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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 227 KB, 491x612, 1499654104808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4001780 No.4001780 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the /draw/thread with our fundamental exercises.

Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, or you literally are never going to make it

previous >> 3997239
>screenshot the image and post that instead
>change camera capture settings to something smaller
>send to computer and resize in MSPaint

READ THE STICKY if you need guidance when you haven't even started.

Sticky: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98/edit#bookmark=id.15jx3pyuimvj

TRY TO GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

>> No.4001787

can anyone explain what was wrong with that meme marine painting?

>> No.4001788

I thought the meme was that there was nothing wrong with it and it was up to /ic/'s standards?

>> No.4001790
File: 213 KB, 1185x1346, when she see's your first dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip me apart /beg/

>> No.4001791
File: 104 KB, 1185x1143, when she see's your second dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4001796
File: 3.14 MB, 4032x3024, 20190706_070115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's bad, but not awful.

>> No.4001807
File: 56 KB, 500x638, wolf face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4001825
File: 218 KB, 800x1068, 1562388083513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

critiques pls

>> No.4001828

top left seems extremely emaciated, their hips are so thin, the neck on bottom left is too long, that's really about it, maybe top right tits are a bit weird? couldn't tell you how tho.

>> No.4001832

the basic shapes are lost on everthing but your torso.
it's odd that you manage to define planes on the torso but then all other extremeties look shapeless.
Good effort tho, but i would recommend you use an HB basic pencil until you have real control of your lines and values.

>> No.4001835
File: 41 KB, 816x1072, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stopped drawing for three months and now i can't even copy right baka

>> No.4001837
File: 452 KB, 428x538, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the reference i used.

>> No.4001841

are you going to post that everytime?
are you blind? the nose is smack bang in the middle of the face the muzzle is short and self contained it's not front on it's 3/4th's view goddamn you are a fucking retard.

>> No.4001847

it is probably one of the worst 3/4th view i have seen in a while.
sonic chu tier

>> No.4001848


We've had a suspicious influx of amateur furfags lately....

>> No.4001850

death of tumblr

>> No.4001851
File: 965 KB, 740x837, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 weeks into gesture drawing, please give me some critique anons

>> No.4001853

this is /ic/ not /b/ or /roast/ give feedback not just a fucking meme picture that looks nothing like the picture.

k good one m8

>> No.4001854

Ok someone explain what's ops image is about?

>> No.4001855

i feel as if gesture should be much more dynamic.
Yours seem to be overworked and the unrealistic proportions look like a mistake

>> No.4001856

You're getting feedback. Your drawing lacks everything from appeal to technical acumen, sorry pal. but i don't wanna write an essay on its weaknesses because you have proven not to take advice anyways so see this

>> No.4001859

That's figure drawing not gesture drawing I think. In any case it's clear you put too much effort into this. Draw smaller and quickly so you can do many more of these. After you draw a few dozens of quick poses, try doing an actual drawing instead of an exercise so we can criticize in more depth. An exercise doesn't have much intention and it isn't supposed to have much detail so there's not much to critique there. I mean for example the arms look like tubes, but it's a mannequin not a human, so I can't say that.

BUT the arm on the right pose is too long, the right arm. Put your arm against your body. The elbow is roughly where the ribcage finishes. In that pose, the elbow would be significantly lower than the ribcage.

>> No.4001863
File: 228 KB, 776x1119, mercwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is a meme, a "mercenary wip" painting by someone which somehow became a meme on /ic/.

>> No.4001865

oh fuck off troll, you don't have to write an essay just brief points the pic you posted looks nothing like my drawing.

the nose is not on the farthest edge of the muzzle.

You can see the nose is in the middle giving the illusion that she's facing to her left somewhat.

The muzzle is short so I dont see how it would even begin to look like wolfface.jaypeegee

and if you aren't on here for feedback, wtf are you doing on here? a pic is not feedback its trolling.

>> No.4001874

Your art looks bad.

>> No.4001875

I'm not the same guy lmao. Your drawing s just that bad.
>reddit spacing

>> No.4001876

Alright, here’s your feedback bro: you didn’t even try. This literally looks like something a child or Down Syndrome retard would draw. The entire thing is just shitty, flat, incoherent symbols, no perspective, no form, no style, no appeal. Go practice drawing basic 3D primatives like cones, spheres, cylinders, cubes etc. Even whatever faggot furry porn artist you idolize constructs the face and figure using those basic forms.

>> No.4001878

iirc someone didn't hire the anon who drew this because he was gay

>> No.4001879

>This literally looks like something a child or Down Syndrome retard would draw
as i said, it's sonichu tier

>> No.4001885

pay more attention to how features wrap around the face, his eye sockets are facing the same direction and his mouth is flat
your figures are stiff and flat and proportions are all over the place and face is distorted
i am not even sure where things go wrong for you, feels like you jumping to details before construction and to construction before establishing gesture
hey that's not bad, some parts are bit off but it looks good nonetheless
my only complaints is that eyelids on left eye are bit too thin and red light from skin translucency (around nose, forehead and ear) is too saturated
i am not the same guy who replied to you with this image before
you haven't defined form so it was my first impression
go read "How to draw" by S. Robertson or do drawabox exercises, you have to understand how to draw simpler objects properly in 3D before you move to complicated stuff like human and animal faces

>> No.4001887
File: 889 KB, 3308x4679, img020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate furry art therefore anything you draw is shit also I'm going to waste half my post calling it shit and calling you a downie.

K buddy in the time it took you to come up with some "criticism" I drew this.

It was constructed from a cone since you're so adament it looks like wolfface.gaypeegee.

>> No.4001890

>drawing anime/furry art to get feedback on your fundies
the construction is still wrong. learn some basic perspective with 3D primitives

>> No.4001894

No, your drawing is shit because it’s shit, being a furry is just icing on the shit sundae.

Nice drawing, it’s just as garbage as your previous attempt. Were you expecting praise for this trash?

>> No.4001895
File: 244 KB, 960x1280, loomis8.5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still practicing loomis heads. kinda getting the hang of the ball and plane method but it still throws me off

>> No.4001897

Thanks a lot man, really appreciate your feedback.

Thanks, I'm following Proko's figure drawing course, I did a bunch of 30s and 2 min poses everyday, and that pic was my study after watched his "Mannequinization" chapter. And I didn't know much about the body's proportions, I'm trying to find a good course/book about anatomy, I followed Huston's course but still confused. Any recommendation?

>> No.4001898
File: 87 KB, 638x500, mystyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constructed it from a cone

>> No.4001908

i feel like you're getting it.
Imo you should now try to analyze the features (eg eyes nose etc) and break them down as basic 3d shapes cause in some of your heads your noses and eyes look flat ( mostly on low angle shots which are pretty difficult, so good job overall)

>> No.4001913

nice try buddy, it's the wrong waay round, you think I'm going to take critique from someone who doesn't know basic geometry?

>> No.4001922

Sorry you're doing what I usually recommend already, It's about mileage mostly, you'll get better with time. But other anons might know more.

>> No.4001924

Thanks for your feedback and you're pretty spot on. I have some issues with color temperature so i either go to saturated or too dull.

>> No.4001927
File: 43 KB, 576x407, webcam-toy-photo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a sketch for a painting I want to make.Can someone please help me with her proportions? Where should I draw her other arm? Are her feet alright? How do I make clothes fold more naturally? Any other critique and tips would be highly appreciated as well.

>> No.4001930

The placement of all of your features are wrong, and what you do have is basically shitty symbol drawing at best. I want to sympathize with you because I actually like furry shit, but... just no. You're probably worse off than other /beg/s because you have bad habits and nothing else.

