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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 738 KB, 1340x936, re-weebdesign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3904189 No.3904189 [Reply] [Original]

it's only a matter of time until the filthy Western artist are replaced entirely.

>> No.3904190
File: 1.12 MB, 733x4096, 1555974704608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3904192

soulless vs soul

>> No.3904199

>Hyper rendered skilled artwork
>Dynamics pose anime style
Based marketing know their customers

>> No.3904212

what the fuck is that thing on the right?!

>> No.3904223

Right is significantly better.

>> No.3904228


Daily reminder: there is no situation in which anime can be considered real art.

>> No.3904234

fucking based

>> No.3904237

>photobashed garbage with vomit colors
>Dynamics pose anime style. cute

>> No.3904244

kek, probably true for the pic in the OP

>> No.3904267
File: 3.70 MB, 3176x2218, 1555979459869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, many of these are barely decent, some are just outright bad. Still better than the Western artworks on average, and there are a few gems, which the Western side completely lacks.

>> No.3904278

is this a case of them switching over like OP suggest (which I dont think its the case) or them having 2 variants, 1 for each demography

also while I like the right one more, the one on the left is worst resolution so its a not fair comparison

>> No.3904287
File: 985 KB, 1034x1217, MTG drama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think there was ever a thread on /ic/ about the drama that recently came out about the famous MTG artist Terese Nielsen. It was recently discovered that she was conservative because she liked a bunch of tweets from conservative twitter users from her public twitter account. So despite being a married lesbian woman, she's now a literal Neo-Nazi because she shares some conservative views. Just read the replies on her post


This is what can happen to you guys if you refuse to be apart of the ultra progressive LGBTQ clique. If you happen to have any right of center views about any political issue, try to avoid discussing it on your public art accounts. Don't RT or comment on politics on those accounts at all if you can help it.

>> No.3904289

there's a mtg manga it's based and its name is Subete no jinrui o hakai suru. Sorera wa saisei dekinai. please read it and share it with ur buds

>> No.3904291

Also AVOID liking any posts on your public art accounts about politics too. Any likes that you make on your twitter can be seen by anyone. Also things you like can randomly appear in the timeline of the people who follow you unless they disable that.

>> No.3904298

I seen this, she'll be fine. There are a lot of conservative artists in the business that always find work doing really cool things.
Just look at Disney, Mad max and Lovecraft. Liberals love those things and ignore the viewpoints they have.

>> No.3904301

you nerds need to get off the artwork board and go play your nerd games somewhere else

>> No.3904305
File: 206 KB, 895x600, Vraskas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These alternate versions appear randomly in Japanese-language War of the Spark boosters, replacing the regular version of the planeswalker in the pack 50% of the time. We've made Japanese boosters available to retailers around the world, so you can find them nearby wherever you live.
>These cards will also be available in Wizards Play Network promo packs during the Core Set 2020 play season, appearing in roughly 1:4 of packs. The alternate-art planeswalkers have only been printed in Japanese, but will appear in promo packs around the world.

Also, resolution doesn't change anything.

>> No.3904311

Fuck that token ass fascist bitch, people didn't want to work with her and that's it, free market rule.

Now go hang yourself incel loser

>> No.3904313

A: no one is after her, she launched and advertised a kickstarter and people commented on why they weren’t investing after being asked.

B: it’s not politics, she follows and retweets some crazy conspiracy theory people. People who support some crazy dangerous/racist/sexist theories. No one gives a damn if she’s a conservative, that’s not a problem. However, “sandy hook never happened” and “White power is fine” tweets are not really conservative viewpoints - those are just loons.

>> No.3904316

You're a fucking loon. There's nothing wrong with conspiracy theories and there's nothing wrong with white people. Its not dangerous and you don't have to subscribe to what an artist believes.

Christ, imagine not being able to listen to rock n' roll ever because they're all pieces of shit. You people amaze me.

>> No.3904317

Oven dodger detected. You're probably a woman who draws wolves or shitty anime miming someone elses style. At best you can ape mucha. Fuck off.

>> No.3904321

Alex jones is not dangerous you fucking idiot. Do you think Joe Rogan is a terrorist too?

