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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 41 KB, 960x640, kin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3887552 No.3887552 [Reply] [Original]

What skill level do you need to learn from this guy?

>> No.3887553

his stuff is not even good. Anyone with a solid grasp on prospective can literally copy his style. He is just famous

>> No.3887950

average korean language level

>> No.3887952

sure anyone can copy him, no one can actually draw like him though. you’re either trolling or you don’t know what you don’t know.

>> No.3887954

He has really good memory and nothing much. Can't learn that.

>> No.3887987

Peter Han can

>> No.3887997
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Unless you have an photographic memory, there isnt anything useful you can learn from him.

The proko interview reveals that he has a no idea what hes doing, so all those students who travel all the way to South Korea to ask him for guidance are wasting their time and money. He just tells them " lol idk i just draw all the time" but as he demonstrates, he has a super human memory.

He can draw things down to exact detail in just about any perspective just by looking at it once.

Thats something that can't be taught to anyone.

>> No.3888011

He's got some special thing in his brain. There are other artists who are proficient at doing what he does, sketching things really accurately in ink, no underdrawing, great perspective etc. but they can't really do a fraction of what he does. People like Terada are really good at this but they draw overall similar compositions and similar subjects. Others like Inoue are really good at drawing people and a few other things. KJG draws fucking everything.
He has more visual vocabulary on animals alone than actual animal artists. I don't think you can find an animal artist who can draw a perfect octopus on the spot from imagination, he can. And he can draw all kinds of cars, weapons, furniture, everything on top of that. He's a human-shaped visual encyclopedia. You would need multiple lifetimes to actually practice every single thing he draws, so it's impossible that he just practiced. He's got to have some insane photographic memory that allows him to see an object and immediately create a 360 degree 3D model in his head. You can imitate his style, his method, his perspective, everything, but you can't pull off the sheer quantity of material he can draw. That's just superhuman.

>> No.3888015
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>The proko interview reveals that he has a no idea what hes doing
as opposite to proko?

>> No.3888018

Peter Han comes close, but personally I find KJG’s style more appealing.

>> No.3888021
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>> No.3888038

>The proko interview reveals that he has a no idea what hes doing, so all those students who travel all the way to South Korea to ask him for guidance are wasting their time and money. He just tells them " lol idk i just draw all the time" but as he demonstrates, he has a super human memory.
I mentionned his name to my animation teached and he got pissed because all the people he knew that went to his lectures learned jackshit. As far as I know KJG doesn't seem very liked in the industry.

>> No.3888040

I do studies from his stuff and I really enjoy it and improved in general, but then again you can learn something by mimicking pretty much any master. Probably need some fundies and anatomy before starting. I don't know if he's capable of teaching a classroom but you can certainly learn from him indirectly

>> No.3888046

He himself has said that he doesn't have a photographic memory and thinks his memory is average, but his lifestyle (draw everything you see abnormally high number of hours per day for entire lifetime) was anything but average. I don't think any of us can pull that off even if by any standard we draw a lot.

Aren't there scientists who claim that the average human brain could hold the entire internet's worth of information? He may be an actual example of pushing human limits like that.

>> No.3888049

Any skill level. KJG proves all you need to do to learn how to draw is just observe. Maybe not draw as good as him, but at least gain the ability to really see, study, and store visual information. Even when he is without paper, he draws in his mind, looking at objects and imagining how to convey them two dimensionally. His mind is on drawing mode all the time, and because of this, he picks up far more visual information than anybody. He's an example of somebody who is truly in love with drawing, not just the products of his drawing. He never learned how to draw just so he could do something specific with it, he drew all his life because he loved to draw. That doesn't mean NGMI if you don't love drawing all the time and aren't drawing 16 hours a day, but you should stop comparing yourself to KJG who is an exception among exceptions. You'll only ever be as good as him if you actually become him and live through his life experiences.

>> No.3888051

What a shit teacher you have if he doesn't realize that being a good artists doesn't make you a good teacher.

>> No.3888052

I think hes either trolling everyone or he hes trying to be humble.

You could draw everyday for the rest of your life and youll never reach KJG's skill level. Much like how a manlet will never match Lebron James at basketball no matter how much time he puts into it.

>> No.3888053

No matter how much you observe you won't match KJG unless you have a brain and memory similiar to his.

Not even in a million years.

>> No.3888054
File: 21 KB, 356x289, Proko money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this

>> No.3888056

Where did you get that idea from his post?
From the sounds of it his teacher already realized this, but is annoyed that people who spend lots of money to travel and learn from KJG, dont.
Are you an ESL

>> No.3888060
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>> No.3888067
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>> No.3888068
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I see you're a man of knowledge

>> No.3888069

You're probably right, but I think that not only do some people learn faster than others, some methods are also more efficient than others. So a thing that could take an entire lifetime to learn might take just 10 years with a different method. Isn't learning faster basically what all our art books and videos and teachers are for?

