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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 125 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190417-151915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3896014 No.3896014 [Reply] [Original]

Can you tell the gender of an artist just by looking at their art and be honest do you think one sex is better than the other at painting /drawing on average?

>> No.3896017


>> No.3896022

what makes you stupid is why you interact with someone

>> No.3896038

Often times I can tell someone's gender by looking at their art. It's exactly how you would expect it, either soft or hard, bendy or mechanical.

I think females are naturally better at art. However, when you look at the top artists (be it stylized or realistic) they're all male.

I suppose it ties into the variability hypothesis. Girls are mostly all average at art, and boys are more often either really bad or really good.

>> No.3896041

Women are better with colours
Men are better with perspective and forms.
In the end men outshine women in nearly all fields

>> No.3896044
File: 149 KB, 1125x1097, 33979D62-A84A-41A4-8319-57703CC1AD19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can usually tell. For example, I’ll give you one chance to guess if a male or female drew this.

And no, I personally don’t believe that one sex is better at art than the other.

>> No.3896049


>> No.3896050

You fucked up, Op. You should make a thread on if you can tell the race of a person from looking at their at next.

>> No.3896059

>this thread again
I thought we already came to the conclusion that 90% of you retards couldn't tell and deflected that everything showed was a bait. You couldn't tell what gender the artist was in the last thread, why make a new one?

>> No.3896079

Male. Because it's a sexy woman in a sexy pose. Seems to be focusing on the parts of the body that get my dick hard.

>> No.3896081

It's just a question. Grow a thicker skin. Life is gonna be hard for you if you just cower in fear of offensive questions.

>> No.3896134

If i see a pic that has good colors/pallete 99% of time its female. It makes me feel inept.

>> No.3896227
File: 323 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181022-184447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to turn this into a guess the gender thread? (there are only 2 genders)

>> No.3896233

I’m gonna guess yours is a zhe. Might be a zhim though. I’ll get back to you when I decide

>> No.3896387

disturbed mtf tranny

>> No.3896412
File: 165 KB, 1080x1080, 30590584_160144781329278_5429493155030368256_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol its a russian guy. one of my favorite artists. some of his shit is amazing.

>> No.3896424
File: 169 KB, 451x525, lookstasty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends. I mean with something like this, you can tell a guy drew it obviously.

I don't know about the second part, one sex is clearly more prolific though.

>> No.3896434

with the exceptions of genital bleeding, complaining and gossip, aren't men more prolific at everything?

>> No.3896436

>you can tell a guy drew it obviously.
are you baiting? or you don't know?

>> No.3896437
File: 400 KB, 1500x1571, v79jbtE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks pretty feminine or at least asian or gay.

>> No.3896448
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x605, d6yfqrz-6d3b23bc-cb9a-41c0-83d0-6bdffdc01f23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great idea, try to guess the gender of this one.

>> No.3896451

I was going to say no, but if this artist is female I may have been proven wrong.

>> No.3896452

Well not if someone just straight up tells everyone it's bait I'm not.

Good job

>> No.3896459

That artist is a girl and asian...

>> No.3896461

i mean my instinct is male because of all the blood and fighting and because it looks like a generic epic cgi battle scene from the end of every movie for the last 20 years. but the drawing quality isn't great. colors are a little too bright. dont really like the style. im going with female.

>> No.3896464

Post gay guy art, now I'm curious how it looks like.

>> No.3896467

it was painfully obvious.

>> No.3896469

I'm guessing it's a girl by the name Riana or something

>> No.3896470
File: 78 KB, 450x707, hgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this gay dude's art. It's so cool. German guy living in Japan called KhaosKai.

>> No.3896471
File: 40 KB, 412x701, C9ovOtEXkAApXVY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3896474

Both of you are correct, Riana Moller/Fealasy.

