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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3951318 No.3951318 [Reply] [Original]

There's like 2 threads about being lonely and wanting friends. Just make a fucking discord already or post one if it already exists.

>> No.3951325
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>in a discord, some artist, some /beg/, some non-artists
>non-artists kiss up to the established artists for free art. They have problems, everyone is quick to support them for whatever. Anyone else have a problem "lol just deal with it, life happens"
>/beg/ try to make it but get no help from established artists so the blind leads the blind
>Mini-cliques already formed for a server with less than 20 people
Discord is like one drama hellhole that makes your loneliness issue even worse once others realise you're no use to them.

>> No.3951331

Discord cringe story thread?

>> No.3951334

/ic/ servers are full of salt

>> No.3951339
File: 59 KB, 906x1200, okretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Join random Discord
>90% /beg/s, most people don't post art at all
>The few good artists hardly talk, just post art and leave
>One of the /beg/s is full Dunning Kruger, tears a new asshole in all the other /beg/s and some of the better artists despite having no clue what he's talking about. Is constantly talking up how good of an understanding he has in art, despite making really janky shit and ignores all criticism
I just wanted to make friends with some of the people there, they seemed nice. But some of the most active people there were just unbearable

>> No.3951348


it's always like this. art discords are a total joke.

>> No.3951358

It always feels like either a total hugbox, or /ic/ but worse. Useful criticism from tolerable people is such a rarity.

>> No.3951360

I'm a 35 yo wizard and despite my utter and crippling loneliness I must admit that discord is a waste of time.

I wish my upload was not so shit, I would try streaming

>> No.3951362

ok get on riot

>> No.3951363

People don't make friends on Discord. Some sycophants circlejerk, some absolute needledicks powertrip, it's the same bullshit that every forum and groupchat has seen since 1990.

>> No.3951365

jesus christ has everyone had this bad of experiences with discord? im really happy with my group of friends (no trannies). maybe im just in an unusually good discord

>> No.3951366

>joining a server full of artists

You need to join a non art based discord and meet other artists who happen to be there creating a small internet clique with them that goes beyond just discord.

>> No.3951368

I've met some of my best friends through Discord. But to do it I had to set up my own server, promote it, run it constantly for about 2 years, learn to deal with all sorts of unpleasant people, before finally realizing there were only a few people in that group I actually liked, and made a tiny server for just me and my buddies.

>> No.3951373

I've made friends in discord and it always ends with someone infighting about some stupid shit and then when you take no sides or don't support the person who cries the most despite being the one in the wrong, everyone jumps ship and the people you were closest to drop you for someone who kisses their ass more succinctly.

God I hate artists, myself most of all

>> No.3951389

>God I hate artists, myself most of all
Amen to that.

>> No.3951416

Is his name nosebro?

>> No.3951418

Nah. I actually met Nosebro on a Discord not too long ago and he's actually pretty alright. A little abrasive and pushy at times but he seems like a nice guy at his core.

>> No.3951421

We all know it is you nosebro

>> No.3951436

>join Discord
>pretty chill, just some dudes drawing porn together
>few weeks go by having a good time
>some faggot invites his female friend
>oh no
>she’s the most annoying person on the fucking planet
>incredibly grating owo-type posting style, spamming emoticons, 75% of her comments are about irl shit rather than art, tons of veiled comments about her irl appearance (“I drew this pic of myself guys tee hee! owo <3”)
>top it off her art is stiff, flat, and ugly
>Discord dudes routinely suck her dick despite her being 250lbs irl easily
>leave Discord after a week
Why does this kind of shit always fucking happen

>> No.3951502

>join discord
>hit on cute art girls
>send pics
>they flirt back
>banned by mods

>> No.3951515

Online friends are not real friends

>> No.3951594
File: 202 KB, 1297x1290, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not me. I never remove my name.

>> No.3951597

that's why you don't fall for the porn meme anon, it attracts the most insufferable types of people

>> No.3951598

maybe youre the problem
I still love you bro
They clearly werent flirting back since i presume they stopped responding to you when you were kicked.

>> No.3951608
File: 232 KB, 1024x1024, 9D7514F9-19F4-4A64-8C2A-A81500F20554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter friend invites me to their discord
>it’s small with only 20 people
>was a bit nervous at first because everyone was so cool and knowledgeable but then settled in
>now we all draw, stream movies, and play vidya together

It’s been like this for a good 2 years now. Thanks bro, you the best.

>> No.3951609

But drawing porn is fun

>> No.3951613
File: 21 KB, 427x588, daffy-shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join sfw art discord
>post art a few times
>server owner who replies positively to every single drawing posted: "wow this looks so skillful and professional anon!"
>"really impressive anon, gj"
>someone posts /beg/ character doing some default wink at the camera
>server owner: OMG I LOVE THIS
>UR MY FAVORITE ARTIST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My art is nothing like boring Loomis studies, I put my heart into it. But for some reason it fails to connect with people, the comments are always about skill and only skill and I hate it, I don't even care that much about skill.