>> No.3904323

I am talking about the resolution in OP pic
>that greentext
stop withholding info and then act smart about it when you prove an anon who was making assumptions wrong

>> No.3904324

This shines a massive spotlight on how stale and lacking western art has become. You can like or dislike art styles all you want but if all these pictures were redrawn as they are by KJG at his best the only ones where the western version would be better would be Ajani, Gideon, Nicol and Sorin. Every other anime picture shits all over the western picture in dynamism, composition and storytelling.

>> No.3904330

did you remember to rub your hands before writing that?

>> No.3904331

lol based. fuck MTG and fuck MTG """artists"""

>> No.3904332
File: 957 KB, 500x418, 1546224564425.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit like this always sparks the art vs artist debate. I mean if the person is morally dubious then I'd say it makes sense. But having a different opinion and political stand point have always been a weird reasoning to 'lynch' someone. The "you're with us or you're against us" tribalism just goes off the rails with twitter and by extension Tumblr. Why does political shit have to be treated as black and white when its pretty complicated shit?

>> No.3904333

>no one is after her
>just another liberal lynch mob teehee
>*calls her a dangerous racist*
How do you look in the mirror every day and live with yourself?

>> No.3904335 [DELETED] 

have sex

>> No.3904336

Ok, what do I need to do to kill anime forever? Getting real sick of this shit.

>> No.3904338

>stop withholding info and then act smart about it
Huh? I googled a bit, found that info on Wizard's official site and posted it to answer anon's question. Did you think I'm OP? Did you forget to take your meds?

>> No.3904339

Close your legs, woman.

>> No.3904340

Three assholes in twitter, one of them a loser who thinks he's invaluable to the company because he writes flavor text, dag out twits by her wife to virtue signal before her kickstarter went off.

>> No.3904342

Politicians are cancer and anyone who thinks institutionalized politics are necessary for the continuation and success of human society needs to die.

Art, on the other hand, has existed long before society and will continue to exist long after it's gone.

>> No.3904343

are mormon lesbians allowed to have multiple wives?

>> No.3904345

You kill yourself.
Believe me, it works.

>> No.3904347

I can sit and listen to GG Allin all day knowing he would eat his own shit and punch his fans in the face.
I can sit and listen to Burzum knowing he murdered someone in cold blood and destroyed historical buildings
I can sit and listen to Motley Crue knowing they beat the fuck out of their wives and promoted hard drug use.

Its not that fucking hard. Politics are incredibly divided and it becomes peoples entire personality when you hit hard left or right.

Human art has proliferated religion and law. They go hand and hand in many cases. Many of the old masters subscribed to certain beliefs that moved society to the point where its at today (for better or worse).

>> No.3904348

This. It was absolutely petty and a straight out attack. Almost all of the flavor text in the "war of the spark" set was embarrassing as fuck and tasteless. If you don't believe me go read it.

>> No.3904349

After you, animetard

>> No.3904351

AE Marling is the faggot in WotC that went after her. I already wrote WotC and Hasbro about his shenanigans making me cancel any further purchases of MtG product.

>> No.3904352

>Human art has proliferated religion and law. They go hand and hand in many cases.
This is true but politics as we know them are 2772 years old, a blink of an eye in human development, they are not the cornerstone of our existance and it's time people realized we lived without presidents and senates for far longer than we've lived with them, and it's time to do so again. The radicalization of the people will not stop until every politician has stopped breathing.

>> No.3904354
File: 858 KB, 1340x936, Nahiri weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3904355
File: 852 KB, 1340x936, Bolas weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3904356

ok this one's a bit shit

>> No.3904358
File: 882 KB, 1340x936, Narset asian to weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the west draws Asian vs how the east dose.

>> No.3904360
File: 838 KB, 1340x936, tilbalt weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3904363
File: 847 KB, 1340x936, jiang weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original was horrible so i'm fine with with one.

>> No.3904364

lol at all the pepegas getting triggered because some old racist bitch got called out hahaha
stay fresh virgins

>> No.3904368

>Oversized close-up of poorly rendered anime redesign
>Shitty special effects on top
>Background is an after-thought, looks like a low res jpg
>No depth
>Every card follows this formula

These Japanese cards are trash and only weebs who don't know anything about artwork can't bring themselves to admit it.