>> No.4001932

thanks. ive had it on backburner to structure facial features at angles, but i'll put more priority into that now

>> No.4001933

you don't need anatomy book yet
anatomy is knowing what are these bumps and pits on human body are and where do they go when person moves their limbs and things around
proportions is knowing that ribcage is about two heads wide and that foot is about half as long as shin
you don't need much of the former to draw appealing figure

find any human body proportion chart (it's easy to google), learn measuring techniques (easy to google as well, i think proko had video about them too) and train your eye by drawing more figures

>> No.4001934

the feet don't look like they have a defined shape and the clothes don't look like they're following to form consistently.
My impression is that the arm is a bit long but maybe that's just my impression.
Also, the lower part of the further leg looks longer than the other one

>> No.4001936

review brah?

>> No.4001937

Thank you so much! I was thinking the arm is too long as well so I'm glad I had someone to confirm it! I'll try to fix the legs too. How can I improve the clothes though?

>> No.4001940
File: 656 KB, 3308x4679, img021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit tier critique
Getting there

Actually good

So I have to wade through 6 posts and 1 1/2 hours of IRL time to get some constructive criticism that sources actual drawing books, Jesus fucking christ guys, what the fuck happened?
And the picture's without critique make it worse I draw a "flat" face WOLFFACE.GIF
I draw a face with a pronounced Muzzle
How is that supposed to fucking teach me anything? "You're drawings shit" yeah no shit I'm posting on /ic/ on a beginner thread at that, you expect fucking davinci tier art before giving critique I think I'll be going to the trash thread after this, at least they fucking GIVE critique that's constructive.

Anyway here are some loomis heads I took a break from, more coming up.

>> No.4001945
File: 699 KB, 3308x4679, img022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4001948
File: 505 KB, 3308x4679, img023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4001949
File: 419 KB, 3308x4679, img024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4001951
File: 1.64 MB, 2142x1441, furanon_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't normally do red lines but I though I'd give it a shot.

>> No.4001953
File: 638 KB, 3308x4679, img025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added some chuckleworthy slapstick sillyness...

>> No.4001955

Why can't you just crop and merge them to a single pic instead of spreading them over several posts? Most are just empty spaces

>> No.4001956

resize your fuckin pics jesus fucking christ

>> No.4001957

Thanks anon you've earned a special place in my heart. :)

>> No.4001958
File: 29 KB, 628x366, 1562397364202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draws furry
>Thinks he'll get respected anywhere

>> No.4001960

>why do people hate furries

>> No.4001961

Because they’re self-important, entitled, and delusional, as seen in this thread.

>> No.4001970
File: 639 KB, 3082x2222, Drudgery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4001973

And they are furries

>> No.4001974
File: 647 KB, 1185x1346, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Learn some basic construction
-study wolf/animals heads.
-get a digital tablet for digital inking
-don't use mspaint

>> No.4001976

Don't help him, let him always be ngmi

>> No.4001977

If I were dellusional I wouldn't be submitting my art for critique, if I were entitled I'd be trying to monetize my shit art and if I were self important I wouldn't have depression all the fucking time. Still guess you'll win someday it's very likely I won't even make it past 30 let alone make it as an artist, have your victory.

>> No.4001980

Aww that’s sad, cheer up sweetie

>> No.4001981

Faith in humanity restored, thanks lads :)

>> No.4001982

he could be taken in under craig mullin's and feng zhu's wing for a decade and he'll still be ngmi.
Frazetta could rose frome the grave and become his slave teacher and this guy would still ngmi

>> No.4001983

Did you forget what website you’re on? If someone replies with a baby tier meme and you freak out like this you need to get a slightly tougher skin.

Either way, make sure you’re actually using the construction lines for their intended purposes. If you’re just plopping features all over the place you might as well not have them at all.

>> No.4001985
File: 160 KB, 900x1200, IMG_0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone can critique me on the arms' placement?

>> No.4001987

>it's very likely I won't even make it past 30
wow so deep so sad, make my your goth emo suicidal gf, you sound so interesting and so different!

>> No.4001994

Fucking dog fucker

>> No.4001997

til: whine loud enough and you'll get a free redline, jesus fuck this place

>> No.4001998
File: 232 KB, 793x907, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh deltoid is attached to clavicle/acromium/top of the scapula, it doesn't wrap over them

>> No.4002002

b-but I like dogs
oof, thanks for showing me that, I totally screwed up big time

>> No.4002010

Thanks you!! Love you all so much!

>> No.4002012

Jeez, this one furry dude took half of the comments.

>> No.4002018
File: 676 KB, 1656x1813, bobo sharingan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I gave up that easily I wouldn't have even been born, sorry kiddo tenacity is in my blood.
Yeah I thought /ic/ would have been a cut above the rest but no it's infested with shit talking and trolls Ironically Trash gives some pretty good advice I'll head over there.

In the mean time I'll return and fight you for your eyes soon /ic/

>> No.4002020

>I keep putting it off justifying it by telling myself that I need a better understanding of things before I make an actual drawing
>I started practicing gesture on quickpose and I find it very hard so my thoughts are if I can not even get the gesture of a drawing what value will i get out of sketching a person?

You are just starting off anon, everything about drawing (and developing a new skill in general) is going to be hard but just keep in mind that one day you will be better provided that:
>a) You do a lot of practice and think about drawing everyday even when you can't draw
>b) You don't shy away from criticism and you constantly review your own work for potential ways to improve it

Almost everyone has gone through this phrase of self-doubt, but only the ones who keeps on going and isn't afraid of failure will succeed.

tl;dr Don't be afraid of drawing like shit, it's a necessary phrase for getting good

>> No.4002026

>furry defender

checks out, SEAmonkeys should just stop existing tbqh.

>> No.4002029

what's a SEAmonkey?

>> No.4002032

I remember you from the trash thread, didn't some other anons already recommended you going through drawabox and similar?
Have you done that? As it looks like you didn't improve as much as you should

>> No.4002037

Dude, with all due respect, you've been posting your furry drawings in /beg/ and on /trash/ for at least 2 months and have made next to zero actual progress. You don't actually understand construction, you're just like a toddler going through the motions they saw a parent performing by doing what you appear to believe is magical incantations that will somehow result in a good drawing. It won't.

I'm not sure if you're actually developmentally challenged (dyslexia or something similar) or if you're just a combination of lazy and narcissistic. People are not being "trolls", people are just fed up with someone who time and time again has proven themself to be completely unable to listen and take in advice. Actually put in the effort, or leave.

>> No.4002038

Is Proko's figure drawing course worth it for anyone who has taken a look?

>> No.4002039

Fuck off furfaggots you have a whole fucking containment board

>> No.4002051

Curious about this as well. I have a lot of disposable income so the admission fee isn't a problem, but I'm not sure how much it's going to help me considering the free stuff he has put out might be enough. Gut feeling is that the paid courses are only useful for people who lack the ability to self critique and need handholding.

>> No.4002056

It's good but not 250 USD good, if you are a capable student the """free""" pdfs on /ic/ will get you to the same place you wanted regardless.

>> No.4002065
File: 172 KB, 900x1200, IMG_0027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fixing attempt for >>4001985
just ignore the heads and it will just be another figure drawing

>> No.4002079
File: 650 KB, 720x519, fhmryp9ib1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros how do I get better at faces?

>> No.4002091

>Don't help him, let him always be ngmi
fuck off crab

>> No.4002094

I went through loomis as >>4001970 shows >>4002037
You make the mistake of assuming Drawing is all I've been doing, life's been throwing things my way, some good and some bad so I've had very little time for drawing inbetween finding info for courses I want to take to further my career, I think that's allowed to take president over a hobby, and I've been studying loomis as mentioned above if I were to count hours, I'd say I've been lucky to get in 5 a week including weekends, It sucks but sometimes I have more sometimes less.
Not making excuses just saying Life takes priority and career is most important of all.

