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3929366 No.3929366 [Reply] [Original]

Is drawing a character over a 3d model considered cheating?

>> No.3929369

No but that is one shitty looking model

>> No.3929370

The result is all that matters

>> No.3929372

No rules
Only tools

>> No.3929377

"No rules, just tools" therefore cheating is impossible.

>> No.3929380

No but it generally ends up looking like shit especially if you don't have decent fundies knowledge

>> No.3929389

Are there any 3D pose programs that account of overweight women?

>> No.3929402

Tracing is tracing.

>> No.3929404

you can't really trace model like OP though, it will look uncanny.

>> No.3929414


>> No.3929435
File: 118 KB, 500x500, blueline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just tools breau

>> No.3929437

yes, but drawing digital is already cheating so who cares

>> No.3929442

yes it's tracing, therefore it's weak and dishonorable.

>> No.3929456
File: 553 KB, 927x526, 1552681248491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kekka dake da.

>> No.3929457

We learn to draw around here. If you want to mess with 3dcg then go to the 3d board. Otherwise people who actively use models in their workflow tend to be comic book artists on a tight schedule. They can draw without using them.

>> No.3929459

needs more loomis

>> No.3929465

Depends, you arent exactly cheating anyone but yourself, they are a great learning and general tool, but if you trace over them 100% its just going to look wrong, it all really comes down to what your goals are as an artist, because honestly if your thinking of just tracing over shit to skip fundamentals and cash in on patreon bux, your gonna have a shock coming.
If you want to do more than that long term, you'd be better off using them as a problem solving/error fixing tool to get better, little bit of pain in the early growth stages will make it easier for you down the line and set you up to do anything as you aren't reliant on it.

>> No.3929466
File: 226 KB, 1280x720, Ansem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cheated not only the drawing, but yourself.
You didn't grow. You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and learned nothing.
You experienced a hollow work, one without flow.
Nothing was risked and no skills were gained.
It's sad that you don't know the difference.

>> No.3929471


>> No.3929474

Hopefully not

>> No.3929873

Ugh, elitist artists trying to gatekeep people from having finished drawings.
Art isn't some kind of secret club.

>> No.3929878

no. mangaka like yoshikadu use 3d models to help them draw, and so does anime which they draw the 2d frames over the 3d rough animation .

but personally i try not to do it and struggle doing it without 3d models

>> No.3929892

Cool! I'd like to see more people draw over this. Kind of explaining how to use the tool, cause the 3d model is kind of janky looking, but your art doesn't look that way.

>> No.3929897

If you understand your fundamentals no
If you don't it would look like trash

>> No.3929909
File: 271 KB, 794x947, cheating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3929915

Arma, learn to draw for fuck sakes. You're delusional if you think that isn't full of errors.

>> No.3929936

>actually believing this
>Why can't i improve?

>> No.3929938

Hello dad. I know it's full of errors, I just tried to do the best with that shity 3d model.

>> No.3929949

How long on average does it take you to draw over a model? And how long on average does it take you to pose a model from scratch? I find it tedious to pose 3D models the way I want in a quick manner.

>> No.3929962
File: 582 KB, 1058x815, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's cheating. I hear the industry does it all the time. It does take some understanding of basic fundies to do though. I have some other examples too if you're interested but I'll admit im not the best artist out there

>> No.3929987

Not that anon but
Clip Studio has a large library of drag and drop preset poses, you can edit the model on the fly with sliders (head size, boobs, hips,overall fatness), the CLIP studio asset store also has a bunch of users sharing poses and models like buildings and accessories, some models are paid for a small fee others are free.

the latest update also added a feature to automatically copy poses from a photograph but its new and janky.

>> No.3929991

Wow cool info. Not the same anon, but are there any other tips or faqs I can check out about this stuff? I'm new to this whole 3d model pose tracing, I'd like to follow up and research.

>> No.3930073

I think the problem is more with that using the shittier early 3D models of CSP, instead of the more current ones, and the perspective tool being used is the ''link camera focus'' thing.

and the pose is not even well rigged on top of all.

>> No.3930074

I know that but having to pose them in the way I want is a pain. The bigger problem is creativity here. Yeah you have a pose but unless you're doing character concepts, it's next to useless if you have no jive to create a work of art with narrative.

>> No.3930351

you can make your own models in blender or get some from sketchfab and import them ,though the sketchfab ones fuck during import(no color,no texture)

check the official user guide or the csp tips site

>> No.3930543

it is cheating. but as long as you don't go around telling people you could actually draw, who fucking cares.

>> No.3930554

That’s really cute anon, I like the 3D model too, where’s it from?

>> No.3930586

Thank you!
I used daz studio. It's free and comes with tons of morphs. You can buy custom "character" morphs too but I just cracked them, lol.

I don't remember the exact morphs I used but the base model of Posey and Petunia and altered it to something I liked

>> No.3930588

Cheating at what?

>> No.3930590

Yes you goddamn pussy. Learn to gesture sketch and quick skeletons and maybe you can finally draw something to be proud of.

>> No.3930609

3d is also a valid medium of art. It will be very hard to use as a crutch and pull off. Think of 3d as fundamentals in 3d space. There is nothing wrong with using both mediums to create art

>> No.3930665

How about you guys draw some damn limbs on several sheets and use them as reference later.

Eventually you'll want to draw something that doesn't exist.

>> No.3930720

Explain how you'll solve drapery when tracing a figure. Protip, unless you know what you're doing it will look like shit. The only people endorsing tracing over models are pornfags. And we all know those guys don't have an ounce of spark to make meaningful art.

>> No.3930803

>Eventually you'll want to draw something that doesn't exist.

>> No.3930830


Post them please.

>> No.3930831

Idk what you're trying to prove with this. I just said using 3d as a crutch specifically wouldn't give good results.You still gotta study and practice.

Rotoscoping 3d models is a common practice in the industry. You can dislike tracing 3d models all you want but that doesn't mean it isn't as valid as other tools and processes.

>> No.3930852
File: 901 KB, 929x797, examples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some more. In my experience you really have to understand how to work your model and program to get exactly what you want. If your reference isn't good your picture won't be good either (For example, the hands in the DDR pic). If I grind fundamentals more I believe I can produce even better results.

I haven't used 3d in a while though. I learned a lot of things along the way that helped me improve as an artist. I would always construct ontop of the ref and study how each pose worked.

If I'm working on a really complex illustration I will use a 3d reference to speed up my process. Or maybe see how the body would be constructed and draw it on my own