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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3956243 No.3956243 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people say this? to be honest, I own everything to this board and its users
Before /ic/
>watch random youtube tutorial videos that don't get me anywhere by memers like markcrilley
>so much materials don't know where to start because drawing isn't a linear skill where you do 1 then 2 then 3...
>doodle mindlessly (just draw)
>no money for one million book
>crits by friends and family are "that's cool/cute"

>Infinite Ressources/books for Free
>Actual harsh critics that don't pamper you
>All questions always answered quickly by one or many anons, sometimes they argue against each other for a whole thread about who is right which gives you even more insights on the subject.
>genuine anons that share their worries about feelings/thoughts you might have come across, make you feel less alone in this hard and long journey
>high-intermediates redlining stuffs once in a while (rip teal senpai)
>Rare artbooks get shared
>always good advices on x or y subject
>Board has an Aura of motivation to get better instead of the "good enough" mood that you see in other communities
sorry long post, just wanted to pay my respects before sleeping. We insult each other a lot but in the end I hope you guys make it

>> No.3956246

Those who loudly expound that /ic/ is a shithole are also big whiners for not getting "expensive" artbooks on the day they asked for it on the artbook piracy threads.

>> No.3956247

Because /ic/ can be roughly boiled down to 3 types of people
>/beg/ tier whiners and crabs who never post their work but call everything ahit
>here's my opinion on thing and a critique... I'm still /beg/ though so I can actually back anything I just said up
>posts decent art in porn/alt and gets shitposted once people have a name to put to their art

>> No.3956248

People view this place as pure black compared to Discord and Reddit's dicksucking. What they want is grey.

>> No.3956250

Because these nothing but gossip threads, drama and shitposts outside of the usual general threads. People ask for criticism get shitposts and memes in return. There's nothing but negativity and complaining about how they didn't "get gud" in two years or less and want to kill themselves over it.

I'm surprised that people even improved after staying here for awhile.

If I posted my art constantly, I would call thia place a shithole, too.

>> No.3956252

>can't back up*
The most annoying thing about /ic/ is all the clueless /beg/s spouting second hand info.

>blah blah cook critique
But at the end of the day, if you dont understand what you're saying and can't apply it, dont act like you do.

A big one that always makes me laugh is
>I never drew in my life and I drew a hand badly
>but after 2 months if Loomis (and drawing 2 hours a day) I can draw a photo realistic hand! That means Loomis was the reason I got gud.
Loomis is a decent resource. But any /beg/ improves just by actually drawing for once, they could have been drawing adventure time shit and have improved

>> No.3956253

ic also has a very self loathing attitude compare to most other board

>> No.3956254
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Same here. Got quite helpful feedback the few times i posted.
Although, there are times when you just can't talk to people here because they are humongous faggots.

>> No.3956255

fuck you you're just one of those npcs who just matches the op's tone of voice.
also this place is focused on nerdy illustrations for videogames, they don't care about art.

>> No.3956258

Because people who's lifestyle only revolves within /ic/ expects others to spoonfeed them in every single step

>> No.3956260
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serious art forums such as Crimson Daggers, permanoobs, etc. > /ic/ > shit > ribbit, twitter, normalfag social media

but at the same time I don't think /ic/ isn't for everyone. Sometimes over-negativity can make people do self-destructive habits. A bit of /ic/ (harsh critique) is good, but I wouldn't recommend people to be regulars on the site unless they can handle it.
However don't ever go on garbage sites like reddit that are filled with plebs with shit tastes

>> No.3956261

the problem with ic is that people fall in love with chatting instead of drawing and actually doing shit besides that ic is the best art public community
fight me

>> No.3956265

>People ask for criticism get shitposts and memes in return
I went to check on the beg and porn threads that are up, basically everyone gets one or more crits
granteed there's sometimes a pyw or shitpost but not generally

>> No.3956279

It's from roasties getting toasty over ordinary imageboard bantz

>> No.3956286

Fucking this.
/ic/ is simply the only place willing to give actual criticism instead of handholding, but it's often either baseless or infinitely too harsh.

