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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 186 KB, 1500x1198, 1549109669142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4008892 No.4008892 [Reply] [Original]

How are you holding up /ic/?

>> No.4008901

>10 years
>still no background

>> No.4008907

soul vs soulless

>> No.4008910


>10 years of draw this again and Anon still doesn't understand.

>> No.4008912

soul vs ruan jia tier souless

>> No.4008918

Still beg tier shit.

>> No.4008927

for comic - 2008
for illustration - 2019

>> No.4008931

>10 years to learn to soft shade, use highlights, and ditch thick black linework

>> No.4008938

post work

>> No.4008939

>11 years to find loomis

>> No.4008942
File: 74 KB, 549x1024, 1562580634858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4008962
File: 25 KB, 516x485, 1556335905431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you baiting? or are you just jealous? what does it take for you to say "this is actually really fucking good"? Do they have to literally make a time machine and travel to the middle ages to paint the mona lisa? When will it be enough? How many years of artistry does it take to become just "good" in your eyes? Because i swear to god all i see is people who shit on people infinitely better than themselves, something all of you are too pussy to actually say irl, but just use as a coping mechanism on anonymous imageboards. Post your own work why don't you, if you're so fucking good compared to OP. "This is so soulless hurr durr", the word you're looking for is "quality". The art piece has increased in "quality". This has nothing to do with soul - they are simply BETTER than they were before. The progress is clear, and the reason you're attacking them is because you realize how little progress you made yourself in the same amount of time, so you try to justify it by saying that the art lost its soul. It's obvious what you're doing. Deal with it - THEY are good, with much time and effort and YOU will never be, no matter the time or effort. Not with that outlook at least. What a shitty way to view the world. Kinda sad to be honest.

>> No.4008977

Believe me when we say that we've seen this type of shit get regurgitated not hundreds but tens of thousands of times, it's the merc_wip of the pinups with the cliche anime-esque realism mash ups. The one from 10 years ago at least had a sense of originality - sure it had its flaws but you could tell it came from the artist's unique style and approach instead of the one from 2019 that is a copycat of whatever is popular on Tumblr ergo the tumblr style.

>> No.4008984

Memes aside the simplicity of left really carries the generic design. I could genuinely see it being in a semi successful comic or something. The one on the right is technically better but it just doesn't catch the eye in the same way.

>> No.4008989

/ic/ really is the worst board

I agree, the original had a lot more character. Pretty sad to see an “evolution” like this that destroys any originality of style. Sure, it got technically better but...

>> No.4008992

>what does it take for you to say "this is actually really fucking good"
Something that is not a generic pin-up of a literal fantasy video game character, hopefully.

Also, honestly, ever since I saw 10k resolution paintings by ruan jia, nothing impresses me any more.

>> No.4008996

havent drawn for almost a month. depression fucking sucks

>> No.4009000


It's better in every sense of the word. What the fuck? Am i being gaslighted?
How is the one on the left more original than the one on the right.....????
If we're talking from a "catches your eye" perspective, there's no way in hell anyone would say that the one on the left is more eyecatching.. What? And it's certainly not the one i would want to see a comic of.

Also, what are you talking about in relation to the tumblr-style? This is certainly not tumblr style.

WHo cares about the content matter, we're talking about the artistic talent here. This is clearly the top 1 % of any artists talent ever.

>> No.4009001
File: 639 KB, 971x890, Reds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4009002

>This is clearly the top 1 % of any artists talent ever

Here’s your reply.

>> No.4009003

>muh style
>still not as good as RonaldJulia

Fuck you guys are such fags. Can you imagine someone posting the left as their piece in a beg thread as a study of the one on the right and arguing that theirs is better with these justifications.

>> No.4009004
File: 13 KB, 249x250, 1534826037561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is clearly the top 1 % of any artists talent ever.
fucking lol

>> No.4009009

Yes, cry harder, baby.

