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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 18 KB, 512x512, 512x512bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3922224 No.3922224 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a Clip Studio thread? Post tips and tricks. Reccomened/share/request brushes etc.

>> No.3922268

Use Krita

>> No.3922270

I set the pen sensitivity graph to be at the halfway point as opposed to the default bottom left corner.

>> No.3922272

Anyone have an updated pirate

>> No.3922274

half way on the x or y axis?

>> No.3922293

Y. Middle left side.

>> No.3922401

yeah masterkreatif has it (it might be called masterize now) up to ver. 1.8

>> No.3922405


>> No.3922605


>> No.3922611


And what's the benefit?

>> No.3922709
File: 159 KB, 682x676, D2G506qU8AIOCLq.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for a brush with this kind of texture

>> No.3922767 [DELETED] 
File: 614 KB, 1477x917, WTF is that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this page curated or is it a bot posting this stuff?

>> No.3922786
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 8e06db71560213.5bc935d802b83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no liquify tool

>> No.3923179

real gpen or any kind of brush pen from clip assets

>> No.3923253

It reduces the minimum pen sensitivity so that lines won't get overly thin from a light stroke. It also lets me draw with less force to make a regular line.

>> No.3923261

any textured or gpen set to large size

>> No.3923318

Like the other guys said, real gpen. But the secret to get this mood isn't the brush, it's the red blur effect around it coupled with the color choices, granular effect and overall oldschool anime style. Also it's just great line control.

>> No.3923445

Anyone have tips or ideas for drawing metallic surfaces?

>> No.3923455

try coloring it normally and then using a gradient map

>> No.3923460

why not the set the slider for the minimum to 50 and achieve basically the same thing while having more versatile control over the graph?

>> No.3923590
File: 459 KB, 570x731, small test copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the help
now ive just gotta get git at controlling the ink

>> No.3923591


seems like it's just a textured brush. The reddish blur surrounding the lineart could very well just be a duplicated layer of the lineart underneath the lineart layer and color adjusted to be red (a small gaussian blur + deformation to make it stick out a little underneath), and then the layer's blend mode was possibly changed to hard light.

>> No.3923612

a big eye opener for me was that a lot of inking is done at fixed width with no pressure sensitivity because inking digitally is so hard. in csp we're blessed with https://www.clip-studio.com/site/gd_en/csp/toolguide/csp_toolguide/100_reference/100_reference_startingandending.htm which is really awesome. just as with inking with pressure sensitivity, you want to set the minimum to something that you can pick up a line with to continute and it won't be noticeable that it's made of two strokes. even in analog, back in the day some would ink everything at one width and then adjust the weight around the image as need be. this lets you be a lot faster at cranking things out than if you try to ink everything with weight the first time through. that's where the vector layer stuff really comes into play. it can be hard to think about the lighting and shadow while you're inking.

>> No.3923623

>fixed width with no pressure sensitivity
o wow, yea! I'm just trying this now, it genuinely feels a lot better to ink like this. thanks so much!!

>> No.3923626

yeah, it's an eye opener. make sure though that you use something like the size palette in cps when inking. try to keep the size of the brush consistent by using only a few (such as ~3) settings. consistent lines will look much better than resizing as you work around the piece.

>> No.3923728

I use a cintiq, and most of the time when I try to open a window it opens it off of the monitor in 4k (which is massive on my other shitty monitors), sometimes the window doesn't appear on any monitor at all. Does anyone know how to keep new CSP windows within the same screen as the main app?

>> No.3923798

I'm on an ipad pro, how do i animate on this thing

>> No.3923866

is that shit about CSP uploads on cgpeers all having bitcoin miners true?

>> No.3923888

how did you do that grain thing?

>> No.3923890

This, I've tried countless tutorials but I cant fucking figure it out

>> No.3924093

honestly dont know seems fine uses a keygen app that obviously gets flagged by windows virus but I dont notice anthing else like slowdowns or anyhting else. you know what the crypto service is called?

>> No.3924152

Does the ipad version even have animation?
Why dont you ask on the official ask site?

>> No.3924159

absolutely blessed post. thanks anon

>> No.3924214


It's one of the default inking brushes called "textured pen". Looks like the hardness is set to low to allow for transparency

>> No.3924219


I personally don't use vector layers any more for inking. You get editing abilities in post, but the actual strokes you lay down are *less* precise. I prefer the added precision of working on regular raster layers and making the lines work from the start.

>> No.3924246

yea it does i figured it out after like an hour of looking for settings, just gotta figure out how to switch between keyframes easier, as it stands it's a huge pain and thus a momentum stopper

>> No.3924273


gotta try this method. Thank you!

>> No.3924699

photoshop > add noise

>> No.3924703

I created a film grain filter by taking a film grain plate, and sliding it into the materials section to transform it, and in the options cog you turn it into a tileset to make a infinite plate.

member to use overlay

>> No.3924976

What do you think about using 3D models for reference?

>> No.3924977

i've never used them, personally.

>> No.3924979

>What do you think about pressing the play button on the synthesizer and pretending that it's actually you playing?

>> No.3924982

no rules, only tools

>> No.3924983

It's good for when you can't grasp the pose in a certain perspectives. Personally I use it when I get stuck and I don't feel like spending an hour working it out in my head.

Don't overly rely on it obv

>> No.3924984

>no rules
sounds more like "no morals"

>> No.3924986

Is it fine if you use 3d models to get the basic proportions and then do another sketch adjusting/exaggerating/stylizing it as you see fit?

>> No.3924989

don't kid yourself, we both know that you will just end up tracing that shit

>> No.3924991

nothing wrong with that

>> No.3924993

if you are fine with being a cheating piece of shit hack, then sure

>> No.3924995

Can this thing animate well

>> No.3925279

>being a cheating piece of shit hack
it's fine

>> No.3925324

>projecting this much
I already do just fine without models, I just think it'd be interesting to try them out for a faster process and to avoid mistakes

>> No.3925974

Any good brush that I should download?

>> No.3926030

Ever since the update to mac OS Mojave, this program has ran like shit on my computer. It freezes my computer when opening or closing the program, it freezes my computer when saving, it freezes my computer when doing file operations such as browsing a folder and opening/closing a file.

Honestly feeling like updating to Mojave was more of a downgrade than anything. Wondering if any other Mojave users here had the same problem and found a fix.

