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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 61 KB, 700x400, nichijou-2-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4045262 No.4045262 [Reply] [Original]

What are some artists that build a following online and are now making enough money to pay the rent?
No porn.
I personnally only know about YT teachers like Sycra, Sinix, Aldoori, etc, and even then, I'm not totally sure they're making that much money (but Patreon is not always transparent on that. They probably have other works like commissions for pros, etc, too, + YT monetization if that still works).

Any support welcome, webcomics (I don't think a lot are making money here tho...I think Webtoon "hires" some artists if they're popular enough? ONe of them was talking about it on YT but I forgot the name. Some other probbaly make enough through Patreon), illustration, etc

>> No.4045266

All art teachers are failed artists.

>> No.4045269

Also, what is wrong with porn? Seriously what is wrong with americans.

>> No.4045273

I don't know. Art teachers are very important. People like the one I was talking about, and lots of others, have helped me immensely. So they're fueling the art industry in a way. And if they only get their pay with tutoring, well, whatever, good for them.
And I personnally like most of their styles too, so...

>> No.4045275

Not everyone wants to be desensitized to porn and draw stuff like that all day. I like sex but I don't feel like lusting all over it anymore. Just once in a while. I want to draw things that inspire me.

>> No.4045277
File: 102 KB, 900x900, Nathanfowkes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Proves you wrong*

>> No.4045281

The TeeTurtles guy probably was able to build his base from his existing fans when he used to table at cons.

I hate him for doing that scummy thing at cons but I'll admit he's got the business savvy even with the mediocre art.

>> No.4045287

>I want to draw things that inspire me.
>chinese cartoon whore on an OP pic
Hmmm, what is this that inspires you, I have no clue.
>I like sex
You don't have one. Have sex.

>> No.4045290

Jean-Léon Gérôme was a teacher now shut the fuck up, you utter failure of a human being.

>> No.4045311

>an exception to a rule is a proof that you're wrong
Well some of his works are alright, but he works at Schoolism, which is a scam.
>Art teachers are very important
No. Some people who write their own books and videocourses about art are important, they bring knowledge to people, like Vilppu, Scott Robertson, Scott Eaton. JewTube e-celebs are gatekeeping you from real knowledge, milking their audience with bit-sized infos in 10 minute videos abusing YT algorithm to shove as much ads as possible, while you can tell ALL the fundamentals you need to master in 5 minutes or less - and then expand on those topics.
>And I personnally like most of their styles too, so...
Then you're NGMI.

>> No.4045317
File: 234 KB, 466x364, 1564599644291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well some of his works are alright, but he works at Schoolism, which is a scam

Dude, his workbody is solid as a brickwall, what the hell are you talking about? And I don't know why you think schoollism is a scam, they give you from 4,5 to 5 hours worth of critique on their critiqued courses, do you know how much an hours of time from a professional artist worth?
People like you makes me feel pity, for real, patethic lifeforms who trive on envy and just throw shit from their ignorant mouths.

>> No.4045325
File: 155 KB, 1499x915, a2727d48d8a969fbeadf23521dc7debd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his workbody is solid as a brickwall
Looks like a /beg/ work to me. Some of his stuff clearly photobashed, some use 3D models. Generic concept "artist", nothing special.

>> No.4045326

He also bald! LMAO!

>> No.4045332

and about schoolism
>they give you from 4,5 to 5 hours worth of critique on their critiqued courses, do you know how much an hours of time from a professional artist worth?
You fell for a "critique" meme and you sound like a typical jew from Schoolism in this sentence. I'm pretty sure furry porn artist gain more money for an hour of their time than this (((professional artists))). They being payed as much as they deserve.

>> No.4045333

Cheapest bait in town, try harder next time 2/10

>> No.4045336

Holy shit dude, even for shitpost standards this is retarded beyond salvation.

>> No.4045371

"those that cant do teach"
this is insanely ignorant and rude.
>Some people who write their own books
another form of teaching.

>> No.4045401
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1548971818026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art teachers are very important
They are. So are full-time housewives. But you wouldn't say a housewife is a successful individual in whatever she graduated at, would you?

>> No.4045429

I'm tired of this braindead trolls, this board is dyng slowly because of them.

>> No.4045429,1 [INTERNAL] 

imagine being an art teacher that learned the hard way that realism is important despite the stylization of cartoons and anime through the time just to say no to the anime drawing of some student and then they complain about you in a YouTube video,how sad

>> No.4045597

Imagine believing this. Fucking cum for brains.

>> No.4045604

False. A lot of the professors at my school are working artists who have regular exhibitions. Not necessarily famous but they have careers. They are definitely some "failed artist" types in the bunch but I still learned things from them.

>> No.4045605

apples to oranges

>> No.4045618

that's just silly. The online/yt teaching agenda has two categories:
>attracts those who are talkative aka snake oil sellers who are rather shit at art but still have no second thoughts about selling it to begs
>those who genuinely want to teach and share knowledge out of passion, are quite good, but passive on hyping everything up 300% and being a loudmouth.

The online teaching community is 95% made up out of the first category.

>> No.4045759

This needs correction:
All art teachers who don't do it on the the side are failed artists.

>> No.4045950

The zoomer way to say "no u".


>> No.4045966

Stop replying to this retard folk, you all ated the bait in record time

>> No.4045983
File: 181 KB, 1024x904, 16488211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you do know that generally the artist pays to have an exhibition, right ?