>> No.3951616

Discords just never seem to work for art related things. It always just ends up as a clique.

>> No.3951619

Post your work?

>> No.3951666

no doubt about that
the vast majority of people who do draw porn are still twisted creepy and insufferable faggots tho

>> No.3951672

post examples

>> No.3951682

Discord is for fags and the FBI, eat shit for even suggesting making an abomination such as that for this board, and then kill yourself.

>> No.3951719
File: 447 KB, 395x507, porRAnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every art discord i've joined has either been clique-y & toxic, full of /beg/s and nonartists, or mostly inactive. where are the good servers, anon?

>> No.3951733

You're part of the cancer that made /an/ so shitty, huh?

>> No.3951735

The best servers are the secret ones no one knows about.

They always make sure the people they invite aren't /beg/ tier and close to their level.

Gotta get on those hands and knees and beg for that invite, or draw so well that someone scouts you and asks you to join

(I really don't get why non-artists are even allowed in the servers you guys are talking about. I can't take any of them seriously if that is allowed)

>> No.3951736

>dude clearly says he got kicked because mods noticed the girls flirting with him
your sentence makes no sense incel

>> No.3951737
File: 59 KB, 670x671, 1551027361444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had discord. Is it worth it?

>> No.3951746

read this thread again and come to your own conclusion :)

>> No.3951753

Discord servers are just as good or bad as any other art communities. A bad admin can ruin things but otherwise they're just like /ic/.

>> No.3951755

discord isn't so bad, just find the good servers ;)

>> No.3951790

Discord as a platform is passable. I have a bunch of friends I talk to privately and a small chatroom with a couple friends where we hang around and post drawings for fun. Small channels are usually cozy if you avoid all deviant communities (such as 4chan) like the plague.
Discord as a program is shit. It's bundled with gaming stuff I don't care about, it's clunky and memory hungry and the IM part is shit. Telegram would be a lot better for artists.

>> No.3951817

join a community for something else that would have people of a like mind there, find the artists, see if they already have a private server or make one if they don't. it takes a while to find good people but it can be worth it.

>> No.3951958
File: 24 KB, 480x527, FB_IMG_1513686651349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invited to server
>get along with most of the people there
>a couple hours later its me and some mod
>he has his head so far up his ass and keeps trying to put me down for no reason
>i get pissed and purposefully try to annoy him and call him out on his bullshit
>get banned 6 hours after being invited
>a bunch of people from that server start following me on twitter
Kinda strange but funny. There's also another server with a bunch of begs who overestimates their skill and constantly try to put people down unless they're one of the top tier artists of the server.
I'm honestly fucking done with art servers.

>> No.3952098

>attacking the wording instead of the message because you're wrong

>> No.3952100

https://discord.gg/ QTmdDeF

>> No.3952104

>they flirt back
they were probably being sarcastic and ended up snitching you to the mods.

>> No.3952105

i don't get it why does your art still look the same after all this time?

>> No.3952112

that was debunked in the last thread, please try again
fucking women and their social courtesies

>> No.3952167
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>> No.3952182

which thread?

>> No.3952185

The only really good community for artists that I've seen was an old Russian forum, where a bunch of actually good artists who already were doing professional work, were talking with each other and also helped other people. Yeah, they were brutal but they also would actually show the mistakes and redline how it should be done. But when the core group moved on with their lives in different directions it slowly died.

>> No.3952228

How much of a loser do you have to be to think that someone who's just text on a screen is your friend

>> No.3952249

How much of a loser do you have to be to think that someone who's just vibrations in the air is your friend

>> No.3952254

im dying

>> No.3952454

Honestly, i don't know jackshit about art nor do i pretend to. I have no favourite artist or all that jazz. I just draw and lurk /ic/ from time to time.
What are artsy topics to talk about?

>> No.3952457

i'm not american and i have a really strong accent should i join discord?

>> No.3952788

nobody will mind

>> No.3952869

stick to text chat

>> No.3954318

>join 4chan related voice discords a couple time
>everyone has a cartoony dork voice
fucking kek

>> No.3954439

I always love the expression change in panels 3-4

>> No.3954504

what discord server should i join?

>> No.3954511

I'm a lonely art fag too and I just wanna talk to other lonely art fag while im doing my shitty studies.


>> No.3954512

here is mine. we are pretty laid back if you'd like to come on by

>> No.3954513


never mind i pussied out and deleted it

>> No.3954519
File: 210 KB, 506x556, 1442844827511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people on /ic/ right now that are so lonely they're actually looking for art "friends" on tranny discord servers.

>> No.3954522

>here is mine. we are pretty laid back if you'd like to come on by

>> No.3954533

Is this really what discord is like?

>> No.3954928

hmu I'm making disturbing studies of As109's art.