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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3992468 No.3992468 [Reply] [Original]

>want to be good at drawing
>hate drawing

>> No.3992472

you are in the right board

>> No.3992479

If you hate it because you're bad at it, that's normal and there's nothing wrong with that. Sucking at things... sucks.

If you actually just don't like the process at all, you're in for a bumpy ride.

>> No.3992692

you're probably afraid of failure

>> No.3992916

Why do you want to get gud if you hate it?

>> No.3992929

because there are things i want to draw

>> No.3992933
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>am shit
>enjoy it more and more as I get better
It actually does get more enjoyable. You just have to push through that initial phase of /beg/ and truly accept it.

>> No.3992981

If you hate drawing itself then fuck off. I already spent 36 hours on a piece, just yesterday I was talking to a friend about how this isn't driving me crazy just because I enjoy drawing, but if someone was in a position where they hated this and still had to do it... I don't know,they'd better quit and go flip burgers, it'd be more enjoyable than polishing a base drawing you know you got in the first hour of these past 3 days

>> No.3992987

I'm with you, I love when I finish a piece and it's done and I can look at it and go "I made that", but I hate the process. I'm trash and haven't been drawing for that long though so that might be part of it. But anyways I'm a masochist so I keep doing it. I'm probably very much in the minority on /ic/.

>> No.3992990

Say hi to the daily feelings of a working adult for me.

>> No.3993251

retard cunt

>> No.3993256
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i really like drawing but right now i'm not capable of drawing what it is in my head and thats hurts so fucking much

>> No.3993267

>I already spent 36 hours on a piece
please post this piece.

>> No.3993277
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Only after 1.5 years of "grinding" (im lazy fuck slacking around) i started to enjoy drawing, i mean the process itself and im fucking happy, so much that i lose focus and never finish anything so i cant just pmw, except for some retarded pieces for /aco/ drawthreads, now i just question myself why i even started, if i would know how much trouble and pain i need to go through i would never started

>> No.3993284

you like the idea of being a famous artist.

>> No.3993492
File: 302 KB, 1392x2000, sugou tovarisch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate the process
>don't care about the outcomes
>don't have anything I'd like to make
>keep coming back because nothing else to do and drawing blends well with escapism

it's been eight years and I'm getting ready to off myself desu

>> No.3993505

I loved the feeling when people praise my arts that's why i still keep drawing

>> No.3993554

I want to make art but I hate the process and I hate failure

>> No.3993556

As you get better, the frustration is less "this looks like shit" and more "I'm not expressing this how I meant to"

>> No.3993559

>want to be godo at drawing
>hate being shit at drawing
How do I get good without having to first produce agonizingly bad art?

>> No.3993638

you're supposed to get past this stage during childhood. adult beginners just cannot make it

>> No.3993643

>want to learn how to draw
>don't know how to start and just sit there for hours staring at the white paper

>> No.3993665

I have this retarded thing with me that I enjoy idea of drawing but when it comes to actually drawing I want to cut my hands off because of the amount of effort you have to put into it. After I realized that about myself I decided to draw everyday and draw things I want. Enough of boxes, circles and studies, time to apply them in works I want to create.

>> No.3993727

It's natural to hate things you're bad at. As you get better at something, you usually like it more. Desires are malleable. I used to hate driving when I first started learning for example, but now I go on long drives just for fun.
Just keep drawing.

>> No.3993937
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>want to get some feedback
>too much of a pussy to post art

>> No.3994038

I truly feel you on that

>>hate being an artist
>>love being called an artist

>> No.3994042

In the end it's just work like everything else. You just sit there and make lines.

The fun thing about it is just the feeling you get from creating something you like.
If that's worth it, is up to you, but I think if you have nothing better to do, then go for it.

>> No.3994217

Not the best incentive I'm afraid... You must seek something more noble than validation otherwise you mgiht be very disappointed.

