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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 191 KB, 800x1200, 1552594913566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3854142 No.3854142 [Reply] [Original]

How long until I'm this good?

>> No.3854143


>> No.3854144

Starting from scratch? ~4 years of daily practice.

>> No.3854145

also, how many years has teal been drawing for? subtract the time you've been drawing for from that

>> No.3854147


>> No.3854148

who's teal?

>> No.3854149

How exactly DO you get this good? What did teal use to study with? Nobody is asking these important questions.

>> No.3854151

>competent figurative drawing & gesture
1 to 2 years
>good composition, shape & character design
harder to say, you could either develop a sense for it really quickly or take a few years to make work that really stands on it's own
>a unique and appealing style
wish i knew ;_;
where does teal post these days?

>> No.3854155

learn to animate

>> No.3854156

>where does teal post these days?
He has his own board on eight chan

>> No.3854172
File: 299 KB, 2048x1908, 1545005752981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do the spoonfeeding. pyw means "Post Your Work" around here anon. Here's a couple more terms for your glossary:
gmi= gonna make it
ngmi= not gonna make it
crab= unskilled, seething anon

>> No.3854174

Who came up with this retarded term?

>> No.3854177


>> No.3854534

Hello newfriend

>> No.3854537

oh shit nigger this was for >>3854174

>> No.3854553

the true way to spot newFAGGOTS (read:you) is to see who uses the crab meme, thats PURELY a late 2017 meme spread by posers trying to fit in

its shit that pussy bitches use because theyre too soft for pre nu-/ic/

>> No.3854556

our lord and savior, crab mullins

>> No.3854576

does he do that in one go or is there an underlying sketch?

>> No.3854591

I'm something of a newfag myself, but I always found the 'crab' meme to be forced and dumb. It almost sounds like a tumblr insult.

>> No.3854593

3-4 years completing one drawing a week

>> No.3854596

source? this is really appealing.

>> No.3854599

in essence it is, it's a shorthand for "Youre mean and your criticism isnt valid because i dont like it" straight tumblr pussification

the same way idiots think "projection" is the 200IQ way of saying "no u"

>> No.3854601

that's not to say there's no crabs, a lot of shitty artists that don't network like to shit on people they see are less skilled but have more followers

>> No.3854609

of course there are but "crab" is just baby's first /ic/ meme so they walk around like wind-up parrots trying to show that they're hip with the kids

strong overlap between crab memers and people who who wont show their work when called out to post it

>> No.3854621


>> No.3854627

kek this pic is pretty neat

>> No.3854639

qt as FUCK

>> No.3854684

what's it called?

>> No.3854706

/kaatyuun/, beware it's mostly underage NSFW.

>> No.3854797

Hell no.
Drawing requires a lot more dedication than that

>> No.3854823

who's the artist?

>> No.3854836

It's too bad teal has zero sense for appeal. All of his characters look like anatomically correct saggy old women.

>> No.3854848

Everyone's different but I'd say that's accurate.

>> No.3854853

One drawing a week is not enough, 2-3 years drawing every day is more likely to get to that level

>> No.3854859

According to other people in this very thread, teal

>> No.3854866

One finished drawing. You can still sketch a couple hours a week as well

>> No.3854871

What would count as a finished drawing? Does that include shading/rendering/backgrounds/etc.?

>> No.3854958 [DELETED] 

I notice there’s a lot less hate for Teal these days. It confirms my suspicion that the bullies were largely concept art fags who were jelly that a 2D loli artist had better fundamentals. /ic/ has become a lot less toxic now that we don’t see much concept art on here

>> No.3854964

I notice there’s a lot less hate for Teal these days. It confirms my suspicion that the bullies were largely concept art fags who were jelly that a 2D loli artist had better fundamentals. /ic/ has become less toxic now that we don’t see much concept art on here

>> No.3854978


This looks pretty basic, if you practice hard you should be that good in approximately 6 to 12 months.

