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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 693 KB, 750x928, 77243AC8-3163-419D-AD75-1DD6AEA2022A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4025971 No.4025971 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the worst commission request you’ve ever received?

>> No.4025978

I haven’t gotten anything weird yet so I guess I’m NGMI

>> No.4025982

guy commissioning furry porn from me to feed his wife's collection because she was "feeling sad" in the process of them moving countries...

All information I didn't need. Said retard went on to give money to the wrong PayPal and the wife had to pay me. Furries can be stupid sometimes, but most of my customers have been good. If you are good at character design, just sell sluts instead imo, less hassle.

>> No.4025991

so far just the usual, furry and loli porn, nothing really weird, im really hard to gross out, I think the only stuff I wouldnt make unless they pay me like triple the money is gore.

>> No.4025998

i dont do degenerate commissions

>> No.4026003

nobody wants your /beg/ tier crap anyways, not even autistic furfags.

>> No.4026020

keep getting commissions of characters from old cartoon network shows. I cant stand that shit but I also want money.

>> No.4026024

keep projecting anon

>> No.4026027


>> No.4026028

How much do you fags charge for commissions you don't want to do? Back when I was still doing commissions, I would just keep increasing the price to absurd levels when people wanted me to draw degenerate shit, hoping they would stop pestering me, but instead they just paid up.
I guess degenerates are a lot like furries.

>> No.4026034

stay mad faggots.

>> No.4026046

But you're the one who is mad for no reason lol

>> No.4026050

who hurt you ? why are so bitter ?

>> No.4026053

Art is supposed to be stress relieving yet /ic/ is so aggressive, go draw a pretty picture

>> No.4026055

maybe thats the issue, he cant draw

>> No.4026058


>> No.4026072

Who is fucked up in the head enough to draw shit like this...

>> No.4026074

Free commissions. Literally the worst type.
I've drawn necrofutascat,which I despise, but the money made it Ok.

>> No.4026075

I do shit like that for $35, never lose any sleep over it.

>> No.4026081

A womans back being broken during sexual intercourse (like body being snapped backwards not accidental)

>> No.4026082

Post work? If you're getting high demand you should raise your prices, boi.

>> No.4026147

thank goodness it's censored

>> No.4026468

>drawing a penis very big = fucked in the head


>> No.4026506

It's attached to a little girl, it's fucking grotesque

>> No.4026511

"too young" logic doesnt apply to anime

i want to see a hyperdong on some classic realism art of a little girl now, thats the real crazy shit

>> No.4026517

6 highly detailed vector illustrations of environments and people for $470. Sorry I don't do charity.

>> No.4026518
File: 42 KB, 480x480, 339da9c8c749288e1319aaed08574161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to /ic/ for the first time today
>this is the first thing I see

>> No.4026531

I usually draw all kinds of fetishes for commissions. They really don't bother me.

What I hate drawing though is people. Like, the client themselves. I don't do that shit anymore. It makes me more depressed.

>> No.4026556


Wow you must be some kinda ridiculous hypergod.

>> No.4026569

Fucking whyyyyyyyyy

>> No.4026691

the fact that you can't even comprehend how weird, silly and unappealing this is shows you the general mindset of low IQ npc nu-artists

>> No.4026719

>weird, silly and unappealing = low iq

arent the people who give in to their emotions and outburst without thinking the npcs here, like yourself?

>> No.4026725

add some crabs to it and thats pretty much sum up the experience of ic

>> No.4027115
File: 437 KB, 1024x688, 1286820268270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not take it to an even more real medium

>> No.4027835

Peak humor

>> No.4027845
File: 59 KB, 600x467, 7e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything involving level 4+ furfaggotry or futafags, mainly the ones that wants nuts with the dick. But at this point I'm less piss at doing futashit, I'm just not tempted to draw it without pay. It's furshit that's just too far out of my element.

Sorry, but I'm not attracted to a wolf's face and I cannot imagine a "sexy" look for one.

>> No.4027976

>Anything past 1

>> No.4027980

2 could be like a Sonic character to me.
Actually, this is what I hate about that image though, 3+ should look like real animal face instead of keeping anything anime left to make the point more apparent.

