that barely rotate.
Man of taste.

>> No.4052378

Because Im not a hack like Minus8

>> No.4052383

>try using a hammer on a screw aaaaand you can't
no shit

>> No.4052386

Well,you get my point : this live2d stuff will NEVER achieve Disney-tier 2d animations through puppetering.

>> No.4052387

That's not it's purpose at all though.

>> No.4052394

too fucking bouncy it hurts my eyes

>> No.4052397


>> No.4052404

I've come back to it at least 5 different times, it's quite fun to look at.

>> No.4052429

Who said it would?

>> No.4052431

How well does it work on the Z axis

>> No.4052432
File: 1.50 MB, 268x252, 1561247483549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4052456
File: 51 KB, 360x360, 1542161299861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, try creating something like that animation in your gif without drawing more than one frame. Aaaaaaand you can't.

It's very little time investment for a bouncing picture, which is more entertaining than a still picture.
And, honestly, looks better than shitty flash pseudo-animations from the past.

Hating the tool is not gonna make it go away, so take what you can from it and criticize its weaknesses where it's due.

>> No.4052469

I have issues with the limitations of it. It’s not exactly easy/possible to rotate characters during motions, nor is swapping new images and tweeing them exactly easy either. Which, is something you’ll see you’ll do quite often if you wanna make any sort of action game that looks good. Like a fighting game for example. You’re better off just going either full 3D and shading like ASW does or animating the Skullgirls way in full hand drawn 2D in that case.

It’s pretty decent for an RPG of sorts with a fixed camera though. Like battle sequences in JRPGs or SRPGs. The fact that you can swap skeletons between models easily is great too. So you could do it to animate all the creatures/monsters in a game by creating skeleton classes you can reuse.

>> No.4052496

yeah i was thinking that same thing. For an artist.. as we said here.. they are only tools. If you want to animate a very particular and simple one plane thing is really ok and easy for the artist, for actual complex animation you have all the others programs to do it.
Even with that i can said that is not a bad idea to get a plus in your drawings, if you are a drawing artist, i remember that i saw in some webs artists that do that kind of animation so now i know that they use this mesh animation 100%, and if your style is ok, can make it look very appealing, i think some guys use After Effects to have the same effect.

>> No.4052625

I really want to, but resources seem scarce, help a brother out.

>> No.4052651

Basically, it’s good for any sort of game where you’d only use a flat image. Animate it instead and now it’s a lot nicer. It’s basically an extra step to make things look nicer by making them move, not a replacement for other animation tools. Hand drawn 2D will always look better due to the increased freedom of expression.

>> No.4052664

because it looks like shit

>> No.4052694

its just a simple breathing loop. read the animators survival kit and it will make more sense.

>> No.4052737

Frog brain

>> No.4052739

I ended up downloading TVPaint thanks to this thread. But that effect from the OP looks good for standalone drawings, just to make them more alive.

>> No.4052754

*boing* *boing* *boing* *boing*

>> No.4053011

Anyone got the crack for spine pro

>> No.4053022

Just use DragonBones.

>> No.4053025

Thank you mate, im gonna have fun tonight

>> No.4053066

I'm still waiting on one, I'm working on a 2016 Spine version since like a year

I think it's not coming soon because the Pro one it's "always online" to use

>> No.4053269

I mean, animation itself has a lot of resources available, but I'm looking for something specifically mesh related. Even youtube tutorials would be nice.

>> No.4053359
File: 2.24 MB, 410x620, d6b95db1d8230dea9c742e3a0fb31793.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4053795

Thank You.
Read this guy, he clearly understands what I wrote!

>> No.4053798

This dude also gets it.