>> No.3904373

Sure but right's face is far cuter so nothing else matters

>> No.3904382

>anime is idealized westerners

>> No.3904383


>> No.3904399

the original looks like a fucking screenshot from a shitty FMV for a fantasy RPG in the 90s

>> No.3904401

Does anyone else think this would be a better comparison if the western MTG cards that was used in the comparison wasn't such a blurry low resolution copy?

>> No.3904403

the problem is not the drawing skill or the style but more the designs that are outdated as fuck

>> No.3904410


>> No.3904419


>> No.3904440


>> No.3904448
File: 200 KB, 728x729, age age again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in MTG that isn't a human looks like it's melting or fusing with the ground.

>> No.3904453

>yuri western about a band of wholesome mormon lesbian battlewives fighting against the the us government
>and maybe there are also angels or something, who the fuck knows

this is a big money idea for any yurifags out there

>> No.3904455
File: 260 KB, 1200x881, mckinnon-chalice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outdated? Not really. The art of Magic is very indicative of the kind of work that many professional fantasy concept artists/illustrators working today make. Even those from Asia. Look on Artstation and you'll see many artworks that would fit right in with their aesthetic.

>> No.3904464

>tfw Iive in Japan


>> No.3904471
File: 774 KB, 1340x936, Liliana weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the preview cards are low resolution, for some reason they have high res versions of the Japanese art.

>> No.3904472

since their wives also can have multiple wives it effectively means all mormon lesbians are married together

>> No.3904473

amanos is the best art for this card type ever made and the gorgon looks great as well

but you're mostly right, they look boring

>> No.3904483

The art is harder to read than the western art. The text also.

>> No.3904488

right is traditional? wow, thats rare

>> No.3904491


>> No.3904493

Dead Can Dance vs Evanescence

>> No.3904498
File: 425 KB, 1920x1055, ryota-murayama2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Chad western professional vs the amateur weeb Virgin

in all seriousness, the artist on the right has made art that looks way better than the mess that's used for that gorgon card.

>> No.3904513

The one on the left is Anna Steinbauer and this is one of her worst arts to date.

The western planeswalkers don't look like shit because the artists are bad, they look like shit because the art director Dawn Murin is a fatass, ugly and old SJW who got her job as AD because she was kicked out of D&D just as an AD position opened at MtG and she pulled some levers.

It's obvious the japanese artists weren't constrained by such crap and that's why their art is so much more exiting and vivid in composition, wether or not you like the style.

>> No.3904521

>one of her worst arts to date.
how so?

>> No.3904527

Her art is not usually this stiff and boring.

>> No.3904531
File: 130 KB, 1200x675, Vraska’s-Contempt-Ixalan-MtG-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with plainswalkers art. is that they are more focused on establishing the character designs than they are having them do something. so there's nothing dynamic happening.

>> No.3904538

if you think that the right one has even remotely to do with anime, then you're retarded anon

>> No.3904555

>wotc got amano-senpai to do something


>> No.3904557

They must be trying to cuck out yu-gi-oh and other weeb tcgs that have been killing it the past few years. I have to agree ths Amano one is the only good one.

>> No.3904568

looks like a shitty overpaint an artist pulled out of their ass on the spot for $20 at a convention

>> No.3904583

Alright how did they completely miss the mark here? Most of the other ones seem like a fair adaptation but here they took away the cool stuff. The card is a nightly dragon god that looks kinda like a specter and the theme is clearly darkness... and they removed the darkness.
I hate it.

>> No.3904588

I think the left and the right both look nice. can I please get some (you)s

>> No.3904598

They got a famous old school kaiju artist to draw a big lizard (basically a kaiju), and he did it in his quite shitty, but iconic and recognizable by Japanese people style.

>> No.3904599


>> No.3904605

>shitty nu-walkers aren't ugly as fuck
>kaya doesn't look like a sterotypical black woman
Wonder how thefar-left crowd of mtg will react to theses

>> No.3904609

Probably screech because they hate anime art even more so the nips made the girls attractive and want it all to be ugly as sin like themselves. They don't even buy the product though so, Maro finally realizes that and is saying fuck that shit, we're not being PC anymore, the Neilson outrage was a eye opener, if she gets blacklosted mtg will die in a year. She's one of the core artists, they wouldn't dare get rid of her.

