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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 31 KB, 474x474, shad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4034287 No.4034287 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4034288

I have a slight crush on him

>> No.4034294

I admire his work ethic
If you check his twitter he seems to post a finished comic or at least a finished drawing every two days or so
His style is simple sure but that's still a lot of work, and he also has enough time to interact with and reply to fans

>> No.4034295

what do you thing of your mother anon ? i think she's diabetic and on suicide watch because she gave birth to an abomination like you

>> No.4034298
File: 178 KB, 340x340, Kirlia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as shocking as people meme him out to be.

>> No.4034300

Its summer my dudes, ill be happy when the kids are gone again. Smh they seem to believe, that they will impress someone here with their totally untopical playground insults. Also pjw my dude.

>> No.4034302

literal who

>> No.4034304

please dont make this thread, shad
just go away man

>> No.4034310

pajama warrior?

>> No.4034312

stfu newfag everyone know you're new here with your autistic "what do you think of X artist" threads

>> No.4034318

A retard who knows what other retards wants, and makes himself controversial, and so he gets popular.
Admiring him is like admiring facebook.
Soulless garbage.

>> No.4034320

basically this. prime demographic is edgy horny 17 year olds.
Also he once gave his own mother porn that he drew for his birthday, and he frames his own "art" on his wall

>> No.4034330

I don't understand why he avoids drawing nipples so much, that's what I fap to. He draws assholes at every chance he gets, or dicks, but he can go for a long time not drawing female frontal nudity. Fucking blueballer.

>> No.4034357

its this thread again

this board has no hope

>> No.4034374

its not my thread though

>> No.4034377

he will be gassed at the day of the rope

>> No.4034431

its making threads about pedo artists the worst meme on /ic/?

>> No.4034436


>> No.4034451
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He managed to make it despite being shit and people here are salty about it. I have occasionally fapped to some of his stuff but 99% of his it is unfappable, I hate the way he draws anatomy.

>> No.4034459
File: 260 KB, 474x600, 1548339388728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing against or in favor of his art, but all le memes about it being soooo bad and offensive actually put me on his side of the battle.

He's like a newspaper cartoonist who makes jokes about recent events, but they're pornographic and insensible, so people lose their shit. Which is funny, because that is originally the function of a newspaper cartoonist, but everyone just plays it safe nowadays.

>> No.4034590

>I hate the way he draws anatomy
incorrectly, you mean?

>> No.4034783

used to like him but he didnt draw anything good or straight in months

>> No.4034785


>> No.4034787

Oh look it is the Shadthread #196254563415 please stop making them!

>> No.4034791

I think his art is ugly and lacks significant improvement for how long he's been drawing. Jealous how he gets paid for being a edgy fuck.

>> No.4034795

yeah the quality of his work has been consistently shit.
i mean it was never good but when you see that saga of the pokemon trainer slut girls who get raped by men in black and their dogs you can appreciate hardwork, dedication and a sense of fringe almost risky appeal, the storyline and art were actually good and showed some creative skills.
His trap gay jokes are getting to stale and he's not even rendering anything anymore, just bad drawings with flat, bad colors

>> No.4034797

He's a shock artist. I think many people don't realize that he is though. I don't personally like his work though

>> No.4034819


>> No.4034825

I just got a message before posting this one that I have been banned for a post that's not mine...4 months ago...what?

The post in question:

What's up with the spaghetti code lately

>> No.4034895

Best thing in art industry right now.

>> No.4034948

I wish I could draw like him

>> No.4035010
File: 443 KB, 506x516, 1407836164816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He reminds me of early 2000's newgrounds, really crude and edgy but gets a laugh out you every once in awhile

>> No.4035235

>If you check his twitter he seems to post a finished comic or at least a finished drawing every two days or so
He also has a shitton of retard followers and gets huge money for it. If you get that much out of it, it's pretty easy to do nothing but drawing.

>> No.4035529

His style's gotten better but he's still an openly proud pedophile

>> No.4035568

You know the deviantart furry artsyle? Shad's style is like that

>> No.4036820

A sub-mediocre artists who maintains relevance by desperately chasing trends and making a meme out of himself.

Could have spent that time getting good instead.

>> No.4036957

I appreciate the spirit of his work however I can't stand seeing it.

>> No.4036997

His art is nothing special, but his ability to market himself is top notch.

