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File: 55 KB, 1280x806, eHWK9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3879120 No.3879120 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain why the fibonacci spiral is so important in art?

>> No.3879122

It's not

>> No.3879123


>> No.3879124
File: 82 KB, 841x797, 61100481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not necessarily a rule but it's a generally pleasing proportion that is found everywhere in nature, and it can help you a lot to break down a large composition.

>> No.3879125

>yfw you enter a shame spiral

>> No.3879127

You ride the spiral to the end, and may just go where noone's been

>> No.3879130

>is found everywhere in nature

>> No.3879132

Kek based. Took me back to being 16 and angsty, my myspace page had fibonnaci sequence references because it was so cool.

>> No.3879137
File: 83 KB, 678x430, broccolo-romanesco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude the divine section and fractals are everywhere.

I've been listening to Tool for almost two decades and I still love them. Pretty much the only metal band I still listen to.

>> No.3879138

it is not it, is just a meme

>> No.3879139

Also have some psychedelic prog

>> No.3879146


>> No.3879150


>> No.3879182

I fucking hate when people write music using numbers. It's such horseshit. Anyone who understands music can see why it's a trick. Once you're in a musical system, once you're actually using notes in a scale, the numbers arent freely dictating sounds, you're just choosing notes that are already in the same scale. And if you use it to dictate a rhythm, it's not arbitrarily timed, it's time in rhythm usinh fixed beats, quarter note, eight, 16th etc. Whether it's fibonacci or pi it's always dishonest pretentious crap and it only impresses people who don't understand music. There is no difference between that and autotune which snaps in between notes into notes in the right key.

When people do it in visual art I don't know if it's the same level of bullshit. I honestly don't. But proportion paid a big part in aesthetics so I think it's more valid in drawing and painting than in music.

>> No.3879198
File: 143 KB, 848x590, you mean the Fibonacci Spiral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is important in music because of how music scales were originally developed using numbers and math and shiet. Honestly it gets used more unintentionally then intentionally it is a pleasing sequence to look at since as you said "proportion paid a big part in aesthetics".

It is complicated since the guys who came up with this shit literally jerked off to numbers in a cave, telling people to no fap, and go away normalfags... they also were the fathers of western philosophy, art, and science so make of it what you will.

>> No.3879202
File: 438 KB, 1024x768, 1024px-Brassica_oleracea0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what it looks like in nature. not to say spirals dont exist in nature but romanesco is man made.

>> No.3879884
File: 212 KB, 992x762, 19aef8218bbffb227ab2375a0a395c11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ahem, "No u".

It "leads your eye" and sets up a self similar proportion not based on any measurements except for itself. As for "what is the golden ratio", absolutely nobody here will be able to answer that question. They'll tell you it's "divine" or "fractal this and that", but not what it actually is nor how it pertains to the universe.


>But proportion paid a big part in aesthetics

Proportion plays a part in everything. No proportion=no order.

>> No.3879908


>> No.3879911

The spiral isn't worth shit, the concept behind it and it's applications is.

>> No.3880068

It's 99% a meme
It's a basic pattern in our world that currently a bunch of faggots throw around to sound smart.
It has it's place but most of what people are saying about it is false, so just ignore that shit and draw what looks nice.

>> No.3880078

For the last time, the spiral is only there to help you see the flow but it´s not important. To do a golden ratio you just need to divide your page by 3, then divide the resulting column in 3 again, and again, and again and again, and again, and again until satisfied.

But at no point do you need to do a spiral, that´s just a visual clue for (You) to understand there is a certain flow to it.

>> No.3880152

It's not, it's shit. The golden ratio is also shit and looks crap.

>> No.3880542
File: 212 KB, 800x498, greek-pantheon_gr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spiral tricks people. What you use it for is to see how big one element should be compared to the next. In pic you can see how the sizes of the architecture are dictated by the size of the boxes?

>> No.3880560

It's just a natural looking layout. Just think of it as a helpful guideline if you feel a composition is lacking.

>> No.3880595

The ratio is a way for you to avoid equal division. Which is boring to look at. That's all.

>> No.3880618
File: 3 KB, 136x186, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one mentioning paper

>> No.3881199

amazing. MFA student?