>> No.4002095

Hahah oh god oh fuck I thought comics would be easier than illustrating, but it seems no matter what I draw I'll spend a few days fixing it.
An illustration needs to be polished and pretty since it's 1 big drawing, and the comic needs like 40 sketches and I'm still not convinced on little things.

Well at least I'm practicing a lot of figure drawing by erasing and redrawing things

>> No.4002098

>most agreed method to improve on drawing is "practice a lot" and learn from the masters

>claims to be too busy with IRL life to improve on drawing
>get offended by people telling you that you haven't improve at all because you have been doing on anything but drawing

this is on a whole new level of cringe.

>> No.4002102

You're doing okay but your center lines are screwed a lot of times. It needs to more properly follow the contour of the face. Check out Steve Huston.

>> No.4002104

2 months? holy fuck you must think I'm unemployed or something not every terrible anthro drawing you see on here is me dude.did you even look at my earlier posts to show I was putting in the hours at loomis? No I'm not narcissistic I just think a meme picture is not helpful. It might be funny the first few times but then I actually get paranoid that every drawing I do has a snout at 90 degrees so what do I do? draw a muzzle that can't possibly be at 90 degrees, and what do I see? the same fucking picture... all I can do is power through and basic shape draw and add detail.

>> No.4002115

K good one m8, I should just fade into irrelevancy and strive to be slightly less shit at art rather than advancing myself and getting an actual career instead of a dead end job. Why don't you understand people have lives to live? we can't all get rich off bitcoin and draw 20 hours a fucking day.

>> No.4002119

You are trying to deflect your own problem to us when you are the one who isn't practicing your own art.

Nobody cares about you being in a mcjob and many more artists have self-taught themselves despite sharing and having worse situation than yours, the only thing that matters here online is the things you post here, and since you are posting stuff that was made with zero effort, you should not expect the responses to your posts to be made with more than "trolling".

>> No.4002122

Be patient then, you little shit. Accept that it’ll take longer to get where you want to be and quit shitting up the threads when you get actual critique on your art.

>> No.4002126

Fine I'm done fuck this board mods please ban me from /ic/ for a year not even fucking joking I can do this by myself, thanks guys that gave me help but this board minus the sticky thread is choc full of cancer nigger faggots that think "shit" is a legitimate critique, instead of "this art is shit because it look off and here's why, the eyes are in the wrong position as well as too big the muzzle is not accurate and the smile is human on a anthro head is not possible" THAT is a good cri- no fuck you I'm done.

>> No.4002127

What the hell is going on in my comfy thread, just draw

>> No.4002129

In every community there's always some mentally unstable retards who thinks everyone is to blame for his own failures, anime seems to attract these people like moths to flame.

>> No.4002131
File: 56 KB, 600x800, 20190706_103933-600x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't drawn with just pencil and paper in a while. I hate my depression meds, it feels like it kills all my creativity and passion for art.

>> No.4002133 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 368x461, fur4eva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4002136
File: 666 KB, 309x230, badum ts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried taking anti-depression meds instead?

>> No.4002139

Hahahaha, kill me.

>> No.4002140

>a furfag callng anyone cancer nigger faggot

>> No.4002141

Question though, shouldn't anti-depressants make those symptoms go away. From my experience thats what depression is good at, kills all passion and creativity, makes everything seem pointless and lifeless.

>> No.4002142

Yeah you would think. I'm gonna see my psychiatrist again soon. It just makes me feel really numb. Which I guess is better than being manic and super depressed, but at least then I can feel normal again.

>> No.4002146

imo living has become a bit pointless and lifeless so even if you're not depressed you're going to feel that way unless you luck out and live among good people.
The only time i feel alive is when i'm in my hometown these days.

>> No.4002152

"I went through Loomis" does not equal "I understand what Loomis is teaching", which your work clearly shows that you don't. You getting to this level of defensiveness over someone pointing this out to you further confirms that there is something up with your mental state and I'd highly recommend speaking to a therapist if anonymous strangers on the internet forcing you to face reality makes you this distressed.

No-one is saying you have to draw every day, by the way. I've got a full-time job (non-art related) and am a self-admitted lazy cunt so I'm lucky if I get more than a handful of hours of drawing in during a week. When I do draw, however, I try to be as critical as possible of my own work and actually try to understand what I am doing wrong when something looks off, instead of drawing the same thing making the exact same mistakes 100 times and expecting it to magically get better.

>> No.4002155
File: 810 KB, 900x506, bcomp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I learn photobashing?

>> No.4002160

I'm going to ask you this because I want to give you one last chance of helping you: What is the name of your favorite furry artist? If you don't have one, just give me a name of someone you like and who you would like to be able to draw like.

>> No.4002162

The advantage of the premium section are the many example videos it has for the gesture drawing. You can see how he solves the figure in different poses which is a great reference to build up your skill.

Now whether that's worth it or not depends on you. Only get it if you know what he's saying in the free version. The premium isn't much different, it only provides more examples. I suggest reading "Jack Faragasso - Mastering Drawing the Human Figure" first. This book teaches you about the Reilly method. If you understand that concept then get Proko if you want. What Proko teaches is basically the Reilly method. A good progression from Proko is Steve Huston. Proko's inspiration is Steve and you can some elements of his teaching.

>> No.4002169

Started to really get into drawing a few months ago, drew a few hours every day and really enjoyed it.
Now it seems like I burnt out, haven't draw anything in two months
Any advice?

>> No.4002175


>> No.4002177

For me sometimes getting started is the hardest part. Blank page syndrome is a killer. Draw things that you like.

>> No.4002187

Simply force yourself to draw, no matter how painful it seems and how much you'd rather be doing something else. Whenever I feel like I have to draw but don't want to, I force myself to do something like 20 * 60 second gestures off quickposes.com. If I don't feel like drawing after that session is over, I simply don't draw without bashing myself over it, but usually, it gets me into the spirit of wanting to draw more.

>> No.4002197

I dunno mate, start drawing some pose you think it's cool and once you do something you like, develop it into a full drawing

>> No.4002199

Get inspired, like visit Artstation.com . Usually when i feel like that is because theres nothing giving me that kick or high that got me started the last time i was in a drawing frenzy. And just like with other things youre picking up, like excercising, you need to put effort into taking the first step, after that your engine can get chugging and doing it automatically unless you get distracted.

>> No.4002238

So getting the book to help with my gesture drawing would be a good idea first? My gestures are really rough right now, it looks like you're saying utilize Faragasso first then go for premium if I still feel I need it.

>> No.4002258

I'd have to say Fluff Kevlar, dude draws some hot shit.

>> No.4002264

gesture is one of the things that you supposed to feel over time, no book will help you with it, only daily exercises and maybe watching other artists doing their gesture routines will

>> No.4002286

I'm gonna level with you dude, I post on here because I have no one else to show my shit tier art to, my parents wouldn't understand it and would think I'm a weirdo, more so than normal, I have problems learning new shit, that's just the way it's always been perhaps it'll take me 200 hours to get the basics down, heck maybe even 1000 hours + maybe I won't even get to that point and quit I've already had 2 hard resets (the second one being hours ago) how many more am I going to have?I'm a useless piece of shit with garbage tier understanding and useless learning capabilities, but I'd be remiss'd if I didn't try my best to at least become better than I am, from a professional standpoint I fucking suck, but from a personal standpoint I used to draw like a potatoe untill 6 months ago like it literally looked like a fucking tard had come off the street and doodled his shit all over a paper, it may seem like trash to literally anyone with functioning eyes but it's a huge step for me I'm going to continue to improve and do shit right, not symbol draw and start from the very basics, continue to study the loomis series and learn cones spheres and cubes to get 3D shapes down to a T no more shortcuts.