>> No.3888070

Not that anon but I think KJG has some brain capacity perk. Like having 200 IQ, that's not something you can train.

>> No.3888072

Why are asians so op at art?

>> No.3888076

If what he says about having an average memory is correct, then yeah I'd have to throw a large part of his ability on upper percentile IQ. If however there ever come out some sort of test results that say he somehow is completely average, I will shit a brick house

>> No.3888078

I don't know anon, they're very skilled but tend to be rather dry. My favorite artists are European.

It's impossible that he doesn't have a photographic memory. He's just being humble. If he said that it would be like saying "I can do this because I'm gifted", of course he doesn't say that.

>> No.3888081
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>> No.3888095

Asian culture enables it.

>> No.3888229

man why hasn’t kjg done animation yet? a kjg anime would be so fucking kino and he could literally do most of it on his own

>> No.3888469

What anime?

>> No.3888545

He already mentioned how he practices this in an interview on his website. He'll look at a bunch of photos, i mean REALLY look, put them away and then try his best to replicate them from memory. He also mentions that his drawings aren't 100% accurate,like drawing the guts of a car, i'm sure an actual revhead would say they're off. He's basically just a really convincing visual liar. I'm not saying you'll ever be as good as him if you copy this method, but the amount of other Korean art students doing this and being almost just as good means you'll probably improve at the very least. The real question is why are Korean art schools so much better than ones in the west? The amount of talent coming out of them is crazy.

>> No.3889714

proko no hero academia

>> No.3889716

I’m a tattooist and every time I see him drawing tattoo machines they are all wrong. The parts are there but the coils are on sideways and shit.

>> No.3889730

boku no proko

>> No.3889734

He's advice would boil down to love the act of drawing and keep drawing. He literally draws on whatever paper he has near after he completed adding custom front cover sketches on sketchbook collections his team sells.

>> No.3891588
File: 23 KB, 81x100, grfdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, what I'm about to say will probably cause a ton of 'lmao pyw' replies, so I'll say this upfront: I love Kim Jung Gi's work, I think he's a fantastic artist, and I am definitely nowhere near his level. I've been studying his work for awhile and I have some pills to give:

I don't think Kim Jung Gi is as godlike as everybody says he is. He is absolutely incredible at two things: extreme perspectives and picture composition. The first is very learnable, the latter is what makes him so unique. NOT his 'infinite visual library'.

I have a few of Kim's sketchbooks. They're great. But, it is very, very clear that he reuses a set few prop pieces constantly.

The same animals usually show up, always pigs, bears, horses, and cat-like creatures (and cats all have very similar facial features). I have never seen anything deviating from this group.

The same guns always show up. Almost always a revolver or an M4/FN SCAR.

His mechanical drawings are usually good, but nothing astounding. The only incredible ones I've seen are of engine blocks, and, again, they are repeated across any drawing that features them. And with vehicles, it's ALWAYS the same helicopter/motorcycle.

The anatomy/faces, I'll give it to him. He has one of the least-bad conditions of same-facing I've ever seen in artists, and I have no clue how he's accomplished that.

You combine all these together with some genius-level composition planning, and it starts looking like you have an extremely vast reservoir of images in your head, when really you're pulling from a few select places.

Does this diminish his abilities at all? Of course not, memorizing even these limited examples to the point of being able to recreate them flawlessly in any angle is something that would take years of study. Past that, his ability to combine them together seamlessly makes him a master. But to the anons saying that he is capable of creating anything and everything, his years of past work says otherwise.

>> No.3891601

Ah also, forgot about 'dragons' underneath animals. And yes, I know that he has drawn things outside of the narrow groups I've listed. But those instances were almost never in live shows.

>> No.3891608

love stage

>> No.3891729


>> No.3891750
File: 225 KB, 795x618, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is interesting, it gives me an idea on how to proceed to draw more like the guy. Always spending time besides usual study to practice and learn how to draw the same small number of props from different angles, and besides humans seriously studying just a few animals as well.

Say you get really good at drawing a specific house and dog, you can use them whenever and change them a little so they don't actually look like the same house and dog, and you'll get better at those type of subjects in general. People might end up thinking you are the housedogmaster but you just became competent at drawing the single house and pooch from across the street and built on that

>> No.3892004
File: 202 KB, 839x659, peter-han-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see I'm gonna have to post it again.

>> No.3892007

based and redpilled

>> No.3892022

weird perspective

>> No.3892025


>> No.3892055

As someone who visited his workshop and asked him some questions I can say the following:

- He draws a lot (probably more than most of you) and gathers a lot of references (more than you would think).

