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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3966086 No.3966086 [Reply] [Original]

People are liking your art when they see it, right anon? You don't lead a sad existence of 500 impressions and 5 likes, yes?

>> No.3966087

It’s more close to 0 likes and 500 impressions. I’ve never wanted to hang myself more.

>> No.3966133

wtf are impressions?

>> No.3966350

i get around that much with no one liking or retweeting my shit.
Pisses me off.

>> No.3966363

When someone looks at your tweet
Just a twitter version of views

>> No.3966396

>Be me
>Draw a NSFW fanart for a SFW artist
>Sends me a private message saying that he loved the artwork but couldn't retwit it
>Tell him it's ok, i'd imagine as such
>He follows me

That's the happiest i've ever felt on this 0 likes existence

>> No.3966413

wtf could they not call it view? was that too mainstream for them? was the word too short? I am ok with change but when it makes sense

>> No.3966419
File: 59 KB, 298x274, 1547846283912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Create a pixiv account
>Someone from here finds you and follows
>Happens to be someone you look up to
>Get that senpai noticed me feeling
>Sudden realization that you're not worthy under their gaze
>Delete account
>Never create a new one anywhere again
That was the single most fulfilling bit of experience but it was oh so bitter sweet.

>> No.3966612
File: 51 KB, 543x657, 20190610_181743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing?

>> No.3966622

That’s awfully specific, busy projecting anon?

>> No.3966625

Dunno, what percentage of them convert to pay pigs?

>> No.3966634

You spend enough time in art servers and you see people snap while you're numb to numbers.

>> No.3966636
File: 63 KB, 700x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't

>> No.3966790

Closer to 2000 impressions and 2 likes by two people I know personally out of pity.

>> No.3966835

Impression makes more sense because it means it appeared in a feed. I see a lot of shit in feeds or other people's timelines but that doesn't mean I was actively looking at it. Engagement is more like "view" in that someone clicked the tweet to see the media or whatever.

>> No.3966841

Is that momokow
Dear God...

>> No.3966845

>blocks your path

>> No.3966913
File: 21 KB, 1265x488, analytics06112019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I average about 300 impressions per tweet and about 2 likes per tweet.
I'm pretty happy with the state I'm in considering I'm busy with animation projects and I'm not actually doing anything to promote my twitter. From my small pool of followers most of them are some amazing painters, artists, directors and people working on airing anime right now. I treasure that fact. I'd rather that over 100k followers with no one who's follow's worth a dime. The fact they interact with me and my tweets is really nice as well.
I've also managed to get my female to male engagement & followers to 50 50 a couple of times. It's still high today. According to twitter most of my organic audience is japanese. My whole account is in english, so to anyone wanting to get eastern engagement you really don't need to write your name in katakana and write tweets in broken japanese unless you want it for the sake of practice. I do have my trending set to tokyo though cause I got tired of the trash hashtags here but I don't think it's a direct correlation.

>> No.3966998

>dirty westerner making a pixiv??
>looking up to someone from /ic
>literally losing their minds

everything you did was questionable af

>> No.3967042

I get around 25k impressions on my art posts that get 1k notes. I don't get why this number is so inflated. Does twitter just make it up? How do posts with no likes still have 300 "views"?

>> No.3967047

I'm fairly sure twitter inflates the numbers to prevent its users from realizing that they're wasting their time shouting into the void

>> No.3967382

>hover impressions, engagements, etc and read the definition.
It's really not crazy for a platform with hundreds of millions of users for a tweet to be seen by 300 people.

>> No.3967445

Apparently I got 30k impressions last month but it doesn't translate into likes at all. My highest is only 50 with 4.5k and the next one is 15 with 3.5k.

>> No.3967529

Not Twitter related but a huge number of the likes you get on instagram are people botting their accounts. I noticed this when a video I posted was viewed less than half the times it was liked. Everyone knows about automated follows at this point and you can easily see that someone is a spammer when he follows thousands of people. Instead, bots are now programmed to put random organic likes on shit based on tags and other analytics. If you try to look up things like "how to use bots on instagram" you always see that sort of recommendation. You can't see likes on Instagram so you can't find that the person is botting just by looking at the numbers.

I was kind of surprised that pretty competent artists with legit accounts were liking my shit on a regular basis, but I was almost buying into it. Now it makes much more sense. I disabled notifications on all my accounts, I don't even really care about posting art anymore.

>> No.3967799

i guess if you've given up on your social media reputation you might as well bite the bullet and start posting your art on /ic/.
it's interesting to think about what kind of environment this race to the top has created, without your average enduser noticing much, but still being - in their own way - just as affected by it.

>> No.3968085

is 800 impressions for images with 3 likes normal?

>> No.3968954

I still post but I have lost what little will I had to play the game. I'm not nearly as good as I could be and I have used that as an excuse to keep grinding and trying, but at this point I just think it's all a joke and you have to do a lot of marketing shit that I'm not cut for.
Every time I tell myself that maybe by improving and trying harder I can get some more views I just feel pathetic, I didn't start drawing to beg for likes, I started drawing because I liked it and wanted to create stuff. As long as I stay on the internet I'll forever be bitter and every time I'll finish a drawing I'll think "nobody will like this shit anyway". So I half ass things just to get something done for the day. I have bigger things to work on but I feel completely drained of motivation because I know I'll just get a bunch of likes, half of which are bots.
I have been off the net for a few years and during those years I have drawn so much more, much better, put more effort in it and got more joy from it. Being on the internet makes me feel like shit, makes me hate my drawings, make me feel inadequate, stops me from producing content. I hate this.

>> No.3969305

I posted a few times and got very few likes and retweets mostly from one graphic tablets account, which is probably a bot.
Still have no followers. On any socials.
Maybe i should really do fanart like some anons suggest.

>> No.3969630
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>starting drawing like in 2016
>in 2018 get noticed by the big guys that I like
>in 2019 I'm better and more popular than them
It's just sad.

>> No.3972692

That tells me you’re not that talented as you think you are