>> No.4002291

weren't you leaving?
oh wait
>I have no one else to show my shit tier art to
Maybe you should focus on developing your social skills instead of doddling furfaggotry

>> No.4002298

>weren't you leaving?
If the mods won't ban me I won't keep out

>I have no one else to show my shit tier art to
Maybe you should focus on developing your social skills instead of doddling furfaggotry

I said I had no one else to show my shit tier art to not "Oh I have no fwiends im a virgin im so pathetic wagggggghhhhhhhh" Who wants to see furshit art? I'd alienate the friends I worked so hard to gain haha.

>> No.4002306

I started drawing with a ballpoint pen at work and I thought my drawings looked pretty good but when I started using felt liners because of Draw a Box I feel like the quality of my lines has tanked. Any suggestions on what to do? Honestly I’m truing to follow the Drawabox guys suggestion and push through using his website but I feel like I was learning much more when I was using Keys to Drawing and other similar books

>> No.4002312

why torture /beg/ with your shit drawings, your lack of progression and your evident mental derangement then, just show your great pals the autistic stuff you draw.
You're a humorless cunt and won't ever improve so why bother with /ic/

>> No.4002318

learn lighting

>> No.4002322

It would be easier to help you if you posted a comparison but as far as i remember keys to drawing was just an intro to observational drawing, so ofc you're gonna feel like you improve faster when you're giving simple keys to copy what you see. It's a much faster and easier process to get good at ( not to master tho)
Drawabox is trying to teach you completely different things.

>> No.4002326
File: 76 KB, 457x800, a86253c7527627c4ba8c5cefa1d499fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay then, here's your chance to redeem yourself: copy this drawing and post your results. Don't make another single post in /beg/ until you have done so.
Don't like this particular drawing? Then take any one of FK's other pieces and copy that one instead.

Whether you choose to copy it by observing (Keys to Drawing) or by reverse-engineering its construction (Loomis) is up to you. Your only restriction is that you are not allowed to outright trace it.

Get into a relaxed mood and take all the time you need. Don't stress it and try putting every last bit of effort you have into it. If it looks like you rushed through it you're going to have to do it again.

>> No.4002346
File: 756 KB, 1584x1232, 42A8DA1A-991B-4BE1-AEB1-670104F5663E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad. I’m at work without a computer so I’ll have to post two different times but you’ll see that for me it was a lot easier to contour and shade with an ink pen than it was with the felt liner/brush pen. I’m not very good as I’m a beginner but I don’t feel like I’m improving at all with this new pen

>> No.4002352
File: 782 KB, 1242x753, DE36DC5C-A3BE-4ACF-B5C5-967475D62818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different subject matter but I think the line work tells the tale

>> No.4002359
File: 21 KB, 187x176, 1558924568855.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

intermediate through beg stuff:

Any book that expands or covers similar stuff to keys to drawing? I need to work more on drawing from life and I enjoy that. I hated drawing on the left
side of your brain, sorry.

Secondly; I noticed that the more I draw from life in real life situations the more I simplify and then go over adding details and I'm worried that I might be
slipping into symbol drawing territory. On the other hand, precisely drawing each nook and cranny and takes ages.

Also I have problem with precise angle
measurement by hand with pencil for stuff that require perspective

>> No.4002361
File: 875 KB, 1242x753, 2E757B5C-AFF8-47D5-81EE-ACB78ED40197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4002367


uhm i don't think drawabox recommends brush pens desu.
i know because i made the same mistake following dynamic sketching lel.
I thought felt tip meant brush-pen and everything i did looked horrible, then i looked up peter han and saw him drawing with what in my language are known as "calibrated pens". which are those ink pens with small tips measured in milimiters that give consistent lines.
And in fact those pens are the ones drawabox sells!
So maybe you made the same mistake as i did?

>> No.4002370

>pushed the gesture too far

>> No.4002371
File: 1.18 MB, 1581x2855, 15568745997370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just move the jaw nigga hahaha just stretch the face haha

>> No.4002374

Ah shit mate I think I did make that mistake! My pen is definitely a brush type so I think I’ll bite the $16 bullet and just buy this set you linked, thanks!

>> No.4002375

can we have an example piece for part 2?

>> No.4002376

If you want to learn precise observational stuff, go through bargues drawing course ( it's the 19th century academical method so it's boring as hell and a grind fest ).

If you just want to get your stuff done more quickly, it'll come with practice. Simplfy as much as possible don't worry about details. If you must add them after your subject matter has gone away, supplement your observation with whatever knowledge you have on constructing from imagination so you don't symbol draw.

>> No.4002409
File: 89 KB, 1458x998, rue critique sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this pose make sense? should the butthole be visible from this angle? any major mistakes? also, if someone wants to redline it I'd appreciate it, not used to drawing torsos in this angle and position.

>> No.4002411

didn't mean to reply to you anon, forgot to erase your post in the quick reply box

>> No.4002416

Okay, I got the book, I'll check it.

>stuff done more quickly,
That'd helpe with stuff that's hyper complex like trees or all sort of video game monsters

Stuff like indents in bottles or slightly wider parts that aren't big, or portruding bark on otherwise "smooth" area, single button on a machine, etc sometimes i just draw them over

>> No.4002419

good. but in any case you're never supposed to copy a trees complexity outright.
you simplify and rearrange the pattern you see in the bark, leaves etc

>> No.4002478
File: 825 KB, 660x1490, A095C919-36AD-4F3D-A811-125F7D278772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to real life studies, it seems my shit stylization really pisses people off.

>> No.4002483
File: 50 KB, 435x750, 1553648479179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reference used. Is the head too big as always? I can't tell.

>> No.4002486
File: 949 KB, 2160x2160, 20190706_144441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im pretty bad with non-traditional faces, any tips? most of my past work is idealized, loomis-like faces

>> No.4002490

Wait, it is. I think I made it bigger because I was stupid enough to perceive the hair as part of the skull, or at least trying to make the skull as big as the head combined with hair.

>> No.4002503
File: 572 KB, 567x779, Image-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critics and advices are welcome. I just started drawing, and it's my first try.

>> No.4002504

Honestly construct anon, I don't hate your stylization. I think it looks more appealing than at least half of what /beg/ produces. This looks alright and you've got a fairly solid grasp on form and making things look convincingly 3D.

I do wonder how long you spent on that particular drawing though and how many you are drawing in every "batch" that you do, because quantity is arguably more important than quality early on.

Also, draw more confident lines and stop chicken scratching (but you're going to ignore this as you always do).

>> No.4002507

Not terrible, but you should push your values and not be afraid to draw really dark when the shading calls for it. Post the reference used.

>> No.4002510

Thanks. I should go way more dark on shadows?
Model is here: http://is2.4chan.org/s/1561993603985.jpg

>> No.4002511

Can't unlearn chicken scratching on a whim, I'm sorry.

>> No.4002519

About quantity, I need to speed that up as well. I usually only can bring myself to crank out 1-2 drawings on a day when I actually decide to draw. Need to schedule that somehow.

>> No.4002522

>Can't unlearn chicken scratching on a whim, I'm sorry.
Yes you can, you just need to practise your lines by joining dots at different angles and following the lines multiple times. All it is is muscle memory and planning your line.

>> No.4002526
File: 121 KB, 1124x779, stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been watching Vilppu's Drawing Manual videos, and holy shit, it really changed the way I draw... I now started thinking about the form, not the controur.

