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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 436 KB, 750x938, A16F0452-6AE5-4D87-8A80-C257885FF48A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3896056 No.3896056 [Reply] [Original]

>Age restrictions on pornography will come into effect in July, the government has announced.

>After 15 July, all internet users will be forced to prove themselves to be over 18 or be entirely blocked from seeing adult content.

>Under the new rules, any commercial provider of online pornography will have to carry out “robust age-verification checks on users” to ensure they are adults.

>Those checks could include having internet users enter personal details into a privately owned database or buying a pass from newsagents. There will be a number of different ways for people to prove their age, the government said, all of which will be “rigorous” and are not simply typing in a date of birth or ticking a box.

>If pornographic websites fail to comply with the rules, they could have payment services withdrawn or be blocked for all UK users.

So for those of us in the UK who draw porn, we are fucked.

>> No.3896058

>uk posters will have to show their license to view 4chan.org
should've moved /ic/ to 4channel ;^)

>> No.3896061

What the fuck is this real? What the fuck happened to the UK?

>> No.3896068

ikr. wtf UK.

>> No.3896071
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every single time

>> No.3896074

>no link

Calling bullshit on this.

>> No.3896075

way to go you trad cath jordan peterson fukbois, now you done it! you fuking assholes

>> No.3896077


>> No.3896080
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>> No.3896082


>> No.3896087

Just google it you lazy fag

>> No.3896088
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nigga lmao

>> No.3896090

The absolute fucking STATE of the UK.

>> No.3896091

Have a link from the UK Government.

>> No.3896093

So uploading your personal information to websites to prove your 18+, the government can track you to see what sites your looking at. Seems safe.

>> No.3896095

But think of the children!

>> No.3896096

>all these stupid fucks itt
>putting responsibility in what's effectively a drug dealing business to regulate itself
>wanting pornography to be easily accessible to children

Conservatives (real ones, anyway) have always been against the readied availability of drugs and guns to be out of child reach. I don't need an eceleb to reaffirm myself that this is a good idea. It is, by the way. It won't curb all forms of childhood porn addiction, but it will still be available to quite a large audience so the idustry can still keep people employed. It's a win-win.

If you want your child watching porn, you are not a parent nor should you be one.

>> No.3896100

Remember the Ashley Maddison leak?

all the blackmailing, the suicides etc?

Yeah, this is going to be super great, can't possibly go wrong.

>> No.3896103

Twitter and Patreon artist just lost half their support.

>> No.3896106
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Okay so what are some nice non-cucked countries to flee to, bros?

>> No.3896107
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pfftt oh no no no

>> No.3896108

Japan is the last safe haven on this planet (don't go there though, leave it alone).

>> No.3896109

>If you want your child watching porn, you are not a parent nor should you be one.
But parents can already regulate what their fucking children are doing online? They can put their computers in the same room, limit their internet usage, punish them for disobeying?
Children will find a way to get porn anyways, you know? They can get an ID from someone else, people will could sell/rent accounts, torrent (unsafe) vids/pics, get mags,...
So why do you want the government to put its nose in everything?

>> No.3896111

Modeseven please move to the US
I love your shit

>> No.3896114
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Too late I JUST started learning japanese ahah thanks and get fucked desu

>> No.3896117

I kinda feel bad for all the sexually frustrated teenagers and 12 year olds that are going to get fucked over but I'm also kind of giddy to see what social fuckery arises as a result of this like with the Ashley Madison shit.

>> No.3896121
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This happened...

Nanny state cradle to grave. Enjoy!

>> No.3896125

>Nipping to Tesco for a porn loicence just to be able to shitpost
Please just wipe us out already, it only gets worse

>> No.3896131
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>> No.3896309

I don't see the problem with this. Less degenerates will be made this way. Draw some not-porn or maybe don't sell to underage teens.

>> No.3896314

That moved quick! Wasn't someone like 3 days ago shitposting about the possibility of this happening?

>> No.3896315

>people really think it's going to be more than the popular sites like pornhub and the other mindgeek ones

there wont even be an actual ip filter, it'll be a site implemented one which the uk would have to blackmail the site into otherwise they restrict uk payments which wont matter to non commercial sites

>> No.3896316

How cucked is Canada?

>> No.3896326

This site counts as adult content. So it will naturally fall under the law. If you want to bypass it, simply let your government know who you are so they can put you on the list.

