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File: 32 KB, 580x326, John K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3918341 No.3918341 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ic/ think of John "suck my dick to get on Nick" Kricfalusi?

He's got some pretty nice tips on his blog, but I don't understand why does he hate "script-written" cartoons so much. Like, what other kind of animation there is?

>> No.3918353

>Like, what other kind of animation there is?
He's opposed to cartoons like The Simpsons, where a bunch of writers get together to make a script, and then the script is animated after the fact. He believes that the animators should be the one developing the jokes and the show should spring forth from that. It's a matter of taste, I guess. John K is very extreme in his opinions on animation.

>> No.3918363

He has a good sense of humor (when it isnt centered around his obvious daddy issues) and makes good stuff
Alot of people pretend he lacks talent because he's a bad person. He's good at what he does but he's just a shitty person and can never finish a project on time (if at all, since his kickstarter thing has only ever been partially finished)
would Like to see more stuff from him but we all know that's never happening after his creepy escapades got aired out

>> No.3918364
File: 94 KB, 580x605, miley%20cyrus%20john%20kricfalusi%20bangerz%20cartoon%20tour%20use_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love him, love R&S, love ripping friends, don't care about the bs with kate, john k is one of my favorite artists of all time. post some of those tips on his blog, it crashes when I go there

>> No.3918366

Shame he can't stop himself from being a sociopath enough to get his shit together and make some damn cartoons.

>> No.3918368

I second that, wanna see tips but don't wanna go digging for them through his blog

>> No.3918440

Never really got into his shows but I think his advice can be useful. It's a shame that he's a piece of shit though.

>> No.3918534
File: 29 KB, 700x525, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know anything similar to ren & stimpy in terms of animation and unique facial expressions? Can't ever seem to find anything that comes close

>> No.3918720

Pedophile with shitty artstyle.

>> No.3918776


He is a self-pitying, arrogant, obsessive loon who has squandered his gifts and the numerous opportunities provided to him, not to mention the money of his kickstarter backers (the damn fools).

Beyond this he is a narrow-minded blowhard with an extremely limited vision for what animation can or should be. He spends so much energy criticizing others on that damn blog of his, rather than actually doing anything himself.

It is abundantly clear that without his team, he sucks. His animation is wobbly and incoherent. His color choices are nonsensical, and his use of random CGI is bewildering. Oh and EVERY SINGLE THING he accuses other artists of doing, he does himself.

>I don't understand why does he hate "script-written" cartoons so much. Like, what other kind of animation there is?

Outline-based shows, where the board artist is both writer and artist, working from a loose outline provided by the writers. Ren and Stimpy was the first modern cartoon done this way, except maybe for Mighty Mouse, and it continues to be used for a lot of shows like Adventure Time and Steven Universe.

John K, thinks that ALL cartoons should be done that way, because the artist should always be supreme in animation. John K is an idiot.

>> No.3918777


That is one thing it will always be supreme in, I think.

>> No.3918838

I don't get why he still keeps a reputation for his 'talent' when Danny Antonucci is a better, not assholish, more productive version of him

>> No.3918842

>He spends so much energy criticizing others rather than actually doing anything himself.

Wow. I bet he actually browses this board.

>> No.3918868

Holy shit, Batman, you're right!

If EEnE had come out in place of Ren and stimpy everyone would be sucking off Danny instead of John.

>> No.3918874
File: 1.06 MB, 527x9074, the japanese are a cold race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, here he teaches to steal from anime.

>> No.3918917

>anything but modern american cartoons

>> No.3919015

WTF I love John now

>> No.3919062

Jeez. Probably.

>> No.3919069

>the japanese are a cold race

Based John

>> No.3919246

This man makes me feel warm.

>> No.3919270

John did a blogpost about facial expressions too


(I miss the olde internet when artists all had their own blogs)

>> No.3919276

I wonder how's he doing right now.
After all those accusations all of his income sources are basically non-existent.
Do you think he'll eventually die of hunger or something?

>> No.3919280

Fuck off Robin, you whore.

>> No.3919282

>tell us to steal color schemes from anime
>doesn't actually say how

>> No.3919283

My name's not Robin, but if Robin agrees with this then good on them.

>> No.3919284

Do you not know how?

>> No.3919293

>You see there's this little eye dropper that appears when you hold alt

>> No.3919334
File: 162 KB, 690x1024, johnkphonedoodlepack_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a nice read
I have John's blog on my backlog since forever. There's so much great info there that it even gets kinda haunting

>> No.3919336


>> No.3919736

Even though he's a shitty person, I still respect him as an artist and still believe people should look through his blog for advice. I'm sure a lot of good/popular animators on the internet has been to his blog for tips, even though they would never publicly admit it.