>> No.4027988

Person offered me a grand to do a 16 page comic of an orgy with a bunch of 90s characters. I told him that I needed half up front. They paid and I blocked him. Fuck all that shit. People need to learn not to be such perverts.

>> No.4027995

Savage bruh

>> No.4027998
File: 617 KB, 530x750, __drawn_by_aoneko__4ee69d33d3ae63d1ac9074f059edbad0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to feel the same way until i realized that it wasn't furry art, but western furry art that I didnt like.
Japanese artists do it ok.

bs... easy refund

>> No.4028000

wft, you cunt, leave people be happy doing whatever they want.

>> No.4028004

>Oozing vaginas

I don't do either so I think it is kind of a compliment to my finish, so i turned them down in a cool way

>> No.4028005

Your a bitch faggot

>> No.4028236
File: 847 KB, 826x497, Cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the worst bait I've seen in a while.

>> No.4028239

>bad bait
>a solid 5 (You)s

>> No.4028307
File: 305 KB, 240x157, 1563228278257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Oh!! No!! It's so big!!" in english

>> No.4028319

13 headed dragon and each head was an element and meteor, glass and time were some of the elements and also it has a naked woman growing out of its back for some reason.
Oh and it had to be full color.

>> No.4028322

Da fuck, this sounds awesome. I would draw that

>> No.4028340

The dude was an asshole, the description was 6 paragraphs long.

>> No.4028349

I think it depends on the style. I wouldn't mind drawing a tabaxi and that's level 3?
I could even draw 4 and 5 if it were for a children's book

>> No.4028352

That's just really low price, like 60 bucks per page? I would ask at least double and even more if it's nsfw and therefore can't post it online

>> No.4028533
File: 357 KB, 1486x2000, wip32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do level 3 shit. Sometimes 4.
But fuck porn, I stick to medieval, military, and futuristic stuff.
I never liked drawing any type of porn.

>> No.4028537

they are all furries you autistic furryfag. except 5 is an actual animal

>> No.4028559

a yuri manga commission from a disabled guy who kept sending me pictures of himself and wanted me to be his friend i think

he's not a bad person i guess, it just made me feel bad

>> No.4028562

fuck man that must feel like work

>> No.4028639

>Literally okay if japan does it
Yiff in hell furfag

>> No.4028691

Human girl with anime ears(probably a headband) is furry
If you're autistic, maybe.

>> No.4028699

just come out of the closet furfag

>> No.4028710

meh. they have a better aesthetic. Western furries usually don't have an appealing artstyle.

>> No.4028736


>> No.4028743

i would pay for op's pic

>> No.4028807
File: 144 KB, 591x446, 1554726902994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copy-pasted e-mail of some guys Chun-Li comic script. I pay after I've approved the sketches.
>Work for free on my game. I pay once the Patreon makes money (:
>QUADRA ANIMA wants you to work for nutaku.net
>Do you accept [random crypto currency]
>draw this character please: character_reference.exe
>Are your commissions open? Never replies again.

>> No.4028855

This looks really good

>> No.4028861

nice, this makes some cool D&D designs

>> No.4028877

remind me to learn to paint fur properly.

>> No.4028895
File: 31 KB, 645x773, DpQjnjTXoAEpA_-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw literally any fetish unless I can't physically stomach the subject matter. This has only happened once where a JP guy wanted me to draw vaginal and urethral hyper gape. His words were something like "I want it to look so inviting that I can crawl in there and live in there" the clit had to be extended by about two feet as well so it looked like a sword. The girls were so pregnant that they were literally twenty feet long. Ill do guro, loli and literally most things. But maybe it's just how he described it and the grotesque references he sent. I had to let him down gently. I felt physically ill when he described it.

>> No.4029462

you claimed photobashing helped you learn how to paint. care to elaborate?

>> No.4029672

>>Work for free on my game. I pay once the Patreon makes money (:

(I probably shouldn't post this, he'll change his speech if people recognize him)
I wonder if someone took the bait, he changed his username at some point

>> No.4029749

>it's ok if it's done well
no fucking shit

>> No.4029758

Do you still have the references?