I know that some of these are bad anatomically, but it looks 3D, which is a huge improvement for me. (Bottom right train and fight scene are sketches from imagination)

>> No.4002532

Cool congrats dude, keep drawing

>> No.4002537

Now it's time to draw bigger, good progress man. One or two faces per A4 page. Start doing nose, eye, lips etc. construction and you'll make tremendous progress.

>> No.4002538

Not him, but what are the benefits of drawing larger and how should I transition into drawing larger? Everyone says I should and I have no idea why or how.

Using tablet btw

>> No.4002540

Try micrososing lsd if you're mentally stable otherwise.

>> No.4002546
File: 1021 KB, 886x1419, A22B8A7E-1B62-4541-B5BF-98CE0BCB7DFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, wait, here’s an attempt. Tried doing something from imagination with as few strokes per line as I could manage.

>> No.4002547

When you draw larger, you can do more construction. Often when people draw small, they start simplifying things greatly, for example drawing nose as just two lines, instead of thinking about it in 3D and sculpting all its parts carefully.
Also, it prevents chicken scratch, as you draw bigger and looser lines. (some people still chicken scratch at bigger lines, but you should strive not to do that).

If you're using tablet, don't draw with brush which is too thick. Pick A4 (300/600 dpi) in your drawing software, find a brush which looks like a pencil/pen with its width and try to do 1-2 heads per page, not 10-20.

>> No.4002553

I thought I should be using a thick brush for loose sketching, right? I have a brush which is like a tilted angled pencil, its pretty neat. Is it cheating to zoom out to draw smaller circles but then zoom in to them to fill in detail?

>> No.4002559

(Not anon who told you to stop chicken scratching)

Looks okay. The left part looks wrongly attached and I feel like it should have a bit different rotation.

And by the way, you don't have to be precise the first time you draw. You can do repeated lines when doing gesture and then try to carefully draw the forms over it.

And I feel like your line width needs work. Even here, it's all over the place and you could have used it to emphasize which lines overlap others.

>> No.4002561

Yes, but not too thick (maybe 1.5x normal pencil size). See what works for you.

And no, it's not cheating, but try to do the same with pencils/ink traditionally to not rely on zooms all the time - you need to be able to draw and fill small things precisely when zoom is not available.

>> No.4002573

Much better. I still think it looks like you're almost cutting into the paper by applying too much pressure, but that's being nitpicky. Try to hold all your future lines to at least this standard and keep practicing.

>> No.4002576

>I hate my depression meds, it kills all my creativity and passion
This is a known side effect of these medications. They're basically poison. Stop taking them.

>> No.4002595

You can get more detailed forms. It's like increasing the subdivisions in 3D.

>> No.4002597


Okay, it's worth a shot. I draw small as fuck anyway and I don't want to get some repetitive strain disorder. Can anyone recommend targeted exercises to get used to drawing bigly?

>> No.4002604

I can't properly construct a head, the moment i flip the image horizontally it isn't right! I've been trying to correct the issue but even if it has improved it still there!

>> No.4002605

If you practise constructing cubes and spheres alone for a while and get those right for when you flip your canvas, build your heads with those. The basic foundation of all your heads will improve.

>> No.4002606

If you want to draw 1 face per A4 page - draw a huge sphere which leaves space for jaw only and start drawing more. If you're doing figure drawing - see if you want portrait or landscape orientation and try to fill the page with the initial gesture drawing.

There a no exercises - you just need to do it. Same with chicken scratch - you just need to force yourself to not do it, no "exercise" necessary.

>> No.4002609
File: 238 KB, 3432x2320, sketch_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing 100 gestures to armatures before moving on to making a skeleton. Using photo reference from SketchDaily.

>> No.4002611

I have a question. At what point will loomis click with me? Because fuck, Proko's head construction makes more sense than loomis's does, but doesn't talk about detail. I feel retarded since nothing is clicking.

>> No.4002612

lookin' good, maybe add a simple ribcage to them

>> No.4002613

Your gestures don't look bad, but you might be interested in reading the section in Michael Hampton's Figure Drawing: Design and Invention on gesture and incorporate some of those ideas into your drawings.

>> No.4002615


This is where you might want to learn to just copy things and build your visual library. In construction drawing, details are designed on the spot based on memory and reference. I think.

>> No.4002617

What's not clicking for you? How many head drawings did you do already? For me, it clicked like on 15th... Just post your attemps if you can't figure out what's wrong.

I feel like reading Loomis and then watching Proko's videos on Loomis head construction really helped me as well.

>> No.4002623

>allowed to take president over a hobby

The word you want is "precedent", not "president".

And, yes, it matters.

>> No.4002625

Also check out Jack Hamm's book, I found it very helpful about drawing face details.

>> No.4002627

I'm confused. Are you trying to learn art, or get attention? Because you spend more time feeling sorry for yourself, than anything art related.

Maybe art just isn't for you.

>> No.4002630

It's time to stop obsessing on construction, and start concentrating on ART. Take this, and make a drawing out of it where we can't see the construction lines, and is pleasing to the eye, and is interesting to look at.
You defined the form. Now refine it. That's where the art happens.

>> No.4002632

The ref is pretty poorly list, but yeah, the areas with shadows should be pushed further into dark values. Ideally, the darkest darks should be as dark as your outlines.

>> No.4002654
File: 203 KB, 3316x2308, sketch_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's gonna be part of simple skeleton chapter coming right up.

I've been through Proko's, Hampton's and Huston methods in gesture before but following this book's for now as instructed for now. It really feels like Vipplu's version but personally I like Hamptons and Hustons the best. Will probably do a refresher after these gesture/armatures.

>> No.4002658


Huh, never thought trying to get into figure drawing just by putting armatures over gestures. I'm finding it so overwhelming trying to construct out of gesture so I might try what you're doing for a while.

>> No.4002661

Proko really helped me out when it came to constructing just the base head and the lines, but basically I start to flop super hard when it comes to facial details in general, especially when the head isn't straight on. Also, can't draw hair for shit. I'd post horrid examples but I'm currently workposting in between calls.

>> No.4002669

I think my issue is more of not knowing how to use cube and spheres to build a head

>> No.4002673


Just stick a cube on a sphere. It might help to just stick with a cube and divide the front plane into thirds according to the proportions of the human face while placing the outline of the ears on the side planes.

>> No.4002676

Read Jack Hamm, he does great job explaining features. Also draw more from reference while trying not just to copy, but understand WHY you're drawing one or the other line ("ok, that's part of the nostril which is making the line, and here's the bridge of the nose which does this one line")

>> No.4002727

>just started
Nigga what you have a god tier mind's eye

>> No.4002729

Arms seem like noodles, try using more hard straights for the joints

>> No.4002739
File: 1.14 MB, 948x1483, 1DA474EC-B771-4504-AFF3-425CA0738C62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really bringing me to my knees. It’s much harder finding rhythms with less strokes. I guess it looks cleaner than the last real lufe study.

>> No.4002761

i think thats a very good point you brought up that i never thought about. drawing bigger will help me to see the mistakes im currently making and would make it easier to position facial features

>> No.4002767

>his eye sockets are facing the same direction
Oh shit dude, I was wondering why the eyes looked so weird, but I didn't quite realize the problem. Thanks.

>> No.4002781

It's that it was so generic and boring, sure it's a good rendering and the guy that did it I think I remember doing some good stuff but it is pretty unrecognisable next to artstation guy #100
also this image triggers me, basically telling people to give up

>> No.4002785

What kind of paints are suitable for a beginner? Watercolours, I assume?

>> No.4002786
File: 140 KB, 784x906, 20190706_222039-784x906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4002809
File: 113 KB, 496x701, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I on the right track for gestures? I don't understand what I'm doing. I can't see the line of motion in any of the references unless they already have an exaggerated pose. Feels like I'm just scribbling desperately within the time limit to get something that looks vaguely like the ref.