>> No.3896486
File: 168 KB, 870x1249, 45681723634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Sometimes, the art has a masculine or feminine quality to it I can't quite put my finger on.
It's funny what >>3896038 said, and sounds about right.

>> No.3896489
File: 158 KB, 1081x739, 32423dfsrw3535253e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 black and white is cheating
Lets try another guess

>> No.3896491

I'd guess male

>> No.3896496

>I'm curious how it looks like.
you can go ahead and pyw

>> No.3896497
File: 459 KB, 1080x911, FB_IMG_15555488728797788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always outliers, no one claims to have a 100% rate of accuracy but stuff like pic related are obviously drawn by women in my experience. And yes it's a girl the one who did it. Maybe it's the soft faces, or subject, or colors who knows. But also most of the time when I see pastel colors ESPECIALLY pink I just know it was a woman.

Also whenever a girl isn't depicted as sexy or "waifu material" in some other way (overly casual girls are usually also drawn by men since that's the kind of gf they want), it was probably a girl who did it since they see their gender as normal without fetishizing themselves.
It's mostly experience I guess. But stereotypes are right more often than not and pink and cute is for girls.

>> No.3896498

Female Canadian?

>> No.3896506
File: 588 KB, 1200x1203, tumblr_mqsymte9vZ1s41isho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like James Jean, but his stuff looks very feminine to me. It always looks so clean and perfect like it's made of fabric intended to be used for hotel wallpaper or blouse textile. again...Asian.

>> No.3896509

I don't think a woman would put in this level of detail. I would love to see a counter example, but I think only a man would do this. and it's a little creepy too which makes it kind of masculine.

>> No.3896518
File: 1.15 MB, 1890x1881, 34524543524524452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon is correct. Tapwing.

And one more, unless someone else wants to continue, example before mods nuke the thread.

>> No.3896531

The only way for me to guess is from the color palette and subject matter
Some of those are impossible to guess right such as >>3896424 >>3896448 >>3896489

idk how you guys do it, probably a quick google search or because it looks painfully obvious like X so you say Y

>> No.3896541

That's what makes it confusing as you get 'edgy' female artists who can do horror, mecha, historical, and/or battlefields due to interest in such themes. Giveaways as mentioned >>3896079 and >>3896497 are used to determine the gender of the artist. Otherwise it's automatically assumed excellent art with originality is done by men.

>> No.3896570
File: 622 KB, 2095x2995, Massive - Gay Manga and the Men Who Make It-138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3896812
File: 133 KB, 311x366, 1554711986219.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men do better hard surface designs (because of interests).

>> No.3896822

Most of the times I can tell.

Men usually are better at being realistic from what I know.

But why do autists need our opinions about shit like this is something I'll never understand. When you get better you'll start seeing things by yourself. Stop wasting everyone's time with stupid subjects.

>> No.3896833
File: 1.10 MB, 2311x2998, Massive_Gay_Manga_and_the_Men_Who_Make_It_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I though I was the only one who had this shit.

>> No.3896838
File: 25 KB, 607x686, 53548582_2160947000619916_7760971200536248320_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is impossible to guess the gender of an artist because they might identify with another gender to one they were at the time the art was made.

>> No.3896841

OP is most likely just a /co/mmunist wanting to start a gender war on /ic/.

>> No.3896873
File: 48 KB, 640x503, 56242728_1069699586555167_8131308835852779520_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. There is female ascetics and there are pieces that are more masculine. Cute/ badass kind of thing.

But girls can do robots, and guys can draw mermaids too, it is just going to be that most hard surface will be made by guys, and most cute girly stuff will be done by woman.

>> No.3896934

>Can you tell the gender of an artist just by looking at their art

Sometimes. Female artists more often make use of color and pattern and male artists tend to make more use of form and shadow. There are certain color palettes that almost guarantee the artist is a woman. Also subject matter, but that's less important than approach to color and form/shape language.

Oddly I see more female artists working in a "male" style than vice-versa.

