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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 118 KB, 952x717, 408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4044679 No.4044679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When will online art stop being pandered to cumbrains? Will the patreon and twitter shilling ever stop? Do we need an artist revolution?

>> No.4044682


>> No.4044686
File: 82 KB, 333x327, 1560813640616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On one hand these retards drawing and consuming porn should be necked;

On the other I'm completely against censorship and someone's gotta produce porn for when I want it.

I say let them do their thing, but don't give them any acknowledgement, talk shit about porn artists all the time and let them live freely in the margins of society. It's what worked for centuries with prostitutes.

>> No.4044693

Tfw too vanilla to be considered a porn artist by porn artists

Tfw Too raunchy for normies

It is like an erotic limbo

>> No.4044722

Do we really need to make /ic/ part of the cumbrain spam as well?

>> No.4044724
File: 47 KB, 1000x875, dc1ab422cf9c47ec24e63d8ca26d0274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you dont draw semi erotic ponies like Yoh Yoshinari... the creator of Little Witch Academia.

Your erotic limbo is japan

>> No.4044728

It makes cumbrains furious, they need to be shamed.

>> No.4044733

the only people who need to be shamed are unironic christfags in the year of our lord 2019 and people who blame everything wrong in their life on porn

>> No.4044735

And what is going to replace erotic art? It be just like the protestant reformation where art just stop being produced.

>> No.4044748

I'm actually all for censorship. Fuck the people I don't like. As long I can say what I want, I don't care if other peoples freedom of expression is restricted.

>> No.4044749

Stop treating it like art like everyone else already does and that's it

>> No.4044767

hello european Ape

>> No.4044772

>faint over seeing a nipple in an adult movie

>> No.4044775

>artists never had so much liberty and opportunities by getting money directly from their viewers and fans and having their art seen around the world instantly
>were is artrist rebolutionn

>> No.4044785
File: 575 KB, 850x600, sample_716b15f112d99dc02e857a36b023b57a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Laughs in getting paid for what i would do for free]

>> No.4044830

Who cares? Just do your thing

>> No.4044906

>that symbol drawing of an airsoft benelli
>those random white blisters on her whole body
imagine have taste this shit

>> No.4044911
File: 355 KB, 1551x1356, 1563088012121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeth more, crab-kun.

>> No.4044927
File: 35 KB, 680x672, e82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be chill with this because I thought it was a niche and pornfags did it because they were perverted but in a genuine way. Seeing the cynicism behind fanart / porn and how fucking huge it is has made me so sick that I can't wank to porn anymore. Everywhere art is mentioned, you get a slew of people talking about "NSFW artists", that acronym makes me want to gouge their eyes out. It's fucking porn. I hate that porn has been dignified, like whores, just because people are too fucking far gone and far too lazy to take a step back or consider things like morals or self-control in world that is so hardcore consumerist. You suck cock for a living, you're a whore. You're not a "sex worker" or a "performer". It's the same as fat acceptance or invented pronouns, there's no difference. Happily sinking off the deeper end until there's nothing left. I fucking hate this humanity, it's so unbelievably filthy, fake and hypocritical and lazy, dim, decadent. Animals are more human than human beings at this point, my dog is more curious about life than the average faggot beating off to "NSFW art" of some consumer engineered pokemon shit, literal advertising makes your dick hard.

>> No.4044930

>muh golden age when people were more pure and chaste
Get out of here, Hesiod.

>> No.4044934


>> No.4044941

>ha! you can't stop me from having shit taste!
well you got me there
doesn't change the fact that you're a tumor on the face of art's landscape and will not amount to anything worthwhile except some short-term monetary gain
Get a clue.

>> No.4044942

I would love to hang weeaboos like you with their own guts, you arrogant piece of shit.

>> No.4044943

I put no value in being pure and chaste, but I put value in people acting like humans or at least pretending to act like humans instead of taking pride in their identity as consumerist cum robots. When your dick is wired to get hard when you see a new product online you're not human anymore. You faggots don't see a character, you bring up excuses like "I like the design", do you listen to yourself? You have corporate cock so deep down your face that you just want to see a new advertisement, like a bottle of fucking shampoo, wow that's a nice bottle, and bam your dick is hard. Like snapping fingers. And you hurry up and pay an "artist" that is only an artist in the sense that he makes drawing motions, and he draws the bottle of shampoo getting gangbanged because this is what your need for beauty boils down to, a fucking octopus is less sex driven than the average faggot roaming the internet just waiting for the tiniest impulse that makes his dick fill with blood. A field of people sitting at their desks, swollen like ticks.

>> No.4044962
File: 733 KB, 752x746, 1550253903959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you're absolutely seething lmao

>> No.4044986


>> No.4045008

You'll grow up when you realize that all that dark, grimy and disgusting shit is part of what a human is. You have an idealized notion of humanity. We're capable of great deeds and great evil at the same time.

>> No.4045014

When will OP stop being a whiny faggot?

>> No.4045015

I've been around long enough to experience pre-internet Earth. It wasn't like this. This is a dystopia.