>> No.4002810

draw the line of motion first

>> No.4002816

The thing is, I'm having trouble even seeing the line of motion in the first place. Will it make more sense with time?

>> No.4002823
File: 1.03 MB, 3308x4679, img026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 Hours later
the dark deed is done

>Thinking I'm going to resize this after working on it for 5 hours.
pffffthahahaha critique me all you want I don't care anymore going to bed, need sleep.

>Yeah the eye's look weird
>Yeah the nose isn't finished
>Yeah the white fluff doesn't match perfectly

>> No.4002825
File: 1.79 MB, 3308x4679, img026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no FUCK YOU im not letting that happen you fucking wolf bitch.

>> No.4002828


Anon, dear god, breathe and relax when you post and don’t sperg out— people will approach you more genuinely. You really need to chill.

>> No.4002829


>> No.4002830

Sorry dude I've been up 20 hours getting this shit done, how people do this for a career is beyond me, it's so mentally draining.

>> No.4002834

Try using only 10 lines to draw the figure. If you're able to do that you understand gesture.

>> No.4002841

Jesus, please just leave this thread. I'm just wanna chill and learn, not to read your mentally unstable comments.

>> No.4002842

How vital is it to start out and consistently draw underage when developing skill? I don't want to think of it as a total ngmi sign if that is missed out on or avoided but the thought scares me.

>> No.4002845

>How vital is it to start out and consistently draw underage when developing skill?
drawing lolis is absolutely essential

>> No.4002851

Mistake my bad. Start out drawing before adulthood or maybe even teen.

>> No.4002852

yes, starting draw lolis while you're young is absolutely essential

>> No.4002854

Shit, it's all over for me now if that's the case.

>> No.4002857
File: 603 KB, 1536x2048, ECDA772A-8426-4B64-B41D-2727EE65E0EE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please help me I want to improve

>> No.4002858

don't give up, you can still start to draw lolis as an adult, it will just take longer to get them nice and sexy.

>> No.4002859

did you just freehand this, or did you make construction lines and gesture lines?

>> No.4002862

Only rough gesture lines and a circle for the head

>> No.4002868

if you have the time, i would recommend redoing that same drawing with more blocked out and detailed construction.

>> No.4002869

I'm no expert but I think you should concentrate more on the perspective and proportion, be more accurate with your lines, you constructed the perspective lines but they aren't even line up with each other, ditch the coloring and drapery

>> No.4002873

>Chicken scratch
>Lack of form
>No anatomy
>No drapery
Solution: Buy a cheap sketchbook, pen or pencil of your choice, and fill it up.
Do not waste time coloring until you can do a jawline in fewer than 3 strokes of a pen.

>> No.4002876

What does blocked out mean?
Can you recommend some books or sites where I can study these things?

>> No.4002879

Just check the sticky link on top of this thread. And check the links in the resources thread. If you want a more friendly and easy to understand course, check Proko's videos on youtube. Start with his gesture drawing videos, dont even bother to watch his "how to draw eyes/lips etc.." because they are not on your level. His premium videos are quite good for beginner too, very easy to follow, if you are poor, just get them from /ic/'s mega folder or cgpeers.com. Good luck anon, I always wanted to draw cute anime but I know I have to study all this boring shit first.

>> No.4002881

>What does blocked out mean?
google image search "figure construction" and look at some of the pics

>> No.4002895

You're getting better. Last time I saw you it had the proportions of a 5 year old but this actually looks like an adult. I would recommend making light marks for proportions before doing a full construction. Keep at it.

>> No.4002954

I love watching you slowly improve. Keep it up man.

>> No.4002961
File: 123 KB, 489x549, 250px-733Toucannon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was aiming for some cartoony disney-like friendly syle. It's not finished yet but I don't like the way it looks. It's too uncanny.

>> No.4002989 [DELETED] 
File: 365 KB, 1292x1660, 1559565499292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew this in 1 hour, its really pissing me off. tell me why it sucks and what i need to improve for next time.

>> No.4002991
File: 408 KB, 777x1012, 1532046853511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew this in 1 hour (for some challenge), its really pissing me off. tell me why it sucks and what i need to improve for next time.

>> No.4002992


>> No.4002994

Bad anatomy, one arm is too short, hand is too big, weird eyes

>> No.4002997

Are you the dude who asked for "brainy" furry references?

>> No.4002998
File: 150 KB, 1180x1050, Screen Shot 2019-07-07 at 2.46.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a mouse doodle so I can say today was non-zero

>> No.4003008

yeah, shits fucked. i did it in an hour and spent like 20 minutes on the sketch and the rest of the hour fumbling on how to line art it. i dont think i should do timed challenges for a while and just practice

>> No.4003012

What are some tips for getting gesture lines to accurately capture the form? Mine look like spaghetti and it's frustrating me that it's not turning out the way I'd like it to.

>> No.4003016

she is got some massive balls

>> No.4003018

its suppose to be a cheese wheel lmao
it looked better in my head

>> No.4003019

copy proko, huston, vilpu or whatever until it clicks

>> No.4003023

First of all, stop being so fucking defensive and stop acting like a mental trainwreck (and don't use "I'm tired" or something like that as an excuse--there are plenty of mentally exhausted anons in these threads who still manage to act like functional adult human beings).

Second of all, good job! You did much better than what I would have expected given your previous attitude. Feels good to have drawn that, doesn't it? At a quick glance, nothing about it seems wrong enough to comment on it. You captured the eyes and snout well, which is great considering how you struggle with those in your personal works.

What you're going to do next is to make more of these copies of FK's illustrations (and works from other artists you like). Make it a goal that each time you sit down and draw, you're going to spend some set amount of time on copying your inspirations. You don't have to copy the whole image, it's fine to just focus on the face or upper body, but make it a point to not rush it because sloppy copying is only going to teach you sloppy art.

Once you've done this a certain number of times and built up confidence through successful copies comes the hard part: after each copy, re-draw it again from memory without looking at the reference. This is very difficult and the first attempts will likely look horrible, but that's okay--if it didn't work, study the reference one more time and try it again. Doing this is going to drill those references into your mental library of references and allow you to easily pick them out and use them when drawing your own personal works from imagination.

To help you out and make this practice method more concrete, watch this video from 9:00 and forward. It is for anime styles in particular, but the teaching and practice methods are useful no matter the style or subject you want to learn.

>> No.4003025
File: 535 KB, 1154x848, Living Failures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than my first attempt at profile shots.

I tried to identify the different planes of the face aswell. I know that they're a bit stylised but does anything very obviously just wrong stand out? Anything I should keep in mind or just general tips?

Any feedback is very much appreciated.

>> No.4003038

>Don't help him, let him always be ngmi
It's not like he'll even get any better with a redline that shitty.

>> No.4003047

The placement and length of the nose of the rightmost one makes her face look very droopy. I also feel like you're sometimes drawing the eyes too far from the ridge of the nose.

Good work though, keep it up!

>> No.4003051

Dude, please watch how Vilppu or Hampton draw gesture is their videos. You don't need to put one line per muscle in your drawing.

>> No.4003072
File: 999 KB, 1000x825, MassComm plus horsecock plus milk fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this last nite.

>> No.4003074

You gave it "pillow shading" man, I thought you are already past this.

>> No.4003083

I thought pillow shading is when there is no hard shadows, and shadows that are there do not contrast with non-shadow areas.

>> No.4003087

Thanks man I was a little testy yesterday but you're right finishing that drawing felt so fucking good I did what you suggested or another anon? and was VERY critical of everything I drew and eventually I found little mistakes that made her not seem "right" usually I could spend minutes looking at the drawing and not finding shit, so I'm somewhat proud of this.