>> No.3926032

it's also worth noting that this is the only program that acts this way on my computer. Krita and Photoshop are fine.

>> No.3926075

MACTOODLERS BTF.. oh sorry, wrong board.

>> No.3926136


if you're not drawing buffalo on a cave wall with a rock from imagination you're cheating

>> No.3926140

sick strawman, my dude

>> No.3926153


reductio ad absurdum if you want to get technical, but I am calling your argument retarded.

>> No.3926158

if you think that these crunches and hacks would let you replace fundamental skill, cheat as much as you want, i just don't give a fuck to be honest.
if you knew what you are doing, you wouldn't asking such retarded questions in first place.

>> No.3926165

Not that anon, but you obviously do care, and no one said it should replace fundamental drawing skill, only supplement it.

>> No.3926169


basically I'm telling you use of virtually any tool that makes art easier could be reduced by a jackass like you to 'cheating', up to and including rulers, pencils, erasers, pigments, eyes, or paper.

>> No.3926172

>and overall oldschool anime style

fuckin lmao

>> No.3926176

>strawmanning again
k, retard

>> No.3926180


I don't really get the start-end brush option thing.. care to elaborate?

>> No.3926186


I get the feeling you don't actually know what a strawman is.

Explain to me the logical difference between x tool being cheating and y tool not being.

Is using a ruler cheating? Is using a wooden mannekin cheating? Is measuring with your pencil cheating? What about using a grid? Is using a color picker cheating? Is using a reference cheating?

It's almost like it's not the tool that's the problem but how you use it, imagine that.

>> No.3926191

MY CSP is veeeery slow any suggestions?

>> No.3926200

You misrepresenting my argument and "arguing" with that instead of actually trying to understand what i'm saying, you dumb reddirtspacer.
That's the fucking definition of the strawman in my book.
>Explain to me the logical difference between x tool being cheating and y tool not being.
Consider difference between "being able to do it without tool if you want to" and "unable to do it without the tool at all".
Master wouldn't be asking "is it ok to use tool x to save time?", i doubt he would even save anything with such gimmicks like using 3d models to get proportions of the figure.
It's obvious who are the people which ask such questions, and they for sure shouldn't be using such tools.
That is if they actually want to become good artists, not some shitty version of the printer.

>> No.3926217

What OS?

>> No.3926218

Mojave user here. Experiencing the same issue, thought it was just me. This is probably an issue with the OS and not the program; everything seemed to run faster on High Sierra. I get the feeling that the macOS dev team is shrinking more and more. With each new OS version, macOS just gets worse. My recommendation is to roll back to High Sierra, which is my plan.

>> No.3926224

win 10 laptop from 2018 acer predator helios 300

>> No.3926230
File: 96 KB, 412x346, startend.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you try it? the only useful thing i learned from the mikan school resources that got uploaded (avoid it, they're shit)

mojave is trash, wish i never updated too. i won't get a mac again, using an old ~2012-13 macbook pro but they're not worth buying. driver support was questionable too from program to program on cross-plat art tools i have.

>> No.3926908

Any good workarounds for filling a shape in a vector layer?

>> No.3926923
File: 256 KB, 831x863, 18-12-2018_17-33-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using shitty hacks

>> No.3926927

>Ever since the update to mac OS
Stopped reading there.

>> No.3926945

magic select > add tone, use tone set to100 density

>> No.3926992

Not what CSP is for.

>> No.3927212

Honest question, I really want to use clip paint studio, but I always got this problem with brushes leaving a "trail" of circles whenever I use them with a larger size. I've managed to lessen this by reducing the spacing of every fucking brush I use, but it's still shit, so I'm stuck with sai and photoshop.

Is this a problem with CSP, or related to something else? Tablet drivers? Ram?

>> No.3927222

Sort of works, the fill is still on it's own raster layer though.

Thanks anyway.

>> No.3927225

can you demonstrate? post a gif?

>> No.3927247
File: 85 KB, 772x984, circlesbrush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, brushes are okay until I make them larger than 100~120, at this size they start to leave a faint but noticeable trail.
Really weird, since I use photoshop, painter, krita and sai, and never had this problem, just tested and even retarded sizes like 2000 leave no trails in those other programs. It doesn't look bad at first, but whenever I try to paint at a high resolution using larger brushes, it's very noticeable.
Reducing the spacing kinda fix it partially, but ruins some brushes. Maybe it's more related to my hardware, have 8gb of ram, but maybe my cpu or whatever is crap.

>> No.3927744
File: 118 KB, 1336x1002, Brush Mix Darken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr: CSP's brush engine works differently compared to PS. You either need to reduce the hardness so it looks smooth or you just need to deal with it.

the long explanation is that CSP applies each shape during a stroke in accordance to whatever your pressure/speed/etc. is if you have dynamics enabled for any setting. You'll get those circles if you have even one slider that affects the color/opacity of the stroke with dynamics enabled. You'll even get those circles if you disabled the dynamics for all the sliders and just lowered the Brush Density slider and dragged your mouse across the canvas. You can also reproduce this in Photoshop but PS can reduce the spacing for their brushes without the program taking a shit on you unlike CSP, who can't even produce a stroke at large sizes without turning into a slideshow if your PC isn't able to handle it.

If you want to reduce the possibility of those circle things happening then you'll have to disable color mixing and enable the option in pic related so the stroke at least comes out relatively smooth throughout. If your brush hardness is too high this will only mitigate the problem not completely solve it.

>> No.3927748

you do realize theres opacity in csp right which does the same thing as that

>> No.3927778

Krita's stabilizer is horrible. SAI/CSP's are infinitely better.
but honestly, if Krita had the same stabilizer, I'd use it over CSP. it just feels better.

>> No.3927880

Same problem it fucking lags like hell at it hogs 2.5gb of RAM with one file open. I think there's a memory leak in the latest version.

>> No.3927895


You cannot use fill on the vector layer. What you are supposed to do is setting the vector layer as a reference layer, then use fill tool with refer to other on a separate layer. More accurate than magic wand, plus you can drag + fill.

>> No.3927940

it's great, use it
it's more precise than using pressure settings and it can help when you're making many small tight lines

>> No.3928202

Open mesh transformation, pull the number of segments of the image to the max, ok now you have liquify

>> No.3928213

I might change my whole lineart workflow to this with vector layers, truly a blessed thread.