>> No.3904614

Upset as always since the weebs they hate will flock to it. Nothing new.

>> No.3904640

i wonder if they are paid the same. It obviously takes more time to render like the left one

>> No.3904664

>ITT: things that will never happen
Entire MTG fanbase consists of boomers who appreciate nothing but pseudo-realistic artstyle.

>> No.3904695

Say whatever you want about anime, but those cards have so much more appeal, dynamism and inventiveness overall compared to the stiff western counterparts. I ain't saying Nips are magical like some of the fags here, but Western illustrations are so samey and they can do much better.

>> No.3904697
File: 5 KB, 253x199, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the question is..is this the fault of the artists or art directors?

>> No.3904703

>anime art mtg
Why not play yugioh at this point?

>> No.3904711

Actually incredible how shitty the redesigns for >>3904354 >>3904355 >>3904358 >>3904360 are but then cards like >>3904471
completely BTFO the western versions.

Perhaps I'm being harsh on the eastern art cause it looks too much like generic gacha art and lord knows I've seen more than enough gacha artwork for one lifetime.

>> No.3904718

No, because fucking Amano, he's a legend.

>> No.3904721


And his art is more western looking.

>> No.3904722

Yu-Gi-Oh consits of too many autists and kids and has a timer along with retarded rules where you can't talk to your oppenent lack speech while mtg is about socializing while playing the ga,e

>> No.3904723

I don't even understand Yu-Gi-Oh anymore.

>> No.3904724

I'm still shocked they got him to do work for wotc lol

>> No.3904727

This desu. Also Yu-Gi-Oh art is butt ugly aside from a few ones done by the creator and those are Japan only exlusives. MTG just needs better artists and none flr that cgi shit and they'd be ok with me.

>> No.3904734

I can agree. Western cards like >>3904360 and >>3904189 look fine but others like >>3904358 and >>3904471 look way too generic to stand out among the pack.

>> No.3904743
File: 53 KB, 388x565, IMG_1501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on, it has some cool art here and there. Here is one of my favourites

>> No.3904826

Why the hell is he in the sky now? And is that just a modern building in the background, is this traced?

>> No.3904837

I wish Duel Masters got big. It was simple enough for a total newb to atleast understand who is winning after seeing a few matchs, but still complicated enough to be hard to master. Also it had cool art.

>> No.3904883

>it's only a matter of time until the filthy Western artist are replaced entirely.
That's not a good thing. Stop advocating for globalism you retards

>> No.3904948

Yugioh has lower quality art but the archetypes often have a ton of personality and diversity. I don't think I've ever been interested in a card or archetype for it's art or flavor in mtg while the only reason I even know most of my pet decks exist in Yugioh is thanks to the art. Ends up making it feel so much better to play your cards since you really have an attachment to them instead of seeing them as numbers on a piece of cardboard.

>> No.3904955
File: 1.48 MB, 1000x1000, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YuGiOh has something MTG doesnt


>> No.3904957


I think that's supposed to be a worm's perspective, but the dog appears as if it's viewed from a bird's eye. I guess its floating or jumping or something.

>> No.3904973
File: 194 KB, 960x705, 1546425274093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seb is the only one allowed to have soul in mtg

>> No.3904999
File: 118 KB, 853x357, ygo_comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: most of the early YGO artwork is directly taken straight from the manga, just colorized and slightly edited.
That's why Konami never bothered to include the artist names in the cards, because the artwork was literally drawn by Kazuki Takahashi, and since his name was already in the copyright why bother?

They just didn't credited the following artists out of aesthetic consistency.

>> No.3905148

The boomers in MtG want Phil Foglio and Richard Kane Ferguson back. It's the insecure millenials who need "serious art for their serious game for children 13 and up" who can't stand cool art.