>> No.3994301

please tell me anon, how do i make myself enjoy the process, ive been searching for days for an answer and havent found a single one. i just want to be able to have fun drawing but its fucking impossible

>> No.3994306

I have to ask you and everyone else on this board who is 20+ and literally never drew during their entire child hood
WHY do you want to draw when you hate it??
What in the world do you think being good at drawing is going to BRING you??
An easy life? An easy job? Fuck no you idiot. If you can't draw for more than a few hours then give up because thats WHAT you're gong to be doing if you make it your job.
I seriously don't fucking understand you guys!

>> No.3994307

>I want wash board abs
>I don’t want to work out
This is exactly how you sound faggot.
Either pick up a pencil, pen a fucking stick in the sand and start fucking drawing or fuck off.

>> No.3994312

i want to draw even though i hate it because im too impressed by the art of other people to not want to try myself

>> No.3994313

Then HIRE an illustrator
idiot. Nobody gives a fuck if you can draw. They give a fuck for about five seconds in a polite way and then they instantly forget about it because guess what, drawing doesn't serve them. IT does almost nothing for the people around you, your family and friends. the only people who genuinely care about your drawing skills are those who are going to hire you to draw for them, and if you can't draw for yourself how the hell do you think you're going to do it for someone else?
oh, and if you do so choose to go down this path, grinding away for years just wait for the day when you can finally start supproting yourself as an artist and just soak in the..
>is he retarded?
>he must be on the dole
>he must be delusional
...looks people give you when you say "Im an illustrator hur da durr"

>> No.3994315

Then dig deep. What makes you so impressed by it? Why is it meaingful to you?
At the end of the day, its physically just scratches on a piece of paper, so what do those scratches mean to YOU?
Dig deep, find out, and that will be your answer.

>> No.3994316

That how it be. But then the feeling that you'll never be good makes you bite the bullet and practice. After a while, you actually start to enjoy the grind.

>> No.3994372

honestly a lot of it boils down to the artist in question looking like they were having fun and making a mess but still being satisfied with it, its perfectly imperfect. the issue comes in that im too critical about my own drawings to let myself just make whatever, like they seem to, without judging it for being wrong in some way.

>> No.3994422

> 20+
>never drew during their entire child hood
op here
i used to draw as a kid but dont anymore
and im not a boomer(19)

>> No.3994475

>thinks anyone who is 20+ is a boomer

>> No.3996093

hi again

>> No.3996098

Not the same anon but if you don't enjoy the process then just stop and try something else. Maybe you have to do things a different way. Or maybe drawing isn't for you which is completely fine. There's so many things in life you can do and you'll know if you like it if you consistently enjoy the process. Don't feel bad about it because most people are stuck in careers they don't care for and take ages to find what clicks for them.

You can't force yourself to like something just like how you can't force yourself to fall in love with someone. Just keep that in mind.

>> No.3996287

>want to be good at drawing
That's all you need. If you really want to be good at drawing you'll learn to like drawing, you'll learn to enjoy getting progressively better. The first step in starting a new hobby/practice/skill is liking it, you can suck at first but If you really want to get good at drawing you'll come around.

>> No.3996312

Just like with gitting gud in anything else. Clench your teeth and dewit.

>> No.3996316

That's bullshit. I love art, and I also love my own style. But in the end, drawing is also just work. You need a lot of motivation and discipline to do this daily for hours. And this requires to be happy and satisfied with your life too. If you are constantly depressed it will become much harder to find motivation.

>> No.3996325

Like I said, if you really want to be good at drawing you'll >>3996312
>Clench your teeth and dewit

>> No.3996331

Of course, but this also requires that you are able to focus on it in the first place.
I think living a happy and fullfilling life, ie not being depressed, is much more important than most people think.

Getting a GF for example is also very important to keep being motivated. otherwise you easily fall into depression sooner or later. Same goes for living in a more or less "healthy" society. I for example live in a country where I couldn't even publish any of the stuff I want to draw, simply because thought police is rampant here. This all also has a heavy impact on your productivity.