>> No.3928359

Here's something important every CSP user needs to know:

If you do not exit the program normally (i.e. force quit on a freeze, automatic windows update etc.) any changes to materials or new brushes created etc. will NOT be saved. Make it a habit to always quit and restart the program after you have created a new brush or material.

>> No.3928385
File: 79 KB, 535x381, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this brush and drawing with it is smooth until I hit ~140 px brush size. At that point I get bad delay in every stroke. Anybody know why that could be? It's a simple brush with no ground mixing, no anti-aliasing, and also wide spacing. Feels like brush performance in CSP is bad overall, even if I use a basic hard round I get lots of delay once I get to ~250 px. Is there anybody on this board who can use >500 px brushes without difficulty in CSP? Could it be a driver issue? My CPU is a 1800X so it should be fine I think

>> No.3928416

why would u ever want to go past 50px just why

>> No.3928419

Thank you anon, but I have already done all of this before, and it's still terrible, even with 0 gap option. Reducing the hardness would ruin brushes. All other programs give me absolutely no issues, I think CSP must either be terrible optimized or like other anon said, a memory leak. Even stuff like after effects doesn't lag as much as CSP in my notebook.

>> No.3928422

Why not?

>> No.3928426

dont answer my question with another question you dumb faggot

>> No.3928430

Same goes for you. Kill yourself.

>> No.3928437

good to know that youre actually a dumbass, nice job.

>> No.3928482

Realized I had tilt activated for no reason so I turned it off and now I can use the brush quite well up to 400 px, might be worth checking for anybody else with similar problems (small button beside the brush size adjustment arrows in the tool properties)

>> No.3928633


Common practice to use larger brushes for blocking in and glazing etc. 50px is a relatively small brush on a 300dpi canvas.

>> No.3928702

>300 dpi canvas

>> No.3928714

>painting on anything larger than 3000x3000

>> No.3928728

it goes on sale so frequently you should just buy it

>> No.3928738

are there any english books covering CSP? everyone says their online tuts are adequate enough but I'm curious if there'a anything more than just that

>> No.3928739

>brush size is different if you're working on a 500x500 canvas with 300 dpi and a 500x500 canvas with 72 dpi

>> No.3928751

do you read a ps book to understand photoshop? i'm sure there are but all the best stuff is in japanese and most people learn this all from using the software or watching others. reading a book usually isn't a good way to learn a piece of software in any program i've ever used.

>> No.3928795

best way is to go on a streaming site like picarto or twitch and see how artists use the software

>> No.3928816


Yes, if your reference point is print size. Should have said document rather than canvas.

>> No.3928930
File: 66 KB, 500x667, e2b36e09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know any Youtube channels for CSP tips and tricks.
I know the basic stuff but I'd like to learn more to get my comic drawing process a bit faster and create different kinds of effects

>> No.3928942

Only thing I've ever used liquify for was celebrity fakes.

>> No.3928962

I'd like it more if we could really mod the body to have specific proportions because it's hard to draw super-stylized stuff in perspective.

>> No.3928965

So the same shit that's been happening since 2007? Apple doesn't give a shit about quality anymore because they know for a fact people will buy the same shitty phone every year.

>> No.3928966

If you had fundamental skills you wouldn't be so upset at people using reference.

>> No.3929062

>if you hate dishonesty, means that you are dishonest yourself
>and btw i am a dumb fuck who cannot read :(

>> No.3929145

outside of a view webinars there isn't much on youtube.
Good news is in the past year there has been an explosion of artists on youtube and twitter who have started using it, unfortunatly they dont do tuts and mostly draw weebshit.

Read the official CSP user guide.
and the tool guide
I learned more from skimming through them than i ever did watching youtube.
found them on the downloads page on the CSP website.

>> No.3929427
File: 128 KB, 1440x1080, 1526158175937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone here know how to make more textural brushes in csp?

like i remember in photoshop there was a kind of brush that just revealed some sort of repeating image, stuff like that

>> No.3929432


That's too basic of a question to justify a response. Use google. There are textured brushes included in the program.

>> No.3929449

changed to tablet pc rather than wintab in the settings? one of the biggest enhancements for CSP

>> No.3929635


>> No.3929641

A thing I like doing is making a new layer, bucket fill it with black, set it on top and color blend mode. You can switch black & white and color view by turning it on and off. It's good for checking values.

It's not necessary to use vectors, you can use starting and ending with raster normally.

>> No.3929649

If you got to "Layer Property" you can change "Expression color" to Gray

>> No.3929652

forgot to mention it doesn't work with multiple layers

>> No.3929654
File: 79 KB, 899x593, 1556086423311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe I didn't understand, but what I said is that if you set a color blend layer on top of all the other layers, it turns the whole image black and white. I don't think you can change the expression color of all the layers at once and in any case it's clunkier than just clicking on the eye symbol.

>> No.3929680

rough india ink brush is all you need

>> No.3929711

neat thanks for the tip i have been looking for something like this for a long time.

I wish CSP had built in composition guides.
Some people have made a Rule of Thirds guide for any canvas by using a border effect

>> No.3930108

Any brushes recommendation for download? What do you guys use?

>> No.3930113

If you had fundamental skills you wouldn't have this problem.
Learn to draw and you'll stop being such a paranoid little fuck about drawing and what tools people use to.

>> No.3930210

>using a stabilizer at all

>> No.3930214

daub pack is good to download
gives you fucking heaps of shit to play with. you won't need 95% of it but still nice

>> No.3930296

Is it possible to import cs assets into manga studio 5?
The 3d models manga studio has are pretty bad.

>> No.3930368

i'm kinda overwhelmed still after buying it. the process of adding brushes and removing them in ps and csp is so clunky that i almost rather not even bother sometimes. takes a while on my computer to drop in a whole pack. i've spent hours just going through one set of tools which is a net negative on my art compared to just picking something and going. i think the default settings are really bad on a lot of them too which compounds the problem in terms of size jitter and whatever.

>> No.3930385

it's almost as if building your own custom brushes will always be infinitely better than using someone else's custom brushes because everyone paints differently

>> No.3930389

as long as your 3D model is an OBJ you can import anything

Clip Studio can't handle high-polygons though, so don't expect to import hi-poly models and draw without your program turning into a flipbook

>> No.3930408

I didn't say otherwise. I bought them to do just that. I wanted to support the creator and also wouldn't bother actually making most of them. It's a great jumping off point for customizing.