>> No.3896338

enjoy your fingerman society, I guess you can always draw clean stuff like loomis or Sakimichan or even Kr0nprinz now

>> No.3896343

Oi mate, do you got a depiction Loicense for that Kr0nprinz?

>> No.3896344
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The possibilty? It was supposed to start this month, was supprised no one was talking about it earlier (and no it wasn't an april fools thing)

>> No.3896346


>> No.3896361

The only responsible way to have a child in 2019 is to fucking not have one.

>> No.3896381

this had nothing to do with brexit, remoaner

>> No.3896401

Cant i cjeck your loicense?

>> No.3896562

>doesn't effect other countries
>only threat is withdrawing payment
There's a million free porn sites. Who the fuck pays for porn online anyways you dumb wanks.

This is literally just a posturing bill they won't enforce because what the fuck are they gonna do?

>> No.3896583
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I don't want to get into /pol/ territory but, things are starting to smell like shit under Trudeau and his clique. He's been spouting "woke" rethoric for a while now, and there's annoying shit left and right if you take the time to look. Your taxes are paying for troons genital butchering, a "pay equity law" has been and an anti-pronoun discrimination bill have been passed, for example.
But conservatives seem to be regaining popularity, so there's that.

>> No.3896590
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Pretty alright, but it's a designated no-loli zone (and no flat chest zone) so if you're into that you'll have a bad time.

>> No.3896619

>Letting things get this out of hand

>> No.3896667

This, only thing more cucked than giving $36B to Israel is giving all your money to Belgium.

>> No.3896729

i approve of this

>> No.3896778

>government wants overbearing control over the internet and to spy on you
>if you don't like, you're a bad parent

>> No.3896791

>furries will now be secretly dealing yiff at conventions alongside the regular drugs, beastiality and child porn

>> No.3896820 [DELETED] 

>or they will be blocked for all UK users if they don't use our invasive system that costs monies for a service that is practically for free.
>rest of the world:
>okay. We'll do that ourselves. IP range block all UK.

>> No.3896851

pretty easy to deal with.
>smaller heads
>smaller eyes

>> No.3897669

>>or be blocked for all UK users

>> No.3897677

>what's a proxy?

>> No.3897697

a rated 18 service?

>> No.3897703

adulterers deserve all the blackmailing and suicides they get

>> No.3897754

>pretends to have morals and standards
Posts on 4chan


>> No.3897825
File: 86 KB, 176x227, [Varg of judgement].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending your points badly

>> No.3897971

So can't you just draw ecchi? Japs got around this decades ago.
Hell so did the French. How is this a problem? You can't see dicks and pussies anymore, just get laid or you know, keep looking at the millions of saved porn you already have or something.

>> No.3898007

The only way to fix it is to teach them sex ed proper but actively make it suck if you end up responsible for a child. That's where the problem started, kids fucked early and didn't want to grow up (manchildren) and forced their fucked child onto the parents. Then new manchildren found out and stuck to anime porn for a release.

If we'd force them to raise their underaged birthed children and took them to fucking deal with it, and learned the hard way, learning about sex wouldn't matter because they wouldn't do it early if they knew they have no choice but to give up their childhood for adulthood.

>> No.3898022

I just realized the political boards might be fucked if true.

>> No.3898969

they tried to do this in Chile.
it never worked because it's unconstitutional, against people's right to privacy.

there's no way to keep data safe from those who want to blackmail you because you watch porn.

>> No.3899572

wasn’t the people kind thing a confirmed joke?

>> No.3902474

Trudeau is the joke now.

>> No.3902487

Can't you just get around it with a VPN

>> No.3902490

Is this because of Sharia Law? Guess raping boys is fair game now.

>> No.3902516

This is a shitty situation for Britfags but hey, at least you've still got Tor and the likes to watch porn.
Also, fuck the UK and fuck the queen.

>> No.3902540

Jokes on you. Ban on encryption comes next.

>> No.3902545

is that really true? is so then the only people getting screwed are people uploading content to pornhub in the uk

>> No.3902550

The UK have always been like this. Why do you think all the dystopian writers are from the UK

>> No.3902560

... why can't they just get/make fake IDs instead?

>> No.3902561

clockwork orange
children of men
v for vendetta
warhammer 40k
and judge dredd
I think your onto something anon, list is rushed so may not be correct