- When he started out he used construction drawings like everyone else but with time he started visualising it in his head instead.

- What most struck me is he seeks to have an actual understanding of what he draws even down to a enginnering-like and biological level. One example was he showed how if you understand the human body you can turn it into a whale by simply "blowing air into his asshole" and inflating him. Or how a car can be constructed by drawing two bikes next to each other. So he tries to understand every functional element in his drawings.

- He's not 100 % accurate. Around 70 % accuracy is often enough to create the illusion of realism he wants.

To some here who said "you can't learn anything from him" I'd say go be edgy somewhere else.

>> No.3892059

its not good

>> No.3892072

a rare intelligent post on /ic/

>> No.3892172

Eh, this was 5 years ago, his current work is pretty amazing

>> No.3892198

turn me into a whale baby

>> No.3892270

Lots of buzzwords in your post, but very little substance...

Honestly just sounds like you don't want to admit you got scammed and didn't actually learn squat from his course and now you're reeling at anons saying so.

Protip: Just because an artist is good, does not mean they are a good teacher. I stand by my post saying that KJG is one of kind and has some kind of brain abnormality that allows him to draw like this which can not be taught or replicated...

But you could always post your work to prove us wrong

Spoiler Alert: You won't.

>> No.3892346


>Spoiler Alert: You won't.


What about yours, totally not bitter fellow /ic/ poster?

>> No.3892349

ofcourse he cant match kjg after a few months after going to his courses, he needs years to practice. you know that and try to use it as prof for your idea, that only kjg cant get good with a lot of work. and you think that only so you cant tell yourself you dont have to do all that work because you dont have what it takes to get as good as him

theres a human proving to you what hard work can achieve and you go "mah showflake, nobody can duplicate this feat". I bet if somebody would tell humans could do what kim does before you heard of him you would say nobody is able to
atleast admit you are lazy, so you dont spread misinformation to other which might want to work

>> No.3892353

I recognize your latest picture from one of the /ic/ threads! Really like the variety of colors you use, just followed you

>> No.3892623

Most of your work looks like ass and only proves my point.

>> No.3892706


>Study math

>Develop study discipline/habits

>Study art



>> No.3892728

>snibs bitterly
>never posts work
lel like clockwork

>> No.3892743

I like ur follower count

But not ur art

>> No.3892754

Hey you made a whining thread about being bad at art. Well you were right, you are shit.

>> No.3892935


Pls pls show me how true masters work looks like by linking your stuff. Bet I’m really about to get btfo’d by your portfolios.

>> No.3892939

typical /ic/, full of stupid crabs

>> No.3892942

>the sound of snibbing in the distance

>> No.3893107
File: 316 KB, 763x758, B253F365-246D-41F3-A0C8-E4B2F7389A92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3893123

>anon gets btfo and he s so thick he cant tell

>> No.3893898

I actually had a dream about this guy. That he was my teacher. Thing is, I barely know this guy, I've watched like a minute of him drawing on youtube and that's it.

What does it mean?

>> No.3893918

first of all, you're a racist
second of all, lmao manga has more expression than some gay ass french painter

>> No.3893923

this is completely true

he's still a god... but he's also human, it wouldn't make sense he can just draw anything because i doubt he's seen "everything" enough to memorize it all and reconstruct it reliably enough

his ability to draw unlimited faces and bodies is legit though

>> No.3893928


2007 emo detected

>> No.3893934
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>> No.3894857

this looks like something I can do. I'm sure his current stuff wipes my face off tho.

>> No.3895034

Why are some of the better posts on /ic/ always followed up with an anime picture beside it?

>> No.3895188
File: 248 KB, 751x391, sobb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is this interview ?

>> No.3895195
File: 50 KB, 461x411, AfirmingTsuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high iq post anon. It would be interesting to see if someone made a compilation showing repeated props side by side in his work.

>> No.3895631

Eh, I wouldn't want to do that, I like Kim so I wouldn't want to hurt his reputatuon amongst non-artists

Just wanted to assure the anons in this thread that he's human also

>> No.3895656

I'm thankful for your post because it attempts to clarify what exactly it is he does, like how all old master's works have been dissected and studied (or they themselves taught students) until new generations could be trained to get to their level with relative ease. Even if you can never be as good as him it makes getting a long way there seem attainable

>> No.3895716

Only weebs are allowed to make good posts

But more seriously, I just love the work from this animation studio, so most of the pictures I have on this computer are inspo pics i pulled from their videos

>> No.3895925

>Western guys drawing western styles
>Asian guys doing Asian styles
>Western guys drawing Asian styles
Irredeemable shit

Weebs are cancer and NGMI.