>> No.4037020
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>> No.4037131
File: 7 KB, 198x255, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a >shadman reaction thread

>> No.4037137

He's okay. Not a fan of his substitution of gore edge comics with gay twink porn

>> No.4037143

I don't care about him one way or another
but his art is ugly as fuck
especially the tiny pupil shit hes been doing

>> No.4037205
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>> No.4037206

i am not a fan of his work but he inspires me to follow my dreams of being a hentai artist

>> No.4037394
File: 522 KB, 467x504, Shadman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4037396
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>> No.4037435

hes got a good philosophy on art and good for him for making it despite his work not being that high quality

its not my story ill make my own and ill make it eventually as long as i keep drawing and getting better

>> No.4037455

>his ability to market himself is top notch
That's like saying popular furry artists have top notch marketing.
All they do is pandering to the intellectually handicapped masses.

>> No.4037829
File: 340 KB, 555x281, 1564105064634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nu-artists have such a warped and retarded view on what it means to be a good marketer

>> No.4037858

waste of space

>> No.4037881

Detriment, retardation and degeneracy. Nothing of value and nothing to remember

>> No.4038491
File: 21 KB, 570x538, shadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4038498

Boring. But that's just how it goes with shock value.

>> No.4038511
File: 45 KB, 500x669, 234665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fapping to shadbase art

>> No.4038875
File: 20 KB, 104x126, grrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He needs to draw more Merula, that hit or miss trap and that gamer boi.

>> No.4038889
File: 261 KB, 945x945, 1529070185758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not even a shock artist anymore, his audience full of 12-yearolds and he wants money which is why he doesn't draw pedo stuff anymore and draws only what makes him money, which is why all his new art is boring hypebeast shit, like fanart of current FOTM like Spiderman, Pokemon or another capeshit or whatever zoomers watch these days.

Shadman, more like Shillman. Shit person, shit artist with shit skill, never been based, never will be. A walking meme of /ic/.

>> No.4038899

>complaints about spaghetti code that happened "lately"
how new one can be.

>> No.4038974

His fanbase had a lot of those RULES OF NATURE edgelords (probably still does, heck if I know), the kind of smug pseudointellectual brainlets that claim morality doesn't exist and think they're smart because they don't abide by the rules of muh society or some BS like that, going by the comments I read from his old site. (Just checked the site again, looks pretty different now.)

Shad's porn is disgusting. His art is technically competent to a degree but not very appealing.
Shad himself seems nice enough from what I've seen of him with Oney and pals.
That's about it I guess.

>> No.4038977

>doesn't draw pedo stuff anymore
Oh yeah, I saw a screenshot of comments from his site on that issue, some of his edgelord faggot fans turning against him because he didn't want to draw loli anymore. Can't find the screencap anymore and I'm not going to dig around in Shad's garbage smut to find it either, a cursory look was more than enough for me not to want to go there again.

>> No.4038984

He couldn't draw a fucking box to save his own life.

>> No.4038991

He is from 2000's Newgrounds.

>> No.4039132

Closet homo that stuck in his comfort zone

>> No.4039510

He just draws Nazi and bi shit, nothing out of the ordinary for porn standards. The only time he lived up to his reputation was when he drew Keemstar's underage daughter.

>> No.4041506


>> No.4041511

lmao no he draws straight up pedo porn he just doesnt post it to social media

>> No.4041516

>draws loli
>gets called a pedophile by trannies
>starts drawing tranny lolis
i got the message, but i miss the regular lolis

>> No.4041524
File: 55 KB, 992x744, arrest-ht-er-190710_hpMain_v4x3_4x3_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude if we call child porn GoobeyBloobers, then we arent pedos! we just love GoobeyBloobers!!!

>> No.4041582

>m-muh mutts in uniform will g-get you, hehe
I don't live on an authoritarian shithole, so i can call it "loli", "cake"or even "kinky kids" if i want. sorry fagget.

>> No.4041592

>nobody will punish me for my moral and societal failings, so i'll revel in them!

get well soon

>> No.4041644

>nobody will punish me for stupid reasons, so i'll enjoy my freedom
fixed, and i sure will

>> No.4041660

"fixed" as in "changed to something that doesnt make me feel as bad"

get well soon

>> No.4041674

>punish me for my moral
That's why the white people fought civil wars, executed royalty, written the constitutions and established a legal society.

For that very thing in particular faggot.

>> No.4041684

You faggots need to realise the difference between the white people's cizivilization and the muslim/nigger shitholes is the principle that it's never wrong to be something, only to do something and only to other people.

>> No.4041690

just because you can do something doesnt mean you should, not hard to understand

>> No.4041705

Why isn't he drawing lolis anymore? I kept waiting like a year or two ago for him to lewd Earth-chan but he never drew her fully naked, I can only fap it to boobs. Now I do like his occasional naked bimbos, but most of it is gay and tranny shit.

>> No.4041708

how can you look at his chromatic abominations? get some taste friend

>> No.4041709

>he says that while anonymously posting on a site known for being used by deviants and degenerates
by your own standards, should you be here?