>> No.3905157

The art directors are:
>Mark Winters
A typical nerd "cool guy" artist, he's mostly responsible for the packaging and promotional art but when he does card art it's super fucking obvious because he directs every piece like it's a key frame for a movie.
>Cyhthia Sheppard
Formerly an erotic illustrator, she usually does more set design than directing so she is responsible for the overal aesthetic than individual cards. It's also notable that we only really get outstandingly attractive women in cards when she's the set's lead designer. No surprise, she is pretty.
>Dawn Murin
An old, fat, feminist who could pass for a Hutt. Her claim to fame before being AD for Magic was turning the Kobolds genderfluid in D&D 4e. She got Jeremy Jarvis' spot as lead AD out of nepotism in 2015 and the very first thing she did was veto Karla Ortiz for daring to disobey when she was asked to make one of her already delivered arts look fatter.

>> No.3905161
File: 263 KB, 1349x1000, dragonthing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filthy Western artist
Only when we don´t bathe.
Which is scarily often.

>> No.3905181
File: 24 KB, 741x263, h4x0r3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mark Winters
searched his name and saw pic related
>Jeremy Jarvis
Wasn't there some drama with him? Forced to step down for some reason?
>Karla Ortiz
Vetoed? As in she was up for an AD position? Which art needed to be fattened?

>> No.3905195

>nips had to replace the unappealing, photobashed western art with better art in order for them to stomach the cards
Kek. On thing done better by the west is the monsters maybe

>> No.3905210

>amano doing mtg art

>> No.3905213
File: 62 KB, 518x424, usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because mtg's been photobashing to death, attempting to do 'realistic fantasy'

Yet they're neither painters nor photographers, so their cards end up being stiff and lacking composition at best, or plain ugly/uncanny at worst

If MtG hired, for example, top tier comic artists, or actual -graduated from atelier- realistic painters, then the western art would kick ass

>> No.3905218

Uninspired photobashed stiff shit
Beg-tier animu


>> No.3905231

Fucking love him

>> No.3905233

Jap Ugin, Liliana, Arlinn and Ashiok are amazing

Western ones although not as good I like the Wanderer, Tibalt, Ajani and Sorin

>> No.3905271


The fact that you're saying the artists behind Magic aren't painters shows how much of a complete idiot you are. Magic regularly has some of the best illustrations made in fantasy, and they've regularly hired people like Donato Giancola and Howard Lyon (traditional fine art painters who are also illustrators) while many of their digital artists work in traditional mediums too, like Cynthia Sheppard.

Getting to the professional level of painting and composition skills that Magic requires in order to hire you even if you can photobash is not fucking easy especially most up-and-comers want to work for them. If you have the skills for them to hire you then you've made it.

>> No.3905284

Jarvis got promoted to franchise creative director and Karla Ortiz has not been comissioned since 2015 despite being one of the most popular artists still in their price range thanks to Murin having a grudge on her.

>> No.3905287

Left has the better dog but right has the better person

>> No.3905294
File: 411 KB, 419x610, prophecy_destroyer_by_grezar-d5dt0ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Prophecy Destroyer, only because it's one of the most jarring cards.
It looks closer to MTG artwork than anything else

>> No.3905301

Most of those >>3904267 are painfully obvious photobashes. None of them were done in traditional media.

>> No.3905331

Just because its digitally painted doesn't make it photobashed. Traditional media is hardly used in MG illustrations now anyways.

>> No.3905338

lmao are you telling me that tamiyo isn't photobashed

>> No.3905351
File: 150 KB, 960x1200, Tamiyo-Collector-of-Tales-War-of-the-Spark-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3905352

what are you trying to prove? that you don't know what collages are?

>> No.3905360

Illustrating your point jackass.

>> No.3905385

You know I am kind of bored of weeb stuff but I can'tt get over by how ridicously fresh the right one feels compared the left one.

>> No.3905409

Wish I could do stuff like this. Looks like 3d, photos, and painting. Unified pretty well. Probably even more so once printed. Looks like a crazy amount of work.

>> No.3905415

Is that fucking Amano I see?

>> No.3905437
File: 350 KB, 452x607, jp_war_alt_art_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3905567

Tbh both sides have some works with anatomy fails. Western are kinda mellow with few good works but I agree that the photobashed/stereotypical digital painting feels very bland. Eastern have a few interesting cards but some of them are really kitschy also with poor anatomy. Also Amano is ok but i think he could do better. Kinda disappointing because I loved MTG as a kid but I guess it's art was always mostly bland. The cards I mostly enjoyed looking at were lands, particularly by John Avon but not exclusively and Kamigawa block which was pretty intriguing to me back then.