Are you a fucking idiot, perhaps? Do you expect everyone on here to enjoy everything you like, to 100% specificity?

>> No.4009014

Kys crab faggot I don't even like the one on the right but it's clearly professional work which none of you make.

>> No.4009016

>here's no way in hell anyone would say that the one on the left is more eyecatching..
Except I literally just did. The right looks much better in terms of rendering but that just creates a jarring effect when combined with the insipid fantasy design.

You're absolutely retarded if you think technical skill is more important than appeal.

>> No.4009018

Got me!

>> No.4009020

vivid colors, tons of appeal, clear, readable shapes, confident shading, clearly established setting

muddy colors, generic, gradient for a background, blurry lines, still can't draw feet

>> No.4009021

>You're absolutely retarded if you think technical skill is more important than appeal.

Lucky that the one on the right has 1000% more appeal to 99% of people then!

>> No.4009022

Apply for a job then with work like that on the left and see where it gets you. Fucking LARPing retards on this board I swear.

>> No.4009026

Looking at the state of the comics industry these days you can probably get a series with art on the left ezpz

>> No.4009028

You strained yourself reaching for that, didn't you?

>> No.4009029

Left character is clearly readable as smug and confident.

What expression is the character on the right trying to convey? A blank, doll-like, expressionless, soulless face looking directly at the camera.

>> No.4009030

Someone liking art you don’t like makes them a LARPer? Are you a fool?

>> No.4009031

best post in thread everything else is just cope from /beg/s

>> No.4009032

[citation needed]
>whether or not it gets you a job is the end all measure of quality
You're the LARPer

>> No.4009033

there it is

>> No.4009037

i really don't understand the influx of /beg/s in /ic/

is everyone who failed art finally complaining?

>> No.4009038

right is clearly way better, don't listen to these cunts, they always try to be as contrarian as possible, it's the /ic/ way.

>> No.4009043

if this is ironic, this is funny.
if this is serious, this is cope.

>> No.4009048

>the only reason anyone could prefer left is because they're crabbing
If technical skill is all that matters explain Memecasso

>> No.4009050

Better how? Explain your impartial and objective reasoning, so that we may all share your correct appreciative tastes

>> No.4009064

Don’t listen those washed up art failures who losses there will to draw after their mid-life crisis.

The one on the right shows tremendous gain and even the the body is model like (something found in many arts of female) I recognize your rendering skills and understand that just because you showed one piece doesn’t mean that all you can do.

>> No.4009073
File: 35 KB, 600x597, 847286367_preview_bird scout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and even the the body is model like (something found in many arts of female)

>> No.4009077
File: 69 KB, 500x500, 1388420036624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The one on the right shows tremendous gain
>Learning how to draw a button nose, bug eyed eyes and a triangle mouth are tremendous gains

>> No.4009080

Telling it the way it is, we need more like you.

>> No.4009085

I feel like /ic/ generally isn't equip to judge design due to the pervasive grinding mentality. (Always Studying, Never Creating)

2019 is definitely better technically, I would have to know what the individual pieces were made for to judge how well the design works, otherwise it's just preference.

>> No.4009086

Imagine this long reply to defend a piece of shit drawing.

>> No.4009087

In what situation would you ever pick left over right???

>> No.4009095

Right is disgusting faux anime. I'd take left any day.

>> No.4009100

And left isn't?? The old is so bland and uninspired compared to the new one. And the old one is also absolutely taking inspiration from anime as well, it's just that the prevailing style at the time was a bit more western-looking than current day. So if you want something that's "not faux anime" then neither would fit.

>> No.4009101

>faux anime
ngmi. It's faux Blizzard.

>> No.4009103

>and even the the body is model like (something found in many arts of female)

>> No.4009106

>And left isn't??
You've obviously never seen a single anime if you think it is.
The armor sure but not the face

>> No.4009111

Like >>4008927 said, especially in a production setting. If I'm cranking out a book I wouldn't ever want to hamper myself by rendering to to this level when storytelling would be much more important. I would simplify characters as much as possible and focus on composition and page flow.