>> No.4041712

what's your point here even

>> No.4041725

It's up to me and me alone to choose what I do and what not.

If you like somebody enforcing morality upon you you should just go and enjoy life in some Sharia state with no Constitution.
Just imagine
>No gamblung
>No drinking
>No porn
>No sex outside marriage
>No faggots
>No artwork
>No music
>No intertwinement
>No right to complain
Sounds just like your idea of a great place to be.

>> No.4041730
File: 926 KB, 1200x1763, Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this is chromatic aberration. It does have some sort of magic glow, but his latest stuff doesn't have any of it. Just simple colors and I like how the characters are drawn.

>> No.4041736

yeah drinking a beer is the same thing as jacking off to pictures of a 7 year old you cracked the case

>> No.4041738

get your eyes checked dude

>> No.4041739
File: 157 KB, 1100x738, 1564214306390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you look very closely you can see the red outline next to the black lineart
it looks like the CA is weak in that picture though

and shad is boring and stale now

>> No.4041746

yeah, that anon have no sense of proportion. drinking beer causes thousands of deaths every year.

>> No.4041750

jumping through so many hoops to defend being a pedophile lmao

>> No.4041759

well, you're the one who failed to make a single point. Is that all you can do? i thought you hated pedophiles.

>> No.4041763


get well soon, pedophile.

>> No.4041764
File: 747 KB, 480x270, 1422461379111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pederasty is as old as humanity itself, and one can therefore say, that it resides in nature, even if it proceeds against nature....What culture has won from nature will not be surrendered or given up at any price.

>> No.4041787

>Taking substances is the same as using imagination and touching yourself

No actually drinking is infinitely more degenerate.
Not only it is addictive but also causes people to act irresponsibility do stupid things, cause real trouble and and is generally bad for health.
Alcohol ruined numberless families and lives, fatherless children, homeless people, millions of drunk murders.

While a pedo is masturbating and enjoying works of art and fiction and patronizing artists.
Nobody got hurt from that.
Where are the victims of imagination and masturbation?

Your morality is retarded you degenerate druggie. You defend casual use of drugs while pointing fingers at imagination and dreams.

>> No.4041789

get well soon, pedophile.

>> No.4041790

You too junkie

>> No.4041794

lmao i dont smoke or drink nice try though

>> No.4041797

And I don't like lolies.

I'd still shoot a drunk, and a statist over a pedo.
Statists actually hurt people.

>> No.4041805

>you too

mhmm sure. you'd shoot a drunk over a pedo, like a normal person who is 100% not a pedophile.

>> No.4041848

Stay mad degenerate

>> No.4041851

lol im a degenerate because i oppose pedophilia, great work einstein

>> No.4041921

>you should feel bad because you make me uncomfortable you meanie poo poo

>> No.4042010
File: 195 KB, 423x430, and.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4042026
File: 360 KB, 801x788, The emperor truly is naked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modeseven > Shatman
look it up

>> No.4042041

get well soon

>> No.4042062
File: 15 KB, 620x349, images.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You brought Modeseven?

The next "worst" thing would be vvindowsme.

>> No.4042085
File: 2.50 MB, 3488x3000, What doesn't kiil you makes you stronger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shadman: Deep
>Modeseven: Deeper
>Vvindowsme: Deeper than the depthiest of deepiness-ness-ness-ness-ness-ness-ness-ness-ness-ness-ness-ness
So in conclusion and by comparison, Shadman really isn't all that impressive

>> No.4042101

Shadman was always to me to what The Human Centipede was to Roger Ebert: He is who he is and occupies a world where the stars don't shine...

Or in a more kid friendly approach, science to that one teacher from Frankenweenie: he's neither good nor bad, but he CAN be used either way (apparently).

>> No.4042105

>occupies a world where the stars don't shine...

its called being edgy and some people just dont grow out of it

>> No.4042119

The key words being "some people"..

>> No.4042129

read: manchildren

>> No.4042152

There you go. ;)

>> No.4042156

i dont get what the fuck youre trying to say desu

>> No.4042164

look at this moron whose mind is so simple they can't differentiate between people and drawings.

do you really get the same reaction looking at real people as you do cartoons and anime? get your brain checked

>> No.4042170

>im jacking off to a drawing of a little kid, i-its not like i want to fuck a little kid or anything!!!!!

>> No.4042172

Sorry, I thought you were Ugly Betty with an ironic 80s haircut. Carry on, good 4changoer.

>> No.4042173

????? speak english dude

>> No.4042184
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>> No.4042191
File: 1.29 MB, 2048x1151, 1563399564691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4042201

just terrible.

