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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.26 MB, 931x898, art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3890016 No.3890016 [Reply] [Original]

Does this make you angry that a 4 year old has more artistic talent than you? Be honest, anon

>> No.3890018

Not impressed. Looks exactly like a 4 year olds drawing.

>> No.3890022

Not really, no; mostly because I don't believe this story, but also because I despise abstract art.

>> No.3890025

he forgot the part where the whole class made the same stuff that day because that was what the teacher decided to have them do

>> No.3890035

Stop being so angry.

>> No.3890036


Genocide for reddit when?

>> No.3890042

>not saying that your son has cancer
there go all the upboats

>> No.3890048

>Telling children about drugs at such a young age that will inevitably lead to them overdosing at the age of 7
Nice one

>> No.3890050

no because its reddit and im pretty sure he lied for karma

>> No.3890051

prematurely ended my post. cont: and i have no interest in karma. i do have 10k just from replying to comments on my fav subs

>> No.3890060

A 4 year old would not understand his “trip”. This is just his own shitty folded paint art because no school would shill out that much money for that nice of paint.

>> No.3890061


>> No.3890068

Kids should totally just be themselves and do drugs and have sex unsupervised, they need to make life ending mistakes now so they don't make them later in life. I possess an enlightened mind and have determined this is the best course for humanity

>> No.3890070
File: 28 KB, 312x390, ec427adadd25d4f82e1e5af6cb8ad788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking abstract art is objectively "good"

>> No.3890102

Drugs are rotting your brain, anon

>> No.3890106

That’s a pussy.

>> No.3890141

And then everyone in the room clapped. Including the grizzled war veteran with PTSD that came in to pick up his grandson.

>> No.3890143

That's made by an adult anon. An adult ashamed of himself that tries to use his child as excuse to post his art.

>> No.3890152

It looks cool and all but these a created by throwing paint on a paper then folding it in the middle. This is the boomer version of pressing randomize a 4 year old could literally do this.

>> No.3890154

No. My current working abilities make me more valuable and useful than I could ever be as a professional artist.

>> No.3890656

How do I make somehing like that tho?

>> No.3890716

i have more important shit to worry about than a 4 year old folding over a piece of paper covered in paint you vain piece of shit

>> No.3890717

Fold paper in two to delimit the two halfs. Paint in on one half, mix it a bit then fold the paper in two. Open it.
And that's it.

>> No.3890724

4 is too young to be at school
this is not cheap paint

its shitbrain druggie's own folded paper paint trick

>> No.3890747

I did these too at school you just put paint on paper and fold it in half. Its a pretty random outcome no artistic skills required. Changing the texture of the paper or viscosity of the paint can give some interesting results

>> No.3890773

Nothing gets past you.

>> No.3891716

Why does it spell "Nigga"?

>> No.3891721

Ah shit I can't unsee that now

>> No.3891779

>playing around with drugs like a fucking teenager when you have a 4 year old.
Ohh Plebbit you never cease to amaze.

>> No.3891791
File: 58 KB, 500x500, shopped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't even folden paper, this is just a sheet of printer paper folded in two and an abstract pattern photoshopped in, look at the edges of the paint and look at the white paper, it's clearly some shit like printer paper, to do something like this you'd need something thicker just to support the paint, then you'd need to paint shit in to get those clean edges inside the drawing. Paper this thin would buckle like mad yet the drawing looks flat. There is no bleed within the drawing so it's not watercolor, but you can't see anything textural so what kind of paint would that be?
This is some lame 3D abstract superimposed over a splash of digital color, then bashed onto a sheet of printer paper.

>> No.3891819

>it's clearly some shit like printer paper,
Nah, look at the seam. Printer paper wouldn't fold like that at the seam. It's too thin, it'd fold cleanly. Something a bit thicker would make those lines though. The whole paper is also somewhat folded in the other direction too, and it's holding its own weight. Printer paper wouldn't do that. It's probably some card stock, or at the very least some higher weight paper than just your regular printer paper.

The thing that bothers me though is it's too "perfect". If it were just some paint on one side and folded in the middle, it wouldn't be perfect on the same side. There'd be splotchy areas, differences in saturation, and there'd also be a slight gradient at the edges where the paint thins out. There's none of that, it's perfectly even, saturation is consistent, and the edges are completely clean. And to fix those things you'd have to really heavily layer on the paint. There's no physical depth anywhere to suggest there was a bunch of paint on there.

Calling bullshit on this one.
At the end of the day though, we're all debating a "painting" some faggot posted on Reddit to whore internet points. Who also does drugs in front of his kids.

>> No.3891827
File: 15 KB, 300x313, check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the crumpling in the top left corner and at the right of the seam, cardstock doesn't crumple this sharply. If it's not printer paper it's very light cardstock, it couldn't possibly function as a support for paint.
Also is the paper is so heavily crumpled why does the drawing look perfectly flat

>> No.3892102

Nah dude.
There will always be prodigies, comparing oneself to exceptional individuals (not saying that this kid is one of them mind you) is a ticked train to depression town.
Anyway I can probably leave that kid in the dust when it comes to software engineering, my ego isnt too bruised.

>> No.3892985

Imagine being too retarded to fold some paper.

>> No.3893866


>> No.3893936

...if he was high.

>> No.3894318

...and everyone clapped. The kid's name, by the way? Albert Einstein.

>> No.3894798

Someone already made that joke anon. >>3890141

>> No.3895010
File: 185 KB, 514x470, 1555450139454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like random painting pressed between the folded pages. You can even see the folding line.

>> No.3895016

I beleive that gouache gives that effect and to ter a 200/300 paper.

>> No.3895024

I did this exact same shit when I was 4. You make crayon shavings with a pencil sharpener, drop them o na paper that you fold in half, and lightly press a clothe's iron in low ehat agaisnt it whiel it's folded up for a few seconds.
Open it up and boom. There's your reddit art. Did you not attend kindergarten?

>> No.3895041
File: 374 KB, 577x1024, IMG_0120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because my struggle is my own, and I cannot explicitly judge my progress by the progress of other.

Besides I had fingerpainting in kindergarden also.

>> No.3895396

No way, I use 300 paper and it's way thicker than that. Also gouache doesn't have natural occurring highlights...

>> No.3895452

no because im not a resentful person.
I hope he keeps drawing and makes amazing shit when he grows up

>> No.3895511

that... actualy makes kind of sense.
Now I want to try it.

>> No.3895770

It makes sense.

>> No.3895788

>kindergarden teacher shows kids how to squirt paint onto a piece of paper and fold it
>soiboy pothead dad: woaahhh maaaan

>> No.3897084

This retard can't come up with a convincing story what makes you think he can shop anything?

>> No.3897085

maybe the shop isn't his