>> No.3956291


I would say at the start it can be beneficial but the crabs meme is tru especially when you get better and people start to recognize your stuff. At that point it is better just to use it for the resources

>> No.3956294

>at the start it can be beneficial but the crabs meme is tru especially when you get better and people start to recognize your stuff
Fuck if only we can start fresh again without other faggots instantly recognizing you. There's some people that actually know who's posting just by the way a post is formatted or the type of behavior behind the post.

>> No.3956306

>We insult each other a lot but in the end I hope you guys make it
This isn't really good for anyone's mental state. Insults do in fact take their toll and if you hang around here long enough, then these will be the kinds of voices floating around in your head in relation to your art.

>> No.3956321

nosebro and the paint retarded guy? and that's it.
there so much people here for just recognizing the writing style

>> No.3956322


>> No.3956325

Actually had to unhide your post because we have that faggot filtered kek

>> No.3956326

>Bawww people are calling each other names on 4chan!!
Are you assholes for real

>> No.3956327

Reading constant ngmi posts and people discrediting hard work vs. talent is what makes browsing this place feel like a downer sometimes

>> No.3956329

Then don't. No one will miss you.

>> No.3956335


>> No.3956337


Just makes me sad for the easily impressionable is all, don't worry about me, I own up to my own successes and failures.

>> No.3956342
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Even though we go full throttle and provide bold unadulterated feedback we legitimately want what's best regardless of how harsh we get. People are naturally cunts and what better way to interact with a sea of humanity in Anonymity? If an Anonymous user made you quit art, well maybe it just wasn't for you and all you had was a very short infatuation. The craft is a pursued interest regardless of the obstacles and naysayers, you've got to want it bad and double down when you're stuck in a rut.

You're all still faggots though.

>> No.3956346

so many threads are garbage. like this one. you could have started a discussion about drawing ducks. it just makes it a pain to lurk.
i liked the feedback i got in /trad/ but very little else here is worth coming back for.

>> No.3956352

I love you ngmi-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!

>> No.3956387

99% of threads are mental masturbation or self loathing

>> No.3956388

The megathreads and wikis on reddit boards cover a lot of info our's miss.

>> No.3956398
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>Actual harsh critics that don't pamper you
>always good advices on x or y subject
Harsh criticism =/= Good criticism
There are plenty of harsh critics on /ic/, but very few of them actually have anything of particular value or insight to offer you. Anonymity is good, in that it allows people to speak without reservations, but has issues for the same reason.
When one anon sees another, more talented anon getting the praise and attention they desire, they can fling some nitpicky pointless insults disguised as critique to make themselves feel better for a moment. When an unskilled artist asks for help, they're often met with people tearing them down to get a laugh or a sense of superiority. I see it happen all the time here, and I have to admit I've participated in it before myself.
I think the main reason people still come here is because very rarely people offer genuinely solid advice, mainly in regards to the fundies. /ic/ introduced me to Hampton and taught what form was and why my art was bad without it, and it helped me immensely in that regards. I keep coming to /ic/ to try and get another moment of enlightenment like that, but I don't know if it's gonna happen.
/ic/ is best when you use it as a second pair of eyes for issues you're blind to yourself. Still, while /ic/ can be helpful in finding problems they aren't very useful in correcting them. Scrolling through any general thread, you're going to see very few redlines and even fewer that aren't done by Dunning Kruger /beg/s. Overall this place is just full of the blind leading the blind and tearing each other down. There's a few nuggets of gold in the shit, but it's a shithole nonetheless.

>> No.3956431

I've been told of a saying that goes something like this:
>"You can impress some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time."

Stay informed that when you start seeing at least 3 or more random hecklers who con-descend to your artwork, know that it doesn't reflect all of people who see it. And those that do like your artwork, definitely don't post here to prove a point. Bunch of pussies...