>> No.3930494


Some rulers have an option called "scale" that you can set to "equal division".
Not optimal, but it's still something.

You can also save the divided frame as template material.
This way you can use it directly when you create a new file.

>> No.3930637
File: 17 KB, 633x318, clip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a Seriel numbre please, for this version

>> No.3930639

Is there an email adress or something where I can send feedback and feature suggestions to the developers? I get the impression that that they don't speak english

>> No.3930645

sorry but i dont speak english,
i actualy use paint tool sail and i want use clip studio

>> No.3930647


>> No.3930662

all da japs use it

japs=always right and superior

>> No.3930686

which is better sail or clip

>> No.3930706


Clipper is faster than simple sail ship

>> No.3930713


>> No.3930829

never update OS before checking if all of your software is working on it, I updated it without backing it up, I couldn't even use Ableton anymore without it crashing

>> No.3931342

I thought it world be as simple as dragging and dropping csp files into ms, but for some reason they're not compatible despite the file structure being exactly the same. Any way to fix this?

>> No.3931527

Many US comic pros and art jewtubers are getting Jap pilled and switching to CSP.

They finally put up a fucking animation webinar
>white guy instead of one of the many pro jap animators who have given testimonials.
>recommends the books mostly found on /ic/
>recommends this paid site for references https://www.bodiesinmotion.photo/

>> No.3931613

All you gotta do is download them and drag them from the materials window to the proper tool's menu.

>> No.3931619

Where do you go for OBJ models?

>> No.3931673

I hope it goes on sale again, I'll definitely buy it this time.

>> No.3932563

>how to animate
>hosted by some absolute nobody
lmfao, I'll pass.

>> No.3932568

>beg tier tumblr painter

>> No.3932681

Try the Model Resource, most of them are OBJ. And if they're not, take them into Blender and export them as OBJs.

>> No.3932874
File: 15 KB, 500x318, 1476679987556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>windows updates last night
>despite updates being off but whatever, it somehow managed it
>CSP now has random 3-4 second hard freezes, absolutely zero happened before day

anyone else? fuck man

>> No.3932937

how can I import .dae?

>> No.3932991

probably convert either with a batch tool or using blender/a 3d package

>> No.3933026

Is "Running Color" as opposed to setting your mixing mode to "Blend" supposed to make your brushes incredibly slow?

>> No.3933150
File: 199 KB, 647x558, csp brushes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

favorite brush set so far

>> No.3933180


Should have called it Boxy and painted a picture of Boxy

>> No.3933376

1. try uninstalling and reinstalling the latest version of CSP.
2. if Windows files got corrupted then open Command Prompt as Administrator and type in "sfc /scannow" then hit Enter and let is scan your pc for corrupted windows files.
3. update video card drivers?

If neither of those things work then I don't know what to do.

>> No.3933384
File: 113 KB, 1784x630, D5bGcN7VUAABJ0z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sai vs csp? I've recently quit Krita after a few months. It was too janky to work with and never got into an efficient workflow.

>> No.3933477

It's not an app.

>> No.3933480

CSP. I've been using SAI for years and now it's really hard to migrate, cause SAI has the best line control.
But it's not worth it, CSP has way more options and resources, as well as good brush settings.

Only use SAI if you do nothing but linework. But even then you'll miss some CSP features like 3D posing, layout editing, (decent) text tools, etc.

>> No.3933525

I just started digital illustration and I was wondering whether there's any use for stabilization, or if it's just a crutch for people that are bad at drawing

>> No.3933675
File: 82 KB, 1260x720, 124123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I remove this shit while animating? It's not in the final gif but still annoying as hell.

>> No.3933800

>not painting buffalos on cave walls with crushed plant powder and your fingers

>> No.3933830


Stabilization is one of the most important improvements that has come to digital painting since it's infancy.
It compensates for the decrease in friction and tactile feedback you get from working with a brush or pencil with traditional media. Moreover, in older versions of photoshop for instance it was actually not possible to make certain smooth curves or in your brush strokes due to software limitations. Long sharp tapering brush strokes was also difficult if not impossible to achieve. It had nothing to do with skill. So no, it is not just a crutch, although like anything else it can be abused.

I like to keep the settings low. If you have it cranked up too high you are unable to do sensitive and spontaneous lines and all marks start to look the same.
For Clip Studio brushes that simulate traditional brushes, I usually have it around 8-10 and the "brush stroke" setting up to 3. Your tablet and personal preference might be different though. The latter setting not only corrects the lines but the ends aswell which is great when you want to do several brush strokes in quick succession with tapering ends, like working with a traditional sable brush.

>> No.3933857

i think i have a capable enough computer for CSP but any large brush just lags compared to any other drawing application, does anyone have a solution for this? I want to change to CSP from saiv2 and photoshop

>> No.3933871


I think you need a computer in the 2K range and upwards to have no lag.

>> No.3933971

sold, thanks frenn

>> No.3934069

if you took raw input from a tablet it'd be unusable. the tablet already has drivers that do various amounts of stabilization to make them usable, stabilization in program is just an extension of that and in no way a crutch. it's one of those "no rules just tools", stabilization will make your lines smoother but won't make them "better"

>> No.3934074

Recently started using CSP and was bothered by this. Thanks anon

>> No.3934314


yeah but.... why not just set the minimum to 50 and achieve the exact same effect

>> No.3934317

I draw traditionally and if there's even 2 stabilization like it's default on some brushes I feel crippled. I have to remove it immediately, I hate that shit and it makes your lines look dead.

>> No.3934380

How often do you guys actually blend colors with your brushes? I feel like I'm battling against the brush more often than having it do what I want or get the shapes I want. It frustrated me to the point where I completely disabled the mix ground color section and just relied solely on the brush density and opacity and I never looked back.

>> No.3934427
File: 213 KB, 857x709, mixing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have mix ground bound to a key so I can turn it off if an asset brush came with it on. I don't find it useful at all either. I have some brush called acryllic gouache 02 and wet gouache 01 that're actually very good brush/blender combos with curves that I got from clip assets. I usually blend by color picking from the painting or manually. Lately I've come around to the blending brushes in the program. Blur with running color has no character whatsoever but blends, soothing watercolor is nice, running color on fiber (mine is set to blending) also gives nice texture.