>> No.4045020

>We're capable of great deeds and great evil at the same time.
what an absolutely moot fuckin argument
go neck yourself you disgusting fencesitting tard

>> No.4045021

It was. You just have more access to it now.
Oh, I see you're a man of culture and reasoning.

>> No.4045031

you're literally playing the "both sides bad" meme except with the human nature
your argument holds 0 ground and it's hilarious that you think otherwise

>> No.4045044

Please, prove to me that humans haven't been killing, backstabbing, fornicating and lying since the dawn of time and that, at the same time, they haven't been dying for their brothers in arms, setting up charities, advancing science to better our lives, sacrificing for their children and so on.

>> No.4045047

Are the only faggots that complain about porn art jealous that its such easy money for meager skills while they slave away making unappealing shit no one cares about while wagecucking?
Very Similar to the anime =/= art fags

>> No.4045068

Don't agree with him man, christ

>> No.4045074

I don't know why you want to me to disprove something historically accurate. Wait no, I do, it's because you know your argument holds no ground so you're obviously going to need to point to the extremes
Appealing to the past is also something that brainlets of your kind like to use alot and I don't know what it even proves. I mean, in my 25 years of life I've never felt the urge and would never kill, backstab or lie to another person and somehow that's supossed to mean that I'm lacking an "essential part" of human nature?
If doing great evils is at an all time low then why not keep up the trend anon?

>> No.4045086

>my sheltered, individual experience proves my point
Sorry, but you're not very bright.

>> No.4045099
File: 178 KB, 1080x1350, 741279638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, porn is why I learn to draw. It's my inspiration. I also learn Computer Science as a fucking hobby so don't tell me all this meme about "cumbrains" having impaired problem solving.

>> No.4045100
File: 74 KB, 400x400, 1554654686911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for slutshaming you, hope your Patreon is doing ok.

>> No.4045104

That's not what fencesitting is, you retard.

>> No.4045108

sry to break it to you boomer but more than 50% of the population is "sheltered" by your definition
that's why appealing to the past doesn't matter for shit, it's the world around us that shapes us the most whether you like it or not and those ugly human traits most of the time don't even have a reason for showing up
but I guess my dad got drafted and killed a bunch of gooks back in 1970 so that disproves everything lmao

>> No.4045119

Nice paywall link, big brain. Also, you have no idea how quickly the civilizational facade drops when shit hits the fan. People turn bad pretty fucking quick when supermarkets are being looted. And you said so yourself, those traits don't have a reason to show up, but they're there.

>> No.4045122

Yes retard, I never disagreed that these traits exist, just that the general trend right now is to not appeal to them in any significant way which you seem to have some sort of problem with
ughhhh I'm sorry for any nerve that I might have struck, that word is basically just a fancier way of saying "centrist faggot" for me at this point

>> No.4045124

Retard have you seen what is happening in Liberia right fucking now? 70% of woman raped, 50% of niggers having AIDS, 80% has no education, and there are some retarded generals calling themselves general Buttnaked or general Tupac, riping hearts alive from kids and eating them for temporal warrior buff. You don't know what world is like, retarded americunt.

>> No.4045127

Hope your dilating is doing ok.

>> No.4045129

we shouldnt be comparing us to niggers, dude

>> No.4045131

Yes, but it proves a point that humans are not perfect by default. Considering that Africa is a birthplace of humanity, it looks like humanity was born in a heart of darkness.

>> No.4045132

world conflict rn is at an all time LOWEST point in history and you pointing out the state of one of the most extreme examples rn won't change that
Get a clue virtuefag

>> No.4045142

>heart of darkness
lowkey conrad reference there bruh

>> No.4045152

problem is the signal to noise ratio. every beginner pleb is flooding the internet with derivative work that serves less purpose than a study. they never care the work is technical and artistically null and would be facilitated better buying two dolls and a video camera.

>> No.4045155

Not even lowkey
>world conflict rn is at an all time LOWEST point in history
Nigger thats POLITICS. That's has NOTHING to do with a human nature. We talking about humans being disgusting vile creatures by nature itself, you talking about "Trump didn't start war with Russia, humans is good duuuur". We talking about desires to cum and fuck that every human has, and it's essential part of humans; religious memes chastising this desires is just memes created by jews to control population from spreading plague in medieval times, and it's easy to prove because we're all being born with a blank slate in some extent, religion and morals are put on this slate after we're concious enough to be programmed by (((them))). But without it, what do you have? What do you have without all this bullshit about see no evil, do no evil? You have Liberia.

>> No.4045167

I'm sorry if that makes you mad but human beings BY NATURE are sociatal creatures and politics have been an inseperable part of human society since ... a long time
if you're that much of a distopian /pol/ basedboy that the general population acknowledging that killing and raping and eating other people is bad makes you mad then idk, fuck off? please? go live in a forest shelter or something

>> No.4045173

politics is imposed on modern humans. it isn't natural at all. look at feminism.

>> No.4045182 [DELETED] 

>politics have been an inseperable part of human society since ... a long time
Since what, stone age? Retard tranny?
I don't even think that you're able to understand what I'm talking about since you're already corrupted by SJW and marxist propaganda.

>> No.4045183

Politics is inherent to any group, independent of its size.

