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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3892734 No.3892734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I commissioned an artist for 3 pieces of art, 5 and a half months ago. I paid them in full and the last month or two they’ve been ignoring me.

When should I file a complaint to PayPal for a refund? Will filing a complaint affect their bank account in any way? I don’t want to ruin their lives I just want my money back.

>> No.3892739

Depends on how much you've spent on the commissions. If it's very low, Paypal won't look into it very much. If it's like over $50, they might consider taking action if evidence was to be provided.

>> No.3892740


>> No.3892744

Yeah, if you provided the DMs, the general contact information of the artist, and the price you've paid for the commission to Paypal, the situation might be investigated. Although since it had been over five months ago, I can't guarantee if Paypal will do anything about the case, but at least try.

>> No.3892745

I forgot to add according to the Fourm this artist and I share; as per other user complaints these would be the 3rd or 4th complaint against the artist within this year alone. He’s already had 3 complaints about him filed with PayPal which is why I’m afraid to file mine. As I said, I just want my money back not to freeze a bank account/ban them from PayPal.

>> No.3892746

According to PayPal I have until June 24th to report a problem.

>> No.3892751

I don't see why you have to go kindly with this scammer when he was caught three times from his shit experience in handling commissions in the past. Who gives a rats ass if his bank account gets frozen - it's his fault that he's a lazy sack of shit that scams other customers for their money. If I were you, I'd report the scumbag for mistreating you and your ridiculous $425 commission.

>> No.3892752

>I paid them in full
>not 50% before 50% after

>> No.3892753

Anon has more money sense than OP himself.

>> No.3892755

>I paid them in full

lol. Reminds me of Yogscast and how they paid a concept artist for their game like 15k up front and he ran away with the money.

>> No.3892758

They kind of deserved it after not delivering the full game as they promised in their Kickstarter.

>> No.3892759

This is maybe my 4th commission I’ve ever done. I didn’t know that was a rule. >>3892751
I would just feel bad knowing I ruined someone’s career and life.

>> No.3892762

Legit nothing to feel bad about. I see that you don't care about the loss of your product and that $425 that your parents gave to you as a gift.

Unless if the artist himself is suffering from some sort of unfortunate situation on his end, I'd still contact him personally and ask him about my late commissions.

>> No.3892764

I’ve been trying to contact him for the last month or two. He says he is working on it but I have yet to see anything. Meanwhile I know for a fact he’s been drawing other commissions or whatever.

>> No.3892765

Whats wrong with ruining a scammers career and life?

>> No.3892767

Post examples of his work that's he's doing for you.

>> No.3892769

No, I’m not going to draw attention and tell people who the artist is. I’m here to get advice from artists how to handle this.

>> No.3892772

i would just report them to paypal since they've ignoring you for two months and you gave them $425 for literally nothing. its important that they learn their lesson now or else they'll keep repeating this. they don't deserve your sympathy. find another artist that does.

>> No.3892775

he will likely scam more people if you let him get away with it

>> No.3892777

>I just want my money back not to freeze a bank account/ban them from PayPal.
Why the fuck not?

>> No.3892778

we'll now they're just a hollow shell of their own minecraft days after kids moved on

>> No.3892779

Aight what fetish is it on top of furry

>> No.3892787


Why would you commission from someone who has had a history of late or non-delivery?

>> No.3892808

You've gotten advice, which is to file a complaint like the other three, but you're not happy with needing to do something adversarial. You don't want to hurt anyone by fighting back so you're letting others figuratively eat your meat off of your bread. Well have fun eating dry bread faggot hahaha

>> No.3892825

>Ignoring me
have you tried asking them in person and pressing them about it?
Pardom if it's obvious but I feel like that's something someone on IC could do. get angry and ask paypal before asking the damn artist.

>> No.3892963

Just file it mate, if his bank account gets frozen it will stop him from being able to scam more people

>> No.3892971

More by this artist?

>> No.3892979

Oh? What happened with Yogcast?

>> No.3892982

Bank account won't be affected. Bank and paypal are completely separate legal entities.
Screwing scammer's paypal is perfecly fine. If the artist actually had a valid reason to fuck up delivery time, they would've told you. Fuck the scammer.

>> No.3892983
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>He says he is working on it but I have yet to see anything.
If he's actually working on it he must have WIP to show.

>> No.3892988


>> No.3893002

I would be upset too if it took 5 1/2 months for them to work on it. He said he hasn’t heard from them in a month so I’m assuming a month ago the guy said he was working on it and a month later he has yet to see anything. There is no other option at this point other than to refund them.

>> No.3893115

Who is Yogcast?

>> No.3893120

literally just report it. If he can't even show you WIPs, that's not a good sign. There's nothing wrong with being frustrated over not getting your product after nearly 6 months. I mean 425 is a somewhat big amount, you know.

>> No.3893210

They ruined their own career when they ghosted on 3-4 commissions and kept the money.

>> No.3893234

Who is the artist for that pic?

>> No.3893241


>> No.3893324

Come on op, you don't want to complain because he could blackmail you with that sick fetish stuff you comissioned him, HA!

If he's unwilling to discuss your comission and give you a delivery date ask him for a refund, then tell him if you don't hear back from him you are forced to take it up with paypal and file a complaint.

>> No.3893366

> then tell him if you don't hear back from him you are forced to take it up with paypal and file a complaint.