>> No.3854985

t. dunning kruger

>> No.3854991

Post your work

>> No.3854992

>looks pretty basic
so does the work of many great artists, but you’ll find that it’s deceptively simple

>> No.3854994


I'm drawing a lot in 2,5 years and I'm not even close to that quality. Simple doesn't mean easy.

>> No.3854995
File: 7 KB, 229x238, 1524927329924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3855002

full shading and rendering sure
background optional, but in this case its just lineart so you can probably go even faster

>> No.3855009

Mercwip suffered and died for this positive development. Bless.

>> No.3855012
File: 35 KB, 600x600, IMG_3048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying being anti-loli makes you 'toxic'

>> No.3855015

>liking 3dpds
Umm sweaty, you need to get your head checked

>> No.3855019

Can i post something and can yall tell me if i have a slight chance?

>> No.3855022

Sure anon.

>> No.3855023
File: 14 KB, 300x238, 1430280994776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3855025
File: 339 KB, 1000x1000, Rimuru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought Clip and I'm getting used to some brushes, but this probably the best i can do at the moment.

>> No.3855028

as long as you keep improving you're doing well
how long have you been drawing?
the mouth is all fucked up btw

>> No.3855029

Around intermediate tier, if you can reach this point then the only thing keeping you from gitting gud is time and effort imo. If you keep pushing yourself I'm sure you'll make it anon!

>> No.3855030

I wanna say less than 1 year of serious practice

But overall basically all my life.

>> No.3855031

yeah man you're doing good then, just keep drawing

>> No.3855033

Give yourself another five years of "serious" practice and you may be at the level of OP.

>> No.3855034

I wouldn't say intermediate, i still need to learn better anatomy and coloring
Maybe high beginner?

Thanks, I'll try my best

>> No.3855041

not them but where can I find Teal?

>> No.3855045

Hes a professional illustrator and like 40 something years old so a pretty long time.

>> No.3855052
File: 294 KB, 960x800, Npc_zoom_3030087000_91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone's journey is different, it completely is up to you.

So go draw, bitch.

>> No.3855053

>like 40 something years old
How do you know?

>> No.3855075

he was doxxed here once and there is a chance that the goblin that did it is still around to remind everyone about it

>> No.3855085

Is the guy who made this video a decent artist? Should I watch the video through, will it help me? I've been really looking for something like this. I've mostly just been drawing boxes for the past 20-30 days or so

>> No.3855088


>> No.3855089

Okay, nevermind, I checked his Twitter and watched a bit further into the video and he's the real deal. I'll give this a watch.

>> No.3855099
File: 354 KB, 1412x1145, FtCHgQI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just drawing boxes? you need to be doing much more than that dude.

Loomis is not a meme, get to work dude.

>> No.3855119


>> No.3855120

Sorry, I've just been trying to fucking post this god damn image and respond to your god damn post for thirty fucking minutes now. I think image posting is fucked or something. I have been drawing more than just boxes. I could link a folder with everything I've ever drawn for the past 123 days but I feel like that would be getting too personal.

Here is a link however to what I was going to fucking post before EL OH EL 4CHAN



>> No.3855127

3 years if you r actually working every day to improve. 5-8 years if you r retard.

>> No.3855156


>> No.3855220

Read the thread you lazy sack of shit.

>> No.3855407


>> No.3855412

>40 years old pedo
I can imagine what he looks like.

>> No.3855497

jelly much?

>> No.3855535

>Who came up with this retarded term?

Nice job in calling yourself out.
Obtain some social skills and maybe don't use the computer for just one day.

>> No.3855557

>Being this new

>> No.3855740

>all these people not understanding the crab insult
it's based off an expression, which is based off actual crabs showing the same mentality
it's an easy way to say "you're just trying to drag others down since you're shit yourself" which is pretty common on /ic/ and has been a thing for a while

>> No.3855753

Jokes on you. The guy probably kicks ass because he is not spinning his wheels on /ic/ all day long.

>> No.3855817
File: 405 KB, 2048x1085, 1526995790573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Koreans can, why can't you /ic/?