>> No.4030220

Welcome. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.4030245

no matter if the colors are more appealing, or if it's better drawn, you need to remind yourself that they're still animals

>> No.4030317

Foot fetish shit from someone who was desperately trying to insist they did not have foot fetish.

I've drawn things far worse for commissions, but foot fetishists tend to be the most awkward, and most frustrating to work with.

>> No.4030322

very nice, reminds me Lugaru, used to love that stuff until furries ruined everything

>> No.4030350

Absolutely not

>> No.4030362
File: 74 KB, 640x640, 2128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been slowly detesting giantess commissions.

>Me: Explain to them that, through my eyes, giantess commissions look like "draw character like normal then draw tiny surroundings. That's it."
>A handful of giantess clients: No that's not how it works. They're giant. Bigger than life! You don't get it.

>> No.4030396

Because that's where the real money's at

>> No.4030419

The worst one I've ever got was from some stalker-tier weird fuck. He'd commissioned me before to draw some pretty generic anime girl suggestively eating ice cream and another one of a shota character lying in the lap of another character - pretty mundane shit, but a few months later he commissioned me again to draw porn of him and his "IRL girlfriend", and sent me pretty obvious creepshots and Instagram links of this girl who did not look above the age of consent. He asked if I could draw it "realistically" and not post it anywhere, I asked why and he said it was a surprise for her birthday in two months as they'd been dating "a few years now".

It seemed a little suspicious how the dude wrote it, so I messaged the girl on instagram (didn't say anything about the commission) and asked when her birthday was, she said it was in (at the time, roughly) six months time. We started talking casually as she was a beginner artist and saw my art on my instagram page. Later on asked if she knew a guy by the name of the commissioner and she got really freaked out. I said he'd asked me to draw her (didn't mention it was NSFW or for money) and she told my her family had filed for a restraining order because he had been stalking her for upwards of two/three years now and sent her weird letters, locks of his hair, waited outside her school, etc.

Reassured her I wouldn't draw her for him, etc. Messaged the commissioner mention that her birthday seemed to not be in a month time but six, asked if it was a typo for deadline purposes, he never responded.

>> No.4030445
File: 599 KB, 1040x932, 1556407358340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ

>> No.4030457
File: 180 KB, 750x946, 1563735620576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avoid crazy. You talking to her could implicate you as an accomplice for grooming, next time ghost the creep.

>> No.4030463

so far the cash are fine. the worst probably on drawing lolis get eaten by a humongous penis.

>> No.4030727

There's this client I've refunded because he kept pestering me about getting it done for a week straight (Family matters comes first for me). I was curious about him and what kind of stuff he gets and I found out he always gets Palutena and Pit commissions. Happy consensual sex Pit and Palutena commissions.

Going through his Likes on Twitter, I realized that this guy goes by three different aliases to bypass some artists that have a "one per customer" kind of rule.

In my case on my main account, he would bug me about his commission. I wouldn't reply but he would also bug me like minutes later on his other account with a different name (at the time, I didn't know this was the same dude), so I'd reply to both just to be safe. His likes on his main account all have the same Palutena x Pit commissions and artists would always credits those one of the 3 different account names here and there. Once I made the connection that this guy is the same person but with 3 different names, I refunded him.

Fuck that.

>> No.4030737

>Post your profile shots, name and personal info on social media
>Be shocked when someone finds you from social media
People are so fucking stupid.

>> No.4030738

lol i did a few for that guy, dudes loaded

>> No.4030739

I know who this is. That guy always gets Pit and Palutena fucking.

>> No.4030793


Yeah, if ever in the same situation again (I hope not), I'm going to keep the hell away. This was a couple of years back and nothings come of it so I got lucky not getting wrapped up in that shit.

>> No.4030810

You are on the right path man. Keep going and leave these immoral greedy degenerates behind.

>> No.4030823

Someone's sanity isn't going that well.

>> No.4030835

You're still in the good side of art.

