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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3853657 No.3853657 [Reply] [Original]

How's that comic going, /ic/?

>> No.3853662
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>> No.3853670
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I started working on it in the hopes of publishing it on webtoon or tapas but then I checked the sites and found out that people only read anime romance or shonen shit on there and that my comic would have no audience so now idk what to do or where to post it.

>> No.3853671

comics are usually a wholesome topic in /ic, fuk ur pepe shit...

>> No.3853673


Post it anyway. Make your own audience. If you are that weak and easily discouraged you will never get anywhere.

>> No.3853690
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pretty good desu i'm already at project 7

>> No.3853691
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Comic is going Pretty good actually. I’m working on the pages tonight. I’ve been slipping on my daily discipline but I’m forcing myself to get back into scheduled nightly drawing time. I do it at night because I have a lot to do during the day. Today I had to drive my friend around because he recently had a stroke. Now I’m getting to work. Probably gonna keep going for another hour or two.

>> No.3853692

I ended up taking another career path in life and now just draw art for myself instead of trying to make it big/strike rich with a comic. It's a weird kind of feel, man. I like being able to do art at my own pace. I draw my comic but I do it for me. I haven't really shared it with anyone other than a couple of curious friends and I like it that way. I don't really have to make it marketable or anything, but at the same time, all my life I really thought I was going to be an artist. Now I'm just someone who draws as a hobby. I wonder if the situation were reversed would I maybe be regretting everything and wishing I had gone the money route instead?

>> No.3853709

I'm working on 4 oneshots.
>1st oneshot - script fully completed and edited. Panels are already planned. Moving on to character/buildings/scenery designs.
>2nd oneshot - 1/3rd done with the script.
>3rd and 4th oneshot - will have to wait as of the moment

Things are progressing nicely, thanks. Where do I plan to spam my shit? I'll post it on Pixiv and Webtoon. I'll also post the links on a Twitter account that I created to promote my comics. And even if I finish my 1st oneshot early, I won't post it online unless I have atleast 2 other completed oneshots that are also ready for posting, but that's only because I hate nearly-empty galleries with only 1 short work posted in it.

>> No.3853832

I'm about to finish page 60. I feel great--I think I made a lot of technical progress over the past 6 months of making it. Still plenty of work to do, but it's been an incredibly rewarding experience. God only knows if it will ever gain any sort of traction, but I'm happy to see that my comic is unique among all the fantasy comics I've seen and reviewed. I love making it; I think everyone should make comics as a learning experience.

>> No.3853933

all I've done is write ideas and bits of a script for like a year on top of doodling and drastically changing the main characters. I really need to focus on fundies now, time flies by too fast when you're lost.

>> No.3853956

people want to have made a comic more than to be actually making one.

>> No.3853959

Making a comic is a meme.

>> No.3853973
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I'm not going to start it.
Everything I posted online with the characters / setting to test the waters garnered zero interest and I have already experienced working for a year on a project to no avail, so I just can't bring myself to start this one, my last experience was soul shattering. Honestly it's hard to find the motivation to draw anything at all because no matter how hard I work on my ideas and how refined my drawings are, nobody cares.

>> No.3854116
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I know that feel.
I'm not even bad, either. Every 10000000 drawings I get reblogged by a popular artist and my drawings go from 0-1 likes to 100+.
But that doesn't mean anything, if I get a follower who will never like anything I post ever again, I can consider myself lucky.

D-damn Russian bots liking my art!

>> No.3854127

Learning fundies while designing the loli heroine.

My expectations for starting the comic are astronomically low, but I mean its still a motivating goal instead of "just draw shit".

>> No.3854137


Do you still have your comic up online? what's the name? perhaps we could tell what happened and why it never got the traction

>> No.3854141

I made 3 comics, they're all off the net now along with the handles I used for them. I'd rather not bring up my old accounts and make myself recognizable. I always blamed the fact that these comics weren't well drawn, but now that I am 10x better my concepts still get no traction, there's something wrong with the general mood of my art. If you put my art in the middle of any art that is popular, it just looks off even if quality wise it hold up.

>> No.3854150
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Glad to see so many anons full of ideas working on stuff!

It's slowly coming along for me. I got the script for my first story mostly done, I have to work hard on the details to make it good now. Got a lot of pages of storyboard already that'll certainly need re-doing.
My skills are still too lacking when it comes to drawing faces and hands so I'm grinding that shit daily now. When I can do that to a satisfying degree I'll just jump into making the comic itself despite being shit at shading and not knowing how to draw half of the shit I intend to draw.

>> No.3854157
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That's unfortunate. Wish we could see so we'd know if it was the story or really is the art, as you'd say. Anyway, there's no other way but for you to only go up from here. Don't let yourself get rusty.

>> No.3854160

*btw that pic related is not the "absolutely must follow rules" when creating stories, but I just thought to post that here, anyway. The number 1 rule especially is very important.

>> No.3854161

I always kept those in mind when writing, I love Vonnegut. But my writing is probably just as uninteresting as my art, I am really just meant to work at McDonald's but my ego won't let me admit it.

>> No.3854187

post it everywhere you can post it, and make sure you have links to your accounts at the end of your strip. Or if your comic format is not webtoon-style, have a credits page where you have your links and/or email address. It's what the nips do, and it's there for a good reason, especially with webtoons. Webtoons sucks at promoting the artists' non-webtoon accounts with the exception of patreon. And the weird thing with webtoons is that the creators are like ghosts there. What I mean by that is a lot of readers know the titles of what they read or what they subscribed to, but they don't remember the usernames of the creators of the comic they like.

So you get a platform where your readers don't know you, community interaction is limited because there are no forums, and only your patreon is promoted unless you do something about it. Sounds like the perfect ingredients to be known/exist in only one site and not anywhere else.

>> No.3854206

1 down, working on 2 more.
I have a third one I'm being commissioned.

>> No.3854214

Sweet! How much per each page?

>> No.3854221
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The hard part isn't the actual drawing, I've realized that what I should've been studying is how to write an interesting story.

I find myself drawing random comic pages just to practice how to draw a comic. I'll try to come up with a plot for something but my mind is always blank.