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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 56 KB, 580x388, adobe_photoshop_logo-100590611-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3865591 No.3865591 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck Clip Studio, fuck Krita, fuck Sai, fuck Painter, fuck Procreate, and FUCK every other art application. Photoshop is the ULTIMATE and we should all be licking the ground Adobe stands on for creating such a powerful tool.

Programs like Paintstorm attempt to recreate traditional mediums, but it's always painfully obvious that it's digital. They're also confusing to use and lack powerful tools professional artists use in Photoshop all the time.

"But it's a subscription, waaaahhhhh"

Quality costs money. Pay the king or have fun living in your mom's basement because you can't hang with the pros.

It's like playing professional baseball with a plastic bat. "But I hit it!" Get a MAN's art program, son. Not that Japanese TRASH Clip Studio.

>> No.3865592

weak bait weak bait weak bait weak bait

>> No.3865595

Really, so what program is better? Which one is there a consensus around that is THE standard in the art world?

>> No.3865597

I was with you until you started defending the subscription bullshit. Not that it's much better compared to the 700-1000$ for a program bs they pulled before...
Adobe makes the best programs in their respective catagories but the pricing (and now payment model) is screwed up.

>> No.3865600
File: 35 KB, 600x600, IMG_3048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not pirating photoshop

>> No.3865601

Most people don't have hundreds of dollars laying around for a program. The subscription is brilliant. $10 a month gives me access to the best. Not some second rate bullshit like Clip Studio or Krita.

>> No.3865602

What's wrong with supporting the hands that feeds you?

>> No.3865603

Fuck you and you'r thread.

>> No.3865605

photoshop is the poor mans corel painter

>> No.3865607

Yeah okay, maybe if you want your computer to lock up for five minutes every time you draw a simple line.

>> No.3865609

If I can get away with not paying for something, I will.

>> No.3865612

tends to happen when you dont have enough ram. though its understandable for photopleb piraters to not be able to afford any

>> No.3865613

>not using a desktop powred by 4 GPU w/ 32GB absolute minimum

It's like you're begging to not want to make it.

>> No.3865620 [DELETED] 

Yeah okay. You need like 128GB of RAM and dual RTX 2080s SLI to create 20 x 20 pixel art in that shit hole unoptimized shit hole.

>> No.3865621

Yeah okay. You need like 128GB of RAM and dual RTX 2080s SLI to create 20 x 20 pixel art in that unoptimized shit hole.

>> No.3865622

nice samefaggery retard
i work on 8000 x 5000 with 0 issue with a measely 16GB of ram

>> No.3865627

That's not samefagging. I deleted because I accidentally said "shit hole" twice.

And that's prob why you're on here, passing the time waiting for a paint stroke to render.

>> No.3865628
File: 53 KB, 1024x1024, 0FBC62AD-52BD-4E8E-A2E7-80D2844186E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making ‘art’ on a computer

>> No.3865629

as opposed to you, whos on here shitposting instead of making something

>> No.3865632

go back to sleep, boomer.

>> No.3865633

As you post a digital art image.

>> No.3865638

I'm taking a break from my Dreamworks Art Director job to spread the gospel. All my co-workers agree that Photoshop shits all over everything.

>> No.3865641

you forgot to include your free trial and sponsor links

>> No.3865649

Are you faggots in heat or something?

>> No.3865685

just needed some quick (you)'s to get my day started, cheers tradcucks

>> No.3865698

Okay that made me laugh hard for some reason!

>> No.3865710

switched from PS to clip a few months ago and haven't looked back. Pretty much everything about drawing and painting on clip is better

>> No.3865746

Nah. Brush engine may be "smoother", but you can't get as realistic brushes as PS.

>> No.3865796

It's threads like these that make.me wanna quit.art. Every art youtuber I know more or less uses photoshop. I have only have clip studio paint at most.

I tried so hard to do digital painting on the software but left frustrated. I just wanna kys.

>> No.3865844

This was made by an AI, not a digicuck

>> No.3865852

I thought they only had shills on /pol/. The fuck is this?

>> No.3865853

oy vey anti semite

>> No.3865858

Sai just works

>> No.3865878
File: 580 KB, 512x1024, 1531945486557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quality costs money.
Nope, it's free on torrents.

8 gb ram, 6000x4000 pixels. Works fine. If you have any problems maybe you should close Chrome.