>> No.3934530

The blending mode has this thing where if you pick alpha as your color to erase on the canvas, it likes to pick up colors of pixels around the brush radius so you end up coloring with a slight off-color with a tiny bit of opacity instead of getting a clean erase.

You don’t get this issue with running color but then you get a laggy brush. I wish CSP’s brush engine was more optimized

>> No.3934534

This, the "stabilization crutch" meme is one of the most retarded things /ic/ has come up with.
You want to know what digital art is without stabilization? Use one of the old signature imput things banks had before smarthphones. Those were made by Wacom too and had more pressure sensitivity than the bamboo.

>> No.3934595


Oh yeah I also do that. I have Mix Ground on a key and basically what I did to all my brushes is if I want to blend then I just turn on mix ground and it turns whatever brush I have selected into a pure mixing brush. I don't use the blending options for anything else.

If I want controlled strokes then I have mix ground disabled and then when I want to start blending colors together I enable mix ground and my brushes start blending, it's really nice. You have to make the settings so that amount/density of paint is set to 0 so all you have is color stretch.

>> No.3934613

>You have to make the settings so that amount/density of paint is set to 0 so all you have is color stretch.
yeah when I made that image I realized that the brushes I liked the most for that were 0/0/25-30 for the paint loading and color stretch. Blur is 0/0/0 and I limit use because it can look too digital usually but is the right tool for some gradients. Speaking of what you said, I need to convert more of my painting brushes to blending so I can free up the blending tool hotkey.

The mix ground hotkey is a lifesaver, somewhat similar to C transparency. I didn't paint digitally for a while and couldn't figure out why all my erasers sucked on E when I came back to CSP after PS. Then I remembered I just had my brushes do the erasing.

>> No.3934827
File: 15 KB, 97x88, meanie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you make that connected to Internet question go away everytime you boot the damn program? Even if I click no it still asks me.

>> No.3934972

It happens to me like once in a month so I'm okay with that.

>> No.3935618
File: 82 KB, 620x1184, D4hWol9U4AYq63g.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of brush is this?

>> No.3935622

unironically hard round brush.

>> No.3935747

Anybody else having really horrible lag on the program? Like freezing massively every time you make an operation on a large canvas? I don't remember CSP behaving like this, I think there's a memory leak in the last update. I have EX.

>> No.3936163

which version you are using? 1.8.8?

>> No.3936256

> CSP crashes at startup
> Update installer crashes
Why is this happening and how can I fix it?

>> No.3936299

Dunno, try chechking the event log to see if there's some clue to why it's crashing.
You might try a complete uninstall and cleaning up folders and registryu entires, but you should be first sure you're not being trolled by malware or an overzealant antivirus.

>> No.3936373

csp has a setting in brush size iirc that's like "brush velocity" that'll help you get an effect similar to this, basically slower you draw causes larger brush, mimicking pen bleed. obviously still have pen pressure on size too if you can but this setting can help you achieve that fatter tip at beginning and/or end of stroke look that this pic seems to have in some spots

>> No.3936451

I highly recommend you buy it when you can anon, it's a really good company, updates regularly and doesn't have shitty subscription model

>> No.3936665

should I buy the EX?

>> No.3937242
File: 149 KB, 1562x672, Clip Studio Paint PRO vs EX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see pic
link for expanded list

You really only need EX if you are making a comic/manga
The majority of features that Pro lacks are centered around making, managing and exporting a multipage comic, also you cant export animation as an opentoonz file in Pro.
The new janky pose scanner, auto colorize AI, 3D object conversion to 2D lines/tones are also only in EX.

Wait for a sale, make sure to sign up to their newsletter as sometimes its a promo code.

The other day i was doing a recolor, i used giant masks and changed the layers to "color" 3 layers of doing that and it would randomly crash, CSP autosaves every 15min (changed it to 8min) so it wasnt that big of a deal but it was still annoying as there wasn't any lag to show something was wrong.

>> No.3937333

>as an opentoonz file in Pro.
>The new janky pose scanner, auto colorize AI, 3D object conversion to 2D lines/tones are also only in EX.

Not true, I have pro and I have pose scan and autocolor. Line extraction from 3d models and images is EX only though

>> No.3937334

referencing =/= tracing moron

>> No.3937353

super late answer but yes, 1.8.8

>> No.3937390
File: 529 KB, 900x750, 1557015032123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Why can't CSP's line flow be 100% like Paint Tool SAI?
I've drawn an entire piece on it today, 4 figures and all, and all I could think of the whole time was "I want to go back to SAI."

There are no rules, neither tools.

Am I too intoxicated after 9 years of SAI?
Took me a bit above 5 minutes to manage to make a face's contour that looked like what I had in mind and not Wojak's face.

I'm probably fucking up some setting, where are more pen setings then what I have under the tools Stabilization, Anti-alias etc.?

>> No.3937397

>line flow


>> No.3937399

SAI's stabilizer feels more helpful.
At 0 stabilization, SAI's lines are perfectly controllable, just a bit jagged.
At 0 stabilization, CSP's lines are still unresponsive and hard to land on the right spots.

It's the same reason why I never used Phososhop, although CSP is way better than PS in this regard.

>> No.3937401

are you using a non-wacom tablet?

>> No.3937406

No. And stop replying with short sentences, this gives me nothing to work with.

>> No.3937410

>this gives me nothing to work with.

>> No.3937506
File: 92 KB, 1154x627, 1532370176254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I make CPS's cursor reflect the brush size changes like SAI's?

>> No.3937510

you mean like have the cursor change size with pen pressure?

>> No.3937511


>> No.3937514

you can't.

>> No.3937528

I'm glad I didn't spend a penny on this pile of shit

>> No.3938126

Hey guys, how should I make the lineart? Should I use vectors?

>> No.3938131

Any good brush to make linearts?

>> No.3938149

And I can't wait until it goes on sale for me to buy it

>> No.3938322

You babbies really should worry less about brushes and put that attention to gittin good at controling your tablets. If you can't get any basic line you want with hard round, no brush will save you from your own mediocrity.

>> No.3938413

I'm trying to >>3937390 , but it looks like shit.

>> No.3938479
File: 244 KB, 1420x1080, Show Sub Tool Detail Palette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where are more pen settings

>> No.3938492

God fucking dammit, thank you. I'll experiment.