This. Tell him that you know that this is not the first time he has done something like that and you don't want to risk paypal's buyer protection so if you don't get a satisfying reply or wip on X date you'll fill claim on paypal to get your money back. It sucks to have to resort to threats but if he's ignoring you like that maybe scaring him a bit would make him take it seriously.

>> No.3895936

i learnt this the hard way as i have two outstanding commissions where i havent heard back from the artists in ages (Twitter handles @astral_seven and @KokoroDroid) astral im sure will eventually get it done but kokoro i think has just run off with my money

>> No.3895942

Someone should make a, "Artists scamming Commissioner" story thread for awareness, i see too many people get fucked out of their money

>> No.3895951

pro artist here op. I'm currently keeping someone waiting for a commission for about two months, however i always swiftly reply to his emails and if he were to lose his patience with me right now i could show him a pretty advanced wip. if i couldn't i'd pull an allnighter and get that wip done.

if the artist has kept you waiting for 5 months, is being flakey to communicate and can seriously not show anything, I think you should file for a refund and publicly shame him. what an absolute cunt and incompetent person.

>> No.3896379
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seemed fitting to reply to this shit.

>> No.3896413

as an artist who is fucking terrified of being frozen, do it

if youre a shithead to your commissioners you deserve it

>> No.3897434

The easiest way and the most moral way of hurtibg scumbag artists is depriving them of attention thus depriving them of an income, i dont support people goin and being abusive but i know its inevitable, just remember the best way to hurt someone is to hurt their pockets.

>> No.3897437

Any updates on your choice, OP? I'm curious.

>> No.3897438

Show the art he’s given u

>> No.3897547

I got in contact with her bf, apparently her grandparents got murdered, bet you feel like an ass

>> No.3897637

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.3898021

These paypigs are so soft.

Give me some pointers what forum, do I have to pretend to be a girl, gay, trans, furry? Do I have to constantly flirt with everyone and be active in social mendia. NVM sounds tiring.

>> No.3898060

>didn't do a 360 4K livestream of the funeral

>> No.3898097

Not him but thats awful and i do feel bad for their situation and i hope they'll learn to cope with this.However,
shouldn't kokoro at least inform his commissioners that he would be gone and commission will be pushed back due to personal matters.Then would give an option for refund or to wait for the commissions.

>> No.3898120


the anti-bully goy ruined it. Also, I find it very hilarious that she has to resort to "I'm speaking on Ivy's behalf" response when shit hits the fan. The personal issue happened in NOVEMBER. She has no excuses to not leave at least a short message to people who are commissioning her.

>> No.3898124

Dick move man

>> No.3898179

Well i actually got the Art, and its very good, i also had an in depth talk with her boyfriend over twitter and found out that he was the one managing the account for a while now and that its his fault theres been a lack of communication, im inclined to believe him it, it sounds legit, im just happy i got one my commissions and didnt waste my money, which is how im feeling with these other commissions. so uh i know its out of character with the sorts that frequant these boards but theres no need for to attack her, i never was advocating that in the first place.

>> No.3898191
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you're welcome fren tell her she has my condolences

>> No.3898194

Have some empathy man, her grandparents died, no one really gets over death of a loved one so I can understand why she took a break, some take it worse than others. She only had one outstanding client ( >>3898179 ) which her boyfriend has clearly sorted, very late and poorly communicated I might add since he was suppose to give them heads up way earlier but she had no other clients overdue.

>> No.3898201

empathy or not you are still transacting money and disappearing without a word for almost a year is pretty unacceptable unless youre in a coma or some shit. couldve taken 5 minutes to open twitter and said "it wont be done for awhile, do you want a refund?"or just "will be on hold for awhile major life event", etc. after a few weeks or couple months max

>> No.3898204

you should show empathy but she is running a business
your not her therapist you're her customer she should tell you if your comission will be late or if it can't be done then refund you within a reasonable amount of time

>> No.3898220


She should have said something but she couldn't, she wasn't in a coma, but she was neglecting her well-being to the point she had to be hospitalised. She gave her bf the responsibility to send through the art around december, but it was his fault that he didnt communicate attentively or fast enough and left the client in the dark.

>> No.3898271


it's not empathy man, >>3898194 is just a typical immature incel who spergs out with the usual self-centered/self-entitled bs mentality. They make everyone around them feel cringe and shitty all the time, but most of all themselves.

that person who didn't respond to commissioners, like who gives a fuck? She's not obligated to give anyone a minute of her time and unless there was a deadline agreement she can hold onto the commission for as long as she wants. If you don't like any of that just get a refund and don't talk with that person again. But forcing people to give you updates wherever they are and in whatever personal situation they are just because you can't wait for your shitty doodles.. most of the time it's just incel fags who can't bear that the female artist didn't give them the oh so necessary written update every two days / aka is ignoring them.

Phew lad

>> No.3898278

>expecting basic business practices makes you a incel
>she doesnt need to reply every 2 days man!
Can you read he said he hasnt heard from them in ages
No one is asking for weekly updates here
>So what you paid her money for literally her time and skill its not like she owes it to you!
Yeah he/she owes him nothing...
Next time you go to get your car fixed and it takes several months remember that you didn't set a due date and they can take there sweet time
I dont think you understand that youre not just making stuff for free or for fun
This artist is running a business so he/she should take it seriously
(I actually dont know if the artist is male or female so i couldnt pick a pro noun but whatever)

>> No.3898554

ayy lmao dumb art thot, a dumber boyfriend, and an even more hopeless commissioner

gtfo of /ic/ forever will you?