>> No.3996347

But actually getting off your arse and doing something, anything, that brings a feeling of self improvement is exactly what drives depression away. If seriously think getting a girlfriend will make you better at art, fuck, at anything, you'll have a bad time in life, bucko. Publish your stuff somewhere else then, it's not like you're landlocked in the internet, use a vpn if you're that afraid, use a handle in another language, I've drawn guro and necrophilia but nobody knows It was me that drew it.

>> No.3996350

You obviously don't understand how depression works. It's a cycle.
>get depressed ---> don't feel like doing something ---> get even more depressed because you didn't do something
And this only becomes worse and worse to a point where many people can't get out of this anymore without real help.

>> No.3996353

I've been depressed before, but I managed to escape the ditch by putting effort into creating a mindset that does whatever it takes to drive the creeping depression away. Learn to play an instrument, play some vidya, draw degenerate shit, buy a fucking onahole and fuck that thing like it's your waifu, lift some weights. Yeah it might suck at first but after you see some improvement you'll want to keep going. I know it's bait by the way.

>> No.3996354

I can tell by the bullshit you write, you have no clue about real depression. You are just another spoiled, entitled retard who thinks he knows everything.

>> No.3996356

that's like me with any job
I want money, but hate working

>> No.3996696

>its like a job but you wont get paid or a diploma

>> No.3996705

i made that post when i was in a bit of a rut, i thought about it a bit after posting and found a way to make things a bit easier on myself, mostly to do with not always staring at a reference while im drawing and instead trying to focus just on what i imagine in my head, it aint perfect and i dunno if im having fun yet but its a lot more relaxed than what i was doing before

>> No.3996726


There are two possible reasons for this :

1) You've seen these egirls artwhores online giving pussy to internet video game fags artists and since you're very lonely, you think that maybe by becoming a great artist yourself you'll get friends, attention, and ewhores, but drawing has never really been a natural interest for you.
2)You've seen these egirls artwhores online giving pussy to internet video game fags artists and since you're very lonely, you think that maybe by becoming a great artist yourself you'll get friends, attention, and ewhores, but drawing has never really been a natural interest for you.

fuck off

>> No.3999078
File: 5 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it took me years to realize I was holding my pen wrong and once I shifted my grip about 3 inches I started liking drawing more

>> No.3999091
File: 69 KB, 462x1048, Untitled Diagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sure you are not all day on the "studies" part or you will start to hate art.

>> No.3999189

I enjoy sketching and used to sketch a lot for fun before starting to take things seriously but I hate everything else after until it's completed, I enjoy the feeling of having completed a picture. I can't be satisfied with only sketching anymore so I have to power through the rest.

>> No.3999198

It's work, yes, but it's definitely not a terrible work.
People do this in Kindergarten already.

>> No.3999275

That's the only way to truly escape anon.

>> No.4001174

yeah fuck drawing what the fuck is deep perception bitch im gonna kill you

>> No.4001773

idk i wanted to improve and was learning anatomy everyday for a few hours but eventually drawing felt more like a chore and it made me kind of hate art... i wish i was still as passionate as i was when i was younger back then i could draw for hours without getting bored

>> No.4001786
File: 51 KB, 462x1048, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4001798

At some point you just stop giving a fuck and discipline yourself into drawing all the time, or you decide it isn't for you and never get good.

It all comes down to how much you REALLY want to be the big cool artist guy.

>> No.4001849
File: 33 KB, 611x535, 1536564085427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then HIRE an illustrator
Show me an illustrator who can read my mind and I'll quit TODAY, otherwise y'all're trash and I'd rather draw myself cause y'all's styles suck.

>> No.4001860
File: 296 KB, 521x347, zSTjfs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please tell me anon how do I make miself like cheesecake? I hate cheesecake but I try to eat one everyday but somehow I still don't like it I don understand?????

>> No.4001899

I don't hate art. I hate the community surrounding art though.

>> No.4002304

I actually did that process with food I hated and eventually acquired a taste for it.

>> No.4002311


You don't hate it drawing.
You just hate the process of learning.

When it comes to drawing it start to get really fun when you start to get good at it. Just need to get over that wall anon.