>and be honest do you think one sex is better than the other at painting /drawing on average?

No. The idiots who come in here spouting off about how men are better than women at art have no personal accomplishments to speak of, much like the uneducated, impoverished white-trash fellow who is extremely keen on proving the superiority of his race.

>> No.3896937
File: 1.95 MB, 480x270, 1543287540134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>impoverished white-trash fellow who is extremely keen on proving the superiority of his race.

>> No.3896969

Men are better than women at everything on average because normal to pretty women are given everything without trying and ugly women get shit just by whining and being easy. Meanwhile men have to compete with other men for attention.

Hell a lot of female athletes like boxers and fencers have to train with male juniors because the difference in skill between a competitive woman and a normal woman tends to be brutal.

>> No.3897011

This isn't althletics and let's ignore personality and intelligence for a minute because with art we're talking outliers and none of it has been mapped to art anyway.

A major difference is that young girls aren't usually allowed to fester and rot in their rooms or pursue loner hobbies. They are dragged into public at every opportunity where boys can take on "acceptable" hobbies or be forgotten. Every point between middle school and graduating college is planned and taken. Most people who are interesting or skilled spent a significant period alone, festering and fermenting, absorbing ideas and busting ass.

There's this phenomenon where women go fucking stir crazy after having a baby and doing the stay at home thing and come out interesting. They bloom in their late 20s and the turnaround is amazing. They get hobbies, become knowledge. Some just watch Netflix and get depressed but that's on them.

>> No.3897018


>> No.3897021

Name one thing women are better at than men.
Protip: you can't

>> No.3897025

chieldbirth, breat feding

>> No.3897038

One could argue those arent skills. Just things that happen naturally. I could say men are better at jizzing than girls cause its something the other physically isnt capable of. Name a real skill.

>> No.3897040


>> No.3897041

>piss goo.
Cool skill

>> No.3897042

Bitchcraft. They're better than men at the subtil artes of shittalk and deception.

>> No.3897043

Women are toxic but they can't shittalk men.

>> No.3897048

you didnt say to name one skill woman are better at, but one thing, and I did. define your terms better if you dont want others to move the goalpost unknowingly

>> No.3897053

lot of fucking tumblrinas coming out of the woodwork in here these past few years

>> No.3897266


If you think I'm the least bit sympathetic to *that* kind of person, you don't know me at all. I probably hate them more than you do.

>> No.3897343
File: 40 KB, 460x569, 56373625_1072712322920560_8898049820623634432_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate them, I feel sorry for them. That being said, mixing racism into any argument is such a fascist/ Nazi tactic, typical for lefties.

>> No.3897351

Please tell me that picture is fake or I'm going to have an aneurysm.

>> No.3897355
File: 201 KB, 869x1245, 85545aa1fdc5ad88181438bfa6ae6584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3898264


It's because I remember the idiot who kept posting pictures of scientists like they were magic totems while arguing that men were better artists than women with a bunch of pseudoscience nonsense. It makes this kind of thread highly irritating to me.

>> No.3898273

>mixing racism into any argument is such a fascist/ Nazi tactic, typical for lefties.
ironic that its the other side who started to dominate at their own game

>> No.3898276

better call 911

>> No.3898280
File: 187 KB, 463x529, 1555281307009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are better with colours
>Men are better with perspective and forms.
I've been grinding perspective and dynamism ever since I started drawing because that's the kind of art I love. I'm still not as good as my male friends who don't even focus on it, it just comes naturally.
Because I've been grinding perspective and forms for so long I rarely color anything, or study color at all. But when I do paint something I'm always surprised at how good it looks. Those same male friends ask me for color advice and help.
God it's just not fair.

>> No.3898284

Typical femoids blaming their own innate biological shortcomings on society.

