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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 90 KB, 1280x720, summertime-saga-21047-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3974483 No.3974483[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello, artists.

I'm looking for someone able to draw some good porn and who wants to make a porn game. The game will be pretty similar to Summertime Saga (a famous game making over 50.000$ a month on Patreon).

I'll handle the coding, writing, marketing and everything else. Your only task will be making the art, with no need to draw backgrounds.

We will split our patreon gains 60/40 (I take 60%, you take 40%.)

Hit me up on Discord and let's talk.


>> No.3974485

>porn games that literally thrive or die on the artwork
>i'll be taking 60% thx ;)

kill yourself retard

>> No.3974487

Nice scam kid,give me actual amount of money instead of this bs 40%

>> No.3974489

This shit ears 50k a month, thanks murica

>> No.3974491

>60% cut for writing python code
Get your head out of your ass

>> No.3974493
File: 13 KB, 225x224, town of passion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are actually wrong, artwork doesnt need to be top notch for a game to succeed. Pic related is making almost 4k a month.

I think its fair for me to take 60% since I will be doing the whole coding, writing and everything else, but I understand if you think 40% its not enough.

You get 40% of whatever we make. If we make 10.000$ month you get 4.000$ a month.

>> No.3974499

yeah gl finding an actual retard that will waste his time on something not guaranteed

>> No.3974504
File: 60 KB, 1024x577, a_town_uncovered_pc_me6_by_danytatu_dc9gr2w-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not guaranteed

I can already tell that you don't know anything about this.

A game with good art and good writing is 100% guaranteed to make at least 3000$ a month.

But yeah, i'm looking for an ambitious artist who wants to create a big project and make big money, not just a comission artist who gets money and do what he is told. I want someone with vision and who likes to actually create things.

>> No.3974522

Unironicly want to do something like this, but have bunch of ideas of my own and just because you are initiate this you gonna have 60 is a little something, do you have something to show?

>> No.3974527

40% of 3k is insanely below the poverty line.

>> No.3974531

Its 1200$ bucks a month for drawing like 8 pics.
Thats 150 per picture which I guess its pretty fair.
You can literally do it in a few days and do whatever you like the rest of the month.

>> No.3974539

Hit me up, let's talk.

>> No.3974546

>Thats 150 per picture which I guess its pretty fair.
Actually yeah now that you break that down that's way more fair than I thought.
Anyways if I had any skill I'd jump on this, hope you find your artist OP.

>> No.3974555

writing and marketing is a huge pain tho

>> No.3974556

>I'll handle the coding, writing, marketing and everything else. Your only task will be making the art, with no need to draw backgrounds.
>We will split our patreon gains 60/40 (I take 60%, you take 40%.)

Considering how clueless you are on the value of art to A) a porn game and B) a fucking board about art, your writing and programming is probably equally as shittily conceived.

lol no thx

>> No.3974558

if you think it's that easy then you don't really need anybody else, right?

Like the other anon mentioned, visual novel games, or any indie pseudo weeb rpg really, thrive on good design and artwork. There are countless indie titles that I wouldn't even touch with a stick because the art was just some bland uninspiring tumblr garbage.

this >>3974483 >>3974493 making any money whatsoever goes to show that the west is in a dire state of brainletism, who knows how they got lucky, or what scamy network is backing them, but I think you're taking this a bit too easy. You have no funds so you should take anyone who remotely considers working for you for empty promises.

>> No.3974652

I'll do it OP as long as you spot me a month in advance. No one in their right mind would commit this much work on the vague promise that one day it might make a small amount of money. You pay, I'll make, not the other way around.

>> No.3974655

Actually interested in this, but my style is very anime. Is that alright?

>> No.3974661

Don't go for it anon. He's not promising you a _salary_. He's can't even guarantee you compensation. Just the idea or hope of a reward _if_ his product goes well. What if he doesn't finish it? What if he can't code well or his skills are amateurish or worse, dogshit?

If he can't promise you any compensation - then it's "revenue share." Don't try it, it's not worth your time, and you're more valuable than whatever offer SummonerDev can make.

>> No.3974666
File: 31 KB, 128x128, 1558031455722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You yourself sound pretty fucking clueless on how success and marketing works. First of all - you don't even have an idea of plot for your game.
>it will be pretty similar to Summertime Saga
So who are the characters? Is there a plot? Do you have a game design sheet? What are your goals in the game? What genre is it? None of these questions did you ever consider of even address. You just gave a vague "idea" of what your "totally original unique game" is gonna be like. And now you want a bunch of anons to make it for you.
Your language is that of a complete scammer, promising a "big project" with rewards of "big money" when you probably beg for help on the RPGnet or GameJolt forums. You're not going to get free work and you're not going to half-ass your way to being the next NSFW Toby Fox. It doesn't come easy nor should it.

>> No.3974670

Well, I will commit "this much work". As I say, I don't want a comission artist, I want someone who wants to be part of a project and make it succeed.

Hit me up on discord.

Uh, why would I waste my time writing about it to people who dont want to know any of these things? If you want to know more, hit me on Discord and we can talk.

Also, all your thinking is wrong, I have experience in this market and this is not my first game :)

>> No.3974674

If anyone actually is interested in this, it’s pretty easy to learn how to make these type of games (coding wise). Also marketing is pretty much a no-brainer in this day and age. If anything and you’re too lazy to do a majority of this stuff except drawing and designing.... you can pay people a lot less than 60 percent of your profits each month to do this stuff for you.

>> No.3974679

good luck trying to pay a writer and a coder with less than 60%

>> No.3974684

>What if he doesn't finish it?

You don't even know how Patreon works or how the update system works. You are not selling a done game, dumbass. You are putting out free releases every month or so and people will pay you to keep making it.

>> No.3974686

You absolutely can, I would do the coding part for ten percent. If anyone’s actually interested in making a game together. (Writing on the other hand, I feel most artists on this board could do that on their own. This is a porn game not much lore)

>> No.3974692

Hit me up on Discord then, if you will do it for just 10% I will hire you.

>> No.3974693

I'm not talking about Patreon. I'm talking about the dev. He can't promise anyone here pay. If an anon here were to start working with him WITHOUT a written agreement (or contract) of sorts that would OBLIGATE some sort of financial compensation, they would be screwed in the ass. Having a cute little Patreon page doesn't mean jackshit. What matters is a BUDGET.

>> No.3974697

No thanks, I would rather collaborate with someone who could draw. It’s pretty idiotic to pretend that making a visual novel is difficult at all or even that time consuming.

>> No.3974699

Where did I promise anyone here upfront payment? I said we will split our Patreon gains. If our game sucks , both of us won't get shit. Why are you acting like I will sell the art or something?
Its a joint venture with split profits, it's that hard of a concept to gasp?

>> No.3974703
File: 224 KB, 500x375, 500px-Strip_Poker_Minigame_icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visual novel

Again you are wrong. It's not a visual novel, it will feature dozens of gameplay elements and a open world system.