>> No.4030844

My problem with those guys is that they give you like... an extreme idea of their fetishes, so its almost impossible for the artist to build that in his mind in a appealing way, and i said appealing way for the artist itself. I think that is always the point, and probably happens because the commisioner don't actual look your previous works, so he don't know your art spectrum.
In the other side the really good boys see that you are doing some things in particular and fit with that, or when you are trying some new thing, they ask you for something related but they understand that you are new to the subject, so you are now that good and need more practice, so they don't ask for complex things.

>> No.4030851

Proud of you Anon. I just quit degenerate porn over the weekend. Not drawing it, fapping to it. I want this garbage out of my life. We're gonna rise above.

>> No.4030856

That sounds pretty lame of an excuse, dude, only people under 20 yo think that way.

>> No.4030950

I think I have that guy in my queue right now we'll find out when his time gets closer...

>> No.4030959

see >>4026024

>> No.4030985

I'm 32. try again.

>> No.4031194

I get the him being annoying part, but why did you give up upon realizing he was three different accounts? And why did you reply to two of them if you didn't know it was the same guy, why would this other random person have any "right" to ask you for progress?

I'm confused.

>> No.4031252
File: 1.63 MB, 1472x1748, 1537189947754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like we've reached a stalemate. Just PYW won't do, cause it says nothing about your handling commissions skills.
I therefore propose a duel to settle this down. Nothing too fancy.

Elements: 1-2 animals, 1 human structure (house, tent, fountain, bridge...) and 1-2 objects.
Theme: Hunger.

Post 3 thumbnail options, with either different ideas or just different compositions. Once I've approved one of them, you can proceed and finish it to your liking. This tripcode will serve solely for the purpose of organizing this duel.

Porn-chan can make it degenerate if he wants to, the criteria will be as technical as possible.
In case of double W.O. y'all're just pathetic little squirming maggot NGMI retards and furry porn is too good for the boths of you.

>> No.4031268

damn, orangutans are fucking cool

>> No.4031569

They're right Anon, you gotta add the atmospheric effects and blue-shift to sell the size.

But real talk, why does it even come up?

>> No.4031695

I only do sfw stuff, some freak asked me to draw vomit fetish, I told him I don't do nsfw but he insisted it wasn't fetish, his faves were filled with drawings of girls vomiting. I was 15 at the time, it was written on my profile

>> No.4033462


>> No.4033538

Just posting in here where commission artists are lurking to let you know that the reason people want to use crypto isn't to inconvenience you, it's because they don't trust you to keep their identity secret if you dislike their request, or to not extort them for more money for their embarrassing fetish. It's not to inconvenience you and no amount of saying "lmao no one cares about your fetish loser" will convince them to trust you as a collective, especially as many of them were probably once paying customers who got burned in some way.
While you may think these people are nopayer-sans and scammer-kuns trying to exploit some Western-Union-esque facet of what to you may seem a mysterious and intimidating frontier of payment, and some inevitably will be as with all forms of payment, your average anon asking if they can pay in Bitcoin is probably either:
>yet another massive degenerate who wants you to draw snuff porn of their underage cousins/celebrity obsession or something, for fuck's sake, just block them
OR, and this is key:
>a sensible, cautious person who wants to set up a method to regularly buy kinky drawings and is willing to go to the bother of buying crypto to keep this guaranteed separate from their public persona
This second type is likely to have more money and be a more frequent repeat customer than normal commissioners, is the point. They also likely have a functioning sense of social acumen and will be professional, polite, and NOT try to mail you their severed penis or get you to trade pics.
The reason furries are so prevalent and high-paying as customers through Paypal or credit cards isn't because there's so much more demand than supply exactly, it's more that they tend to be shameless, open degenerates with no lick of sense nor consideration for other people: they are only interested in getting what they want right now, they behave a bit...like...well, animals. That's the tradeoff.
For cryptofags, it's inconvenience vs higher potential earnings.

>> No.4033549
File: 32 KB, 356x316, chun li thuggery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should also mention that whereas a normal requester is more likely to wander from artist to artist trying to get better deals or avoid any one person knowing too much about their weird sexuality, a cryptofag may have limited choice and thus be forced to give you more business even if they wouldn't have if you're the only one they know of who takes crypto.