>> No.3956441
File: 79 KB, 540x623, 5CF4B282-4D4E-4C0E-A371-ECCE4031F416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ has a bad mindset when it comes to art and the people who make it leave this place or lurk quietly in the shadows. The most vocal users are usually the ones who literally are ngmi. If any anon posts here more than they actually draw, you need to reevaluate your priorities. Try to keep that in mind when you’re reading another thread where everyone’s angry for whatever bullshit reason that came up this time.

>> No.3956443


>> No.3956447

Yeah I wonder why teal or anyone remotely identifiable leaves, must be all those genuine anons, lighthearted banter and aura of benevolence.

>> No.3956450

It really depends on if the majority of the board is in a good mood or not.

>> No.3956451

Because most artists before coming here had an inflated ego in some shape or form due to being surrounded by yes-men in some other online platform.

/ic/ seems to excel in keeping artists grounded, or at the very least shattering your ego and helping you stay grounded.

those with extremely thin-skin seem to take it too harshly and can get super depressed, but you have to stop being a pussy and be a stronger person, that's not /ic/'s fault.

>> No.3956459

Who are you to make the decision someone should trade off innocence for some faux toughness? No down sides there. What ic sees as "ego" is bullshit. Not everyone comes from a hug box.

And keeping artists grounded? Really? More like keeping people miserable exchanging some vain ambitious nonsense for what's regarded everywhere else as as a personal and weightless endeavor. One best left as unrestricted as possible for the best possible outcome- especially the only one that matters, personal happiness.

>> No.3956462

/ic/ hates other people almost as much as people here hate themselves.

>> No.3956465

I have never even gotten a critique on /IC/ before just
A "Thats fucking ugly quit drawin fag"
I get it its /ic/ but at least tell me what to improve on

>> No.3956469

>actual harsh critics that don't pamper you
More like "critics"
The crits from this place very from very fucking useless to actually good.
And you know damn well the ratio.

>> No.3956470


>> No.3956471

Do any of you use 4chan boards besides /ic/? I browse /a/,/jp/, and /v/.

>> No.3956474

Can you give some examples?

>> No.3956475

/fit/, /lit/, and /adv/

>> No.3956477

By no standard.

Fight me for your excuse to be an asshole

>> No.3956478

/pol/ /sci/ /lit/ /co/

>> No.3956482

/ic/ is a tough place, a crucible if you will.

meek characters will of course be shattered by it's pragmatism and no mollycoddling attitude.

>> No.3956484

/cgl/ and /vg/

>> No.3956493

And it's good to shatter the meek? Do you know a place that can be described in terms of compulsory independence, a crucible of strife? The fucking ghetto.

>> No.3956495

The difference is that those born into the ghetto have no choice but to be there. If /ic/ is too harsh, one can leave any time.

>> No.3956504

there is some truth in that, well if you dismiss all the secondary comments from damaged anons who just want to make you feel bad.

you on the other hand are way too sensitive and you literally proved his point by lashing out with your ego, trying to force your made-up mental worth onto others to recognize and accept.
>Not everyone comes from a hug box
pretty ironic to hear you say that

>> No.3956519

It's true enough, but should it remain a ghetto? Maybe it should. Maybe it's simply a good enough outlet for this side of human nature. It's my contention people seem overly attracted here by the wrong motives, and far from being innocuous, destructive attitudes are passed on to others.

Direct your attention to the philosophy and not at your projection of me, and what you say will have weight.
Alternatively if you'd like to take the conversation in a personal direction, I invite that as well.

But for the board, and people's sake in general, you've not addressed my point that it is solely actual frail ego that leads to the destructive aspects of this board's(and other places) culture. At the very least you could admit the downsides, or the fact ic is viewed rightly or wrongly as extreme.

There are better motivations than ambition, better aims than vanity/perfectionism, and better ways and means, or so I think.

>> No.3956521

pyw in the beg thread

>> No.3956542

/ic/ is like most boards on 4chan. A lot of the same shit rehashed over and over in different guises with the ocassional golden nuggets in terms of quality and humor.