Sorry for my behavior yesterday I was convinced my drawing was ok, on further reflection I had nothing to compare it to and thought I'd "progressed" I have no excuse I humbly apologize.

>> No.4003099

Any good resource on how to draw hands?

>> No.4003103
File: 283 KB, 602x850, 20190707_113902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help on this drawing, i know something is wrong with it but i can't see what. I'm pretty sure it's the anatomy ?

>> No.4003108


>> No.4003110
File: 89 KB, 792x792, pillow shading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought pillow shading is when there is no hard shadows, and shadows that are there do not contrast with non-shadow areas.
You are 100% correct at that but there is more to it.

Look at pic related, the top is when the pillow has shading all around the edge. in order to achieve that effect the light needs to be positioned extreme close to it so that only the very top of the pillow's hump resulting in all parts having a contour line on the edge.

I'll post another explanation in a second.

>> No.4003114

Can i get a proper response or do i have to be some furry faggot shitposting through half the thread to get decent advice?

>> No.4003118


>> No.4003119

Proko is a proper response my broseph. Look up his anatomy playlist, he has fucking awesome hand drawing lessons there for free. If you're not willing to put so little effort to even find them then you're a shitter and don't deserve advice.

>> No.4003120
File: 109 KB, 874x815, pillow shading_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>4003110 continued

So in order to achieve the effect in real life you will need to put the light sources really close to the pillow. Which I guess can be imagined. But in a detailed picture like yours it is a bit more awkward.

continued next post

>> No.4003124

>Hey how do i X?
>One word meme response
>Can you elaborate?
>You're a shitter and don't deserve advice
Thanks for proving my point i guess

>> No.4003125

Yeah, I think I get it. I did what I did consciously, but I tried to do more hard shadow on the rite and less on the left to describe the direction of the light (I guess I failed). It was a very big commission and I was intimidated by it's size so that's why I probably panicked.

>> No.4003126

Since when Proko is a meme? Are you trolling me? Do you want me to google his videos for you or something?

>> No.4003128

>asks how to do something
>gets legit response
>complains about it instead of following it

you'll go far

>> No.4003131
File: 1.20 MB, 1063x945, NSFW pillow shading03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally putting all this together this is the impression a detailed image with pillow shading gives.

That you have many many small light sources up close that are individually highlight the diferent small parts of your image. Shading like this is visible and reasonable at some lesser levels as we know th t where the form turns more and more perpendicular towards the light's direction the darker it becomes and you are keeping ambient occlusion in mind as well I can see that.

But in the case of this picture it is a bit too much, the light is too fragmented to make the picture look like a single unified whole because of this. There is no single unified light source, not even two there are many smaller ones which makes it look unrealistic. Eben tough you clearly spent a great deal of work and care in all the details and I am sorry for bashing your work like this.

Did I manage to explain what I meant?

>> No.4003134
File: 618 KB, 543x1015, AF5AC485-9433-4FEC-925E-0B5B271F417F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some studies

>> No.4003135
File: 855 KB, 720x960, 20190707_071205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for critique please. Also how do I go on to practice posing and stuff like that? I mostly spend time drawing floating heads like pic related

>> No.4003140

Don't be sorry, it's OK, I understand what you are saying. Thank you for taking your time to explain. I was too worried about "leaving out" any of the characters too much, and that's why I think I gave them the lighting as they all were the leftmost character on the pic.

>> No.4003145
File: 192 KB, 960x1280, loomis9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying out drawing big. one thing i noticed is that my eye "sockets" are a lot bigger compared to the examples. flat eyes still, but i tried to make the nose and lips "wrap" around, but overall looks like a bigger version of the small drawings so far

>> No.4003151
File: 209 KB, 1000x1000, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, at this stage, need your criticism and comments on the general form, anatomy, proportions.
it is a blank, in it, I comb out common shapes, planes, angles, surfaces. then proceed to a more detailed definition of forms.

>> No.4003182
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x825, NSFW pillow shading04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally here is an attempt to remove the pillow shading a bit and put the light focus somewhere in the middle where the boobs and heads are, it's quite messy and incomplete but I think it shows some difference.
Did this help?

>> No.4003186

Yeah, I think I see it. It is consistent. Thank you.

>> No.4003201
File: 119 KB, 615x572, boxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out Vilppu's box lecture for figure drawing. How does this look?

Ref: https://www.quickposes.com/assets/poses/c35915f0ae750c663062d0c268115ca8.jpg
(couldn't figure out what the jumping guy's right foot was doing)

>> No.4003203

well, you have no line definition and your character is suffering from microcephaly

>> No.4003205


>> No.4003208

Looks like you're ignoring your center line. The middle of lips should be on it, it's especially failed at the top right one.

Also, start thinking about eyes as eyelids + spheres. Look at anon at >>4003135 his eyes are better.

>> No.4003210

Looking great, anon. Try to really pay attention to proportions and angles of the body parts.

>> No.4003211

here's a gamer tip about the charm of disney faces

>> No.4003216

Stop being such a blatant newfag from reddit/tumblr who just regurgitates memes in an attempt to fit in. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Proko's figure drawing and anatomy series.

>> No.4003217

I wish people would stop this already

>> No.4003223

>Every disney charecter that I have ever liked has been in the form of a cat or dog.

And they wonder why furries are on the uptrend in numbers.

>> No.4003235
File: 157 KB, 960x1280, loomis10.5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i see what you mean, ill need to do more work on the faces

>> No.4003243

Much better, keep it up!

>> No.4003244
File: 3.18 MB, 5312x2988, 20190706_093942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy but my 2c on Proko is that he's too fucking hardline. I watched Proko's head construction videos and then Huston's and you can see the difference in maturity. Where Proko is "This is how you do it", Huston is more "This is how you CAN do it but find your way, here's the margin of error you can have."

For some Proko's way works better. For me, knowing the various options works better. I'm not saying I'm a master or anything, but as a beginner that's been my experience and take away.

>> No.4003245

So I'm reaching a point where I'm just drawing the head shape again and again and again and not being very happy with it. When I actually do get it to work, I don't understand the way the eyes sit. How do you make one eye smaller or thinner without it looking completely fucking autistic. I can only do it with a reference and even then, I can only do it without putting it inside an actual face. I've been struggling with this for like 2 months.

>> No.4003254

it's called looking at the skull and perspective

>> No.4003259

Yeah, I figured it was perspective, but I'm just having trouble fitting everything into the spaces. Maybe I need to draw a little bigger first. I'll try that too. Thank you

>> No.4003271

what do you mean 'fitting in'? you do realize that you can just give the idea of the shape right?

>> No.4003272
File: 285 KB, 700x743, fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this?

>> No.4003274
File: 108 KB, 756x756, 20190707_084032-756x756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4003282
File: 209 KB, 2440x3228, sketch_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished my hundred gesture/armature goal and ready to move onto simple skeleton. But before that decided to do some gestures based on Michael Hamptons book as suggested by>>4002613 and wanna know if I got that down as well.

Done on large newsprint with conte crayon.

>> No.4003306

He literally just spouts word for word other people's work. Proko is a bussiness man/youtuber first before being an artist.
The fact that had to fucking trace over a skeleton on line to make a mediocre basketball drawing speaks volumes.
Proko is being shat on for a reason. He is a hack and a fraud.

>> No.4003307

>The fact that had to fucking trace over a skeleton on line to make a mediocre basketball drawing speaks volumes
what is this about?