Even If it's a portfolio piece, it still depends on what kind of work you want to do, if I'm an editor or art director at x comic imprint, I would think "guy on the right can draw, but can he handle work outside of illustration/covers?"

>> No.4009125

Why would you ever assume that someone who has the technical skill to do the new one, doesn't have the skill to dial back and make a simplified version? Has that ever happened? That someone was able to make a character that was rendered beautifully, but wasn't able to make a character that was rendered slightly less lavishly??

>> No.4009134

thats really nice, does he have a blog ?

>> No.4009136
File: 75 KB, 858x694, 1538358588066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just google the signature dude https://twitter.com/overnoes

And yes, he's actually really fucking good.

>> No.4009137

Seriously, how much are they paying you?

>> No.4009141

yeah i noticed after i already posted

pyw crab

>> No.4009145

The crabbing on /ic/ is real, maybe some guys are crabbing in this thread. Still, you must understand, not everybody is into the League of Legends concept art look. There's a certain way all of these Western MMOs/MOBAs/whatever are illustrated that I find hideous without exception. Especially how they do armor. It's not based on real armor anymore, if it ever was. It's based on Joe's iteration of John's take of Jim's version on green fantasy armor. Know that Miyazaki quote about how animators are not studying from life anymore, they're consuming the regurgitations of other animators? It's like that.
So it is a technical improvement, it's just kinda generic. Generic isn't inherently bad, it depends on the artist's goals. As commercial work, it'll do just fine and as long as the artist is happy with his progress, what's the issue? That some randoms on /ic/ don't like it? That's life. Figure out what you want out of art and pursue only that, bar the occasional detour. If you never figure it out you might end up some place you don't like.

>> No.4009147

Still waiting >>4009048

>> No.4009154

No one cares about your irrelevant post this is clearly about an illustrator not a fine artist and you're either retarded to see that or baiting.


>> No.4009156

>this is clearly about an illustrator not a fine artist
So why does technical skill matter more than appeal to an illustrator?

>> No.4009158

it doesn't you retrd that's what we're saying

>> No.4009159
File: 875 KB, 1653x844, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4009160

And that's exactly what I said here >>4009048 illiterate retard

>> No.4009164
File: 19 KB, 419x249, 1561999142640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4009172

At least you posted it.

>> No.4009174

So how many Shekels did you earn in those previous two posts shill?

>> No.4009178
File: 24 KB, 400x225, IMG_3446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4009180
File: 16 KB, 240x240, お巡りさん.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4009182

better in terms of technical skill you autistic faggot

>> No.4009185

Cute. I still want a nude version, though.

>> No.4009186
File: 551 KB, 476x342, 1538530670201.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the meme

>> No.4009266

The original has that more punk girl vibe. The new one is just Overwatch bitch. Other than that, everything else is better on the right.

>> No.4009283
File: 398 KB, 700x540, [nighthwk] Kodocha - 28 [DVD 480p AAC Dual Audio] [46E4781E][00:12:10]001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that stabilization level
no confidence-tier

>> No.4009289


>> No.4009292

I wish people would appracate emotion over appeal. I hate every female character looking like wide eyed Japanese characters. It's fake, phoney lacking of soul.

>> No.4009293

>Stabilization 0

>> No.4009295

>drawing toddlers in lingerie
this is really creepy, anon

>> No.4009296

Why would you assume people don't specialize? Comics and sequential art in general are their own skill set. Drawing a single character =/= 20-ish pages of interior art. I don't even know that this guy can draw on model through an entire book from a single pinup. The metaphorical guy on the right COULD know, but with money on the line I'm not taking a chance. They could also LEARN, but again my job depends on shipping a product, not mentoring someone through their first comic.

This is taking both image in isolate though, again, don't know what they were made for if anything.