>> No.3905888

>no one is after her
they are literally trying to get wotc to stop hiring her over her views. they made a big stink out of her political opinions because they want something to be done about her. if they werent after her, they wouldnt be saying shit like "ill never use your cards in my deck again" or "wotc shouldnt hire you ever again". they wouldnt be demanding an apology for her having different views. now get the fuck out of here oven dodger.

>> No.3906105

what!? it was a smiley face all along? Wasn't it like a bunch of curved stripes in the anime? I always thought their friendship thing was stupid, but if it's a smiley face that makes more sense.

>> No.3906495

Ygo has always had good semi-weebish artwork.
The first editions had great artwork which gave the game a soul.
Too bad the game's gone a shit.

>> No.3906577

Am I the only anon that doesn't jizz over Amano? I get his style is pretty cool but those hands? He's not even trying!

>> No.3906587


>> No.3906605

why is one on the left so low res, how do you know the anime one is asian?

>> No.3906748

This shouldn't be allowed

>> No.3906776
File: 330 KB, 1678x1180, FFVII_-_Aps_Artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like Amano either, he's just another meme artist.

Nomura is literally better, he's somebody I would like as my teacher.

>> No.3906804
File: 574 KB, 556x1101, ffx-artwork-nooj-7f0ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally better than Amano

>> No.3906814
File: 119 KB, 400x400, 1543041361164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd rather look at his work than Amanos.

>> No.3906834

there's no shame in having /beg/ tier taste, anon

>> No.3906867

There's no shame in not liking somebody's art as well as not wanting to draw anything like that somebody.

>> No.3906878
File: 463 KB, 1000x796, 1556256940055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3906883
File: 39 KB, 347x483, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a fair comparison would be magic vs duel masters (which is magic made for japan and children). It was anything but generic, and the average common makes the most bombastic MTG art look like a spring meadow.

>> No.3906906

>literally newfag zoomer thread

>> No.3906918

bUt PhOtObAsHiNg iS cHeAtInG

>> No.3907038

>cherrypicking one of the best mtg illustration to compare it with art made for a gacha game

>> No.3908102

this is fucking atrocious and should be nuked by bomb

>> No.3908105
File: 92 KB, 400x560, DM309-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't agree with you completely, but damn I do remember Duel Masters having some really nice art. Was never that into it (no body played it) but even I remember a few

Pic related is one of my favourites

>> No.3908119

Jaime Jones did Kiora here >>3904267 which is among the best western illustrations but nowhere near as good as Progenitus because WotC just doesn't pay well enough for the increased ammount of micromanagement the new AD does.

>> No.3908225
File: 301 KB, 850x1007, __elezen_hyur_lalafell_miqo_te_and_roegadyn_final_fantasy_and_final_fantasy_xiv_drawn_by_yoshida_akihiko__sample-5217649b611f12abea2342cc09e838e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Misspelling Yoshida

>> No.3908230

Is it me or did WotC throw out their style guide? There's just something about the new (Western) art that looks jarring compared to art done, say, 10 years ago.

>> No.3908233
File: 40 KB, 342x483, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's probably the creature designs that make it more dynamic, aside from just the style of the art
an angel in magic is a chick with wings. An angel in duel masters is a mechanical evangelion creature.

>> No.3908379

Agree wholeheartedly. Pretty cool shit from both sides, honestly. The Amano piece especially caught me off guard.

Anyway, I had my preferences here and there and each one was for completely different reasons, nothing that was inherent to what fucking region they came from. These delusional weebs seriously need to chill the fuck out.

>> No.3908833

dont like it either

>> No.3908834

Wizards of the Coast is a shit company for artists anyway

>> No.3908868

Again, they got a new art director in 2015 and the art has gone to shit ever since.

>> No.3909457

You do get sued for shitposting in real life about dead children u literal trash person.

>> No.3909468

Left is literally a photo

>> No.3909492


>People who support some crazy dangerous/racist/sexist theories

You mean like progressive leftists?