>> No.3956552

/asp/, /vg/, sometimes /v/, sometimes /w/, /co/

>> No.3956555

It is a shithole. Most places on the net are, for different reasons. /ic/'s problem is that it has a bunch of opinionated low skill teenagers and newfags that prefer unfunny meta posting and venting their petty frustrations on people that don't deserve it.

>> No.3956608
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/a/, /fit/, /lit/, /tg/

>> No.3956611

/wsg/ /gif/ /sp/ and sometimes /v/

>> No.3956612

Just /ic/

>> No.3956613
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ic was much better 3-4 years ago. It slowly went down the drain, today on top of that there is a big number of rdt girls that make topic revolving art and gender. That makes this place even worse. Still artbook threads are cool, also it is fun to trigger sensitive females that try to push sjw agenda here.

>> No.3956762

I'm tired of 4chan in general. It says a lot about other places if what is essentially a porn website is much nicer for discussion. But even at its best, this place is nothing but a time-waster, and I need to work harder so I'm phasing it out, I rarely visit at this point.
I don't like social media but I'd rather spend 10 minutes there. At least it vaguely counts as being active on the platforms you advertise yourself on, and I appreciate how people act with restraint. If someone is annoying you can mute them with a click. I have no interest in porn outside of those few times I want to look at it, and being surrounded by horny people all the time is alienating and a bit depressing.

>> No.3956770

I used to go on /co/, /lit/ and /tg/ but slowly quit

>> No.3956892
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personally i don't use this place cause it distracts me a lot. Even since i blocked ic i've been doing a lot more studies and drawings. Also, whenever people post their studies most of the time people just skip it and and you have gotten no critiques on it.
I just post in an ic discord server for critiques.
This just works for me.GL to you guys on here though

>> No.3956901

/wsg/, /m/, /w/, /wg/,

i think i lurk any board which likes illustrations or cool shit that's SFW

>> No.3956911
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I stopped coming here for critique after my art started getting compliments and a few random crabs insulting me. I haven't "made it", but I've outgrown /ic/. The only thing this place has to offer anymore is pdfs.
This place is just full of anime faggots, dunning kruger begs, and women starting drama/lolcow threads.
Fuck /ic/.

>> No.3957050

it provides some starting point when you're a beginner but may quickly devolve into the case of "blind leading the blind". The problem is that you can't vouch for the quality of anon's advice for a number of reasons.

>> No.3957060

99% of IC is nothing but fags and single mothers in their late 30's.

>> No.3957066

As a rule: Beginners get the same regurgitated advice of "practice your fundies" (which is generally correct but still only useful to hear so many times). Mediocre artists get ignored or mocked. Good artists get nitpicked and mocked.

/ic/ regularly mistakes shit-flinging for 'brutal honesty' when it's really just shit-flinging. Most llack any of the actual expertise to make valid harsh critiques, so they just throw insults.

>> No.3957144
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you guys are alright sometimes

>> No.3957176

I keep coming back here, because there are people who are legit trying, and I try to pay some forward, like people did for me when I started out. I just don't bother with the shitposts, or the "I just wanna draw boobs" posts, and I stay out of cartooning and anime, because I don't know much about it - but i've been painting and drawing for longer than a lot of you have been alive, I like to teach in an informal setting (no desire to do it for real), and sometimes all you need is a good critique to push past a roadblock or plateau.
It's pretty much the same thing as what happened in classes and student studio spaces in college - lots of tips and discoveries being traded, endless debates and bullshit sessions, and just a lot of art talk. We just didn't have porn dudes everywhere, or people who's only goal was to be popular on social media.
I don't know what my life would have been like, without art. It's led me to some cool shit, and if I can help others do the same, awesome. Art is way more than "loomis" or "fundies".

>> No.3957179

you're a good anon

>> No.3957182

I owe basically everything to this board. It’s what you take from it. As harsh as it is, it can be a great place.