>> No.4009299


sometimes it is better when anon doesnt post their work

>> No.4009300

>I-It's not a real toddle in lingerie
>F-freeze peach

>> No.4009303

is this mikuanon

>> No.4009305
File: 181 KB, 722x1005, take-this-l-5b6c4f7e4d5f8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4009308

Idk if this is a copypasta, but the left, while more simple, looks more unique. Obviously, the newer one has much more skill, but the design looks really generic.

>> No.4009311

>drawing trash pedo shit with zero anatomy knowledge
>making fun about the progress of that artist in op
the classic ngmi

>> No.4009312


I don’t think you should’ve posted this, pedanon.

>> No.4009359
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 23473057_733421223517693_1544401155687308353_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the left, while more simple, looks more unique
Is it really more unique? It's a style I've seen a thousand times before while looking at mediocre DA artists, it just seems like a slightly more skilled and appealing version of the Goblins style. I feel like people only think left looks "unique" because they spend most of their time looking at skilled artists rather than no-name amateurs.

>> No.4009372

>this is the tier of work for crabposters

>> No.4009437


>> No.4009645

based cunnychad

>> No.4009647
File: 134 KB, 313x291, 1551403211194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4009651

Very well thanks for asking OP.

>> No.4009658

Also why did that take more than ten years?

>> No.4009682

1000% this

>> No.4009716

i love you mikufag

>> No.4009758
File: 3.96 MB, 250x259, 1551013938279.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the kind of people who criticize you on /ic/

>> No.4009772
File: 517 KB, 1390x1080, ywh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4009778

>this is the level of that moron who keeps shitposting the OP
oh no no no no

>> No.4009780

i reckognize this ref from quickpose lel.
it's so fkn difficult to draw...
but i can see you're gonna make it

>> No.4009785

omg you retard, if really think this way I am 100% sure you have almost no experience with art

>> No.4011260

where is the dislike button lmao. Gotem

>> No.4011281


>> No.4011291
File: 10 KB, 250x239, 1561483052816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think this blue Overwatch whore to the right looks better than the original slightly mango elf to the left, you are the reason I hate artists.

>> No.4011296
File: 446 KB, 1746x1410, memememe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fucking McKillmyself

>> No.4011317

It's not about appeal, it's about skill. They're both stylistically different and the one on the right looks like flavor of the month cutesy shit but it does show an increase in skill. Better colors, better rendering, better proportions, etc. He couldn't paint like that 10 years ago and now he can.

>> No.4011323
File: 44 KB, 427x455, 1540257480231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, but an improvement in skill means jackshit if you didn't learn how to develop an aesthetic sense.

It's like starting out as an amateur fiction writer, grinding for years and becoming the best legal papers writer around. The original purpose/appeal is lost, only the technical skill remains.

>> No.4011326

Ignore /ic/ they're just salty as always. You've definitely improved in a lot of areas, especially in your own personal style and moving forward, looks good, keep it up OP.

>> No.4011328

Could you post a skilled piece with similar appeal/style of the original?

>> No.4011335
File: 388 KB, 1000x1286, 1537454313426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe. Not everyone get the same messages from the same styles, but here's an attempt, specially because it's art that belongs to the same NPC moba niche.

>> No.4011343

Who is this mikufag

>> No.4011354

The fucking memeing on this board is worse than /g/

There is no decent art-related board of any kind on 4chan. They're all so far up their asses that you can't get a reasonable critique more than once every 200 comments.

>> No.4011358

Because sometimes people have jobs, priorities, responsabilities... who the fuck knows what else.

>> No.4011535
File: 3 KB, 125x104, ahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top 1 % of any artists talent ever
Now it's obvious that it's your art.

>> No.4011621

The top 5% on tumblr alone is more appealing and better

>> No.4011631
File: 361 KB, 800x838, 1555558579684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

search mikufag in the archives

>> No.4012458

I unironically like 2017 better. Now you seem to be afraid of shadows

>> No.4012527
File: 151 KB, 600x776, D5C3F592-3D64-478F-BA34-6F15D3DF46DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda reminds me of Adam Warren.