>> No.3865898

I wouldn't go that far but It's the most functional for me. Clip is a close second but for some reason they STILL haven't added in a bookmark feature into the history bar like Photoshop has, that shit is so good that I refuse to use Clip until it's there but the second it is I'm dropping Photoshop.

>> No.3865909

this desu.

>> No.3868362

If CSP ever figures out how to correctly duplicate the PS hard round, I'll consider it.

>> No.3868372

What's wrong with not supporting and still taking advantage of their product?

>> No.3868484

Stealin'. Not trying to assert my morality, do what you want. I don't blame anyone for pirating expensive software.

Just saying that I like supporting things I use.

>> No.3868490


>> No.3868492

>Pay the king
Why the fuck would you pay for it tho?

>> No.3868493


How's it different if you set color mixing to opacity?

>> No.3868533

pretty sure adobe has enough money to stay afloat for the next 12 billion years you bootlicking fucking nigger

>> No.3868540

>ping ling ching chang
I don't speak Chinese u fucking faggot

>> No.3868631
File: 127 KB, 512x512, psfeather.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why pay for it when you can download the CS2 version for free from the official Adobe site?

>> No.3868650



>> No.3868651

yeah but cs2 has problems with sampling

>> No.3868657

why is it better?

>> No.3868763
File: 84 KB, 645x773, 1528672626311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download Photoshop from torrents
>Photoshop files disappear from Adobe servers because I stole it on torrents
>nobody has access to Photoshop anymore because It's stolen

>> No.3868770

>Quality costs money. Pay the king or have fun living in your mom's basement because you can't hang with the pros.
I'd pay if it were for keeps, not their bullshit subscription.

>> No.3868845
File: 119 KB, 288x323, that was a fun water gun battle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photoshop with leizee neezoomi is the greatest.

>> No.3868873
File: 193 KB, 950x789, 2019-02-25th_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! I'm boomer and I use a digital media.

>> No.3868881

CS2 has problems with wacom drivers

Atleast the last time I tried it, works fine otherwise in CS3-CC

>> No.3868913

Not only I like photoshop I also thing the legacy default brushes were really cool and interesting and everyone was too focused on making their own brushes to mess around with them.

>> No.3868958

>leizee neezoomi
What's dat?
Ive looked it up and can't find anything

>> No.3868959

I got hit with a wave of nostalgia just from that pic and I'm a zooner
Fuck I'm kinda happy and sad

>> No.3868988

lazy nezumi

>> No.3869474

CS2 is alright, but lacks some of the really cool modern PS features. It's not bad, though. I prefer it to clunky garbage like SAI or Krita.

>> No.3870442

>tried so hard to do digital painting on the software but left frustrated
That's because photoshop sucks, use CSP for a mouth or two and then try going back to photoshop, the difference is night and day. The only reason Photoshop it's still industry standard is because old boomer artist are use to using photoshop and refuse to change, they'd rather suck Adobes cock and keep giving them money each mouth instead of buying a better program that you only need to buy once.

>> No.3870470

>The only reason Photoshop it's still industry standard is because old boomer artist are use to using photoshop and refuse to change

I think that Corel Painter is the real "Boomer artist" program. I've seen a ton of paintings created in Photoshop and CSP that imitate traditional media better than Corel Painter.

>> No.3870479

actually ive used CSP SAI and photoshop extensively and SAI is better at painting more efficiently but csp does have a proper opacity brush like photoshop, but both lack brush properties that photoshop has, and photoshop in general just has more utilities and tools than csp and sai COMBINED.

>> No.3870507

I think the best equivalent to photoshop's hard round brush in Sai is probably the pencil brush.

>> No.3870509


>> No.3870670

Usually people use only photoshop, or CSP/Sai + Photoshop

>> No.3870758

I used to use JASC paintshop pro. Real boomer hours.

I then used Photoshop for almost 10 years, and have finally settled into CSP for the all in one package of photo manipulation and strong brush engine. The only time I open photoshop is for manipulating my low contrast images because CSP is 16bit color limited.

>> No.3871010


CSP has 32 bit color depth

>> No.3871019


>> No.3871036

your pic is when I realized you can turn off windows notifications every time LN boots up

I tried Krita for a while. I liked the shortcuts but it's so laggy on windows and I'm not ready to go full linux on my main box

>> No.3871161

>Quality costs money
So buy traditional paints then. Digital paintings sucks

>> No.3871162

yeah krita's a chuggy pile of shit

>> No.3871214




>> No.3871229

I require the source of this image for further...investigations.

>> No.3871230


>> No.3871552

japanese shadman