>> No.4054378

Frame by frame >>>>>>>>>>>> tweening

>> No.4054416

Oppai loli = only good loli

>> No.4054848

Did a research on various software for mesh animation a while ago, here are my findings:

>free & opensource
>moderate learning curve
>powerful & industry standard
>steep learning curve
>free & opensource
>Linux support
>ridiculously quick learning curve

>> No.4054851

nigger I ain't got time to draw 200 frames by hand just to get a titty to bounce

>> No.4054858
File: 3.02 MB, 1822x1192, 630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is it loli if it's oppai
is this a ruse to gaslight non-lolicons into thinking that they're lolicons

>> No.4055045
File: 652 KB, 667x945, 64714699_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly image related is not an adult, but tits

>> No.4055091

It's your own problem, you lazy double nigger

>> No.4055347

it's not his problem because he can just do mesh animation

>> No.4055360


>> No.4055383

This isn't oppai loli. The general proportions of the characters in this game are like this, it doesn't mean that they're all children. That's like saying every cartoon character whose heads are proportionally large due to style reasons are children, which is crazy.

>> No.4055400

No one misunderstood what you wrote, it's just that you wrote something stupid. What's the point of pointing out two animation styles are different when they don't even fulfill the same function?

>> No.4055614

I'm not opening that gif, that scene gives me animator anxiety, so cool though

>> No.4057370

What are these 2 different functions then? I am eager to correct my mistake...

>> No.4057442

because I already know how to do it.

>> No.4057454

creature creator is another option to look into

>> No.4057458

ack its called Creature 2d, got it mixed up:

>> No.4057596

imagine thinking this is less time consuming or better than just drawing it frame by frame.as always people never bother trying stuff before speaking.the result in the op could takes a huge amount hours to do since you need to create the right mesh configuration/skeleton to obtain all the deformation you want this is true especially if you are new to the tool and or new to animation in general.if you look at the average result it's uncanny as fuck,there are awesome pieces around for sure but its usually 1 or 2 artist in the community that spent ages in the tool and in making the piece.

learning how to animate is better in the long run and actually teachs you how to draw,skeleton/deformation based tools dont
but if you do it for the "style" go for it

>> No.4057959

Thanks for saving me

>> No.4058113

bout to say i dont mind the live2d in dx2 but this is a good post

applies to flash aswell, its pretty much faster to frame by frame and looks better too

>> No.4058437

I'm with you.
I don't look at double G cups and think "wow that's a child" even if they are short.
[spoilers]Unless they're Mexican

>> No.4058731

Thanks for this thread.

>> No.4059964

Best animation for porn

>> No.4060607

>huge hips
>huge breasts
>huge thighs
people can't get over an adult having a cute face. She's supposed to have a manjaw to pass as an adult.

>> No.4062936
File: 730 KB, 200x150, art.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine thinking this is art
you're right; now, THIS is art:

>> No.4062939

How long is the learning curve for this kind of animation? Do you think one month would be enough for decent things?

>> No.4062957

I love me some tinklebell's stuff

>> No.4063259



>> No.4063266

one of the hottest games i've ever played.

>> No.4063364
File: 1.64 MB, 500x277, odinsphere.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odin Sphere did it well

>> No.4063367

you can learn the basics of spine 2d in like 4 hours and make a serviceable loop. the hard part is drawing the assets obviously

>> No.4063374

Well, that's why we're on /ic/, right?

>> No.4063528

thank you!

>> No.4063922

Could never find a working torrent for it.

Or a translation patch.

>> No.4064188
File: 1.49 MB, 368x500, d624660991f2892ebe54fa777c6eef6fa8269fa6_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a program called Emofuri where you can easily animate expressions. It does look a little janky though

>> No.4064200

Anyone have any experience with animeeffects? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrBCbaorOv0

>> No.4064498

Underrated post

>> No.4064503
File: 167 KB, 500x452, anusmouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>search emofuri
>first results
I want off this ride.

>> No.4065287

yes, what do you need 2 know?

>> No.4065304

It looks like fake animation. An imitation. I hate how Azur Lane uses it and Korean games do too.

>> No.4065380

God this shit is so fucking awful I still hate it so much.

>> No.4065386

how do i go about learning it?

>> No.4065424

Do you have good learning resources?

>> No.4065655

that is creepy to look at

>> No.4066796
File: 2.75 MB, 758x734, 1530276630003.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4066856

just spent a few nights spamming this game. cheap level design but man these rhythm games are addictive

>> No.4066859

It's a useful skill for NSFW artists to diversify your work.