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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 423 KB, 1000x1287, 37285441dc273fcd3535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3955658 No.3955658 [Reply] [Original]

>flat/semi-flat/fully rendered/straight manga

Let's settle it. What's the epitome of artistic appeal in 2019, and how are you coping with it?


>> No.3955664

Dumbest question ever LMAO.
Any of these techniques can be good.
It's like asking what's your favorite color lol. Only children ask and answer this kind of questions.
Fucking brainlet.

>> No.3955668

Flat/semi-flat. Fully rendered while impressive technically honestly looks disgusting more often than not. Waste of time.

>> No.3955675

I'd fap to all 4.

>> No.3955708

Top left is superior in terms of visual appeal.
Bottom right, however, is drawn by an artist who's miles ahead of the other three.

>> No.3955752

I misunderstood the flat question

>> No.3955763

I'm a fan of fully rendered and straight manga. Rendering feels really solid and juicy. Straight manga shoots for bold simplicity and has a nostalgia appeal for me. I also notice that black and white hentai usually has more looseness and energy than the colored stuff.
Semi-flat usually reads as "I want to get rendering across, but half-assed it" to me. Gets the job done but is unideal.
Flats are like, the drawing is in color, but unless there's some really good direction to it, the color doesn't add much to the drawing. That said, flat colors can be really bold and pretty if executed well. I currently don't have the skill to do that tastefully.

>> No.3955770

fully rendered let's GO, look at that slime and the vagine is practically jumping right out at you

so good

>> No.3955883

The style doesn't matter it's how it's done.
now fuck off and get back to drawing.

>> No.3955886

What does any of that even mean, and who're you quoting?

>> No.3955916

top right accentuates the managa style the best, top left lacks detail and any sort of rendering, bottom left is nice but often the face is extremely flat with a realistic 3D body which makes it jarring as fuck. BW manga style is a completely different beast

>> No.3955934

Holy shit, source on bottom right?

>> No.3955956
File: 234 KB, 724x1024, 75012968_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one correct answer

>> No.3955958

Same, gonna need sauce on dat.

>> No.3955960

Thirding request

>> No.3955972
File: 218 KB, 450x338, 1517023523830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3955993

Serious question that might give healthy constructive discussion, S T U P I D pic related that will only derail the thread & capture reptilian brains attention.
This is why 4chan will Never be taken seriously.

>> No.3956149

>What's the epitome of artistic appeal in 2019, and how are you coping with it?
What exactly are you asking? Are you asking what's more popular or what I personally like most?

>> No.3956300

whos the artist of the upper left? i like that style

>> No.3956302

>top left
Looks noice
>top right
Looks like someone rendered a wikihow image
>bottom left
over rendered, looks disgusting and gross
>bottom right
noice. Best one.

>> No.3956307

>looks disgusting and gross
only cause you're gay

>> No.3956308

>that first one
>she's pissing(?) from behind her vagina
>the urethra is in front of the vaginal opening, not behind
>literally no one in here has had sex

>> No.3956314

My man, I'm not into fucking xenomorphs.

>> No.3956319

Top left would look the best if it weren't for the butthole. Those things are nasty and never fail to kill my boner.

>> No.3956374

flat has taken the reigns recently, the japs understand how to describe with linework.

they are truly the masters of the era

>> No.3956383


>> No.3956440

gay :o

>> No.3956473

>finding buttholes disgusting and preferring vaginas
Fucking how lol

>> No.3956483

Not gay but definitely low test.
If you're healthy and pent up you'd fuck just about anything on a woman

>> No.3956488

>If you're healthy and pent up you'd fuck just about anything on a woman
It's called having standards and not being a mindless degenerate. Enjoy your poop dick.

>> No.3956499
File: 141 KB, 850x1258, 1353463411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was an OP image for almost a month for one of the thread, niggers, use sausenao

>> No.3956511

aren't you too a bit too hung up on OP's question?

you sound like an insecure non-artist incel who can't differentiate between styles

>> No.3956513

that's not how it works anon... girl here

>> No.3956515

That’s bottom left, you dolt.

>> No.3956554

I found it

>> No.3956675

Where were you even going with this post?
It's like you need someone to explain the concept of opinions and casual discussion to you.

>> No.3956694

my favorite color is red

>> No.3956697

>nvm fixed it

>> No.3956701

Sauce for bottom right, pretty please ;_;.

>> No.3956704

What do you call the upper right one's shading technique? It's the same flatish no-lightsource type that kyle uses.

>> No.3956708

The face completely ruins this for me.

>> No.3956716


>> No.3956727

Send me gains and I shall provide

>> No.3956732


>> No.3956843
File: 24 KB, 305x230, 1550193693059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top left
>upside-down mutated black hole vagina
>bottom left
>"vagos are just slits, right?"
>top right
>clit is the size of an ant. pubes mostly on one side
>bottom right

>> No.3956850


>what is an innie

>> No.3956872
File: 90 KB, 2400x1200, vulva_inside_article_contenful_2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your urethral opening is behind your vaginal opening? Then you need to talk to a doctor bro.

>> No.3956877

>"vagos are just slits, right?"
the best kind are.

>> No.3956882

>wanting to see a dick

>> No.3957353
File: 183 KB, 1090x1035, 1545081221232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an innie is still not just a slit

>> No.3957365

That looks like it's supposed to be cum spilling out of her vaginal opening. But the censor bar is covering her urethra/clit area instead

>> No.3957367

That’s cum spilling out anon

>> No.3957370

Same, lmao

>> No.3957490

can i get sauce on top left, its marisa from touhou. i need to see more, she's my waifu.