A good rule of thumb if you want something easy and low risk is to accept just Bitcoin, use an online wallet ideally linked to a conversion site, and cash that wallet out to Paypal or whatever as often as possible. This also adds a little layer of obscurity to help you dodge Paypal's arbitrary blocking of NSFW business.

>> No.4033648

I only take commissions and pay for commissions via Bitcoin or Monero for privacy reasons. Luckily I know a couple artists and customers who accept crypto, but so far I haven't bought commissions or sold to customers who don't use crypto.

Would you happen to have any tips for transactions between a PayPal user and a crypto user? Both as a buyer and seller? I'm a noob in that regard.

>> No.4033657

I think I was contacted by the same guy

>> No.4033670
File: 141 KB, 780x1025, 1557865369822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck even is this response, did that post hurt him or something?

>> No.4033692
File: 366 KB, 640x480, 1356289821748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For an online wallet you can use Cryptonator, which has the added benefit of being able to accept and convert between all of the actualcoins and then some. Never used it myself but have heard good things, it's "free" which probably means there's some % fee on conversions. Another one is freewallet.
As for direct exchange between a buyer and a seller with Paypal and Crypto, I can't help you there, as far as I know it's impossible because Paypal won't allow it and doesn't deal in Bitcoin. As for Paypal-to-Bitcoin, there might be some site that charges a service fee and takes Paypal to a site account associated with you and vends appropriate Bitcoin to a Bitcoin account you own, but I imagine it's exorbitant and I don't know of any.
Changex will take your Bitcoin and give you Paypal cash, but I just checked and in addition to a 1.5% fee those great-nosed friends have a minimum fee of $10 too, which really fucks up my above advice of taking the crypto out of your online wallet frequently and quickly.
A (very popular) alternative is coinbase, I don't know for sure if they have a minimum fee but I don't think so, the fee might be more than Changex for Paypal but shouldn't be too much, and you can also connect bank accounts I think. Never actually used either of these myself.
Coinbase might even provide wallet services right in the same place for all I know, it's been a while since I looked into this stuff, but might be a good place to start.

Anyways, in exchange, got any links/usernames/refsheets of artists or (You)s to share? Whenever I ask /aco/ if any of them take crypto they sperg out.

>> No.4033737

Thank you very much for the response!
I can give you the names of the two artists I know who accept crypto.

I unfortunately can't name my customers since they're anonymous users on discord (who barely message me anyway), but I can give you a link to a subreddit full of potential customers who use bitcoin to purchase nsfw commissions. I know reddit is cancer, but it's the best lead I've got currently.

I wish more people weren't so spergy when it came to crypto. They see it as this scary boogeyman, so it lessens your potential customers.

>> No.4033743

they're essentially human, considering the average furry's body and most of the face. imo furries carry a similar appeal to exotic aliens. It's not too different from a guy finding a Twi'lek attractive.

>> No.4033769

Except the Twi'lek guy doesn't come with an increased risk of fucking animals, whereas if Twi'leks were real you'd consider it racist not to want to fuck one

>> No.4034243

Why did his post set you off, lmao. You're not a degenerate, are you?

>> No.4034452

I always wanted to make cryptocommissions just for the hell of it, but I don't draw degenerate stuff, so it's pointless.

>> No.4034692

Some body wanted to pay me
To animate a dick being cut of by scissors.
She only wanted the action, one angle but as realistic as I could make it (3d) ten seconds long.
She requested it in person and I've never talked to her since. And I'm pretty sure she dropped out of college maybe went a little too mental with Feminism.

>> No.4034713

>especially as many of them were probably once paying customers who got burned in some way.
Do artists really do this?
I mean isn't this a double-edged sword? Both people get to see each other's identity. If an artist is such a dick to start blackmailing a person paying money, can't the guy just expose the artist? Getting bad comments stuck to your artist name is pretty bad.