>> No.4012536

I got worst lul

>> No.4012542

Adam Warren is like the definitive case study of bad taste holding someone back. If you look at his studies they're great, he knows his fundamentals, he knows how to draw appealing figures, he has dynamism, etc but then you look at the fucking faces and it ruins everything. Big ass fish lips and circe 2000s anime eyes with autistic proportions. And he chooses to draw like this, god damn.

>> No.4012549

I like his faces, though. They're cute, but unusual and distinctive.
I think the idea of good/bad taste is really silly, because it's all entirely subjective. Maybe what looks bad to you looks good to someone else, I like animu but I know there are other people who hate the style. Should people stop drawing what they enjoy just because other people dislike it? I think artists should just say "fuck it" and some point after they get the fundies down and just stylize how they want, cause you can't appeal to everyone.

>> No.4012589

yeah fair enough, I just really don't like the faces but I can see how others might find them appealing.

>> No.4012711

i agree with you anon, old one was interesting but new one was the best looking

>> No.4012762

>10 years,
>still hiding hands.

>> No.4012763

the mad man actually did it!!!
fuckin legend,
this guy may not be really gud and alll, but he has bawlz of steel,
Chad as fuck.

>> No.4012764

soul vs soulless unironically.

>> No.4012767

you obviously dont understand that they were saving the darkest darks to ingratiate the important features of her face in a style of portraiture that even Sargent used.

it also seems most of you tardos dont understand the use of notan vs chiaroscuro because you sperg at anything you see that makes you feel like you arent as good

>> No.4012775

No really how do you do this for ten years and not become like a hypergod.

>> No.4012782

It takes way longer to improve than most people think. The git gud in one year thing is a meme.

>> No.4012788

It's not like progress is linear, or can even be shown with just one image like this. It may have taken him a while to start studying regularly. Maybe he spent some time learning perspective and BGs and just doesn't demonstrate that here.

>> No.4012794

I dunno I at least improved a good bit this year. Maybe Im due for a long stagnation spell.

>> No.4012871

The eyes are good, the lips are shit. And I love me DSL, but those look like fucking duck beaks.

>> No.4012962

My man studied knees instead of hands, I went with boobs myself

>> No.4013013

I think the reason so many people say the orignal, older one has more appeal is because you really pushed the gesture and facial expression in it while your revamp is kinda ... lifeless.

Technically, your new one is better but it's not as emotive. I think you should try pushing your gestures more in your newer style. The coloring is gorgeous though.

>> No.4013348

The art is good, I'm spending my money having it framed. I am held back and constrained but I do what I can with it. I'm growing older and have health issues frequently, It would be more worth while if I just hoovered than painted. I haven't heard about my painting yet. They're taking a long time with this one, just as well I can't afford to pay them. I found a brilliant new framers though. And a new gallery in another town that might display my art. I spoke to the woman and she said "If you would fit in with our other artists work" and I look at the walls and it's daffy duck and huge smiling cows. They do have a couple of [edit] on the wall , by artists called Maritzio and that sort of thing. Probably they met them on their luxury holidays.

I went to an auction house "fine art" , won't even consider it. It's all old model ships and tatty cupboards. "you don't get tht sort of person in here?" he shakes his head, "not really" I shake his hand and say goodbye. Inside I'm thinking "Just try it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUst try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someoine might buy it you bastard!!!!!!". I contain that completely and walk away with my painitng.

>> No.4013493

>The git gud in one year thing is a meme.
Not really, people make their largest improvements in the first nine months usually.

>> No.4013947

have to reply/agree since this board is full of mainstream dicksucking faggots
2nd one already is fucked by the idea of having cartoonish style mixed with realistic amounts of details

>> No.4013986

if you used the same face from the 1st on the 2nd it would look really cool. 2nd face looks boring