>> No.3957184

/ic is 4chan, so by definition it's a hive of scum and people on the spectrum. I just filter that out. I have a friend who teaches special ed art, and I showed her some threads here, and she said they read just like how her classes are. She doesn't teach actual retards, she gets the "troubled" students and the borderline autists. Which explains the flood of "issues" posts and massive anxiety over nothing and the demand for structure, and fear of exploring.
Once you see it as a big classroom full of autists sperging at each other, it gets easier to navigate, and pick out the ones who will actually listen, benefit from help, and try - the rest can sit on the other side of the classroom and slap each other over who's boobs and cock drawings are better.

>> No.3957185

>but it's often either baseless
I'm curious, as to what you consider "baseless", and what basis you think you can make that determination from?
I've got a long career of painting and drawing and being a published artist to draw from. What's your background, that you can tell what's baseless and what isn't?

>> No.3957194

Second. It's cool to pass stuff on, especially in a place that's so chaotic.

>> No.3957239

so these are the kinds of....."people" behind all those cute anime girl posts

>> No.3957251
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>> No.3957721

Check the r/learntodraw sticky, sidebar, and wikis. That's one example but there's a fuck ton of art subs that have asstons of info.

>> No.3957840
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No matter what anyone says I still love /ic/, the amount I've improved since discovering this place compared to before is astronomical
Drawing gave me direction and motivation in life, I have no idea who I'd be without it.
So, an anon gave you a harsh critique? So what? I say you should already identified the issues with your drawing by then, what anons say is just bonus to add onto your self-ctitique!

I want to get good, honestly, and I want to pay forward to all the anons whi helped me along the way.
Have some Moebius for you time

>> No.3957889

/fa/ /a/ /m/ /vr/ /g/ /sci/ /wsg/ fug

>> No.3958052

>pseudo-philosophical social elitist farce
at some point even far left tumblrytes realize that egocentric ignorance get's them only so far. Stop being so cringe dude

>> No.3958063

>doesn't post his art
yep you learned from /ic/

>> No.3958090
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/vg/ and a bit of /v/ and /tg/ for the drawthreads.

As a few other anons, I almost quit /ic/, I just browse a little bit before sleeping or while taking a break sometimes, some threads are fun, the Kr0n/Sakimi bashing are my guilty pleasure. The negative masturbatory crab waves do get to me somehow, and I'm more productive if I stay away. But I'll always be thankful for the amazing resources in the artbook thread, that one is a fucking godsent and I'd still be grinding boxes and shitty anime faces were it not for it.

>> No.3958406

That's exactly what /ic/ is, an art ghetto.

>> No.3958420

Yeah, the book threads itself makes this place worth it

>> No.3958652
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/ic/ is great. Only reason why I even visit 4chan nowadays. People that talk shit about 4chan or /ic/ either don't understand it or they regret wasting tons of time doing nothing

>> No.3958866

Agreed. The few times I've posted my original drawings, I've gotten fantastic feedback and helpful criticisms.

>> No.3958939
File: 171 KB, 1280x1024, 1494058242241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To people saying the regularly get good advice from /ic/: could you post your work?
I'm not even trying to call you /beg/s or anything, but I rarely get useful crit or feedback from /ic/ and I'm curious what kind of work attracts people to comment.

>> No.3959565 [DELETED] 

/cm/, /y/, sometimes /tg/. Used to be super-active on /tg/ but things have changed a lot there since 2012-2014.

Frankly, the only threads I pay attention to on the regular are /beg/, the artbook threads, and anything that lets me just sketch out something and post it (like the "post your character designs" thread). I avoid the drama threads, as fun as it is to watch people chimp out. They're completely irrelevant to my goals and are full of toxic dogshit to boot.

I posted this >>3957741 and got this critique (>>3957741) in return. Pointed me towards resources, what I could be doing better, tools to use, etc. This is the sort of thing that keeps me coming back.

>> No.3959568

/cm/, /y/, sometimes /tg/. Used to be super-active on /tg/ but things have changed a lot there since 2012-2014.