>> No.3898314
File: 64 KB, 639x764, 56551696_1075489999309459_8182924614649774080_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ridiculous, although it is true that girls have to sort their life out way earlier than guys do. 35 years old jobless single man is in trouble, but he still can make it and even become a father. 35 years old single jobless female is in big trouble- she is already visibly aging, so is even less and less attractive for man, also she is running out of time when it comes to motherhood. So yes, girls are under a lot of pressure from start- at least smart ones. Dumb ones just end up being bitter man hating feminists.

>> No.3898317

>Can you tell the gender of an artist just by looking at their art
in 90% of cases yes.

Ofc men are better at art, just like at every other field.

>> No.3898623

>There's this phenomenon where women go fucking stir crazy after having a baby and doing the stay at home thing and come out interesting. They bloom in their late 20s and the turnaround is amazing. They get hobbies, become knowledge.
very cool totally factual story

>> No.3898767

>God it's just not fair.
lol get mad, roastie

>> No.3898770

that cape looks awful

>> No.3898775

women don't do detail work?

>> No.3898787
File: 569 KB, 1261x1261, 674Pancham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, we all know these threads are just for confirmation bias.
You retards like to discuss gender way too much. Don't tell me we got *that* many tumblr refugees.

>> No.3899079
File: 289 KB, 404x456, arm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3899285

>'Smartest' move for women is getting children instead of educating themselves
Quite ironic.

>> No.3899367
File: 70 KB, 155x151, 1551825573276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead giveaway it's a femail

>> No.3899551

>Hell a lot of female athletes like boxers and fencers have to train with male juniors because the difference in skill between a competitive woman and a normal woman tends to be brutal.
This is also why successful women in general have less female friends.

>> No.3899714
File: 1.00 MB, 856x695, 087eadck1os21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that has more to do with females seeing other females as competition much more than males do. For example males have usually no problem to accept hierarchy (corporations, army, suits, uniforms) and working within it's frames. Woman have hard time with his kind of competition. Same with animal kingdom actually.

>> No.3899762

>everything we say revolves around men

>> No.3899889

>Yeah bro, these *wink* middle aged women with kids are so interesting *wink wink* I better get one of these interesting middle aged women with kids. Yeah, hehe

I agree with the fact that men rot in their house learning stuff, tho I disagree with the fact that women are forced to go out. They want to go out and have their way of fun.

>> No.3899977

>Same with animal kingdom actually.

female elephants are lead by a matriach and there is no squabbling over positions; it is respected.
female horse herds are lead by 1 mare.
most species that practice 1 male to many females run the males out of the group. 1 reproducing female to many reproducing male species usually keep the female members of the species and recruit them for use in parental care of her own offspring, instead of disposing of them.

>> No.3900072
File: 148 KB, 600x900, 7654346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, for one, interacting with women develops different parts of the male brain and psyche that we might not have had focus on before. Not necessarily stupidity but a different train of thought processing.
And there was another thread sometime ago where this was brought up but yes, you can in fact, tell the gender (and sexuality) by the art the character makes.
This would mean that yes, the abilities will be dictated by the biological makeup of the human body creating the work, and it will allow them to demonstrate their abilities at an efficient others could not achieve.



>> No.3900190

And that's why they don't evolve.
Any species that rely on matriarchies or discards the males after reproduction are doomed to stunt their evolutionary development.
You need males to carry out and protect the group, build stuff and be role models for the younger males of the group.

That's why we humans got to the top of the chain. Thanks to the patriarchy.
Meanwhile other simian species are busy eating their own excrement and killing their own offspring.

>> No.3901122
File: 543 KB, 2634x4096, D3Bk1dPX0AMcZot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the artist irl.

>> No.3901130

Not him, but why are you applying human social relations to unrelated species, and are you not aware of how long evolution takes or how it even occurs?
Many evolutionary traits have byproducts of things like genetics mutations or environment changes
>And that's why they don't evolve.
They have. Do you think elephants already had long trunks?