>> No.3957964
File: 1.25 MB, 1614x869, thereisnothingwrongwithit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking lol guys. the top left is perfectly fine. even found a similar ref with two minutes of google

>> No.3958105

Have sex

>> No.3958118

bending down != bending upward.

>> No.3958181

depending on how flexible you are, the direction of your spine has almost no effect on the direction of the vagina.

and bending upward? it could be that she is squatting. so no difference in vagina

>> No.3958214

Even if you are bending upward as in doggy style it will still spill out.

>> No.3958216

Where do you find porn refs like that?

>> No.3958251

Obviously what's wrong here is that it's anime and crabs are trying to shittalk it to feel better about their trash.

>> No.3958361

xbooru. every porn position known to man with tags to help you find them.

and idk how that one anon thought the vagina was upside down. shittalkers need to look up refs before criticizing.

>> No.3958410

>All that shitty western porn trash
I wanted a site only with 3DPD refs

>> No.3958421

I can't fap to hentai that has tons of liquid rendering for sweat, cum , whatever. It never looks right and just hides the sexy body the artists perfectly created and then destroyed.

>> No.3958449

Yea, destroyed by cum, sweat, and tears

>> No.3958454

I want to say purityfags should be exiled or killed but they will die off eventually from not reproducing.

>> No.3958473

The problem is that the vaginal opening is actually further back so it would have been fine if the art didn't have a big black slit right in the middle there in front of where the cum is actually coming from. There are not two vaginal openings. Artist learned to draw vaginas from
other hentai artists and not anatomical study. It's trash.

>> No.3958480

Lol wow that's supposed to be a censor bar? Well that would explain some things.

>> No.3958558

Is it just me, or does the cum in the IRL pic look incredibly fake? It looks like water with corn starch or gelatin
Yes anon, japanese artists need to censor certain details (especially if posting to pixiv etc), get acquainted with hentai before talking about it

>> No.3958676
File: 55 KB, 374x304, nobody here took sex ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top left is perfectly fine. even found a similar ref
>ref shows my point that a vag is not a slit of black abyss
really sends my noggin joggin

>> No.3958680

This is called censoring you retard.

>> No.3958687

It doesn't even look like a censor bar though. Still a fuckup.

>> No.3958689

>inner lips are flat like drawn onto he outer folds
>slit continues where clit should be

>> No.3958690

It's not, you're just too new to get it.

>> No.3958694
File: 793 KB, 1125x1596, __original_drawn_by_tsukasa_jun__172758361c5b1d6823756913d94b44f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop arguing with the virgin pretending to know about pussies.
let him spaz out in peace, it's clearly just jealousy.
Westfag too gay to like em animu pussies

>> No.3958700
File: 17 KB, 500x499, bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wanted a site only with 3DPD refs

we're stuck with western trash until the virtual porn industry develops

>Is it just me, or does the cum in the IRL pic look incredibly fake? It looks like water with corn starch or gelatin

It's definitely fake. Looks like the fake cum used from Bad Dragon™.

>> No.3958779
File: 126 KB, 481x481, 1536258556916.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"This anatomy is clearly incorrect"
>"t-that's just like your opinion man"

>> No.3958873

All he had to do was use sideways censor bar over the clit, why censor longways over the parts that don't even need censored? Artist fucked up.

>> No.3958904

Can smell the virginity from here.

>> No.3959024
File: 483 KB, 694x423, noshouldbe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is really no should be with vaginas. they're all fucking weird. some look like butterflies for pete's sake.

>slit continues where clit should be

the cast vagina in the middle's slit stops earlier than the one on the right.


have you see the great wall of vagina? it will really open your mind on the spectrum of poonani.

>> No.3959028

>perfect virgin slit on right
why do artists always paint women that have blown out vaginas?

>> No.3959039
File: 28 KB, 480x480, byehaters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no fucking idea why they draw these vaginas women can fly with.

It's either:
1. virtue signalling,
2. or they only ever experienced roast beef irl, so they want to draw what they're used to.

The slit on the right is not only easy to draw, but is visually appealing.

>> No.3959042

I wasn't expecting a face like that

>> No.3959053

That's like asking why you would ever draw penis with foreskin

>> No.3959172

no, not anatomically incorrect because it "looks weird". plenty of weird pussies. incorrect because they just omit basic features, and the ones they didn't are flatter than paper
also like I said, they just drew the slit and left a black hole where insides should be. even in these molds you can see hints of insides and depth

>> No.3959192


I feel that the flatness was a stylistic choice considering that anime girls have random flat body parts. Most notably their jarring flat faces, as seen in >>3956499

After all, OP chose the top left to represent flat colored art.

However I will agree with you in that the censoring was done horribly.

>> No.3959920

>sweaty whale cleft.
>perfect virgin slit

>> No.3961892

why did so many anons choose semi-flat and flat

can't into realism eh?

>> No.3961895

Every single thread on this board devolves into pure autism.

>> No.3962000

Realism takes a lot of time and skill to master. For flat and semi-flat the artists are leaving out a lot of the parts without shading compared to realistic. Therefore it's easy to fuck up a realistic drawing by even the slightest shading error.
Besides, more detail doesn't always equal better. Anime stylization doesn't feature drawing detailed noses for this very reason. Because it doesn't look good and contradicts the overall idealized simplification.