>> No.4035075

What’s with the crypto shilling

>> No.4035340

Both artists and commissioners can do this, /aco/ has a running list of both (mostly scammers, but I think there was one on the artist side who threatened to reveal people) they've managed to more or less confirm, and many more unlisted but claims are made (often falsely).
People are retarded, and you can be semi-anonymous on Paypal to your customers by setting up a "business account".
Define degenerate, do you just not draw anything NSFW?

>> No.4035396

futa is way above furry on the degenerate meter, stop being retarded

>> No.4035405

I mean he explained exactly why he wanted it so what's with the question

>> No.4035406

do furries really fuck animals?

that was easy cash money anon, what a waste.

>> No.4035408

Depends on the furry.

>> No.4035420
File: 52 KB, 957x918, EALqQciW4AUND5U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime furshit generally looks less shit then western shit like how this thread pointed out.
But I stated both were trash, so I think you're the retarded one for not reading.

>> No.4035434

Pretty sure that's theft.

>> No.4035435

They not only want what you describe, but also give them a extreme dominant camera angle. Basically draw a Godzilla pic but with their waifu in place of the big G.

>> No.4035882

I can see how "calling out" an easy target like a lolicon is a good way to stir up some shit and gain attention, increasing your following and earning a good boy badge. Not saying everyone does that on purpose, but the vigilante thrill is there within a lot of NPCs.

>Define degenerate, do you just not draw anything NSFW?
Or clearly fetish-like.

>> No.4036072

That's a shit graph. A better one would have stylized to photo-like on the x-axis as you have it but human to animal on the y-axis instead of anime to toony. After all, anime and toony are both kinds of stylization. On the other hand, there are significant differences in the degree of animal-ness in furry stuff - like Sonic vs. Thundercats.

>> No.4036129

Based non-degenerate Redwall/Nimh/Ghost of a tale style Furrican

>> No.4036453

> After all, anime and toony are both kinds of stylization.
That's the point. That's the argument, not how "not furry" it is, it's about how appealing it is to some people. Sonic is more toony to me than anime I guess, but compared to the likes of Goofy or Donald, Sonic characters look far less animal than the likes of Starfox and more appealing than the likes of Goofy. It's all about the face design that would make or break it to an artist, and I find Sonic characters face wise more appealing to look at attractively than the likes of that bottom toony lion.

It's likely why I can't get into say, Gumball characters while their anime styled versions done by Manyakis would be far more appealing to draw.

>> No.4036485

furgirls are still girls, theyre an out of the world specie that doesnt exist, like wanting to fuck an angel or an alien.
Futa is literally a girl with a penis, you have to be a degenerate tranny fetishist to like it.

>> No.4036494

>Futa is literally a girl with a penis, you have to be a degenerate tranny fetishist to like it.
Again, I said I don't like it. But if people are going to pay me for it, that's all it is, a girl with a penis. It's stupid, but at the end of the day, I draw girls getting dicked, so if I can draw both, drawing both on the same character is doable, just don't expect me to draw that shit without money being involved.

>> No.4036496

Makes you a degenerate anyway

>> No.4036502

Well yes, I too post on 4chan. I thought this was obvious.

>> No.4036542

Fat sharkman with a fat human dong giving the dick to half a woman's body with the rest of her floating far in the background.

>> No.4036581

Is there any way to get non porn commissions, I'm getting tired of them. I just wanna draw cool shit and not have to hide it from my family

>> No.4036872

See if you can hit up the tabletop RPG market, people want character portraits and stuff they can use in front of other people, as well as porn.

That or do pictures of animals. People love having paintings and drawings of their dog or whatever, you'll probably even be able to hit up your local area for that because it's so normal and common.

>> No.4036889

A friend of mine said he was a GM for some rpg and that people were interested in getting art for their characters but he never spoke of it again. But yeah that's a great idea actually, thanks. I'll also look into the animal thing.

>> No.4036899

make it your policy to not draw porn??? duh??

>> No.4036927

Yeah, I tried shilling my stuff on dA for non porn commissions with no success, but getting porn commissions is way easier, just go on aco and you're good.

>> No.4037110

This is pretty damn vanilla to me compared to what I draw for fun.