>> No.3901227

when your blood rushes to your dick instead of your brain, I guess it makes sense

train your blood to rush to your hands and draw better this way

>> No.3901248

>rush to your hand
>not your entire arm and shoulder

>> No.3901289

Normally I think these gender threads are dumb but this is a good post. Women have a unique talent for portraying other women as unexciting and frankly even boring a lot of times, maybe not even gay men can pull off the same thing.

>> No.3901314

men are better at technical shit like anatomy
but women are better at aesthetic shit like flow and emotion

>> No.3901325

Worked in art fields for 15 years now. Everything from graphic design to traditional/digitial painting. I notice most women seem to reach a point where they simply stop. I'm not sure if it's a lack of ambition or they just by some strange collective feel the need to stop improving. There are plenty of men who do as well - but men whom also push themselves daily to improve.

Example: I was part of a large department where we made playbills, brochures, and custom illustrations for events. I'd say half the men pushed themselves to consistently learn new tools and innovate. Sometimes they'd even get in arguments with management to make sure something was done correctly and formatted well.

There was only one woman there who did this as well. She did graphic design and was absolutely excellent at creating ads for businesses and correcting mistakes. A true wiz. Other than that most of the females didn't push themselves unless required. They weren't lazy. They did well, they just didn't really press themselves.

It was a predominately female workplace too. Like 4 women per 1 man. I have no idea really. Maybe women just aren't as competitive. There are plenty of women capable of doing well and pushing their standards, they just seem to often become complacent earlier.

>> No.3901465

>these extremely low quality and cringy posts
some people just don't know how to keep their mouth shut when they have nothing to say.

>> No.3901476

What? Are you implying men are incapable of drawing female characters that aren't waifu/fapbait in mind?

>> No.3901875

Heterosexual men do seem pretty incapable of not putting pussy on a pedestal.

>> No.3901931

Ok, not literally incapable, but it's a strong pattern in their work. Like >>3896497 mentioned about overly-casual girls, there are a lot of ways to make women look sexy to the male gaze that don't necessarily involve skimpy clothes.

>> No.3901985

let him feel better about himself anon

>> No.3902110

Literally every field. It's a lack of ambition combined with the knowledge that they don't have to work. My dad was a huge fuck up and my mom's parents were hardcore immigrants. She really didn't have the ability to not work. But outside of rare exceptions like her, I see many women just quitting their job as soon as it's not fun for them anymore. They can just live off men parasitically. Whether through a boyfriend /husband /father or through social programs. Many just go to school forever and have no worries about debt. Unless a woman has a drug problem or severe mental illness there is no reason why one would end up destitute or homeless or anything like that. There are hundreds of safety nets in place. Working for them... Lol they used to not work, then they demanded the right to be included in our boys club. They don't have to work to survive. They want to work because it annoys them that we do things without them. The idea of equality is an absolute farce.

>> No.3902112

Is it moxie2d?

>> No.3902277

Unironically leave your cave and have sex.

>> No.3902419

No, try again.

>> No.3902423
File: 330 KB, 2048x1536, received_1343388222418690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really does vary from each individual, male or female.

But just cause: Do you think a guy or girl made this?

>> No.3902448

obviously girl, flat shapes and decorative elements

>> No.3902454

The subject and style is pretty feminine.

>> No.3902457

Obviously a guy.

>> No.3902492
File: 84 KB, 960x862, 57162433_1074082736116852_7393474793460203520_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woman are also less willing to do overtime, relocate, or change profession. Lack of competitive drive in general makes them just average, so it is natural for males to occupy top positions.

>> No.3903756

Nope, a girl.

>> No.3905610

you're taking that factoid out of perspective and not considering female caretaker roles' impact on work and career paths.

>> No.3905666
File: 57 KB, 494x960, 56182445_1072711509587308_2780765928571273216_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to go down that road, then you have to say the same about gender pay gap.

>> No.3905676

femanon 8/8