>> No.3938808

help please

>> No.3938962
File: 450 KB, 1366x768, Feeltheform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You CAN use vectors ONLY when you need a precise work or when you have to draw something proportional, precise, or "patterned"

Here is an excellent quality of brushes (I have tried many of them), they will not do magic for you, but I recommend experimenting and even customize to your taste to get something "unique". One of the big differences between a professional and an amateur is the freedom you take to make the lineart.
There is no specific brush for lineart, yes, they are appropriate but you can use ANYTHING do it

>> No.3938964

Most people don't draw with vectors. If you're concerned with quality loss, just work at higher resolutions than needed so that any eventual scale won't affect your image much.

>> No.3938979


Vector layers actually makes your lines LESS precise, stroke by stroke, since they are not capable of representing the full range of bitmap based brushes, especially when smudge and color mixing is present. They do offer more flexibility after the stroke is layed down, ofcourse.

>> No.3939018

>it goes on sale so frequently you should just buy it
no it doesn't I haven't seen it on sale a whole fucking year since last year, checked on it every holiday even the japanese ones like Golden Week

>> No.3939022

>CSP features like 3D posing
You could've just downloaded design doll which is free. CSP still has more features though you are right

>> No.3939054

If you want to animate, it's great. The pro version has basically just a trial where your can only animate 1 second.
Also I've used the multi-page comic tools for a thing and they're a lot more useful than I thought. I'll definitely use them for longer comics.
The other tools that use machine learning or converting photos in screentones seem to be very hit or miss but I never really cared about learning to use them.

>> No.3939068

I haven't thought in that way, thanks for the advice

>> No.3939112

CSP was on sale a couple of months ago.
I bought a discounted EX upgrade.

>> No.3939163
File: 301 KB, 983x1270, 1558384160176~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you do fading out screentones in monochrome, like the ones on the left side of his face?

>> No.3939171

>design doll which is free
So is CSP.

>> No.3939279


>> No.3939375


I like these next methods for max control.
Make Lineart layer, black lines only, set to "reference layer"

-Clipping Method-
Create new folder and 2 new layers inside it,
Drag and drop Texture/cross hatching in the top layer, resize how you want.
"Clip at Layer below"
at layer below paint in with white to reveal texture from the clipping layer.
make sure to disable anti-aliasing as this creates fuzzy value varied edges.

Create new layer & "Lock Transparent Pixel" this will prevent accidentally painting in the layer when switching between them (you can still accidentally erase the hidden texture).
Drag and drop a "Monochromatic" - "Cross-Hatching" or "Texture" from "Materials", adjust size (less white space between pattern = denser darker looking tone, be sure to zoom out).
Create "Mask" and "Mask Outside Selection", this should hide the texture. (unlink mask if you want to resize texture. save first cuz could crash/freeze)
Click on the "Mask" in the Layer thumbnail (Should be a black box with a check mark to the left of it linking it to the layer),
Now when you paint in the mask it reveals the texture.
Use "Tone Scraper" from "Airbrush" tool on Lower Density for lighter areas and transparent color to erase, (check "Do not exceed line of reference layer" so no bleed beyond lineart), you can paint in the mask with anything.

You can change the level of Grey by using the Layer Color effect and changing the main color,

you can make the textures literally only 2 tones with the "expression color" "monochrome" layer effect but its a pain and should only be done after because trying to change things once those effects are applied is like baking a cake with a blindfold on. the effects change the pattern a little too as it is deciding which values to discard.

>> No.3939385

forgot these too

>> No.3939424

>didn't even notice the wrench icon and had to wait until someone pointed it out to you

I think you might just be retarded.

>> No.3939560

try googling for SAI brushes in CSP
I think i saw some on deviant art a while back.

>> No.3939591
File: 449 KB, 702x912, 74760050_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to this program. What brushes are used for this lineart?

>> No.3939636


Do it with a regular airbrush first and then convert the layer into a tone layer. Boom

>> No.3939654

Sorry, phoneposting zoomers not welcome.

>> No.3939657


I don't understand the phoneposting meme

>> No.3939689
File: 56 KB, 1319x630, 1531576349834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, I use 4chan on 125% zoom on a 1600x900 screen.
When reading Japanese, I go up to 180%.

I can't see this shit, maybe I'm going blind or just spoiled my brain with big zoomed tools.

Also I seem to have solved my line accuracy IMMENSELY with these two settings on pic related.

>> No.3939697

Wow! Congratulations! You're such a fast learner!

>> No.3939723

Thanks, anon, hope one day we'll be able to say the same about you.

>> No.3940373

Why is there no brushes that mimmick the default photoshop brush?
Ive tried making it soft and turning up the Anti aliasing but everything still has this sharp eye hurting look on it, custom brush shapes also dont do shit.
The brush work is overall just ugly to look at compared to PS but its so much easier to draw with CSP.
If i could just have a brush that looks 100% like a PS brush i would never touch PS again.

>> No.3940377

What's the best way to color drawings if I want to do it the anime way? Just Markers?

>> No.3940380

how about showing a stroke from photoshop so I can see what I can do about it

>> No.3940383

>If i could just have a brush that looks 100% like a PS brush i would never touch PS again.
Check the CSP asset store
there are a few Photoshop brush clones uploaded by users

>> No.3940385
File: 405 KB, 1082x920, 792d2b793dad6a2c7d0600800a9e4078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use this, how it looks like when i click with my mouse.
Ive tried transfering shapes to CSP, but the effects just arent similar.
Something about the lack of anti aliasing that makes every brush look look like hard round in CSP.

>> No.3940400

>asks about default photoshop brush
>posts this
well fuck me, if I had continued to suggest shit without asking first for a stroke, nothing would work because you're not even using a default fucking brush.

>> No.3940403


Also I asked for strokes so I know what it looks like so I can actually try to replicate the brush for you.

>> No.3940406

The default is literally just a black circle, not hard to find since you seem to know what it looks like anyway.
I dont see what me posting a stroke would even accomplish.
Its the anti aliasing effects from the default brush i want in CSP, and as far i know its impossible to implement it in CSP.

>> No.3940412


Why don't you try cranking anti-aliasing to max and lowering the Hardness setting?

>> No.3940415

if you're so convinced that nothing will work then why did you even post this shit here?

>I dont see what me posting a stroke would even accomplish.
so I can see whether or not you're an idiot and you're not mistaking hardness for anti aliasing or anything else for anti aliasing.