I'm sure if any of us did admit we respected John K's skills on social media we would be branded a "pedo apologist" since it's [current year] now.

>> No.3919970

>Danny Antonucci
I like that guy, is he still alive? I heard he died but I don't know if the guy telling me that was bullshitting me because she said something wild like he was shot by cops or something

>> No.3919976

That was Paul Boyd, who created the show's opening sequence.

>> No.3920174

>John "suck my dick to get on Nick" Kricfalusi?
Man the warning signs were there plain for everyone to see.

Of course the blog was god tier back in the day. There really wasn't a whole lot of information out there at the time.

>but I don't understand why does he hate "script-written" cartoons so much. Like, what other kind of animation there is?
Animation stories used to be done by the art team themselves who storyboarded everything, if you've ever seen old behind the scenes stuff at Disney they would just have a big wall with story board drawings slapped up that they could move around. In the 70s and 80s saturday morning cartoon era a writer (non-animator) would write up a script that then got churned into a cartoon by the drones. Trauma from working under these conditions is why he holds this attitude.

>> No.3920262

He's always been a pervert cartoonist preying on young talent, it's an open secret that got glossed over because he could draw and was knowledgeable. It's just since the metoo paradigm shift that the reaction to him turned from "hehe the silly ren and stimpy guy is sexually depraved" into "woah this guy might actually be dangerous".

>> No.3920274

he teaches stealing colors. john k fucking hates filmation so he probably hates generic anime animation as well.
inb4 cherry picked "sakuga", most anime animation is ass.

>> No.3920452

I don't know why everyone praises his blog so much. There's as much bad advice there as good, and too much of it is dedicated to tearing down others' work, including the work of people much more renowned and respected than John. I can see it being outright poisonous to a young animator looking for guidance.

>> No.3920563

If you were on the internet in 2006-2009 trying to learn art there really weren't that many resources so stuff like the John K blog were really worth their weight in gold. In the current year we have Gnomon-tier tutorials available for free on youtube so we're not quite as starved for information. But the main reason it was good is because it had a very individual point of view, completely informed by his own specific taste (including his own research stuff into UPA style conventions or different animators at early Hanna-Barbara, and some pretty advanced design principles like hierarchy of detail). There was nothing cookie-cutter about it which still makes it stick out. There's no reason to take his curmudgeonly opinions as gospel, though, even though he writes like they are.

>> No.3920575


>> No.3920861

>firm titted teen groupies literally throwing themselves at him
>he fails to act like a complete nun
>OMG what a monster! Danger to society!
come on

>> No.3920871

i was about to shit on him but then i read this. maybe hes 'aight

>> No.3920872

there’s something I really hate about his art style for some reason. I guess it’s because it feels obnoxious?

>> No.3920877

there’s something I really hate about your post for some reason. I guess it’s because it feels obnoxious?

>> No.3920886

Personality-wise he's the Alan Moore of cartoons.

>> No.3920893

>Fuck a 17yo in America
>OMG a literal infant!!!
By all means you should keep it in your pants but what a retarded country

>> No.3920911

golden era spongebob maybe?

honestly, the good stuff there is worth it. i read it as a youngin and didn't really understand it. now i matured and got gud, i see exactly what he means, even if i don't agree with him. if you use the tags you can just skim most of his autistic rambling.

literally all he had to do was not be a rapey blowhard and he'd have a cushy college teacher position right now, he played himself

>> No.3920925

He's right about everything. He's just really bad at executing something that isn't a funny cartoon drawing (like being in charge of an animated show). Shame he's a pedo creep, that alone is going to set funny cartoons decades but him already being a narcissistic autist probably already did that. His career has been dead for so long before that story came out.

>> No.3921276

I’m not sure if this is a jab or just a joke, but while his art is objectively good, it still feels very immature and edgy (and not in a good way)

>> No.3921330

He's alive and well and posts frequently in his instagram
You can see from what he posts he's still proud of EEnE

>> No.3921353

>virtually no art

>> No.3921554

>I’m not sure if this is a jab or just a joke, but while your spelling is objectively good, your post still feels very immature and edgy (and not in a good way)

>> No.3922748 [DELETED] 

man, it's amazing that sjws didn't go to him before

>> No.3923007


>> No.3924620

you see, there's this thing we've had for years called color
you can compare colors and use similar color schemes by comparing your own color pallet with what you're taking it from
people have done it for years