Frankly, the only threads I pay attention to on the regular are /beg/, the artbook threads, and anything that lets me just sketch out something and post it (like the "post your character designs" thread). I avoid the drama threads, as fun as it is to watch people chimp out. They're completely irrelevant to my goals and are full of toxic dogshit to boot.

I posted this work (>>3957741) and got this critique (>>3957798) in return. Pointed me towards resources, what I could be doing better, tools to use, etc. Honestly, though, I've yet to get chewed out, which means I must be doing something right.

>> No.3959704

>I'm intellectually lazy/ cowardly and comfortable and have to trivialize to save face rather than lift a finger to help.

Ghetto prides alive and well this morning I see.

Pride's a day to day influence, from some random anon's discontent to things like suicide and atrocious shit people do to each other. Not some end of life lesson for someone somewhere else.

>> No.3959713
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>tfw that's my paintover
Thanks for posting anyways, friend. Your twinky boy is cute

>> No.3960412

I'll miss him.

>> No.3962255
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And /s/ for reference.

>> No.3962256
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Im new to /ic/ but my bud who has been here forever and is a good artist says the sticky is really outdated, loomis isn't that good, and it's really hard to actually get decent constructive criticism because nobody knows what they are talking about anymore and you will just get confused by conflicting information other than "you suck git gud"

>> No.3962261

It’s been that way for a while.

>> No.3962370

I just wanted to drop by and say, I love this webm with all my heart.
Every time I come across this duck on the internet my day is filled with sunshine and everything is so lovely.
Thank you.

>> No.3962456

Fuck off with your gay ass comment, go gush on twitter with the rest of the normies

>> No.3962471
File: 571 KB, 540x303, tumblr_omofcwm8fy1qg67clo1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish you a lovely evening yourself sir!
I hope you will be blessed with cute birbs.
God, I love birbs.

>> No.3962475

And this is the posteranon for why /ic is a shithole.

>> No.3962510

I'm glad you like it anon

>> No.3962609

/v/ /tv/ /ck/ /tg/ /vg/
And of course /s/ /gif/ /hm/ for references and /aco/ to keep track of great artists.
Also, nobody mentioning /mu/ in replies proves that /ic/ is absolutely based.

>> No.3962889

>Why do people say this?
Because you have the following specimens:
* Crabs
* Retards who automatically respond to any sort of valid criticism with POSTURWORK
* Incel autists
Other than that you're 100% right, there's tons of good resources and critique opportunities here. That's why you have to focus on the dedicated threads (/dad/, /alt/, artbook thread, qtddtot, etc)
I go on /t/, /tv/, /hr/, and /gd/

>> No.3962915
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we're all not (not) gonna make it

in all honesty you're either making it or talking about making it, just like getting pussy

you're either getting tail, or talking about getting tail.

/ic/ is bottom rung intro to philosophy fun nerd alert at best jeez laweez it works if you work it

its like the american dream. you can make it, if you fucking work to make it. if you want to to make theyll always be fucking ic to deal with i assure you,

/ic/ youll grow out of and come back to throw chips every now and then for funsies but OP is rock solid




>> No.3963225

>Thanks for posting anyways
What do you mean by this anon?

Anyways, I'm thankful for the critique. Glad you think my character is cute.

>> No.3963264

>Why do people say this? to be honest, I own everything to this board and its users

same reason why you see posts on other board saying
"/insert board here/ just likes to hate popular thing"

newfags are retarded subhumans who can't tell shitpost apart from real opinions from a single post, there can be multiple element in a post and they can't interpret this, so they just think it's all bad because the post offends them.

>> No.3963388 [DELETED] 
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Shitposting is the worst thing to ever happen to 4chan, they stifle sincere discussion, no matter whether those shitposts fool no one or every one. The day when shitposting became something to be admired by idiots here is the day this website's fate was sealed.