>> No.3940420

>guys why doesn't CSP have any brush that's like PS's default brush
>someone asks you to post a stroke
>doesn't post a stroke, gives brush shape instead
>it isn't even the default brush
>says you're convinced that nothing will work
>says "The default is literally just a black circle, not hard to find since you seem to know what it looks like anyway." even though your problem is that brush strokes doesn't look or behave like they do in PS

I respect the people who have to work in customer service having to deal with colossal idiots like this guy.

>> No.3940421

Already tried, and the PS brushes there are all fake.

>> No.3940424

can you please just draw a stroke with varying degrees of pressure and outline what exactly you're looking to accomplish with a brush? The other anon is right you're not exactly helping your own cause by beating around the bush like this.

>> No.3940426

I asked a question retard.
you clearly had no idea that there is a difference in these programs brushes, why are you trying to help people when you probably know less yourself, fucking moron.

>> No.3940428

More anti aliasing, use google if you want to see brush stroke pictures, its really easy.

>> No.3940432

can you just post a stroke of the brush in photoshop and say what you're looking for exactly alongside a comparison picture in clip studio so it's clear what your problem is?

>> No.3940439

No, because you obv dont know shit.
Youre like that virgin handing out relationship advices

>> No.3940591


Now that I'm used to Clip ps brushes look jarring to me

>> No.3940641

He doesn't want a solution, he wants an excuse to stay with PS other than "lol liquify tool"

>> No.3940651

Any gpen downloaded in the assets site and set to small size would work here

>> No.3940749
File: 1.86 MB, 924x1400, 01b93a471170f5cbfe2f9c78f9197ce0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got Lack(ism)'s brushes?

>> No.3940809

Here is his process

custom brushes used.

>> No.3940995

>the anime way
Paint bucket. Then draw solid shadows on a layer above set as multiply or something..

>> No.3941010

In both Photoshop and SAI I can just hold Ctrl/Shift and arrows to move shit around the canvas.

With CSP I can only move it 1 pixel at a time, how do I move it bigger intervals? If Ican setup shortcuts for it too, that'd be swell, couldn't find it in the shortcut panel.

>> No.3941060
File: 4 KB, 304x213, 1553343401250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3941184

I'm new. Where do I even start?

>> No.3941198

Lose the name is a good start.

>> No.3941249

Alright now what? I meant Clip Studio btw

>> No.3941250

So, when is it on sale again?

>> No.3941259

How do i make a command for multiple files? For example, i have 20 pages as .clip files but need to make jpg versions of all of them

>> No.3941269

Right now on the nearest torrent website.

Anything specific? Did you watch those entry level "from scractch" tutorials? If you don't want to, at least have a specific goal to accomplish as a test, this program can do way too much shit to be taught at random.

File -> Batch Process...

>> No.3941274

Guy that was asking about Clip here

I guess something along the lines of sketching then inking and coloring.

Something that takes me through the process of a piece so I can do it on my own. In terms of the color it'd be cell shading

But the videos you just recommended would be good

>> No.3941306

View > Selection Launcher.

>> No.3941344
File: 736 KB, 1777x794, csp and ps hard rounds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was able to modify the csp airbrush close enough to ps, it's actually even more fun to use and has better pressure response. the algorithms for the color you get with opacity and flow/density are slightly different in a way which i never noticed but i'm not surprised or disappointed about. in this case, the blue had a warmer cast in csp than ps. both are 100% opacity with 40% flow, and opacity/flow jitter with linear curve in csp. i don't have as much pressure control in photoshop.

>> No.3941360

>warmer cast
I think your monitor might be incorrectly calibrated.

>> No.3941930

How can I learn to do 80s's anime style?
Any tutorial for coloring?

>> No.3941990

>I'm new. Where do I even start?
#1. skim through the official basic tutorials
they cover basic processes and functions.

#2. Towards the bottom of that page they have the "Learn from the professionals" section, it is step by step guides made by artists who use CSP.
Some of these guides have artists sharing their brushes like Lack ( linked here >>3940809 )

#3. download and read the official User Manuals
That way you are not asking basic questions like some of the fucking retards in this thread.

>> No.3942018

Anime coloring is done by sectioning off the shadows and lights and using the paint bucket.
when cell shading turn off anti-aliasing when using the lasso tool or fill tool because it changes the edges.

then its all kicked over to another program to have effects layered on top.

>> No.3942414
File: 220 KB, 289x315, 1543620234264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW this software is legally retarded.

>create selection area
>transform part you want to transform, press enter
>marching ants are still there, so decide to make another adjustment
>whatever new lines that have now entered the marching ants' territory is now part of the selection too

Another one:
>draw small line on canvas
>make a huge selection box to make sure you selected all of it

I am 120% sure people who code software don't even use them.

>> No.3942453

Is there a way to see the selected area with colors like in SAI?
Checking for gaps when making flat colors is way easier that way.

>> No.3942457

....you mean like a quick mask?

>> No.3942637

You're probably doing it wrong. I never encounter these and I adjust shit on my canvas all the time

>> No.3942795
File: 66 KB, 1127x161, 1554654587293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not entirely sure, but like this green thing, but permanent so things like Magic Wand show it too.
Currently, once I release de click it becomes marching ants.

>> No.3942804

Those are such minuscule gripes, anon.
For the second one, press ctrl + T instead of selecting anything.

>> No.3942815

No. Both problems require Ctrl+X Ctrl+Ving the select part into a new layer to avoid this problem, then maybe Ctrl+E afterwards to merge it back.

>> No.3942824

>create selection area
>>transform part you want to transform, press enter
>>marching ants are still there, so decide to make another adjustment
>>whatever new lines that have now entered the marching ants' territory is now part of the selection too

I have no idea what you mean by the last part. I can't get it to work any different than in Photoshop.

>draw small line on canvas
>make a huge selection box to make sure you selected all of it

I see what you mean. Photoshop trims the selection to the pixels after you make the first adjustment, I guess that could be convenient for some cases but I'm not sure it's absolutely crucial. Maybe you're just really used to how Photoshop does things? If you press ctrl+t you get a trimmed bounding box for the layer contents. Ofcourse, this only works if you want to transform the whole layer. Overall I agree that Photoshop has better selection tools. Personally I virtually never use them for digital painting, so it's not a deal breaker for me.

>> No.3942831
File: 833 KB, 702x370, 1545941969078.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I'm used to (SAI).

