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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3903918 No.3903918 [Reply] [Original]


>the needle on the camels back

Just how many times did d/ic/ks quite possibly put anons over the edge over telling them that their work is shit. Your mean responses could have actually made someone quit forever. Confess.

>> No.3903919

If getting told to fuck off because your shit is shit and you're an attention whoring faggot looking for validation instead of spending that time improving makes you quit, good. Art isn't for you.

>> No.3903923
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If you're intimidated by an Anon, maybe Art just wasn't for you. Art is a pursued interest no matter the challenges or difficulties involved. You're going to invest time, effort, and your heart in the craft so if either of the three are not sufficed just stop while you're ahead. Quite frankly we do you a service by weeding you out of the field as the craft is not just for anyone.

>> No.3903925

I care about me first and foremost.
If I caused someone who would have turned out great to quit then I will relish that knowledge in death.

>> No.3903936

OP you can quit anytime. As a break? sure. To pursue other interests? Go for it.
>Mean comments on an imageboard
Haha. What kind of a thin skinned shit eating faggot reads a comment from a random nonigger and goes
>My god! He's right! That's what I needed to see to give up and stop enjoying my hobby.
Grow a fucking spine.

>> No.3903939

god i want to fuck nico, gonna look at some porn of her right fucking now

>> No.3903950


Anon nows not the time to wank. Nows not the time!

>> No.3903953

Nico a shit, get better taste fag

>> No.3903955

kill yourself.

>> No.3903957
File: 306 KB, 588x718, 1554416443172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons have told me that I'm a ngmi and that I should kill myself so I just keep on living and'll probably end up making it too just for the sake of being an annoying contrarian

>> No.3903978
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i cant help it, its those pig tails... i just want to GOD I WANT TO FUCK SO BAD

>> No.3903985

There is a special place in hell for the likes of you.

>> No.3903992


>> No.3904014

Do some anatomy drawing instead you creep

>> No.3904027

extraordinarily based

>> No.3904035

Good luck with that. She’s rarely gotten new smut ever since Aqours came into being. Kotori’s getting doujins tho.

>> No.3904052

literally me everytime I see the nicoposter posting

>> No.3904054


Why does the combination of glasses and kind of narrow squinty eyes (I don't mean asians in general, applies for white dudes too) makes for the most punchable face?

>> No.3904065
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>> No.3904071
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>> No.3904096


>> No.3904099

Shut up already and just piss in my mouth you stupid whore. Mmmmhhhh mmhhh yummy!!! Give me some more, daddy is thirsty

>> No.3904135

This, Nico is actually cute (and hot)

>> No.3904143

I know a lot of these autistic emotionless robots that dwell here like to play pretend tough and then make posts about how they can't draw for more than 5min all the time...

But sometime shit gets to you and it's normal, just disconnect, reassess and course correct as much as you can. It won't be overnight, and you might need to fail many more times than most, but just don't give up to quickly. Do things because they make you happy.

Best of luck to all anons!

>> No.3904150

I had 2 trannies and 1 anon on another board quit drawing by sending them anon crit but more like a hate note. Don't know what happened to them but good riddance. Come back when you've grown some spine

>> No.3904182

take a break from this crowd. It's a radioactive crab vat here.

>> No.3904367

Honesty is why I'm here. You want lies? Go post your shit on reddit.

Watch Whiplash.

>> No.3904374

imagine thinking whiplash is a source of inspiration rather than a cautionary tale...
kys dumbass

>> No.3904377

>Your mean responses could have actually made someone quit forever
Good. That means they will now stop wasting their time on something they don't really want to do.
That said I usually only shit on those who are somewhat good, they need it.

>> No.3904380

>So I should quit?
My art professors demoralized me so much I haven't really drawn anything in over a year.

>> No.3904388

what is happening under her chair?

>> No.3904393

The next Charlie Parker would - not - be discouraged.

Not even the soothing melody and the beauty of freshly ground coffee could persuade me that this guy has a point.

>> No.3904414
File: 138 KB, 600x904, tumblr_mn21d7pxth1s1jmilo1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what you do you'll want to do it, even if you "quit" it'll still be in you
You'll see art everywhere, people making beautiful pieces and you'll never stop wanting to be the person with an ability to make something like that.

Eventually it'll eat away at you until your sick, then you either kill yourself in despair or pick up that pencil to try again

>> No.3904421

what a qt

>> No.3904429

>cautionary tale

>> No.3904477

Caution or you might become great?

>> No.3904479

The only problem I see making losers quit is that some of them have to make threads trying to "encourage" others to quit too and that pollutes my field of vision and my board.

>> No.3904484

UhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this board belongs to me, not you. I suggest you know your place, twerp.

>> No.3904710

I'm subscribed to this homosex, but I never actually watch his videos. I did feel that he's a faggot, but I didn't think it would be this much.

>> No.3904762

/ic/ can't draw and likes to take it out on anyone that makes more progress than them bucket crabs

>> No.3904774

Can someone confirm I'd nihongamer is the same guy as provsamatuer jap guy?They both sound and act the same.

>> No.3904776

>he doesn't think whiplash is a source of inspiration
cringe and lamepilled

>> No.3904786

you really need to be so maladjusted and void of any reciprocal emotional support to find inspiration in a movie about a maladjusted autistic weirdo and a abusive control freak shithead as a teacher.
It just means you have no idea what positive reinforcement is and that is just fucking sad... because it usually means that no matter how well you do you'll always be miserable and lonely...
find love in what you do you imbeciles

>> No.3904787

>brainlet that doesn't understand simple movie

>> No.3904806

Virgin idiot who has to personalize entertainment because his own life is void of meaning.

>> No.3904807

Calling the teacher a control freak is the lie you tell yourself about that little voice in your head that is honest about your work. Enjoy being mediocre for the rest of your life.

>> No.3904809

Failure / farse has no faith in himself, don't know what are archetypes and think greatness is an ephemeral dream

>> No.3904816

>seething virgin who isn't able to not only understand themes and messages from a simple movie but also be inspired by art from other medium and call it mere "entertainment"
Sad! NGMI.

>> No.3904824

Hahaha these psychos *always* out themselves for what they are by unironically using incel and virgin as insults

>> No.3904920

Tl;dr: Always tell them to pyw. At least you're drawing while they aren't, so they are always inferior to you.

>> No.3904936

Holy shit the peterson fucbois are in full force in this one.
I hope you all find a daddy one day that'll treat exactly like you want to be treated


>> No.3904954

^ seething

>> No.3904977

Clean your room and open that Loomis book buckaroo

>> No.3905155

Ngmi hahaha. at least try drawing her before wanking

>> No.3905176
File: 96 KB, 800x800, HAHAHAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3905179

the whiplash breakup scene is based. only roasties and ∫oys could think you can't get inspired by that movie. i can't imagine living life with as little adversity as you.

>> No.3905239

>being unable of understanding something as simple as a holywood flick

>> No.3905257

>parroting the sentence that BTFO'ed him earlier
>aka sucking my dick because he can't come up with anything good on his own
kek, I accept your concession

>> No.3905258

cope harder you worthless piece of cat shit

>> No.3906494

I had breakups like that one, girls get very mad

>> No.3906515

>seething this hard
oh no no no