>> No.3963389

Shitposting is the worst thing to ever happen to 4chan, they stifle sincere discussion, no matter whether those shitposts fool no one or every one. The day when shitposting became something to be admired by idiots here is the day this website's fate was sealed.

>> No.3963395

shitposting is the one of the grand pillars of 4chan, if you want to have a serious discussion 24/7 get out and seek out a nofunallowed forums.

If people want to have a sincere discussion or make shitposts it's completely up to their choice (as long as no spambot-esque programs are involved), don't force your preference down everyone's throat.

>> No.3963457

ok you're right I agree

>> No.3963539

are you feeling okay anon

>> No.3963826
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yeah I'm at the pool nigga posting on a phone! but its closed due to aids

>> No.3966501

Cute duck.

>> No.3966709

For me it was that I couldn't understand the constant shit posting whilst I was also trolled for sport on other boards too.

>> No.3966854

too much autism, people think gratuitous context-less bashing is constructive criticism.
You can't really promote yourself on this board because of how cancerous the language and average behavior on here is, which is why this board is mainly full of beginner and amateur artists.

>> No.3967881

GOOD. People can whore for attention elsewhere.

>> No.3967903

I still like you /ic/

>> No.3970467

/mu/ /fa/ /g/

>> No.3971144
File: 185 KB, 800x1132, ethereal_by_CDemirkan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tthis thread is still active?
/ic/ is bitter, and *self-conscious*. Both are contagious.

I posted all the art this guy responded to. It got to me, but it's just a standard shitposting line. If you check it on Desuarchive people actually use the Ethereal one as a reaction image. Totally unaltered. What pissed me off is the post immediately after his because *he believes it*.

>> No.3971181
File: 147 KB, 183x280, Screenshot_2019-06-14 laugh - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also this place is focused on nerdy illustrations for videogames, they don't care about art.

copying from life instead of creating is "art"

>> No.3971352

>Rare artbooks get shared
This so fucking much, thanks /ic/, I feel like Im really learning to draw thanks to jap books

>> No.3971420

>also this place is focused on nerdy illustrations for videogames, they don't care about art.
This is just untrue, nobody gives a shit about concept art here. They just like ruan jia because he draws taxidermized asian girls, they will rarely name Craig Mullins or Rapoza. There are no discussions on photobashing except "is photobashing legit?", there are no threads on modern digital techniques.
There are only a handful of anons who post commercial art in the drawthreads because they're desperate for feedback, seriously guys just go on Crimson Daggers. The vast majority of /ic/ is either casual artists with no real direction or aspiring pornfags, and I'd wager most of the time you see anatomy studies it's just someone who wants to get good to draw hentai.
If the focus wasn't so narrow on hentai this place would be OK since it's really the only area on the internet that isn't a massive networking hugbox

>> No.3971514
File: 1.97 MB, 1280x720, Fucking Tapdancin Ken.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do people say this?
because it's inhabited by assblasted virginal sociopaths and moderated by Russian shills.

>> No.3971519

no it isn't all the obsessive lunatics are dudes. You're probably one of them cunt.

>> No.3971793

yeah so instead nobody learns shit you stupid fucking nigger. People that take artistic production seriously are stalked and hassled and insulted by anonymous virginal retards until they leave. So all that's left are animu faggots circlejerking about Loomis and parroting the same 5 buzzwords at each other like robots.

When you kill yourself the board will improve.

>> No.3972030
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I'm back after swearing off 4chan for 2 years and I can already feel the lesions reforming on my brain

/ic/ is cool for helping me mature my art appreciation and turning me onto stuff like Vilppu and Scott Robertson but most attitudes here are pretty shit

>> No.3972040

this is because people treat this board as le epic shitpost place, which ends up making other people who actually want to learn think that's all the board is for. why talk about learning and post your own work when you could just yell at whoever's making a ruckus in /alt/ that day and farm (You)s?

>> No.3972656

it's a shithole because of all the women on this board. Women are disgusting creatures who have nothing better to do but have envy for people that are better than them.