>> No.3942833
File: 1.21 MB, 716x310, 1542806301477.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's what CSP does.

>> No.3942839
File: 117 KB, 1532x720, Shrink selection tool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>draw small line on canvas
>>make a huge selection box to make sure you selected all of it
Have you tried using the "Shrink Selection" lasso?

>> No.3942852

Damn, that seems like it'd help. Any way to apply that to the "Selection pen" as well?

>> No.3942857

I checked the manuels and it looks like its only for the Shrink Selection tool

>> No.3943866
File: 389 KB, 1000x1000, 1537539460465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the only way to adjust hue for multiple layers through a "correction layer"?

>> No.3943867

...As opposed to? Are you implying you did it a different way?

>> No.3943883

Yes. In other programs I can select several different layers, press Ctrl+U and adjust them all at once.
I know it's destructive in more finished stages, but for deciding flat colors it's way faster.

>> No.3943886


you can put the layers in a folder and clip the adjustment to it

>> No.3945148
File: 510 KB, 2936x1760, CSP changing colors methods, Clipping folder , Layer Effect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the only way to adjust hue for multiple layers through a "correction layer"?

Try >>3943886
You have to use a folder to edit multiple layers,
#1 Select multiple layers by activating the checkmark next to the eye icon on the layers, (or hold ctrl while left clicking on the ones you want selected)
#2 right-click a selected layer and click "Create folder and Insert Layer", (I will call this folder1 for the remainder of this tutorial)
#3 create a new folder (we shall call this folder2) place it above folder1 and set it to "Clip at layer below",
#4 create a new layer in folder2 and fill the entire canvas with the color H0, L50, S50 and keep the blending mode to normal.
#5 right click folder2 and create a correction layer to change Hue
If you have done everything correctly you should be able to play with the Hue/Sat/Lum sliders and have it only change the colors in folder1 without changing colors in the rest of the image. (you get to preview it instantly too)

You can copy folder2/register as template (dont register it with the clipping state or when you import it without a layer for it to effect CSP will derp out/crash) and move it above any other layer/folder to quickly preview different colors by double clicking the little picture on the newly created correction layer and playing with the sliders again.
Since this does not change the original layers colors you can keep it as is and put both folder1 and folder2 in their own new folder to change anytime you want.
#6 if you want to make this permanent then select both folder1 and folder2, then right-click and hit "Merge Selected" or use "Convert Layer" for more options.

Another more accurate but slower way
using "Layer effects" in "Layer Properties", you have to change Layer Color AND Sub Color for the folder to be the same for it to work.(otherwise the sub color washes it out and it effects different colors more than others.) use the obtain screen color option to grab color from Layer Color bar.

>> No.3945168
File: 570 KB, 2936x1760, Clipped folder method for changing Hue is CSP and how to register as a material.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to add material instructions to pic

>> No.3945195
File: 30 KB, 495x362, 1556217547599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even procreate has it

>> No.3945323


I would propose that you have a flawed process if liquify is in any way a necessity, unless you make a living of retouching photos.

>> No.3945351


I don't understand what purpose the filled red layer has. All it does is clipping the layer below with a solid color.

>> No.3945481

This is a very long way to say "yes", but I really appreciate it, anon, I'm now exploring possibilities and limitations within these methods.

>> No.3945570


Something can be useful and desirable without having to be a necessity.

Photoshop has a lot of unnecessary shit that are value adds.

>> No.3945666
File: 1.99 MB, 1518x3864, CSP Blending Modes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure that Filled Layer in "Folder2" is only as big as the canvas or as needed to save on resources, this also prevents the program from going crazy when you Transform it and an image together while Folder2 is using masks.
Merge the folders then transform

If you are working on coloring a character you group certain parts of the character and see how it looks with a flat color. This >>3945168 , >>3945148 is good for cell shaded stuff or experimenting with the overall color scheme using flat colors.

If you are trying to change the Hue and Saturation of an entire completed section then change the "layer blend mode" of the color changing folder "folder2" to "Color".
then either keep it set to clipping to change what is in the layer below it. OR use masks to only change what you want.

"Color" layer blending mode - The hue and saturation of the fill color are applied while maintaining the brightness of the original color.

-Warning- If you are gonna use masks and want to transform that part of the image then make sure both the color folder (folder2) and the original image are selected, then hit Edit- Transform- to move them both together. (make sure the solid color filled layer in the color change folder(folder2) is only the size of the canvas or as small as needed because it will take up too much resources and might crash CSP when transforming with mask and original image together.)

>> No.3945724


I have to admit I still don't understand the purpose of the red fill. First of all, why that particular shade of red? Secondly, as long as the blending modes in folder two is set to normal, I'll only adjust the color of the red fill with the adjustment layer.

>> No.3945762
File: 894 KB, 2936x2393, CSP changing colors methods, Clipping folder , Layer Effect final edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Edit for for pic >>3945666 >>3945168 >>3945148 : (sorry for all the edits)
Forgot to say you can use the "Hue" Layer blending mode to preserve the values. (Doesn't do shit to grayscale)
"Hue" - The hue of the fill color is applied while maintaining the brightness and saturation of the original color.

"color" blending mode adds saturation so it will change grayscale but also fucks up original values.

>First of all, why that particular shade of red?
The actual Hue doesn't matter, only the Saturation and Luminosity matter because the correction layer is increasing and decreasing those values depending on the starting value in the Clipping Layer and by setting those values in the middle it gives you more control.

>> No.3945784

He's suggesting a method to override all colors with one single color (that red, that you can change with the correction layer).

A better way to do the same thing is to just use a proper fill layer clipped to the folder. This way you can see the real color you're using in the thumbnail.

>> No.3946103
File: 6 KB, 539x456, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>create selection
>paint inside the selection
>actually it doesnt fucking paint inside the selection it spills outside of it like this

>> No.3946126

I know you guys aren’t tech support but can’t make a csp account for some reason. It keeps saying that an error occurred and to come back later but it’s the same thing and it won’t tell me what the error is. My username and everything is valid too. Anyone else have this issue?

>> No.3946149

Anti aliasing on selection
or you have "area scaling" on fill tool, might have anti aliasing on that too.

>> No.3946214


Looks like selection feathering as suggested above. There's also the issue that smudge with color mix does not respect edge borders sadly. This is an issue in Photoshop aswell, however.