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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3972317 No.3972317 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that several 5-10 minutes drawing sessions done during the day every day yields more result than doing a single two hours long session every few days.

>> No.3972386

>thinks 2 hours is a long session
gl making it bud

>> No.3972392

Both of those will yield 0 results.
You need to be doing hours every day.

>> No.3972393

Both of those will yield 0 results because you are ngmi.

>> No.3972394


>> No.3972398
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18 hours a day is the ngmi cutoff

>> No.3972407

atleast you make it easy for us to know you're a fucking idiot

>> No.3972421

he meant a two-hour long session, as in a session that lasts two hours, you ESL fucking retard

>> No.3972447

is such a feat even possible

>> No.3972503

2-hours is hardly a long session. That's how long I spend just drawing for fun most days.

>> No.3972504


>> No.3972513

Most art/painting classes are like 4 hours long. Or at least my life drawing and painting(both trad and digital). I think concept and character designs where a hour to two.

>> No.3972534

I... I draw over 8 hours a day... Was this not the normal amount?

>> No.3972537

5-10 mins per section, wtf is that?

>> No.3972548

I draw every day for two hours straight and I'm still shit, this is just a lame meme.

>> No.3972978
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Sleep faster.

>> No.3972988

I'm thinking more about hands wrists and arm injuries from drawing that much all day

>> No.3972994

thats just down to ergonomics. if you slouch and put pressure in any odd places when you sit then drawing for that long will hurt you.

>> No.3973091

people play starcraft for 15hours/day, why would drawing be more of an issue?

if you have a nice posture and do exercises for your wrist/elbow it's all good.

>> No.3973092

try holding your pen like a normal person

>> No.3973197

uberman is a meme and poor sleep will wreck your progress. you need REM sleep for your brain to process all that information you learned

>> No.3973678

sounds like a true ngmi, pyw

>> No.3973886

you sound like a true faggot, jump off a building

>> No.3973890

are you comparing a menial task as studying fundies with a videogame that isn't mentally taking and gives you dopamine rushes every 1 or 2 minutes?

>> No.3973913

15 hours is a bit too much, but pro StarCraft gamers play 12 hours a day. I don't think drawing is more stressful than a competitive match in SC.

>> No.3973916
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>that isn't mentally taking

Is this nigga serious?

>> No.3973925

are you implying they didn't play for fun until they got good enough for competitive?

>> No.3973993

Draw 16 hours every day

>> No.3974015

Fucking NEETs

>> No.3974381

the B-team players in SC1 would play for ~14hours/day. There's also lots of interviews with coaches and even a documentary, there's some people who'd play 20hours/day for months before big tournaments.

but generally speaking you're correct, the standard schedule was 12hours of practice/day.

here's idra's team schedule from his days at CJ Entus

9.00 wake up
9.00 - 11.00 shower/breakfast
11.00 - 15.00 practice
15.00 - 16.00 lunch
16.00 - 21.00 practice
21.00 - 22.30 dinner
22.30 - 1:30 practice

>> No.3974413

how do i rip myself away from the internet long enough to draw for even 30 seconds?

>> No.3974464

go to a library or a park

>> No.3974599

Any recommended videos or documentaries about this? Unlike drawing I don't think there's much long term benefits

>> No.3974648

Speak proper english, faggot

>> No.3974651

Dude, they are fucking videogames. Children play them for fun, they are just games

>> No.3974750

does practicing like that without drugs actually deal results? I feel like if I'm doing something mentally taxing for more than say 4 hours long I'm cooked. I can draw for much longer, but that's mostly because the actually taxing parts of the process are limited, and most of the time it is just muscle memory.

>> No.3976195

>9:00 - 11:00 shower breakfast

who the fuck spends two hours on that stuff? it takes at LATEST an hour and a half to do such

>> No.3976215


No, you need to draw 24 hours a day to become better

>> No.3976217

you forgot about your daily porn session, fapping, putting clothes in your washer and dryer, cleaning your mom's house, etc.

>> No.3976234

wtf are you supposed to draw in 5-10 mn ? just doing some thumbnailing can take at least an hour

>> No.3976235

Thank you for the reminder

>> No.3976249

I believe this is a shitpost, everyone just ignore it.