>> No.4045185 [DELETED] 

>if you're that much of a distopian /pol/ basedboy that the general population acknowledging that killing and raping and eating other people is bad makes you mad then idk, fuck off?
You completely missed a point, great job.

>> No.4045186

>Politics is inherent to any group
shit i'm convinced. i guess your superior political agenda won me over.

>> No.4045192

>general population acknowledging that killing and raping and eating other people is bad makes you mad then idk, fuck off? please? go live in a forest shelter or something
So you AGREE with me but because you have NOTHING to say against it, you change sides just to be contrarian to what I say?

>> No.4045193
File: 59 KB, 961x822, yolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol bad things happen, therfore we shouldn't try to do anything better and just wallow in our own shit lol

>> No.4045197

I mean... you can literally just google this? the definition "politics" itself originated from the fuckin greeks but the general idea of opposite factions fighting for power and influence has been around for literally forever nigger
>SJW and marxist propaganda.
gotta throw the mandatory buzzwords in there /pol/drone

>> No.4045201

n-no? I literally do not agree with anything that you said, just acknowledging and disagreeing with your distopian views

>> No.4045206

How much would you charge for that one? Just curious what this stuff makes

>> No.4045208

muh dick

>> No.4045215

>Computer Science
>the field for vidya autists too stupid for math or science, where every development comes from an outside field
>>don't tell me I impaired problem solving
i won't :^)

>> No.4045216

>gotta throw the mandatory buzzwords in there /pol/drone
You just threw one.

>> No.4045217
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1562765766651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>useless field for unemployed autists pretending to be intellectual elite where only fraction of knowledge applicable to real world

>> No.4045220
File: 34 KB, 640x427, mathphd[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally what. newfag try visiting /sci/ or /g/ archives.

>> No.4045222

You DID AGREE with me that humans are SICK FUCKS FULL OF FILTH when you said that humanity looks down upon themselves.

>> No.4045224

> computer science is not science
Throw out your computer and neck yourself.

>> No.4045232
File: 39 KB, 123x115, 1563958766755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my meme field useless, what? try to visit chinchong imageboard for losers to disprove your own point

>> No.4045234
File: 373 KB, 1025x915, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this topic was argued to death ages ago. you'd know that if you even knew your shit.

>> No.4045238

>AI is taking over the world and some autists think its not real science
fucking KEK

>> No.4045245

>retard can't even google search
im out. enjoy your crown of shit.

>> No.4045252

Isn't there a Rick and Morty marathon going on right now?

>> No.4045261
File: 10 KB, 559x63, math is not a science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mathematics is not a science and is rarely claimed to be one
In your own screenshot.

>> No.4045334
File: 40 KB, 280x386, ahaha_faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(S)he's mad that people like porn
Sex sells, that's a basic fact of life.
Deal with it, bleeding vagina.

>> No.4045337
File: 18 KB, 600x498, 1558978349829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, cause trannies are famous for their conservative anti-porn/degeneracy values.

At this point you're just throwing insults you don't understand around, anon. I'll have to tase you.

>> No.4045568

>*takes cock off mouth*
>Sex sells, that's a basic fact of life.
>Deal with it, bleeding vagina.

>> No.4045586

That's not how that insult works.

>> No.4045592

>It was. You just have more access to it now.
Bullshit. I don't care that people were disgusting all along, today it's out in the open and people aren't ashamed of it anymore. If people were so shitty before they did a good job at pretending they were interested in something else in life. I don't remember the internet being 90% porn in the 90s.
What the hell do wars have to do with this? Sure our society is more civil, no doubt about that. But people are lobotomized.

>> No.4045625

>As long I can say what I want, I don't care if other peoples freedom of expression is restricted.

I mean yeah, that is what most people implicitly believe. But since you don't have the final say on what would be censored, you would be trusting others with different motives not to silence you for some pretty BS.

>> No.4045738


>> No.4045741


>> No.4045746

You can’t improve humanity
There will always be people that straight up don’t want to improve and attempting to force them to do so is ironically inhumane

>> No.4045750
File: 171 KB, 555x555, 12435342345243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal advertising makes your dick hard.
Oh, wow, an actual intelligent human that sees and analyzes his surroundings instead of beating it off to anime tiddies and donating to patreons.
What can i say, you're completely right and just need to wait for judgement to come upon us.

>> No.4045755
File: 25 KB, 568x454, screanub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people are too fucking far gone and far too lazy to take a step back or consider things like morals or self-control in world that is so hardcore consumerist. You suck cock for a living, you're a whore. You're not a "sex worker" or a "performer". It's the same as fat acceptance or invented pronouns, there's no difference. Happily sinking off the deeper end until there's nothing left.

>> No.4045760
File: 56 KB, 843x903, 944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weebcel cope because he has never seen a vagina

>> No.4045770

Cumbrain is not a thing, those are just people with normal libidos and being sexless is not something to be proud of.

>> No.4045775

>being sexless is not something to be proud of.
>watching porn is the same as having sex
cumbrain detected

>> No.4045778

You think people that have sex don't watch porn?

>> No.4045792

nice strawman, cumbrain