>> No.4003311
File: 559 KB, 1481x966, Screenshot_20190707-152553_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to 9:58

>> No.4003312

Forgot link like a retard https://youtu.be/9FvBOis8fZc

>> No.4003341
File: 212 KB, 960x1280, loomis10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this is looking farther and farther from the examples. tried some eye and nose practice to understand the structure, but its clear i need to do more

>> No.4003373
File: 1.17 MB, 897x1280, fd2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added some shading. How does it look?

>> No.4003375
File: 351 KB, 563x1000, phone heads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last thing i post for the day

>> No.4003376

Your proportions are awful, but you're getting there

>> No.4003379

thanks, its a thing ive been struggling with for the past couple of weeks

>> No.4003386

Those are some nice sausage fingers

>> No.4003389

lmao, yeah, I put the least effort into them.

>> No.4003394

Better grind the hands as much as everyting else anon, you don't want to create bad habits

>> No.4003395
File: 238 KB, 1268x1500, FAT_WEEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4003396

What is the best way to start with drawing the human body? I've been working on shapes, heads, and gesture, but I really don't even know where to start for bodies.

>> No.4003397


>> No.4003399

Well done anon, I cant tell if the gesture is good or not because fat weebs usually take very stiff poses

>> No.4003404
File: 223 KB, 1242x2208, 1562406808942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I did use a reference though, I might try putting him different poses now that I mostly understand how he is built. I almost wanted to exaggerate his original gesture but was afraid to make mistakes.

>> No.4003411
File: 705 KB, 2100x1500, bemboladop-Recovered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

criticize me renders ic, ive been looking to improve but some pointers would be very appreciated


>> No.4003414
File: 402 KB, 1920x1080, gamergirlpee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4003416

Got it, any specific way to go about studying or just find someone and draw?

>> No.4003420
File: 3.65 MB, 4032x3024, 9A3D5EC0-FD61-4781-A92B-8EFF490D436B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super beginner pls give me advice on my figure drawing sketches

>> No.4003425
File: 230 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20190708-004933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imo the ref photo is quite gestural. You can see a stretch on his right side down to the feet and a pinch on the left oblique. Look up Leonardo strut. He's basically doing that.

>> No.4003430
File: 215 KB, 996x2048, 156203728510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? It looks off

>> No.4003431

stop chicken scratching, learn how to do gesture drawing, learn anatomy

>> No.4003435
File: 261 KB, 2180x3228, sketch_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a gesture with black sharpie on newsprint using the Huston method. Was fun actually.

>> No.4003436

other than chicken scratching, how do i do those other 2 things? i been learning from loomis mostly for figure drawing

>> No.4003437
File: 611 KB, 2288x3336, Zombie_Beauty___12_by_mjranum_stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And reference.

>> No.4003466

A stupid question but any ideal reference site or something to focus on drawing/constructing the head for figure drawing or stick to the full body poses ive been using for gesture anyways?

>> No.4003479

cute design nonetheless even with the glaring technical issues

>> No.4003489

we don't do that here

>> No.4003502

>really want to learn the medium of ink
>trying to learn fundamentals with ink tools but drier media feels better and works with cheap sketch pads and paper

What do?

>> No.4003505

Alright I laughed with this answer. I too think about photobashing sometimes, but it'd stand out like a sore thumb contrasted to whatever I drew

>> No.4003521

I almost had a brain aneurysm trying to interpret your question.

>> No.4003549

use 'face' tab

>> No.4003551

someone pls criticise my renders pls, its been like 3 breads that ive posted them in but nobody responds

>> No.4003560
File: 2.02 MB, 2379x3934, D1FF370E-AC3E-4673-AE72-8855A0213F45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside the lips I recognize I fucked up on
(I almost tore a hole in my drawing paper)
What do you think?
Criticize me

>> No.4003563
File: 972 KB, 648x972, DYNAMIC-Colorless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Create Murata-tier pose for the final panel
>It doesn't actually fit there and the knife throw is too cramped in there
Not gonna lie this is annoying. I either make the page longer to fully insert the pose (the knife throw is still gonna be awkward because of the width), or I make the model smaller but it'll lose detail.

Anyway I'm almost done with the composition! Just 12 hours more or so and hopefully I"ll also color it

>> No.4003568
File: 552 KB, 2480x3508, A855F596-F601-4923-87A4-5D71C3C3E433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First drawing ever, what should I work on?

>> No.4003572

Look at some reference

>> No.4003576
File: 780 KB, 1879x2280, IMG_20190707_121243_644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did this yesterday any tips how I could improve?

>> No.4003580

Looks nice but please re-size

>> No.4003591

Argh sorry

>> No.4003593

i am not sure what you tried to achieve there
they look okay for some silly low-effort inner circle memes, but that's all i can tell you
i never done trad, but i am pretty sure that's not how people color their drawings
usually marks have clear direction, yours are all over the place
lack of shadows makes it really flat
at least figure doesn't look bad (though pose itself is kinda boring)
isn't panel 3 a bit redundant? you can remove it, move panels 4 to 6 up and to the left and then you'll have half of the page for panel 7
reading the OP
i don't think this belongs in /beg/
the only thing i don't like is bright red nose

>> No.4003595

Thanks, will do!

>>4003373 is mine too, how does it look?

>> No.4003596
File: 1.05 MB, 800x971, resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There my dude, sorry
Where should I post? Can I create just a normal thread? Sorry I'm new here

>> No.4003597

draw thread is what you're looking for

>> No.4003602


>> No.4003611

So you stared at that guy's picture for a few hours and drew him naked? wtf is wrong with you lol

>> No.4003614
File: 191 KB, 2440x2656, heads_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I construct heads?

>> No.4003617
File: 818 KB, 1482x1440, 94eb50bb-fe7a-424f-b50f-8959fe4cc24e-adult-beautiful-confidence-1030915_20181130104037-8b9f3803-553c-453f-afbd-42d46909e164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ref and drew with ballpoint pen on scrap paper.

>> No.4003618


>> No.4003622

Yeah this is great.. sorry but you're not /beg/. Points for being humble though. Really like your brushwork.

>> No.4003623

>3 hours

This better be worth it.

>> No.4003624

only worth it if you're going to put in the effort, anon

>> No.4003625

Wtf this new guy graduated already and I'm still here

>> No.4003628

what did you make?

>> No.4003629

>3 hours
those are rookie numbers

>> No.4003630

I'm not telling you, I still have fun being a beginner and the
>leave /beg/
guy hasn't spotted me yet. But I'm surprised.

>> No.4003637

Pencil or pen?

>> No.4003638

pen to build line confidence. no erasing.

>> No.4003644

Even for figure drawing and construction? Sounds like it will get messy when trying to draw through the forms and such.

>> No.4003647

yes, don't make it messy then. think about every line before you put it down or ghost the line (hovering your hand above the canvas and draw the line without pressing down) to get some quick confidence. Drawing only with Pen will increase your line confidence and economy which is super important to have!!

>> No.4003652

that's cuz you are still /beg/

>> No.4003659
File: 575 KB, 3508x2480, 14E1869F-4D5C-40F4-8468-34A329F6D556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this better?

>> No.4003677

It's a start. Go back and draw exactly what you see, hell even try to not look at your paper and look at the figure instead while drawing. Also, please re-size your images. 3508x2480 is annoying.

>> No.4003690


>> No.4003701
File: 139 KB, 1000x1414, proportion_practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to get proportions right even when following references
What's off?

>> No.4003730 [DELETED] 

My artistic skill on a 1-10 scale is a 0 due to me starting yesterday. I did the Superimposed Lines exercise yesterday and a shitty drawing of a machine from nier automata today. The exercises bore the shit out off me and make me want to not draw. Do I have to buckle my fuckle and just do them like it says in draw a box?

>> No.4004137

Is that prokos drawing?

>> No.4005878

No, my quick sketch using Huston's method.