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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3993972 No.3993972 [Reply] [Original]

When I grew up, i wanted to be an animator.

I sucked at drawing and everytime I tried it felt like my soul mate was stomping on my heart with soccer cleats while giving george bush a blowjob.

Chances are, if you want to be an artist, you suck at art, don't enjoy the process of creating art, and really only want to be popular and score with art wannabes and hangers on.

Find a low effort job, stick with it until you get promoted, settle in for the long haul. You won't be happy, but at least you won't be poor.

Give up now, while you still have all your teeth.

>> No.3994051


>> No.3994083
File: 126 KB, 500x382, Same tbh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy how i'm actually starting to think that...I love drawing and I'm good at it but is it worth pursuing?

>> No.3994088

>is it worth pursuing?
What is worth it to you? What do you want?

>> No.3994092

With that attitude its no wonder why you went full ngmi

>> No.3994102

>>3994088 At first it I saw it as a way to enjoy my hobby and make money, that was like me in middle school and through high school. I wanted to created and tell stories through animation because that is what drew me to art in the first place

By my senior year of high school I started thinking about more ambitious careers, something like engineering I guess. I want to do something impactful and fulfilling with my life y'know?

Drawing seems more like me playing around than actually working too, which is a good thing to some degree but imagine if I'm living with someone who works harder and pretty much carries the weight of living pretty much alone. It just makes me feel bad knowing I could probably do more with my life if I stopped trying to make art my main gig.

tl;dr I don't think art as a career is enough for me to feel like I've made and impact on others

>> No.3994104

based and truthpilled

>> No.3994109
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>tfw mentally ill and incapable of holding down a normal job
>drawing is absolute joy and makes me forget about all my problems
>want to draw as a career simply so I can draw all day uninterruptedly
>years of study and improvement, can say I am decent now
>sub 50 followers
>lost all hope
>drawing becomes more and more tied to depression as years go by
>tfw watching your sole reason to exist slowly slip by and you can't do anything

>> No.3994114

>I want to do something impactful and fulfilling with my life y'know?
I don't mean to seem rude by asking another question, but now you'd have to define impact. I'd also like to know what you think engineering entails.

>> No.3994125

it's fine man. By impact I mean something that "changes the world" pretty childish right? lol that is part of what keeps me at it, animation and art itself can leave lasting impressions on peoples mind's and hearts but at the same time I want to be able to innovate and push the medium something I might not even be able to do. Maybe i'm just not good enough yet but the road there is long and hard...

and I considered mechanical engineering because it seemed like a more legit career, especially when considering college. not necessarily for its creative aspects. Thinking and typing it out like this makes me realize that I choke on my own ambitions

>> No.3994126

Talentless Inbred

>> No.3994132

You ever look at a huge franchise you like and wonder what it would be like if you did the same?

for example I love one piece, and it's popularity in japan is insane for one manga author! Look at mickey mouse or any large fictional icon, that's like my dream right there. It just comes down to my own self worth I guess. Career confusion has got me all fucked up

>> No.3994135

Sorry if this seems obvious but:
I think your issue seems to be more that you doubt yourself than doubting art as a path. You're doubting that your efforts will have as big of an impact as you want, and you see mechanical engineering as a more surefire or more effective path. I think it would be healthy to change, or I guess you could say "lower", your ambition.
It takes gargantuan effort to truly change the world, and oftentimes engineering is simply being the tool to enable the plans of others.
It would be good to maybe try and change your region. When you're competing against the world it's easy to have vague goals and foggy paths forward, but if you want to be the best in your country/state you can see who and what is around you and what needs to be done and your environment or community can show you how to have an impact.

>> No.3994137

start a tumblr and a side tumblr
Reblog and post porn on the side blog, it will grow insanely fast.
Keep it mostly safe, clothed butt and tit gifs is what I used. 20k followers in 3 months.

You can now boost your own blog with "real" people to look at your shit
Helped me get some traction when I was struggling.

>> No.3994139

I don't want anything to do with that shit.

>> No.3994141

Why not? Its not a bad way of doing it

>> No.3994143
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Thanks for the advice, seeing more places and people sounds like a good idea especially when I really need a reality check. I'll take your words to heart, my friend

>> No.3994148

You could make an impact with either one of those careers. Whats more important is doing what you find fulfilling so you don't off yourself before you do some good (I'm definitely projecting btw)

>> No.3994151


>> No.3994197

damn dude are we the same person? I'm majoring in mechanical engineering for the exact same reasons. I realize that's not really true now, and am sticking with the major because money. Anything you want to do can have an impact, it just depends on how much effort you put into it and how much passion you have for it.

>> No.3994207
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1) I don't really suck at it : not Ruan Jia, but I'm definitely above average.
2) I love drawing & have loved it for decades, it's in my nature.
3) I draw to see how far I can represent the stuff in my imagination. External validation is a bonus.
4) I'll find a decent paying job in IT as soon as I finish & will pay the bills with it until I've enough traction to do my passion project (Yes,I have an idea & the means to produce it).

I won't give up,I will pursue my dream because I don't want it to be one & you cannot stop me!!!

>> No.3994210
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im already poor

>> No.3994211

Suggesting someone to artistically prostitute themselves is NOT high quality advice.

>> No.3994240
File: 34 KB, 540x404, P E N S I V E Y O S H I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a good way to look at it, perhaps I'm stubborn because I've been drawing since I was a kid. Another thing with me currently is i have to rely on others so art ends up moreso a burden. I appreciate everyone's encouragement, even if it's not the path you initially wanted to walk, so long as you pour your heart into doing great then that effort won't be in vain. I gotta remember that whenever I feel discouraged

>> No.3994247

Fuck you dude how many drawing do you have? Give me your fucking blog right fucking now. You need to make a book of this shit with little captions on the bottom you fucking talented piece of shit. Give me that fucking blog so I can share your work. Fuck you.

>> No.3994251
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>> No.3994252

but my family is rich so i wont starve even if i dont make it

>> No.3994253
File: 919 KB, 610x1258, img269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am comforted by your words.
