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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4050448 No.4050448 [Reply] [Original]

What if your biggest fear when comes to your art path?

Never finding "my style" here.

>> No.4050455

What if I become one of those 'redraw this 3 years later' with no improvement?

>> No.4050456

Losing all clients at once, obv

>> No.4050461

My age

>> No.4050467

14 year olds already draw better than me and I am twice their age.

>> No.4050469

not being able to sustain myself with my art anymore and be forced to go outside and find a normal job

>> No.4050477

Not making it in the time limit I have set myself until I suicide. I have 1 year left

>> No.4050478

ending up homeless

>> No.4050480

I believe in you anon!

>> No.4050485

Not finding someone to share and create with.

>> No.4050486

Losing my arm.

>> No.4050490

To spend years practicing and then realize that I didn't make any progress or improvement

>> No.4050504

The only viable art website for making commissions in my country takes 85% of the total earnings an artists makes off their commissions. I heard that the admin is planning to bump it to 95% by next year...

>> No.4050531

not having a qi high enough to undertand how to draw in 3d space

>> No.4050533

no way thats true

>> No.4050534
File: 67 KB, 602x709, 54930364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never building discipline and die being still mediocre. I don't care about legacy, mind you, just not reaching my potential

>> No.4050537

Fear of drawing my next drawing like shit, when I draw something fairly okay before. Especially with things like symmetry of the face.

>> No.4050544

Finding out I'm not actually interested in/enjoy drawing, I fear I might be doing this just to avoid feeling like I'm doing nothing.

I also can't move past doing exercises, even though I have some ideas for original drawings I fear I won't like the end result.

>> No.4050549

not making it in less than 5 years.

>> No.4050553

Not improving despite drawing every day

>> No.4050556

You need to lose this fear of failure, of course you're gonna suck hard when you try something for a first time, but if you keep doing it you're gonna get better.

>> No.4050567
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Here's a hint:

>> No.4050570

Me too and seeing those “progress” thread make my more paranoid

>> No.4050574
File: 210 KB, 600x759, D994IKGWwAAg5vt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly unlikely, but I'm scared going to lose my temper while critiquing, badly phrase an art tutorial, or make a controversial tweet on the art community that invokes a mini manga materials like backlash. I'm mainly paranoid about this because if someone from a culture known for being well mannered got that much backlash what would happen to someone who browses IC.

>> No.4050577

Getting in an accident/dying before i finish all the pieces i want to make.

Or all of my work being destroyed with me. If none of it outlives me, what's the point???

>> No.4050646

One day giving it up because I can't live up to what I envision and then regretting it when I'm old and dying.

>> No.4050651

That the animation industry is as autistic as my classmates, and so far the fear is becoming reallity

>> No.4050654

losing the ability to use my right arm or hand

>> No.4050666

What did he mean by this?

>> No.4050701

That I'm at the peak of my skill level and I won't get better.

>> No.4050712

Becoming a video game concept artist and finding out I hate the work. This one actually came true. Not only do I have to do 3d and photobash 90% of the time to meet the soulcrushing deadlines, but I don't even like games anymore. I feel myself stagnating cause I barely just paint anymore, but I don't have the time/energy to do personal work.

>> No.4050713



>> No.4050721

this, I'm not in concept but I do boards. I wanted to do it because I love comics but its just like that. I'm tracing and photobashing just to meet a deadline. I'm not really making art, just finishing a project.

>> No.4050734

That I will keep being such a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.4050737
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That people will like what I make and then get bored of it and move on to the next fresh and interesting thing. Basically that I'd have to rely on gimmicks to get people interested, rather than having a set loyal audience or having any meaningful skill in writing or art. That I will never have that one thing that all other artist's seem to inherently have and that everyone's just viewing my stuff out of pity.

>> No.4050738

to stay ngmi like the rest of the board

>> No.4050746
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Rotational velocidensity eroding my meager drawing skills.

>> No.4050764
File: 62 KB, 364x457, 1559598327215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People slandering my art calling it things like homophobic,sexist, and racist.

also this >>4050486

>> No.4050765


>> No.4050774

As I progress I almost make it, but just as i do, a clandestine intelligence agency fucks up my life for the lulz.