>> No.3855821

The guy in your pic got a nice improvement but his figure drawing isn't close to OP pic

>> No.3855822


>> No.3855827

yeah man, 12 years for THAT? No thank you

>> No.3855829

who gives a fuck what specific terminology people use you fucking autist

>> No.3855830

drawing since the age of 1, it's not fair

>> No.3856014

>who cares about language
Yeah, we should all just go back to caveman speak and use grunting and screaming to communicate.

>> No.3856314
File: 76 KB, 700x1000, DrxuhutUUAEaN-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish I knew how simon is able to achieve such consistent and graphic tone changes. It seems to be a combination of using default Sai brush and mixing to white along with the occasional use of large airbrush.

It's a bit frustrating to study digital work: the kind of technique or brushes used isn't immediately obvious since there is an infinite number of ways to configure a brush. I know he uses Sai, and I got the chance to watch one of his streams recently. It was pretty great, and I got to ask him quite a bit of questions.

I'm reading through How To Render at the moment to fill knowledge gaps I have, but I love looking at his work. Yes, some of his subject matter might make people uncomfortable, but you can't say that he doesn't have masterful control of his edges and shadow shapes.

>> No.3856323
File: 31 KB, 500x500, LET ME IN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he isn't going to post here I wish he'd at least post at /loomis/ on 8gag instead of hiding out in his own board jerking off by himself

>> No.3856362

The difference is the culture. When a korean shows interest in drawing, their parents buy them books on perspective and a drawing tablet so they get a huge head start during critical formative years. In the west when a child shows an interest is drawing, their parents pin their drawings to the fridge and celebrate their mediocre art and they don't improve.

>> No.3856370
File: 1.88 MB, 480x270, boomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blaming anyone but yourself

>> No.3856708

it's too late, teal's found his happy place

>> No.3856714

You high nigga? That was probably drawn in greyscale and then had a colored adjustment layer thrown on top of it.

>> No.3856852
File: 57 KB, 700x1137, IMG_20190319_075000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please re-read my post. I make no mention of color. I'm also well aware he uses colorize layers on some of those pieces that he posts on Twitter when he's finished with them.

what I'm actually trying to understand is how he's able to achieve such a wide variety of hard and soft edges well using what is, from my understanding, a very small set of brushes.

Pic related. He was working on this while I was watching him stream, and while I didn't get to watch him finish it, it's my understanding that he was using Sai, worked in a single layer, and used only the default Sai brush to achieve much of the work.

>> No.3856859

Yeah his process is kinda cryptic. It doesn't help that he always hides his layer menu and answers really vaguely when asked about the technique-side of his craft.

>> No.3856869

>not taking note of what works and what note to better teach the future generations
your kids are ngmi

>> No.3856874

The ai will be doing the art in 30 years, this is the last batch of artists through.

>> No.3856876

Yeah. I'm probably going to be doing some work tonight since I wanted to do some Bargue plates. I'm gonna take the time to experiment a bit and see what I can achieve.

My only thing is that I work in Photoshop, and so I'm wondering how much of his smooth transitions between values are of Sai's ad hoc color mixing for its default brush verses actual brush technique.

I don't really blame him for being cryptic, though. He's worked for years and probably gets question thrown at him all the time. I'd pay for his timelapses if he put them on Gumroad though, that's for sure.

>> No.3856883

What sort of hentai will AI make?

>> No.3856884

He definitely takes advantage of SAI's blur/blending features from what I see in his stream. He frequently does that thing where you paint hard-edge first, then blur them using the watercolor brush. You can kinda do it in PS using smudge/mixer, but it won't be as clean and smooth.
He used to have a patreon with timelapses, but they're not really that much better than what he put up on Twitter. You can just record his regular streams.
I'd rather he make more of those old redlines and tutorials.

>> No.3856889


>> No.3856893

The final hentai solution

>> No.3856897

>used to have a Patreon
If it doesn't exist anymore, do you happen to have or know of where the old content is? Or if it's still around, could you point to it?
>You can probably just record his streams
This will be, in all likelihood, what I end up doing. I'm not trying to completely reverse engineer his technique, but it would be nice to have more complete understanding.

>> No.3857151

i thought those were months not years