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File: 83 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3903474 No.3903474 [Reply] [Original]

leaking a few lessons of this class since i have a free trial lol, will be updating over the course of a few days. Chapter 1 Lesson 1 on the brow is already up.

>> No.3903476

forgot the link lol

>> No.3903506
File: 30 KB, 600x600, pepe shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine pirating something you can literally get free for 2 months by watching any YT video sponsored by them

>> No.3903930

aAaa thje ASsrarooo heaD??

>> No.3904155

fuck off marco. Keep us posted op.

>> No.3904168

Kill yourself.

>> No.3904169

Post more please, op.

>> No.3904172

seem like could be helpful for beginner gj OP

>> No.3904179

But you need a credit card ,brainlet. It0s nice not to depend on time limit bullshit

>> No.3904201


>> No.3904209

Man this is so much better than the overpriced watts atelier course. Keep posting op.

>> No.3904233

>doesn't accept prepaid card
Fuck skillshare.

>> No.3904236


>> No.3904238

The watts guy didn't explain the planes of the head this well. He just drew the head and rambled about shit.

This course is so worth the money

>> No.3904239


>> No.3904282

thanks friend!
any way to watch them a little larger w/o fullscreening? i'm kinda an idiot, not sure if possible, no biggie either way
in any case, oh man yeah i'd love any shared classes, homework too
especially looking for environment/architecture design stuff, mech design and real in-house concepting, not characters so much though.
but yeah. would love links to any advanced or intermediate classes. man id kill for these
thanks again for doing this for us op

>> No.3904308


Thanks, OP.
But the image quality is really shitty.
Try uploading the original quality to mega.

>> No.3904376


>> No.3904418

lemme flame past and present fags by saying: holt moly let the moleys eat ur slopmeys chodeys he he hoo hoo im drunk and horny n the wrongest place but let me be cause i have fart in my soul and art in my juicy holes

>> No.3904422

OP, pls come back, ignore the stupid frogposter!

>> No.3904444

anon I'm gonna blow your mind
right click
save video
now you can watch it at whatever size you want (but still with shit resolution jeez OP you know I deserve better)

>> No.3904454

Yes please anon. Frogpsters is a brainlet. Please

>> No.3904492 [DELETED] 

kill yourself. I will make sure it will be gone by the end of the day

>> No.3904858

op please comeback

>> No.3904868 [DELETED] 

haha thanks dude
guessing you mean 'save as' option- on my system it seems like that only saves the site's structure, but still uses the net to retrieve the video, so when the vids are taken down my file'll die too.
great for making the recordings' dimensions malleable though, thanks very much

>> No.3904872

haha thanks dude
also nice quads

>> No.3904946


>> No.3905005

Please come back!

>> No.3905015

I found the work around.
If you sign up using the mobile app, you can choose to pay via PayPal or carrier billing.

>> No.3905095

so how can you download the videos without paying them a dime?

>> No.3905248


>> No.3905339
File: 80 KB, 300x430, 1553485587822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you anon.

>> No.3905689

I'll suck your cock! Please come back!

>> No.3905767

Thank you OP. I just used a free trial for this. This is just what I was looking for.

>> No.3906209


>> No.3906602

What are some good art courses on Skillshare?

>> No.3906613

Brett Evinston’s THE ART AND SCIENCE OF FIGURE DRAWING has worked fucking wonders on my figure drawing.

It’s simple, quick, and gets shit done, if you do the homework/practice.

The first half is better than the second - around the lessons on feet the quality of instruction drops, but that said, it was a good course and my figures are way more confident and not rigid after just a few days.

>> No.3906615

there aren't any

>> No.3906620

There’s the rare gem for every 800 shitty LEARN CALLIGRAPHY WITH WATERCOLORS hold the brush with your bare anus course in there.

That said, don’t buy skillshare, use the free trial and move on after the two months end

>> No.3906624
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1544477685721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i wasn't poor

>> No.3906627

not him but you can find it on udemy for 9.99 and the best part is you can download it all and refund like i did
yes I also do think he is the best for figure course in udemy

>> No.3906644
File: 671 KB, 2160x1350, 56378133_2087847258179395_6581419428741601338_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've downloaded a few things recommended here. I'd rather download a gumroad tutorial and delete it after it finishes than even bother with Skillshare. The only skillshare I saw with any shred of interest to me wasn't even good because the demo hardly showed the work. Watching Yuko Shimizu's instagram videos are more instructive than the inking skillshare.

>> No.3906974

so are there any other positive points for this compared to like shitloads of other similar courses there?
i mean, no offense, I could say the same for all those

>> No.3907253


>> No.3907432
File: 37 KB, 254x410, kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not on cgp so i'm inclined to believe it's shit.

yeah the work looks bad and this just looks like a dude hawking skillshare. his fucking twitter bio is even an ad. fuck yourself, brett.

>> No.3907506

Don't fall for the Brett meme that anon is pushing. I bought 4 of his udemy courses and glad I hit return as fast as I could. It's a scam all around. He could easily put all of his "SCIENCE" of dog shit in one course but he splits it while highlighting himself as some teacher.