>> No.4042216

>gun isn't loli

>> No.4042580

i dont jackoff to that stuff or look at it. I'm mocking you for being such a sensitive moron about it. Get your brain checked

>> No.4043408

The faces he draws usually look like gremlins, the colouring and line work is fine but I find the faces he draws look absolutely hideous

I don't see where he gets all the hype from since there are hundreds of other porn artists leagues ahead of his art

>> No.4043951

I like some of his stuff, I don't like most of it. His voice sounds stupid, and that doesn't help when he attempts to talk like an intellectual. I don't have a problem with him drawing degenerate shit, I do have a problem with the kind of people that would attempt to destroy him for that. I think many people despise him just because he's successful

>> No.4043968


>> No.4045520

Used to like it as a kid

>> No.4045541


>> No.4045714

mediocre artist at worse, edgy provocateur at best
the cumbrains that worshipped him in droves got mad that he didn't draw porn as frequently anymore which is telling that they aren't there for any teeming aspect of quality
he must be so tired of it all

>> No.4046636

The whole
thing was originally about his shit turd polishing "art" and not the content. Everyone knew he drew edgy for the sake of being edgy, it's only when he gained larger recognition that newfags started to pretend to be shocked and disgusted at his content, because they missed the point and after that others just kept parroting it.

>> No.4046646

Vanillafag power fantasies are fucking hilarious. You little faggots are the biggest pussies there are by the very definition. Sit the fuck down.

>> No.4046816
File: 193 KB, 640x360, noice mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so if I just draw vore I automatically become worse than the Shad?


>> No.4048540
File: 23 KB, 607x424, 8F0AB3A0-BA01-4739-B97A-5F84FBE0E5FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Shad ain’t the best and his “reputation” wasn’t as bad as people fabricated him to be. He just drew loli, nazi, futa trash because he could.

He’s just a meme spurter now and his art isn’t that appealing or sexy to me personally....too much rendering effects and the way he draws cum resembles wet cobwebs than actual semen.

Other than that, shad himself seems like a nice person to discuss things with. He’s got one of those personalities that he listens and can discuss a wide arrange of subjects with you. I’d be his friend.

>> No.4048558

what the hell is wrong with you its an image idiot calm down

>> No.4048635

look up the sleepcabin episodes with him as a guest, pretty funny guy.

>> No.4048696
File: 440 KB, 722x520, 155247185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youve changed bro

>> No.4048700


>> No.4048734

I like his "silly" jokes and his non-porn art (its his best stuff and he should work on it)

>> No.4048775

I think his art is absolutely hideous, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of the mad dosh he's making for it.

>> No.4048795

I don't like his aesthetic but he triggers furries and moralfags so good on him I suppose.

>> No.4048994

Don't shiet!?

>> No.4048995

I don't get him

>> No.4048996


>> No.4049716

>haha wow fucking fascists judging me for jacking off to pre-teens
>drinking beer makes you an addict and worse than people who fantasize about children
>and like- the drawn stuff isn't the same lol fucking retard
>condemning my pedophilia is the same as being a statist

You should loudly share your opinions in public more. Maybe see what your local biker gang has to say about it. They don't like the state either so no need to be worried about them calling the police.

>> No.4049745

why do virgin murican cuckservatives often fantasize about "muh punisher biker gangs"? they're mostly salarymen enjoying themselves or hicks being retarded. that's cringeworthy.

>> No.4051811

Anyone have that video of him throwing money into the air denouncing its importance while he was going through some legal concern with an unamed third party?

>> No.4051915
File: 20 KB, 277x250, 1558720371214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shotgun is not Hand-holding

>> No.4052251

The majority of his art's a shit but he's got a work ethic, he's consistent, he's made an actual career for himself and every now and then he does something that I can at least fap to the concept of

>> No.4052282

Didn't he draw a child actress getting fucked by a dog or something?

>> No.4052285

That's a cute little kirlia

>> No.4052294

too many movies

>> No.4052446
File: 83 KB, 850x478, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4052466

i think his work is boring and annoying but i have some respect for him as a person

>> No.4052783


he's been shadman for a decade now yes dude is from the golden years of NG/4chan its why he has that certain edgyness that a lot of us from the "era" have

>> No.4052847
File: 2.07 MB, 399x222, fuck this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4054049
File: 96 KB, 479x320, CRINGE_and_BLUEPILLED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sit the fuck down.
i think you have some arguments about transexuality to reply to in twitter, ma'am

>> No.4054188

Used to completely despise him but he's actually got better, transitioning to a more cartoony-simplistic style. I think he realized that he simply wasn't good enough for the style he was attempting and moved to something he can handle. His old style was very fucking strange looking. Skin look liked plastic and proportions were wonky as fuck. He deserves props for recognizing his limits and playing within them.