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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3985000 No.3985000 [Reply] [Original]

I am 24 and I just recently started drawing. I have to admit that it's a shitty feeling to share anything when you see people younger than you doing much better work and I feel like I make myself look like a retard because what I do isn't the best.
>look how bad it is, that guy must be mentally challenged or something, drawing this shit at 24 fucking years
That's how I feel when I post my drawings as Facebook stories. How do I survive this shit?

>> No.3985003

Dont post your drawings as Facebook statuses. Instead learn to draw until youre atleast above average. Post all the shit you do now to /beg/ read the sticky and get good.
People younger than you drawing better just means theyve actually studied.

>> No.3985007
File: 212 KB, 435x494, kr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my latest drawing of cp77 Keanu Reeves and I will stop posting anything on Facebook because what's the point if it's bad, right

>> No.3985008

i'm not a pussy

you are just having logical thoughts, your ego is involved and that's why you feel bad. Mentally mature people accept that any gain involves sacrifices, and that pain and fatigue are part of daily life.

there are hundreds of thousands of people who will be better than you in everything you do and in everything you are (better skills, better intellects, more charismatic, more beautiful, stronger, there are hundreds of thousands that would make your girl fall in love with they instantly over you, that are better in sex than you, that their moral is more correct than yours, etc, etc), is an ego problem. The difference with all of them is that they are not you.
So you have a lot of young people who draw better than you, who have been doing it before you... so what? the difference is that they are not you, they can never do what you do from the inside, you can copy others and they can copy you, as you can see in everyday life in art, but each one is unique. The difference is how hard you put it.
People who stand out from others is because they never stopped, and the moment one of those young artists stops drawing for laziness, or fatigue, if you continue in those time while they not, you will eventually reach them, and pass them, and there will be many who you will never pass, and it does not matter.

>> No.3985009

Bare down and get through it. Stop posting shit on social media and just study, do gestures etc for a couple months and then compare what you can do vs your current untrained results.

If you aren't literally retarded you will notice a difference. I learned enough from the first 2-3 chapters of keys to drawing to drastically improve my life drawing. I'm sure you can figure something out.

>> No.3985010

It's not bad, anon. You have decent construction. But you need to learn shading and lighting and push that contrast. That's what makes a form feel 3d. Add a background, even if it's just black. Try charcoal in addition to or instead of pencil. You've got potential, you just want to work on impact. You'll find as you do, your work is more about how happy it makes you to do it, and less about approval from others, though that will come as well. That's what progress feels like.

>> No.3985018
File: 234 KB, 435x766, girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my first drawings done in a sketchbook, I have no idea how to use a pencil

>> No.3985034

Remember chris chan is 30 and still draws shitty sonic recolours. I personally think your drawing skills have so much potential, keep going anon.

>> No.3985037

fuck off

>> No.3985044


>> No.3985048

Stop posting to Facebook. Are you trying to learn art, or just get attention? Because if you're pursuing art, posting anything on Facebook is pointless. And, it's common sense, if something makes you feel bad - STOP DOING IT.

>> No.3985051

I'm 24 too. I've been drawing all my life and it brings me down to see people younger than me already doing better. As a freelancer I often collab on projects with other illustrators and animators who are WAY more skilled and most are either my age or younger. Hell even one of my favorite art directors that I've worked with, who owns a studio of 20 people and makes animated ads for world famous companies is freaking TWENTY FOUR as well... I'm at a point where I'm not terrible but not great either... I would give up by now but it's too late and I don't have any other useful skills
This looks very promising

BTW anyone else does this weird thing:
>think "wow i love this artist's work!"
>immediately search for clues on how old they are to see if you still have time to live up to their level
Every damn time

>> No.3985064

Yeah, my ego makes me suffer, needles and pins type of a suffering.

You know how discomfort is associated with progress, meaning it's growth pain or something like that. I thought that posting shit is going through that discomfort so I could handle it better or something, I don't know. Sometimes it's hard to tell what is a good type of pain.

>> No.3985068
File: 726 KB, 762x1276, img284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting better at art won't make you happy but the discipline you learn along the way will.

>> No.3985069

Exact same boat man
I am 24 as well, just started drawing a couple months ago.
>Seeing a big improvement, but I am going from literal shit(stickmen and 5y/o drawings that you cannot tell what it is) to something kinda decent(something people can actually tell what it it/ looks 3D). Once I hit a plateau I will need to work much harder to improve.
>People who are younger have an easier time to grap onto new concepts and their minds are soaking up knowledge like a sponge. They will at some point hit a plateau, and they may just never pass it.

If anything we are lucky, we do not need to compare ourselves to people who are younger than us or whom are great artists.
>imagine if we did this our whole life, and our work is still shit.

>> No.3985082
File: 1.22 MB, 3264x1836, 20190623_205930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost the exact same boat lol, m 24 aswell, just started to actually learn how drawing really works, i drew a lot back as a teen, was rlly good copying stuff but now that i am learning in a proper way from books everything s hard af n know i see that i dont know anything at all lol

>> No.3985174

Why would you post anything on Facebook? Unless you are actually a pro and trying to establish a following to sell to, then what value is that? You shouldn't be making art to have idiots on social media praise you and stroke your ego. You should be doing it because you enjoy the process of learning and getting better.

>> No.3985381

this attitude probably doesn't help but I am curious to know what art director you are thinking of.

If it makes you feel better a reason some people seem to advance so young is due to family connections they rarely advertise. If not connections then their parents gave them the money for the tools they needed to succeed at young ages. Every single time I dug into the history of someone I admired I discovered they had a lot of help from their parents, either in the form of connections or financially. If you don't have well heeled parents that can help you start your studio, buy you a tricked out tablet, etc its going to take you a longer time to get to the same place as the people that do. I wish this was something that people were more open about because its really common.

>> No.3985506


is it just me or is that tail a little off?

>> No.3985512

Why the fuck do you old people insist on separate thread for beginners?

>> No.3985514


>> No.3985537

The mouth looks good. Why are you saying it's shit when you haven't even finished the drawing.

>> No.3985573

the whole thing s a little off lol drew that when i didnt know about lighting or perspective s just a copy, now m doing only gestures from hamptom and some basic shapes n lighting, wanna get decent soon

>> No.3985587

It's a different thing to post on a facebook story and on a facebook wall. With stories you just show that you exist and do some doodles while posting on a wall showcases your skills or whatever you want to show to the world. And you cannot say for sure that the person posting it doesn't enjoy the process of learning and getting better.